- Causes of cracks on the heels
- Treatment of cracks on the heels
- Footbaths
- Packs for heels
Female legs. They worshiped, admired, worshiped them. Therefore, it is important that the feet were always in perfect condition. Unfortunately, women's feet are constantly beset various misfortunes. And one of these troubles - is cracked. At first glance, this phenomenon may seem a mere trifle. However, this is not so - if a woman crack the heel, treatment should begin as soon as possible.
Firstly, these cracks look very untidy and unsightly, spoil all the impression even on the most beautiful legs. Secondly, even the smallest crack delivers a sick person a lot of unpleasant pain. And third, cracked heels can be a gateway for infection. Let's try to understand why there are these same cracks in the heels, and can I get rid of the scourge.
Causes of cracks on the heels
There are several main reasons leading to the development of cracks on the heels. It is important to identify these same causes and eliminate them - otherwise the treatment is unlikely to be successful and you're just wasting your time and effort. So:
In that case, if a woman has a fungal infection of the skin on the legs, the appearance of cracks on the heels is a matter of time. In this case no special antifungal therapy impossible.
Significantly increases the risk of cracks on the heels of the presence of such skin diseases like dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
Cracks on the heels of developing diabetes mellitus - a phenomenon that occurs very often. Moreover - like fracture heal very poorly, and systemic relapses are not uncommon.
In that case, if the woman is suffering from thyroid disorders, in particular, from hypothyroidism, cracked heels can also become her constant companion.
- Vascular diseases of the feet
Often the cause of cracks on the heels are vascular diseases of the lower extremities, such as varicose veins, arteritis, vasculitis.
- Problems with the digestive tract
Another factor is the increased risk of a malfunction in the digestive tract.
- Wrong choice of hosiery and shoes
In that case, if the woman prefers to synthetic socks and stockings and shoes made of synthetic materials, it runs the risk of cracks on the heels. The same goes for open shoes. I'm sure many have noticed that the skin becomes more rough it in the summer, when most actual shoes are flip-flops.
- Unsystematic and inadequate skin care feet.
- Deficiency of vitamin E and A.
Sometimes cracks can appear as a result of any one of the above reasons, and sometimes - just a few.
Treatment of cracks on the heels
The first thing to do when faced with such unpleasant phenomenon of cracked heels - it consult your doctor. Which is a doctor - it depends on the cause of the cracks. So to start is to consult a doctor, dermatologist. In the event that the cause was a fungal infection or some other skin diseases, the doctor will choose the right treatment for you. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to other specialists.
In the same case, if the cracks on the heels are just the result of improper care, deal with the problem is not so difficult. Systematic Care heels will allow to forget about this problem. Do not expect instant results - in one day to get rid of cracks on the heels you do not get. You will need at least two or even three weeks.
The essence of the main skin care heel is three main procedures: bath, thoroughly cleaned and nutrition. For these purposes, you can use special medicated creams and other means, and can be accessed by means of traditional medicine. Especially since the recipes of traditional medicine, in which you can fairly quickly get rid of cracked heels, quite a lot.
First we need to properly steam and thick rough skin on heels. For this ideal foot baths. The duration of this bath - at least 15 minutes, otherwise the desired effect can not be achieved. The water should be sufficiently hot, which does not burn. The water level should be such that the water can reach the ankles. After the bath necessarily how to dry your feet with a towel.
Oxide peat sold at any pharmacy, so buy it, you can easily. It is recommended to use it to treat cracked heels - the solution must be very saturated. The course of treatment - not less than 14 days. Ideally, at the same time necessary to carry out treatment cream with a high content of vitamin A or E.
The most accessible means for baths - ordinary soap and baking soda. It is advisable to use baby soap. Rub soap on a grater - you should get three tablespoons of soap chips, place in bowl, add three tablespoons of baking soda and pour in three liters of hot water, stir well to dissolve the soap and soda. The course of treatment - not less than 14 days.
If the cracks on the heels of a very deep, it makes sense to resort to using starch trays. For this solution to three liters of hot water five tablespoons of potato starch, stir thoroughly. The duration of this bath - at least 30 minutes. The course of treatment - until complete healing of cracks.
No less useful and bath with whey. Mix serum with water in a ratio of 1: 1, temperatures of 38 degrees. The duration of the bath - 10 minutes treatment - 7 days.
Packs for heels
About 5 minutes after the bath when the skin is slightly dry up, gently rub your heels with pumice to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, which is softened in warm water. But do not overdo it - this should be done very carefully so as not to remove the excess skin. Otherwise, the skin will begin to actively recover and eventually you'll get even tougher heels.
After the bath you need to soften and moisturize the skin on the heels. You can use almost any oil - olive oil, corn oil, sea buckthorn and wild rose, castor oil. A small amount of oil put on the heels and carefully massage for 5 minutes.
On a fine grater grate one medium-sized sweet apple, mix with half a glass of any lager and three tablespoons of butter. The mixture was mixed thoroughly, so that you obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply it with a thick layer on the skin heels, top cover with plastic wrap and leave on for 30 minutes. The average duration of treatment - 14 days. During this time, usually heal even the most severe fractures.
One large apple peel, cut into cubes, put in an enamel pan, pour one cup of milk and simmer for 30 minutes. Then mash with a fork apple puree, a little cool and put on a thick layer of the skin heels. Leave mass for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate any vegetable oil. The course of treatment - 21 days.
- Cottage cheese compresses
It is very effective in stimulating healing of cracks in the curd spots. Simply apply after foot baths on the heels of a thick layer of fresh cheese. Top cover with gauze, plastic wrap and put on cotton socks and leave overnight. The duration of treatment - 14 days.
To make this you will need to compress a 10% solution of ammonia and glycerol. Mix them in a glass container, a ratio of 1 to 1. Before going to bed, after a foot bath, apply a thick layer of the resulting mixture on the heel, cover with plastic wrap. Wear cotton socks and leave overnight. The duration of treatment - 14 days. Glycerin has a softening effect on the skin, heals cracks and ammonia.
Skip through the meat grinder celery greens - you should have five tablespoons. Mix the herbs with the butter in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting mixture lubricate the skin on his heels at every available opportunity, but at least three times a day.
Take 2 teaspoons liquid glycerine, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass container thoroughly mix the ingredients thoroughly - you should get a homogeneous mass. This mass is necessary to lubricate the legs at least three times a day. Therefore, you must treat the heels of two weeks.
Did you know that cracked heels can be treated with the most common beans? Fry 100 grams of dry beans on a hot frying pan without oil until dark brown. After the beans to cool, using the grinder grind it to a fine powder.
Then add the bean flour honey and any vegetable oil, mix well - you should have a dense dough. Roll it and apply at night to cracks on the heels. Top cover with plastic wrap and put on cotton socks. The average duration - 14 days. But, of course, be treated in this way must be cracked to a full recovery.
A method of treating a lot of - you should be able to choose the right. But remember that the secret of success of the treatment of cracks in the heel - it is systematic. And let your legs are the most beautiful, and gait - flying and relaxed.