milk mushroom


  • What is milk mushroom?
  • How to use the milk mushroom?
  • Care milk mushroom
  • What other properties have milk mushroom?
  • Do you want to keep your skin young and fresh for a long time?
  • Milk mushroom slimming

Many of us know perfectly well what is kombucha and how it should be handled. But that is a milk mushroom, few of us know. It turns out that he is a very long time been one of the secrets of Tibetan traditional medicine. Indian yoga treated milk mushroom very many diseases, which include even cancer. Brought it to Europe Polish professor who drink from the milk mushrooms helped to get rid of cancer of the stomach and liver.

What is milk mushroom?

Milk products (kefir) mushrooms - a white beads whose diameter in the growth of fungi vary from 6 to 60 millimeters. In Bulgaria, dairy drinks from fungi are used in almost every home. Bulgarian healers claim that it is a wonderful tool is simply a unique cure for many diseases. It is especially useful to those people who suffer from allergies. Mushroom not only facilitates the allergic condition - it can completely cure the allergy.

Use milk mushroom for the normal functioning of the body is simply invaluable. It strengthens the immune system and causes it to actively work treats gastrointestinal diseases of various kinds, quickly heals wounds and reduces inflammation, normalizes metabolism, improves attention and memory, and even enhances sexual activity! This here is a magical tool. Anyone who eats dairy drinks from the mushroom constantly, always feels fresh and capable of much. Milk mushroom has applications in medicine and cosmetology.

 milk mushroom

How to use the milk mushroom?

What is a drink made from milk mushrooms? Most often, it is similar to an ordinary yogurt or fermented milk. I must say that the way to treat dairy mushrooms quite strict in its rules. For those who wish to drink Kefir fungus treatment guide contains clear rules, the most important of which - the observance of the time of reception of yogurt. For example, in the early days you should drink one glass of kefir mushroom ten minutes before meals three times a day. The intervals between the techniques of this magical means - five hours. Last time the fungus is necessary to drink an hour before bedtime on an empty stomach.

Kefir dairy fungi can give and children from two years, about half a glass before a meal. Treatment of the child is carried out in stages: he is given a month to drink kefir fungus, make a break for a month. And so on. In the first two days of treatment in children often occur bowel disorders, but it is not a reason to discontinue treatment: intestinal microflora recovers quickly.

Care milk mushroom

Kefir fungus does not require too complex care. Two teaspoons of mushroom pour a glass of milk at room temperature and leave at night. After a day of fermented milk is poured, and the fungus again poured fresh milk. It is best to do this procedure at night. Sour milk at room temperature for about twenty hours. The fact that it is prepared, evidence emerged on top of a thick layer around the fungus. At the bottom of the banks is fermented milk. It is poured through a strainer into another bank, then the fungus washed under running cold water and pour boiled milk.

As you can see, cook Kefir fungus is not difficult, but you must follow a few rules. Milk mushroom live, so keep it in the refrigerator should not be. Must be handled very carefully, and in any case not to put under hot water or hot milk. Rinse mushrooms and add to it the necessary fresh milk every day, otherwise it will stop growing and die. If the fungus has changed its color from white to brown - then he fell ill. The brown mushrooms no benefit to human health properties. It is not necessary to store the fuck up the product, it is better to grow a new mushroom and continue treatment. In that case, if you somewhere to go for two or three days, you can put a mushroom in the three-liter jar, fill it with milk diluted in half with water and store in a warm place. Three days later we received a yogurt can be wiped his feet - he removes them reduce fatigue and sweating.

The same fungus can be used for the preparation of yogurt is not more than two months. After this period, it loses its medicinal properties, so a mushroom should be replaced by another, fresh. Kefir can be drunk only one-day. The refrigerator did not give it.
Usually treatment mushroom yogurt is one year. For those who drink beverage milk mushrooms, it shows such a diet: excludes the use of some infusions, drugs and alcohol. In respect of other products of specific instructions, no, but if there are long-term bowel disorders, should be removed from all food products that enhance such disorders, and not to drink yogurt before you leave home. Typically, the disorder takes a couple of weeks. After that comes the improvement of health, there is courage and uplifting.

 Milk mushrooms

What other properties have milk mushroom?

So what are the medicinal properties has milk mushroom in the treatment of some diseases it is used? First of all, we note that this means copes with the normalization of the intestinal microflora, salt metabolism in the body. In addition, the remarkable properties of milk mushroom serve as a means of strengthening the bones, both in children and in adults. Thanks to numerous medical research medicinal properties of this mushroom, the scientists identified the following diseases that can be treated with this tool:

  • Allergies of any type;
  • Hypertension;
  • Benign tumors;
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • Gastrointestinal disease;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Diseases of the joints;
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Moreover, many scientists believe that only 0, 5 liters of milk kefir fungus per day can significantly reduce the size and malignant tumors in the body. When moistened cloth healing milk to put on the wounds, they quickly tightened. A yogurt helps in the treatment of barley. The list of diseases that can cope with the normal milk mushroom, very large: you can add at least another hundred items of various disorders of the body. Suffice it to say only that in the human body there is no body that would not benefited from regular use of a drink made of milk (kefir) of the fungus.

Kefir Mushroom - it is not only the drug, because it can be used in cooking and in cosmetics. For example, the strained yogurt can be added to the dough for pancakes. Another of his cook delicious cheese. Thus yogurt wipe the skin, cleansing it and giving it a freshness. If the skin have acne or acne at it every day for twenty or thirty minutes is applied a compress of kefir fungus. Typically, a week after the start of the use of such daily compresses acne and rashes completely disappear.

Do you want to keep your skin young and fresh for a long time?

Use of the drink milk mushrooms. Many girls and women with skin problems try this remedy, and they really liked it. The skin becomes smooth, supple and velvety. It is bleached with it all fade age spots. We present you a few ways to prepare such masks:

  1. We need to mix three tablespoons of bran with three tablespoons of yogurt, stir well and add a tablespoon of honey. This mixture should be applied to the face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. This mask can be applied to the scalp and forty minutes. Head zamatyvayut plastic bag and a towel. The hair is then rinsed with water kefir mask with vinegar.
  2. Quarters of black bread mince and add to yogurt. It should get a mass density reminiscent of sour cream. She rubbed into the scalp for twenty minutes. Then the hair is washed well with warm water. After such a mask does not need any shampoo - hair becomes shiny and fluffy.

In addition to skin care, this fungus is very good to recover hair. Kefir regularly rubbed into the scalp, and the hair is shiny and thick. In addition, milk mushroom is very positive impact on the accelerated rate of hair growth.

Milk mushroom also has contraindications, albeit minor. It is impossible to drink it only to those people who can not tolerate milk protein. Unlike conventional yogurt, it does not contain any alcohol grams, nevertheless, fungi dairy beverage drink is not recommended during pregnancy.

 how to store milk mushroom

Milk mushroom slimming

Very good kefir mushroom diet. In it contains acetic acid bacteria that promote fat breakdown into simple compounds that are excreted great infusion of milk mushroom. This infusion displays the body of virtually all the harmful degradation products of food and medical poisons. Mushroom yogurt significantly reduces appetite, which, of course, also lead to weight loss.

To lose weight, you need to drink a mushroom daily half an hour after eating. His last appointment - an hour before bedtime on an empty stomach. Drink kefir mushroom twenty consecutive days. For a good effect in this period should be limited to the use of sweet and starchy foods. After twenty pass it, make a break for ten days, and then begin to drink the infusion. When the weight of such a diet is reduced by about four kilograms per month. It bounces back and hormonal metabolism, and metabolism.

In general, all of us once or twice a week is useful to arrange fasting days with kefir mushroom. For this purpose, the fungus has grown to a size at which you can get the amount of yogurt, which is enough for a whole day. If you spend the whole day at this yogurt is not very desirable, in the diet of its power can be turned on fruit. For example, in the morning, you can eat an apple and wash it down with a glass of buttermilk; at lunch - apple and pear with a glass of buttermilk; dinner drink 250 grams of yogurt with a piece of black bread; dinner prepared fruit salad with milk mushroom infusion. And before going to bed is enough to drink a cup of yogurt with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. It's pretty tasty, simple and very useful.

Kefir fungus has rave reviews. It really is a magical brew, a curative effect which has been tested many times. In Tibet believe that it can not buy - it must be give and take a gift, and this should be done with a pure heart. Only then it will retain all of its wonderful properties.

 Milk mushroom and its properties

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