a woman breast-feeding someone else's child

Breastfeeding - absolutely natural biological process, which is absolutely no surprise. But sometimes, for various reasons, life is composed so that the mother can not feed your baby yourself.
In most cases, a mother puts the baby on infant formula. However, the increasingly common phenomenon of a woman breast-feeding someone else's child.
In the beginning of the last century were very popular nurse. All the ladies of noble families bandaged chest immediately after birth and breast-trust these women.

In our time around this issue conducted a stormy debate. Supporters of breast-feeding in one voice say that breast milk donor is useful and does not carry any risk for the health of the child.
Pediatricians also warn parents of this decision, citing the fact that donor breast milk can cause serious illness kid. Along with breast milk the baby can be transmitted diseases such as:

  • AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome person). Although proponents of donor milk feeding and given as a counterargument the fact that the AIDS virus is found in breast milk in minimal amounts and the chances of infecting the baby are negligible.
  • Viral hepatitis. The risk of transmission of the disease your baby is very, very great.
  • Cytomegalovirus is also very often transmitted through breast milk.

Do not forget about such seemingly minor things like the baby microflora in the mouth, which is as individual as fingerprints. It is likely that, feed someone else's baby, she finds some time in the oral cavity of his child unpleasant signs of stomatitis.
In addition, doctors - immunologists also expressed strongly opposed to child fed donor milk. They explain their position following facts research.

As you know, the first few days after birth in a woman's breast produces colostrum. Previously, doctors underestimated the value of colostrum, however, researchers have shown that it is most valuable. Colostrum contains a huge amount of vital for the baby immunoglobulins and antibodies, which have a powerful protective effect on the body of the newborn, which has not yet adapted to the new environment surrounding it. Moreover, in the milk of each specific woman it contained those antibodies, and that in the quantities needed was her baby. The woman, breast-feeding someone else's child, thus exposing more immature immune system of the baby ordeal completely unnecessary stress. As a result, the effect is completely opposite of the desired.

Much the same applies to the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. It is known that the nutritional value and composition of breast milk changes daily, with changes in the needs of children. And the milk, which is useful year-old kid, can harm the newborn crumbs.
Typically, proponents of donor milk feeding in response to this fact cite as an example of those moms who feed the children so-called "tandem", that is, and the older child, and newborn crumbs. At first sight this objection seems absolutely logical: after all, the health of these children do not suffer from breast-feeding. But it is necessary to consider an interesting feature of the female body, in particular the process of lactation.

When a new pregnancy in any case, the process of extinction of the natural lactation, and immediately begins the process of preparing the body for the birth of a new life and, accordingly, a new lactation. Very often, this process occurs very quickly, it may even go unnoticed for most moms. But, nevertheless, the body was reconstructed for the needs of the baby. The only difference from the normal process of lactation in a similar case is only that produced more milk as the breast suck, and thus increase lactation, not one but two children.

In that case, if you can not for some - any reason to feed a child for a while, instead of giving your child someone else's milk, prepare in advance the, decanting it and freezing in the refrigerator. At a time when feeding is not possible, constantly express milk from the breast. So you will be able to maintain lactation until a more favorable moment.

Even if lactation virtually ceased, but the desire to breast-feed the left, it is possible to restore it, it's not as difficult as it seems. Moreover, if a woman wants to bring up her breasts foster child, even in this case (in view of the fact that a woman does not give birth), it is possible to start the process of lactation. It is fair to say that breastfeeding is a foster child, this is probably the only case of a justified use of donor milk.

Doctors call the process of renewal of the term relactation lactation. In fact, to achieve it simply, it is only necessary to carry out a series of systematic actions to comply strictly with the instructions of the doctor or lactation consultant. However, the details in this article describes the process of relactation is not, as each pair of "mother - child" is absolutely unique. And requires a thorough study of all the peculiarities of the situation, the state of health of mother and baby, the age of the child, and many other important aspects.

But even if we establish lactation mother, if they wanted, could not, do not risk the health of your baby and check on it all the theories, hypotheses and guesses about the donor milk-fed child. Now there is a huge range of different high-quality blends. Of course, none of the best mixture can replace mother's milk. But donor milk is also not my mother, but a mixture of baby guaranteed to not bring any harm.

 Women who are breastfeeding someone else's child - "pros" and "cons"

We recommend that read: Vegetarianism and breast-feeding

 how much to breastfeed

Despite the fact that breastfeeding exists exactly as much and humanity itself, the question of how to properly breastfeed, relevant as ever. Unfortunately, the centuries-old experience of breastfeeding, which is accumulated by our ancestors, during the active period of emancipation has been lost, as almost all women without exception refused to breast-feeding a baby. They do not even think about how much you need to breastfeed your baby. Mother immediately after birth transferred formula-fed infants and safely forget about it, not bothering thinking about how much the child should breastfeed, and how much it sucks a bottle, and how to be with satisfaction sucking reflex.

However, in the last ten years, breastfeeding regained their legitimate popularity. This is largely the merit of the researchers, who managed to gather evidence and to inform women about the simple truth indispensability of breast milk, as well as the benefit that it brings baby. However, a very large number of women do not have the slightest idea about how to feed their baby.

But as they say, it would be the desire and the ability to find it. After the birth of the child and breast-feeding - a rather complex matter that requires training. Now there is a huge amount of literature on how to feed your baby, there are even video tutorials. In addition, you will be happy to help doctors - in the hospital, and in the children's clinic. In addition, a woman can always use the services of consultants on breastfeeding. They will show you how to give your child the breast, explain how to properly express to avoid mastitis, will help you choose the right diet.

Almost loving mother after crumbs marks a year, begins to think about how much you need to breastfeed your baby. The most common opinion that the maximum period of feeding - one year. But at this age, the baby still did not even think to say goodbye to a beloved breast. Moreover, about 75% of the total volume of food eaten year-old child falls on breast milk. So how can that be? How long should I breastfeed? The prospect of feeding up to 3 - 4 years, as a rule, not much pleased with my mother.

At the moment there is no consensus about how long to breastfeed. Someone calls a year, someone is talking about the two, and the special breastfeeding supporters believe that the ideal feeding should continue for about five years. WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF * the question of how long to breastfeed, calls the age of two years. This is explained by the following reasons:

  • Baby first six months should not receive nothing but breast milk. After all, it contains everything required at this stage of child development, nutrients, including water. That is why doctors do not recommend giving the baby extra water.
  • After six months of the child's needs are increasing dramatically, and the mother's milk is no longer able to fully satisfy them, that is why 6 months start to introduce solid foods. However, breast milk is still essential for the baby. In addition to nutrients, micro and macro, breast milk stimulates the production of digestive enzymes that are needed for a child to fully digest solid foods.
  • Once the baby reaches one year, its menu considerably expanded, with the growth of the baby increases the amount of food eaten, and the volume of breast milk consumed by the child, respectively, decreases. However, it is at this stage of child development the mother's breast for the baby ceases to be a source of food, but also become an essential element of bodily and emotional contact with the mother. Therefore, weaning at one year of age usually occurs very difficult both for the mother and for the child.
  •   In addition, deciding for themselves how much to breastfeed, she should remember that breast milk is constantly changing its structure, adapting to the needs of the child in a particular age. In the second year of life the baby gets along with my mother's milk, a huge number of antibodies and immunoglobulins that strengthen children's immune system and prepare it for independent functioning.

On the composition of human milk should talk a little bit more, as this may help many mothers definitively determine how many to breastfeed.
In the second year of breastfeeding in the milk still contains a lot of valuable fats and proteins, essential amino acids and enzymes. Necessary baby vitamins and hormones, micro and macro elements that are found in breast milk, ideally and quickly absorbed by the baby, as a kind of "vitamin cocktail".

Power mother practically no way reflected in the composition of her milk, which is incomprehensible to science is capable of changing its composition almost every hour, strictly in accordance with the current needs of the child. In the second year of life, all children have an increased need for vitamin A, necessary for the normal development of the eye and vitamin K, which is a positive effect on the hematopoietic system. And it is these vitamins are contained in large amounts in human breast milk. We should also mention about the content of iron in breast milk. It is this iron is absorbed best. In children who are breastfed, never iron-deficiency anemia. And it is also worth bearing in mind when deciding how much your child should suckle.

How much to breastfeed, that he was a good immunity?

 how to breastfeed

Very often, mothers are asked about how much to breastfeed, taking care of his immunity. And this is absolutely correct, because the extent to which children's immune system is strong, largely depends on how much will to breastfeed mother.
Numerous laboratory studies have shown that any pathogen, whether bacteria or virus that enters the mother's body, causes the milk to the immunoglobulin that it is able to protect the baby from the disease. The older the baby, the higher the concentration of these immunoglobulins. This may explain the fact that babies who are breastfed are almost never suffer from viral diseases.
In addition, they will never affect diseases such as measles, rubella, chickenpox, in that case, if my mother had been ill with these diseases.

In addition, among children whose mothers do not ask - how much it is necessary to breastfeed, and fed, and after a year, almost never allergies. This fact is explained by the fact that the immunoglobulins contained in breast milk, envelop the intestinal mucosa, making it impossible to get inside as pathogens and allergens. That is why the intestinal disorders and dysbacterioses among children who are breastfed are rare.

Scientists have proven the existence of a direct relationship between breastfeeding and the risk of diabetes. Unfortunately, in recent years more and more children are faced with this serious disease, which can not but cause concern. The energy elements such as carbohydrates and proteins contained in breast milk, perfectly assimilated by the child's body, which is easily their breaks and without the need to increase the level of metabolism. But precisely because of improving metabolic abnormal functioning of the pancreas, that results in the future and the development of diabetes.

Speech therapists also argue that children who had long been breastfed are much less likely to suffer a variety of speech disorders. The reason is that with prolonged breastfeeding during the suckling work all the muscles of the palate. And these kids are much better than other peers reproduce different frequency and tone.

How often should I breastfeed?

 how long to breastfeed

The second most popular question asked by lactating mothers - how often to breastfeed? This is largely determined by the age crumbs. The younger the baby, the more often he asks to eat. Some mothers complain that sometimes the child begins to ask the breast within minutes after feeding.

Sometimes, to solve her mother just need to figure out how to give your child the breast. After all, if breastfeeding is wrong, look for an answer to the question of how often to breastfeed can be a long and inconclusive. If poor attachment baby deprived of the opportunity to effectively suck the milk from the breast. There is something like this: the kid asks his chest, get it wrong and applied for a long time trying to get the right amount of milk. Mom, thinking that the child is fed, chest picks, puts baby. But because the child was hungry. And it is natural that he has 10 minutes starts to cry and beg chest.

Be sure to check whether your baby enough milk. This can be done as follows:

  • At night do without diapers. Calculate how much you'll get wet diapers per day. If the baby is not less than 10-12 urination, you do not worry, it is enough milk. If less - then you need to sound the alarm: make sure that you correctly apply the baby to the breast, to raise the level of lactation. By the way, the best means of increasing lactation - that frequent applying to his chest.
  • Check weighing crumbs. The average weight gain in children, the first three months of life should be about 400 grams.

However, even if the milk is not enough, do not immediately translate crumbs on artificial feeding. It may just be lactation crisis (a temporary reduction in the physiological lactation). Furthermore, absolutely no increase lactation difficult. Enough to put a little more often crumbs to the breast, especially in the morning.

The birth of the child and breast-feeding - is the main purpose of any mother. And of course, every mother wants to have her crumbs all was well, that he grew the most happy and healthy baby. And every mother able to help him in this. Do not be afraid of their inexperience, in answer to the question of how to feed the child - video tutorials can provide detailed and illustrative example. Konsultant- the man who knows all the features of Breastfeeding: how to apply, how the child should suckle at what age come lactation crises and other subtleties - can give you advice at any time when you are in it will need, usually , telephones consultant on breastfeeding are in all children's clinics.

In addition, following the publication on our website - our experts will give a detailed answer to every question affecting the birth of a child - breast-feeding. It is very important to everything that is important to you!

 How much and how to breastfeed your baby?

We recommend to check out how to wean a child from breastfeeding
