allergic to animals in children

Child psychologists say that pets - be it a dog or a cat, or a parrot fish, turtle, hamster, have a beneficial effect on the educational process. The child learns to care for the weaker and defenseless creature, moreover, play with a pet best impact on the psyche of children.

Unfortunately, in recent years more and more often it found such an unpleasant thing as an allergy to animals in children. Allergies can have different types of symptoms, so can be confused with any - any other disease. Parents should closely monitor the condition of the child.

The main symptoms of allergies to animals in children are:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose, frequent sneezing
  • redness, severe itching, watery eyes
  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, choking)
  • wheezing, wheezing in the lungs, a dry "barking" cough
  • itching, redness, rash, swelling

At the reception at the allergist

If a child there was one or more of these symptoms, you should as soon as possible to consult an allergist. Doctor will prescribe certain diagnostic methods that can be used to identify the allergen causing the allergy. After all, allergies can not be on the animal, and on what - another stimulus. The following describes major different types of diagnosis of allergic reactions.

  • Skin tests
  • The study most often carried out on the skin of the forearm. In the area of ​​skin treated with alcohol made slight scratches or punctures (depth of no more than 1 mm), and then on the damaged skin A drop of allergen (no more than 15 samples at a time). If after some time on the site of the sample is developing a small swelling or redness, then assume it is an allergy to the relevant allergen.

  • The study of specific antibodies Ig E
  • To conduct this analysis, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein. Information obtained in this way is similar in nature to that which is obtained by skin testing.

  • Provocative tests
  • Such a study is carried out only in the hospital for allergy strict conditions - in cases where the skin tests or blood tests did not give a clear picture. In this test, nasal, sublingual, or directly into the bronchi of the patient a small amount of allergen is injected and measured subsequent reaction. Such research is dangerous because it can cause the patient a very severe allergic reaction, so it is held in the presence of a doctor who can provide emergency medical care.

  • An elimination test
  • Elimination is the removal of the allergen. This diagnostic technique, which prevents contact with the suspected allergen. A striking example of an elimination test - elimination diet with food allergies. From the patient's diet completely eliminated the alleged allergenic foods. If after 7-14 days after the elimination of the product comes obvious improvement, we can confidently say that this product is an allergy.

But these techniques, of course, provide only part of the information about the disease. A more accurate diagnosis of the doctor will be able to put together with the test results, the survey, inspection and response to treatment.

One of the most common allergies are allergic to animals in children . Allergenic activity have hair, saliva, dander, feathers, feces and urine of our smaller brethren. However, even this kind of allergy has its differences.

The most common manifestations of allergy to cats in children takes the form of allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) and konyuktevita, sometimes even asthma. And then you must take action.

First of all, it is necessary to minimize direct contact with animals. Pet also need to be more likely to comb and wash at least once a week. To reduce the particle content of the skin and coat of the animal indoors, carpets should be removed and all the objects that accumulate dust. Treatment of allergic reactions prescribed by the physician.

When konyuktevite, which is the most frequent indication that there was an allergy to dogs, children may be scheduled application of cold compresses and "artificial tears" to reduce discomfort. If that is not enough, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drugs in drops or tablets.

When allergic rhinitis also used anti-inflammatory agents and Allergy. In addition, apply a very successful method of treatment - specific immunotherapy allergens. The essence of this method is that the patient's skin for several weeks is introduced increasingly concentrated solution of the allergen. Because the body slowly as if "learns" to generate a kind of antidote to the allergen.

Bronchial asthma - a sentence?

 allergies in children

Bronchial asthma - a serious disease that requires daily treatment. Treatment should be under constant medical supervision.

In asthma, there are several groups of drugs, among which can be divided into two groups - basic and symptomatic. Action symptomatic drugs aimed at restoring bronchial obstruction and removal of bronchospasm.

These include drugs and so-called "first aid" for quick removal asthma attack. Such drugs are used only when necessary. Basic drugs aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process in the bronchi, by contrast, do not have immediate effect, and applied long as inflammation in bronchi in asthma is chronic.

We should not forget about non-drug treatments for asthma, which, coupled with drugs, lead to the best results. These include such as:

  • Breathing exercises, special breathing techniques and the use of breathing simulators.
  • Physiotherapy
  • Climatotherapy (eg, speleotherapy - treatment in salt mines)
  • Reflexology and its modification (acupuncture, electropuncture, acupressure, etc.)

How to reduce the symptoms of allergies?

Yet, in fairness, I must say, though doctors in the vote of the Council to avoid contact with animals, child allergy sufferers, but not all that is necessary to do so. After all, it would deprive him of the joy of communicating with a loved one another, and that can cause him great emotional trauma.

So how do you do that when you are faced with the manifestation of allergy to animals in children, but can not imagine life without a furry (the feathered, scaly, etc.) a family member?

The most common pets in families with children - cats and dogs.
Ironically, the family, which hold one or more dogs, not so often faced with the phenomenon of allergy to dogs in children.
On the contrary - the children in these families suffer from respiratory diseases is much less of their peers. A key is the high content of endotoxin - natural pathogens - in the flat, which leads to a constant stimulation of the immune system, and this in turn leads to a reduction in symptoms of allergy to dogs in children.

If you are allergic to dogs in children is still there, the dog should start a special shampoo to wash and revise the diet of the animal . After all, a healthy animal with proper metabolism presence of allergens in the secret minimum.

With cats, things are much more complicated. These four-legged pets are distributors of the strongest and most aggressive allergens, which, thanks to the mobility of these animals spread throughout the residence. Therefore, the cat allergy in children is much more common.

Furthermore, allergy to cats in children is more severe than allergic to other animals . And preventive measures give less effect. If you remove a cat from the room, even after a thorough cleaning will take at least three to four months before the amount of allergens to fall to a level safe for health.

Now on sale a lot of special tools for cleaning cats with which decreases the amount of dangerous allergens in the coat of the animal. However, these means have the effect that only if the allergy to cats in children is not too strong.
There is another way to avoid allergies to cats in children - castration of the animal. After castration, the animal produces far fewer allergens.

So, if, having analyzed the "pros" and "cons" you do decide to take a home or already educate furry pet, but want to reduce the risk of allergies to animals in their children, then you should observe the following rules:

  • If you have a kitten or a puppy, then to achieve the 8-month period of your pet neutered.
  • For Pet Care Always use hygiene products (for example, a special filler for the toilet, not scraps of newspapers).
  • Make it a rule as much as possible to carry out the cleaning of premises. In particular, the wet cleaning - no less than a day.
  • Do not let your child sleep with the animals. Encourage him to wash their hands with soap and water after each game with an animal;
  • And, of course, to devote sufficient attention to the care of animal hair, because it is the main allergen. Regularly, at least once a week, vychёsyvayte animal dander, and do it outside the home.
  • Wash your pet at least once a month.

Carrying out these simple requirements, you will greatly reduce the risk of allergies in children and animals in the remaining households. You can not deny your children the joy of communicating with their faithful four-legged friends, because every child at all times wanted to have fun and loyal friend!

 Allergy to animal hair in children

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