False croup in children. This disease had heard almost everything, but does not know anything about it almost no one. In order to fill this gap, and this article was written. When false croup of the larynx and trachea of the child there is an acute inflammatory process. Due to the fact that a huge number of loose tissue, having their very fast swelling, very varying intensity.
As a rule, false croup is a consequence of diseases such as adenoviral infection, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles. In addition, the disease often provoke allergic attacks - laryngeal edema may be an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Most often, the disease is exposed to children - this contributes to the anatomical structure of children's airways. Children and trachea, and bronchi is much narrower than that of an adult. And they have not form cylindrical and funnel.
Moreover, the larynx is the child much more vascular than in the adult. Combination of all these factors leads to the fact that the child is more likely to develop a variety of edema, which in turn lead to suffocation and laryngeal spasms. And the younger the child, the more difficult the attack.
Features false croup
Doctors distinguish between two types of cereal - diphtheria true and false. And he and the other grains give rise to the characteristic cough and difficulty breathing normal process. However, in addition to general symptoms, and there is a definite difference between these bouts. And the most important difference is the following.
Development of diphtheria occurs gradually: in the throat of the child begin to form a dense film. As the number of breath more and more difficult, the lymph nodes begin to grow, the child's body temperature rises to high enough levels. In the same case, if a child has an attack of false croup, it is always the beginning of a sudden and rapid development of an attack. Breathing violated by severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory airways.
Measures for the prevention of false corpse
From the occurrence of attacks false croup is safe no child, but to reduce the risk of its occurrence is possible. False croup often makes itself felt in the case if the child is sick how - or acute respiratory illness. Therefore, prevention of false croup is necessary to begin with, and the prevention of viral colds.
The best effect brings the hardening of the throat. This hardening is not so difficult. For his conduct is sufficient to give the child water to gargle. At the beginning of hardening is necessary to use water at room temperature. Reduce the temperature should be gradually, over several months, bringing it to almost icy. In no case is unacceptable in this process unnecessarily hurry, otherwise the child just simply sick.
You also need to pay special attention to the child's diet. Also, quite often to the emergence of false croup attack led various allergic reactions, including food. Doctors recommend parents to exclude from the menu of the child all those foods that can trigger the development of food allergies. But milk products, including yogurt, in the diet of the child shall be as much as possible.
Most often, the child is faced with a manifestation of false croup attacks in the offseason. And no wonder - the winter when it's freezing, everything is simple and clear: the child should wear warm enough. In the offseason, the weather is often very, very deceptive - attracted by the warm sunshine, but cold wind blows. And as a result, the child becomes a victim of colds, which, as mentioned above, provoking an attack of false croup.
Signs of false croup
Usually, the appearance of false croup attack is very frightening parents. However, the panic in this case is unacceptable, it is important to as quickly as possible to provide first aid to the child. Most often the attacks occur at night, when the child was asleep. False croup symptoms are as follows.
On the eve of the emergence of false croup attack baby's breath is getting tougher, the doctor, if he examined the child could hear the wheezing lungs. However, parents are not able to detect these changes. The only thing that can throw them in the eye - is a certain sluggishness of the child, but few parents gives it a special significance, considering that the baby was just tired after a busy day.
However, in reality the situation is on the other - in the body of the baby already being "hosted" virus. The child sleeps restlessly enough as swelling of the throat has begun, and breathing becomes more difficult a child. And when the swelling will become the most powerful, the child has a very rough, dry "barking" cough. Baby's breath quickens significantly, the number of breaths - exhale increases to 50 - 60 per minute, with normal value is not more than 30. The baby's breath quickens, because in this way the body tends to compensate for the lack of oxygen.
The child may have a fever, against which the swelling will increase even more. The cough becomes rougher. And if the parents do not wake up, and the child will not be given the necessary assistance is very high risk that the child will lose the state and simply suffocate.
First aid in a fit of false croup
Any moms and dads afford to provide the necessary first aid to your child in a fit of false croup. The first thing to do for parents who noticed the child's symptoms such as hoarse wheezing, cough, first - is to try as soon as possible to open all the windows in the room where the sick child. As already mentioned, during these attacks a child lacks oxygen, so the fresh air will help facilitate the child's condition.
Also, do not forget about the maintenance of the required humidity in the room. At the moment of attack is very effective in relieving the child inhalation. And to maintain a sufficiently high level of humidity in the room is an excellent means of preventing attacks of false croup. Can be found in the sale of special humidifiers, and you can just hang out in your child's room a damp cloth - on the headboard on the battery.
In addition, you must immediately give the child antihistamines which help relieve allergic component and reduce the swelling. And immediately after that, you must immediately call the brigade "first aid". Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and to determine how strong the stenosis of the larynx in children.
If the doctor insists on hospitalization - it is not necessary to give up. After all, if false croup in children, treatment may require a serious, until the intubation. Even if the attack managed to shoot the doctor, there is no guarantee that it will not happen again a few hours later, in an even more severe. And doctors of "first aid" for all his desire can not be on duty near your home. In no case should not risk the health and life of a child!
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The causes of asthma in children
Symptoms of asthma in a child
Diagnosis of asthma in children
Treatment of asthma in children
First aid in case of asthma attacks
Asthma overtaken by people who are not looking their age. Very often victims of this insidious disease are children. Unfortunately, boys and girls, the disease is fairly common. However, knowing that your baby asthma, do not despair. Despite the fact that the disease is quite dangerous, the level of modern medicine allows people with asthma, keep almost a full life, albeit with a number of restrictions.
What is this disease? A person suffering from asthma, there is a chronic inflammation of the airways. In all cases, doctors can observe significant changes in bronchial reactivity. If we talk about children, it should be noted that almost always in the development of asthma in the child at the heart of the disease are those or other allergic mechanisms.
It therefore has asthma in children allergic disease status. This is a rather complex disease that requires a systematic adequate treatment. On the methods of combating it, we will write below.
The causes of asthma in children
As already mentioned, asthma in children in 98% of cases have an allergic nature. Development of disease is as follows: The child is contacted with a specific allergen or groups thereof. The child's body, the sensitivity to these substances and, consequently, the occurrence of a severe allergic reaction that, in turn, affect the bronchi and provokes the development of asthma.
All the parents first and foremost concerned with the question of what can be an allergen for the child. Generally, mothers and fathers in this issue have the most modest knowledge, believing that the child has an allergy can cause a very small number of products: milk, honey, strawberries. The most knowledgeable of them know that the child has an allergy can cause house dust or animal fur. However, in reality it is only a small part of what can trigger the development of allergic attack:
All foods that are red or orange color.
All meals contain preservatives and artificial coloring agents and flavor enhancers.
All sharp odor: oil paint, acetone, benzene.
Dust, but not just an ordinary consumer, but also a library.
Pollen, especially in spring and summer.
Of course, this is only the most common and is not a complete list of possible allergens. In addition, very often the child's body is able to answer an allergic reaction to the most unexpected and sometimes completely harmless substance, such as yogurt or cream of wheat. Therefore, one can not say what kind of stimulus can lead to asthma.
Of course, not necessarily any allergic reaction should occur is in the form of the disease. Often, allergy can manifest itself in another way - seasonal hay fever, atopic dermatitis, urticaria.
However, if the child often suffers from acute respiratory infections, acute, and especially chronic bronchitis, asthma risk of such he increased tenfold. For example, often the first time this disease appears in a child background bronchitis Lyubo any viral disease.
Also precipitating factors for the development of asthma in a child can be a genetic predisposition, which occurs in the event that any of the family members is suffering from this disease. The closer the relative, which is prone to this ailment, the higher the risk that a child will become a victim of asthma. Additionally, problems with the digestive system, especially dysbacteriosis also increase the likelihood of disease.
Symptoms of asthma in a child
To refine the treatment of bronchial asthma in children have been possible successful, the diagnosis must be detected as early as possible. Remember that timely appearance of this disease will notice those parents who spend a huge amount of time a child. However, to mothers and fathers were able to suspect something was wrong, they should have an idea of what are the signs indicate a possible development of the disease. Thus, signs of bronchial asthma in children.
Cough that a child is constantly dry cough, especially if it occurs during the night or early morning hours and not accompanied by any temperature or sputum. If this cough lasts for more than three days, parents should seek medical help.
Asthma attacks when exposed to allergens. If you notice that after there was a child's exposure to such allergens as pollen, dust, animal drugs, the son or daughter was a heavy coughing, watery eyes, or even more, choking, immediately call the brigade "first aid" . Or yourself, take the child to the nearest medical facility.
Diagnosis of asthma in children
For successful treatment of asthma in children is very important to promptly and properly diagnose the disease. The correct diagnosis of asthma is carried out in several stages:
History taking
Primarily the doctor must carefully interview the mother, father and the child. And the questioning of parents begins with the pregnancy: the expert finds out how it proceeded, there were complications such as birth took place. Then allergist will ask parents about what life for a sick child, studying his medical card. Parents should tell the doctor how long the attacks began, under what circumstances they occur, how it feels to a child during an attack and its aftermath.
Determination of allergen provoking the disease
The next and one of the most important steps in the diagnosis of asthma is the identification of the allergen or groups, which provoke the development of seizures. Currently the most popular are the so-called skin test allergen. They are not only the fastest and most affordable, but also the most reliable, which is why they use most allergist.
To perform skin tests bare the inner part of the forearm, make a few small scratches. After that, once applied to the wound aqueous solution of all known irritants: house dust, animals and food allergens, plant pollen.
After about half an hour after allergen solution was applied to damaged skin, the physician proceeds to evaluation. If the skin around the wound flushed and sealed, which means that the child's body reacted to that allergen, which was dripped into the wound. Consequently, this stimulus with a very high percentage of probability provoke the development of bronchial asthma attacks.
But despite the fact that the active diagnostic method is extremely easy and simple, there are some limitations. For example, skin tests is unacceptable conduct immediately after the attack, as the results may be distorted. And even more impossible to conduct skin tests at the time of the attack - it greatly complicate its course. To obtain objective data after the last attack must be at least five days.
Another disadvantage of this method of detection of allergens is that the doctor is only general information. In order to conduct a more detailed diagnosis, you need to immunological blood tests for the presence of a child-specific bodies.
Determining the degree of disruption of the respiratory organs
The last step in the diagnosis of asthma is to determine the severity of the violation of the child's breathing. For this purpose, the doctor performs spirometry spirometry - a procedure during which the registration of the main indicators of the respiratory process.
Treatment of asthma in children
As such, the treatment of bronchial asthma in children does not exist. The main task of parents is to eliminate the child's contact with the allergen, and the task of the doctor - conducting therapy to desensitization. If successful, these activities usually can not completely prevent the occurrence of asthma attacks.
For example, if it was established that the cause of asthma attacks a child is animal dander, you must remove all contacts baby with our smaller brethren. If the cause of allergic reactions is a food allergy, the child must comply with a special medical diet - with the full exception of its diet products causing allergies.
In the same case, if 100% remove allergens from the environment of the child is not possible, to hold a special antigen-specific immunotherapy designed to desensitize the child's body. It consists in the following: according to specially selected for the child in his body scheme introduced allergen.
Typically, such treatment is the beginning of a rapid worsening of the disease. However, the supply of materials, struggling with an allergen, the body dries up, and over time he stops overreact to stimuli.
First aid in case of asthma attacks
The main danger lies in wait for a child suffering from bronchial asthma - the development of a strong attack of breathlessness. It is very important at this moment that the baby was given emergency care. In order to stop an attack of asthma, a child needs to breathe the medicine sprayed with a special inhaler. These drugs are very rapidly relieve bronchoconstriction - acute bronchospasm.
There is a wide selection of such inhalers. And children often use Salbutamol. However, in no case can not buy their own inhalers - they should appoint only treating your child's doctor. Asthma in children - is a serious disease, so self in this case is not appropriate.