The teeth in children. The treatment, oral hygiene

Left behind months of waiting the long-awaited birth of your baby. In the first moments of life of the newborn you already go through a sleepless night, which are often the cause of "mythical" colic. In front of you a new stage - teething. Already since 3 months of age, the appearance of saliva, cold, temperature, and bad mood in children, pediatricians blamed on teeth.

Unfortunately, not all expectant mothers know that milk and permanent teeth begin to be put in a child long before his birth. For example, the oral cavity is laid on the third week of pregnancy, often when you have not even suspect about the kid. The rudiments of milk teeth are laid in the seventh week, and the first permanent teeth - the fifth month of pregnancy. Most often, future mothers are not even aware of what is happening to them during pregnancy (toxicosis, various diseases, as well as a lack of vitamins) in the future will necessarily be reflected in the teeth of their children.

Teething - how to help your child?

Teething - how to help your child? Teething causes a lot of complaints, tears and sleepless nights .  During teething gums red and swells, swollen bump appears white, but after a while, and the tooth, which during the movement inside the bone causing itching and pain .  These symptoms are virtually cease to bother the baby until the tooth did not come to the surface of the gums .  Between the 5th and 7th months amplifies salivation, which usually gives the kid a lot of discomfort .  During this period, children become more moody, irritable and restless, they have been disturbed sleep and loss of appetite .  The child begins to drag into his mouth and hard to chew and bite swollen gums toys and various items .  So often due to infection joined the child's condition is getting worse: there is diarrhea and fever, etc. . P .  While many parents find these symptoms normal teething, do not leave them unattended .

Today, in order to facilitate the state of children, there are many different means, including gels, gums, which include the anesthetic lidokoin.

Terms teething

Milk teeth in children under one year:

  • 6-7 months begin to erupt lower central incisors
  • 8-9 months - the upper central incisors
  • 10 months - the upper lateral incisors
  • 12 months - lower lateral incisors

Milk teeth in children after a year:

  • 12-16 months - first molars
  • 16-20 months - fangs
  • 20-30 months - the second molars

Permanent teeth in children:

  • in 5-6 years - first molars
  • in 6-8 years - central incisors
  • in 8-9 years - lateral incisors
  • 9-10 years - first premolars
  • 10-11 years - fangs
  • 11-12 years - the second premolar
  • 12-13 years, second molars

However, these terms are rather conventional. Teething depends on many factors, and if your child is healthy, do not worry about how because of too early eruption, and because of the delay.

Oral care for children

As soon as the first baby teeth were cut, they are subject to aggressive environmental influences. On the teeth immediately begin to settle microbes that contribute to the formation of plaque. Plaque, in turn, it is a breeding ground for germs and active production of acids. Under the influence of these acids enamel of primary teeth quickly and easily collapses, forming a cavity. That is why it is important oral hygiene in children from an early age. Oral care recommended before the first teeth, wiping the mucous membrane of the gums and cheeks with a damp sanitary napkin.

Brushing your teeth for children (first erupted incisors) initially follows the same way. And only in the second year of life can be used for brushing and toothpaste containing fluoride. However, up to 6 years, children tend to swallow toothpaste, it is recommended to use children's toothpaste, which include reduced levels of fluoride. Until that time, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a damp soft toothbrush without toothpaste. For single tooth brushing in children under 6 years of age it is recommended to use a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, no bigger than a pea.

The teeth in children: treatment and disposal

In his early childhood in children aged 2-3 years revealed high intensity of caries. However, in this age, to provide effective medical care is extremely difficult, so it is often necessary to carry out the treatment under general anesthesia.

Oral hygiene after tooth extraction:

After removal of the child dental doctor must give you recommendations for the subsequent postoperative period, which is usually strictly individual.

Accustom your child from an early age to a regular and proper oral hygiene, you will help him keep the teeth beautiful and healthy.

 The teeth in children

 The teeth in children. The treatment, oral hygiene

We recommend that read: teething how to help

 Time of vacations

Summer vacation lasts so long! Where to put the baby to him was a good child care? After all, parents work and summer vacation can not give.

Summer - time for the holidays. And if the child is the best time, the parents dumped a lot of problems. Where to put the child in the summer? Well, if there are grandparents, can not only look after the baby and feed him, but also to work out with him, learn something new.

Children will be happy to learn to let giant soap bubbles or a fish. Any occupation is useful if you do not pose a risk to life. If a child is hyperactive and used to "stand their ground" and grandparents will be difficult to cope with it. In this case, do not hesitate, it is worth taking a trip and send the child to a children's nimble sports camp.

At grandmother's pies

So, the family fortune halt, and the parents agreed to take her grandson to her for the summer. Assume the classic version - they live in the village. Will space, natural food. All this, of course, good. And that's what the offspring will be engaged at will? Computer parents are unlikely to be delivered to the village, so the games are canceled. TV watching boring and grandmother cakes may soon get bored ... You're walking in the evening with their peers. And here begins the "adventure": children can easily climb into the dispute in the transformer booth or take a dip in the drain channel. How many accidents occur with young people in the summer for these reasons! Though if the child is an independent, well educated and grandparents had the authority, you may want to leave it for a week while maintaining constant communication.

The summer camp

If it is possible - it is better to send a child to summer camp. There, he will always be under adult supervision. Teachers and counselors take responsibility for the life and health of the child. All children are different. Collectivists mastered by nature instantly. Find friends with the same interests, engaged in circles, take part in competitions.

Uncommunicative children staying in a noisy children's team seems at first a result of torture. But it is only in the early days, as long as they are looking at and wean from the home environment greenhouse. However, the rhythm of life of children's camp soon carries them, and the children will be happy to go camping, learn to kindle fires and participate in common activities. The camp - a good school of life, children are becoming more independent and adults.

Vacation "at home"

So, there is no place to send the child and it is the summer home. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation: younger students can not leave the house alone. Is it dangerous. So we have to hire a babysitter or ask grandparents or look after the child. If children "rebel", requires, is easy to talk, to discuss the situation. In the evening - required classes with the children. And let the reward will be "march" in the online shop of children's toys.

With teenagers harder, they are difficult to control. The most terrible thing - it is a bad company. Moms and dads need to be aware of with whom the child friendly, is doing what and how to spend their free time. And that teenager felt "in business," you can try to get him a few hours to work - handing out flyers or helping at the car wash. In this there is another plus: pocket money earned by their own labor, not spent on nonsense.

 Time of vacations

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