Down's syndrome

The fact that a number of us lives a huge number of children with Down syndrome, known to all. However, everybody is trying to pretend that problems do not exist, and prefer to ignore these children. Of course, you can live all your life, hiding her head on this issue in the sand like an ostrich. But sometimes, unfortunately, the problem itself overtakes the parents and their baby is born with Down syndrome.

Panic, frustration, and depression. But no matter how painful and was not bad parents, life goes on. And their baby, even slightly not the same as other children, are desperately in need of parental affection, care and love. To ensure your child as much as possible full-fledged existence in society, parents should have the full information about this disease, like Down syndrome.

What is Down syndrome?

The word "syndrome" refers to a set of a certain number of characteristics of the body or health. The name of the "Down" syndrome derives from the name of the physician who first described the syndrome in the medical literature. This happened in 1966. And only in 1959, French professor Lejeune found that Down syndrome occurs when there is a certain genetic glitch.

As is known, the human body consists of cells, each of which contains a certain number of chromosomes. Chromosomes carry the coded information in a certain way all the signs that a person has inherited from the parents.

The child is suffering from Down syndrome, 21 pair of chromosomes there is a third, extra chromosome. As a result, the child is born with 46 chromosomes are not like everyone else, but with 47. Such a violation is found, on average, one child in 700 births. And, despite the fact that this phenomenon occurs frequently enough, the exact cause of causing genetic change, the scientists have not yet succeeded.

Among the population there is an erroneous opinion that children with Down syndrome are born only in the socially disadvantaged families. However, in reality this is not so. Births these children occur with equal frequency in families with very different levels of social, financial opportunities, education of parents. Such examples are many: for sure all the well-known singer and TV presenter Lolita, Down syndrome and touched her daughter. However, through the efforts of his mother, the child is developing successfully. The only relationship that can be traced fairly accurately - is the age of the mother. The older the pregnant woman, the higher her risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

Tragically, prevent the occurrence of Down syndrome is not possible, as in the subsequent cure it. However, modern scholars, thanks to a huge variety of studies have sufficiently extensive information about the principle of operation of all the pairs of chromosomes, including 21 couples. Due to all these studies, doctors fairly well understood features of Down syndrome, and, accordingly, to provide fully the necessary medical care, as well as to implement the latest techniques of social pedagogy to facilitate the adaptation of these people in society.

Especially children with Down syndrome?

As a rule, the presence of a newborn baby is detected immediately after birth. First of all medical personnel are evident typical for children with Down syndrome facial features and body structure.

Such babies are slightly raised corners of the eyes, and the very face appears flattened. The oral cavity of a child with Down syndrome is slightly smaller than that of healthy children, but the tongue itself, on the contrary, more. Looking ahead, we can say that it is because of these physiological characteristics of children with Down syndrome often have a habit of constantly put out language. But this habit if you want to manage is not so difficult.

Palms have these children is very broad, short fingers and little finger is significantly bent inward. Newborn babies have the floppiness (hypotonia), expressed as mild. This hypotension should not be cause for alarm parents - it will disappear on their own as the child grows. Growth of the baby with Down syndrome, and its weight is usually a little less than healthy babies. In that case, if the doctors notice these symptoms in the crumbs, it is bound to be a number of special genetic tests to determine with certainty whether or not the child has Down's syndrome.

How manifest extra chromosome?

Of course, the presence of an extra chromosome can not affect the health of the child and its development thinking. However, these differences from healthy children can be very different. One baby with Down syndrome, they will be expressed very strong, the other is so small that at first glance does not even manage to guess the child's disease.

Children with Down's syndrome also have particular health condition. For example, these children are more exposed to the rest of diseases such as:

  • Congenital heart defects. And most of them are quite serious and require surgical intervention.
  • Problems with hearing or visual apparatus.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections.

As already mentioned, this pathology is also always affect the intellectual development of the child. Violations of intellectual development of the child can be very different. However, most children with Down syndrome are capable of learning if they are given such an opportunity. However, it goes without saying that these children are in need of training in the strictly individual approach. The curriculum of a child with Down syndrome should be constantly adjusted, depending on the progress and needs of the child.

 Lolita Down syndrome

How to come to terms with the birth of this child?

Of course, knowing that the child was born with this pathology, without exception, parents are shocked and until recently refused to believe that the diagnosis is not wrong. Parents are scared and confused, they do not know how to live and how to behave in such an unusual child.

In no case do not be afraid and ashamed of their feelings - for the psyche of every human characteristic such a defensive reaction: to escape from reality, to hide from problems. Parents of these children pursue a variety of fears - some feared that the birth in the family of a child with Down syndrome will lead to their rejection among friends and acquaintances. And some fear that because of the child to change their social status, who is experiencing a desperate guilt in front of his child, mistakenly believing that Down's syndrome was caused by a public - or their wrong actions.

However, no matter how hard and difficult, but parents still have to go back to normal life - daily activities, work to renew ties with the people. Of course, that in order to fully recover and bring the situation under control, it takes time. Often considerable - a few months and maybe even years. However, as the experience of a huge number of families where children with Down syndrome, sooner or later, life is part of his rut.

Hello Baby

Many parents of children with Down's syndrome, remembering the first days and weeks after the birth of the baby, told that they present fear and reluctance to approach the newborn. However, this feeling passes very quickly and, stepping over their fears and doubts, parents take their crumbs on the handles, see it begin to look very quickly realize that their unusual crumb likewise need affection, care and love, as well as any other child.

How do I report particularly around the child?

Before parents baby with Down syndrome is another rather difficult task - to inform people around the birth of a sick child. Very often, the family decides to keep this fact a secret. However, according to family psychology, it is not the best solution. Sooner or later, but the people around you will notice that the child looks a bit like all the kids, because Down syndrome is recognizable photo, sick children can be seen quite often.

Therefore, to prevent unwanted questioning and not to spoil the relationship, it is the first to start a conversation about it. Of course, this conversation will not be easy, but it will be a decisive step towards the return to a normal family life. After all, they will not be able to hide her baby rest of your life, no matter how they tried.

Keep in mind that your friends and family are not alone: ​​they also do not know how to behave, they are afraid to offer help so that you are not offended and did not consider that they climb into other people's business.

How do you help your child with Down syndrome?

Of course, parents of children with Down syndrome are very worried about it, what fate awaits the little man. Strictly speaking, it depends on them the fact, how well children with Down syndrome as adults, able to adapt to life. Parents can help their child:

  1. Having friends. To teach such a child to fully communicate with people, it's real. And not only with people whose capabilities are limited, but also with healthy people.
  2. Study. A child with Down's syndrome are able to learn, albeit on a specially designed program for these children.
  3. Labor. Thousands of adults with Down syndrome are successfully operating, often in a team with a completely healthy people, and perform their duties just as good.

How would you have not been seriously now, and no matter how ridiculous you did not seem any words of consolation, remember that it's hard for you very quickly fly. And your life will regain meaning and new paint!

 Down syndrome - not a sentence

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