
How to get rid of the tick - this issue is becoming very popular. This phenomenon has recently become increasingly common and often quite large number of children. What is a nervous tic? Tic - a disease that has a neurological nature. By the way, a tic is the leading neurological disorders. Most often, a nervous tic faced by children aged 6 to 10 years. Transistor, or as they are called, transient tics occur in about three out of ten children. Statistics show that boys are five times more exposed to this phenomenon than girls.

Many parents are very scared when faced with a nervous tic. In order to understand how to deal with nervous tics, you must know exactly what it is and what causes it. Doctors give the following definition of the phenomenon of nervous tic: it occurs spontaneously and repeatedly in a short period of time repeating the movement or any sound. For example, the cheek or eyebrow twitching, muscle tension face, compressing his lips. Vocal tics are manifested rhythmic snore, outcries, noisy sobs or sighs. All ticks are divided into certain groups:

  1. Motor tics. Motor tics often also called motor They appear spasmodic movements of the different groups of muscles.
  2. Vocal tics. As already mentioned, they appear sharp gasps and cries, emerging against the will of the child.

In addition, without exception, tics in children are divided into simple and complex. With simple forms tick it involves only one muscle group, such as facial or a calf. And tic can manifest itself not only a simple twitch of the cheek or eyebrows, but even bounce or squats. All tics are either transient, that is temporary, lasting no more than one year. But in the event that ticks regularly appear for 12 or more months - the doctors say chronic nervous tick.

Tics, or ...?

Very often parents are confused nervous tic with the phenomenon of compulsive movements. For example, one can often hear complaints from parents that the child barely break the habit of incessantly blinking starts biting his nails. Others have parents complain that their child was constantly cheat curl finger or ten times in a row to check, whether the light is turned off, or if the door is locked.

So - these actions have nothing to nervous tics, rather they belong to the so-called obsessive movements. This problem should be solved by joint efforts with child psychologists. However, if you have any - any doubt, the advice of the neurologist will not bring any harm to your child.

The features of a nervous tic in children

In a nervous tic, there are certain distinctive features that can help observant parents notice a problem. As you remember, tic is a consequence of involuntary contractions of certain muscle groups. But, nevertheless, if the child is asked, and he try very hard, then slack tick can be stopped at will and control of muscles. As a result, the child ceases to continuously blink, sniff or shrug.

In addition, a nervous tic has a feature to migrate, changing their location. For example, the baby might one day glazik twitch in the other - cheek, and on the third day - the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Many parents mistakenly take each new location of the tick once again started independent disease. However, in reality this is not so. Migration - it's just a recurring bouts of the same disease.

The severity of the disease and the reasons causing it

Just how pronounced tic depends on many factors, such as the time of year, time of day, psycho-emotional condition of the child at the time of attack manifestations of the disease, and others. For example, a child, a long time conducting playing computer games or watching TV programs, psycho-emotional state often unstable. And it is quite natural that the risk of tick is much higher, and the degree of severity will be brighter. Emotions such as anger, resentment, embarrassment, and even joy also increase the incidence of nervous tics and aggravate them over.

But at a time when the baby is occupied by a fascinating affair that requires a maximum concentration of attention, such as during a game or reading an interesting book, tics can greatly reduce the intensity of symptoms of nervous tics, up to their total disappearance . However, the child should finish his exciting experience, as teak is immediately returned to normal.

Of course, parents are children suffering from bouts of nervous tic, first of all asked the doctors - neurologists question of what is the cause of nervous tic. However, to give a definite answer to this question can not even modern medicine. However, doctors still identify several factors, under which children are at risk of nervous tic. It is about them and will be discussed below.

So nervous tic - the reasons:

  • Genetic factors.

Genetic predisposition to the development of a child's nervous tics plays a significant role. For example, if the mother or father of the child as a child and suffered from bouts of nervous tic, have their baby is very great chance to get into the trap of a nervous tic.

  • Disorders of the central nervous system.

Often with a nervous tic faced by those children, who suffer from the syndrome of hyperactivity, attention deficit, minimal brain dysfunction. Doctors - neuroscientists know about this particular group of the kids and know how to help this child.

  • Stressed children.

In that case, if the child has experienced a nervous breakdown, or he is in a state of chronic stress, the risk of tick up to about 80%. Stressful conditions may be caused by a variety of circumstances - an unfavorable climate in the family, illness or death of family members, new members of the family, and more.

  • Start of school.

In pediatric neurologists there is such a thing as "tick September 1." Called like a nervous tic by stress, which entails an inevitable adaptation to school conditions, especially for first-graders. Strictly speaking, this kind of nervous ticks and ticks is caused by stress of the child.

  • Conjunctivitis.

Most often, children's neurologists hear complaints from parents on a variety of diseases such as nervous tic in children's eyes. However, more often than not it is blinking nervous tic. It arises as a consequence of having a child of conjunctivitis, or even its consequences. The child is experiencing discomfort in the eyes and constantly blinking involuntarily, trying to eliminate them.

  • The influence of external factors.

Sometimes the cause of nervous tics are committed unexpected factors. For example, a turtleneck with a tight neck can be the culprit of engine kinds of nervous tic. The child, trying to free himself from the feeling of pressure on the neck area, will continue to rotate the head. And even after the turtleneck will be charged, teak will pursue crumbs for some time.

 tic eye

Perceptions of a nervous tic babies

It is also impossible not to mention the reaction of the kids themselves to such a disease as a nervous tic. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of children coexist with their nervous tics, without thinking about why they occur, and not giving any importance to this fact, in contrast to the overly fearful parents. And surrounding the baby with a nervous tic children, as a rule, do not pay for this feature of his companion absolutely no attention.

By the way, very often those parents whose children faced a nervous tic, blame it yourself. Too many mothers and fathers long plaguing doubts and reproaches himself: if I had not scolded, if I had not of failure, if I had bought, and so on and so forth. Of course, stress and nervous shock experiences contribute to the launch of a nervous tic mechanism and its further development, and many other problems may well trigger - so do not once again traumatize the child's immature nervous system. However, blame yourself that the baby had developed a nervous tic, and not worth it - because without predisposition to the disease tic still appears.

How should parents behave?

What parents should be aware of those children who are faced with an issue like a nervous tic? The doctors - neurologists and child psychologists give parents a number of specific recommendations:

  • Do not focus on existing problems.

It is not necessary to constantly remind your child about his illness, even by chance, in a conversation with adults. Doctors have proved that the more you repeat a nervous tick in the presence of the child, the more likely it will occur attacks and the more pronounced they will.

  • Do not press on the child.

Too many parents make the same, very widespread, mistake. They ask and even order the child, "not const", "do not twitch," "do not blink." However, this measure is not only of no benefit, but to a very large extent make the situation worse, having produced the very opposite effect - increased wheezing and blinking. And the child is doing this is not to annoy their parents, a constant shouts and odergivaniya make crumbs unconsciously, unwittingly get stuck on a nervous tick. As a result, even weakly expressed tic can take quite a severe course, which will require extensive and long-term medical treatment.

  • Promptly seek medical attention.

Always at the first symptoms appearance tick parents should not shelving them, seek medical help. However, unfortunately, many parents do not, because they think tic not an independent disease, but merely a bad habit, because otherwise the child would not know how to stop tic.

Most likely, the parents come to this conclusion on the grounds that the child is an effort of will for some time able to contain the attack of nervous tic. As a result, the child receives the necessary medical assistance only, when the disease is already taking an advanced stage. But in the event that a nervous tic in children, treatment should begin as early as possible so as not to run the illness.

  • Create a comfortable environment for the child's psychological.

Of course, to be led by a child around and indulge all his whims - not the best solution. However, parents are obliged to create a favorable psychological climate of the child - it is not necessary to discuss with the child serious problems, because it is often the child understands much more than it seems adults. You should not speak negatively about his friends, and especially to find out relations with the child, even if you are doing it quite calmly and with icy calm.

  • Time Limit TV viewing and computer work.

In order to reduce the emotional stress, and at the same time care of the child's vision, try to limit the time watching television and computer skills. It is much more reasonable to organize the daily routine of the child so that the baby as much as possible the time spent in the open air, not in a stuffy room.

Treatment of nervous tics

Here we come to the final question: tic - how to treat? In many cases, transient (temporary) tics in children disappear on their own, without any serious intervention on the part of a neurologist. However, though relatively rare, but still doctors faced with cases when time ticks smoothly flow into chronic, affecting more and more different muscle groups. Doctors call these generalized tics.

In most cases no specific treatment for children tics do not require. Parents should just observe the simple rules and recommendations that have already been given above. As a rule, the proper organization of the daily routine of the child and the surrounding microclimate very quickly help to forget about such a problem as a nervous tic.

However, in severe cases, when the "little blood" to get rid of a nervous tic in a child for any reason is not possible, doctors are forced to resort to medical treatment. Taking into account the age and weight of the child, characteristics of the disease the doctor will choose the appropriate remedy for a nervous tic. Parents should not categorically reject it, as in the case if the child has a difficult running a nervous tic, treatment should be serious. Pills from a nervous tic child's body will not do any harm.

Sometimes a nervous tic very quickly no trace remains, literally two or three weeks - and the child forgets about this problem as a nervous tic. However, unfortunately, sometimes doctors have to observe a completely different picture - the treatment is progressing rather slowly and requires constant attention and monitoring by the mother. And then comes to mind Carlson favorite saying: "Calm, just calm! "Otherwise, the child's illness and not hasten to disappear, and the parents themselves at risk of a nervous tic!

 Getting rid of a nervous tic in children?

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