child touch the breast

Breastfeeding - the most natural process that can be imagined. However, very often nursing mothers face different problems. One of these problems is the fact that the child plays with the breast. First time mom this process touches, however, are more persistent than the game with the breast, the less like a woman.

Newborn pipsqueak gradually learns the world, discovers that he has a handle that you can handle to touch objects, including up to my mother's breast. After quite a bit of time, the baby discovers that handles not only can relate to anything but tenacious enough are interested in the object. Well then do not miss the opportunity and grab my mother's breast? Here at this stage that the child is touching the breast does not cause my mother nothing but a smile of tenderness.

Some time later, the young researcher finds new research facility - my mother's breast nipple. All children, without exception, like most, taking one nipple, begin to twist in opposite sides of the second. Sometimes the baby nipple twists quite sensitive and even cause a woman pain. Many mothers do not suppress the action of the child, because they believe that in six months the baby still does not understand. Of course, you can remain silent and suffer, but imagine how much is able to unscrew the nipple-year-old child. And do not think that this habit will pass by itself. After all, if a child does not make it clear that my mother sick and can not do so, he will never know and will continue to do the same.

At the first attempt to grab the baby nipple, remove the handle, look into his eyes and a quiet but stern voice explain to the kid that hurt my mother, and that you can not do. Of course, the baby is not yet able to understand the meaning of your words, but kids are very sensitively distinguish all shades of tone. Kid necessarily understand what mom than - that unhappy. From the first time the relationship between the child and their actions, too, your reaction will not catch. But, usually 3 - 4 times is enough. If the child does not respond to your words, which is rare, but it happens immediately after the pinch take away the baby breast. Of course, the crumb will protest and indignation, but you have to make it clear that such actions are unacceptable and you will not tolerate such behavior. Most often enough only one such educational process and the child does not resume attempts to pinch the mother.

However, very often, stop playing with the breast during the day, the child pulls the chest at night. Sleepy baby is much more difficult to control himself. To avoid such cases, giving the breast the baby at night, cover with a second towel diapers or nightgown. If access to the nipple will not be a pipsqueak can not grab it.

 child pulls the chest

Some mothers faced with the strange behavior of children 8 - 10 months. A child, for no apparent reason, starts to burn, beat, or even biting his mother's breast. Child psychologists explain this behavior by the fact that the kid, as they grow older, periodically try traits permitted them to conduct. In no case can not ignore such behavior of the child. It should be immediately dealt with severely him and explain that you can not do that. If you attempt to resume immediately take away the child's chest, and gave him to understand that you are offended.

Very often, a child playing with her mother's chest, talking to her, brings her toys to his chest and so on. Usually, this behavior is peculiar to kiddies at age one. In fact, there is nothing wrong, it's just the next stage of growing your crumbs. But do not focus on these games and even more to support them. Just try to subtly shift the focus on the child any more, not less useful exercise. In that case, if you just take away the baby sharply chest, he may get confused and even offended. After the baby sincerely believes that the breast belongs to him.

Very many children each time, as soon as the mother is in the "access area", climbs hand under your clothes and check, has not got any chance, where - something dearly beloved breast. Often this habit remains for some time after the baby weaned. Get rid of this habit can be only one way - each time to explain to the kid that you do not like it, and if possible, try to wear such clothes that might block access to the breast.

After a year of problem that the child is constantly touching breasts can wear psychological. To find out, you need to determine the purpose for which the child touches the chest. If a kid does hurt my mother, or playing with the breast, it is necessary to forbid him to do it and explain why it can not be done. This will be discussed a little later.

But in that case, if the baby touches the chest, apparently looking for your attention and affection, pay attention to its relationship with the crumbs. As a rule, thus coming kids who lack the mother's affection, love and attention. Did you come to work and sat down to spend less time at home, or maybe you have another baby, or you just get tired of the whole day spent in constant, continuous troubles at home? Ask someone - a family member to help you around the house and try to carry out with the baby a little longer. Most of his kiss, hug, cuddle - in this age of physical contact plays an important role and is essential for the correct and harmonious development of the crumbs.

In that case, if you help with the housework nobody, do all things with the baby. In practice, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. While you're washing dishes or preparing to eat, the baby will enthusiastically play with pots and spoons to feed the dolls, or just watch your actions. But most importantly, your child will feel the constant proximity, and his first anxiety will be much smaller, and then completely disappear.

Another difficulty faced by mothers little grown children, a situation in which the child during the meal picking at his chest. Most often it is because the child is applied to the chest too often, just so, and not because he was hungry. Of course, the mother should stop this behavior. But how?

The most important thing is to clearly understand the mother, is that such behavior - is primarily a result of the prevailing relationship between mother and child. And the problem of this relationship is that in tandem "mother - child" leading role is played by just the kid. My mother is not able to influence the behavior of the child and his behavior in any way.

In order to normalize the situation, the mother should make every effort to lay down and stereotype relationship with the child. A woman should make it clear to the crumbs that the rules will now install it and it alone. In no case should not be allowed even in the game that the child belonged to the mother how to live his toy, which, in addition, fulfills his every whim at first request, to be exact - cry.

Too many mothers allow their child to do absolutely everything, arguing. That he is too small and does not understand anything. However, virtually any mother occasionally notices that strangers with her pipsqueak behaves much calmer. And it says exactly what the child knows that mom lets him everything and do not put any limits. If you let this thing take their course, then about three years, during the so-called "crisis of three years," Mom runs the risk of uncontrolled child, with whom she will not be able to cope with all his desire.

With any problem is easier to fight as long as it in the beginning. And much easier just to scold the child for what he is playing with her mother's breast than in the future child psychologists seek to correct the behavior. We hope that the understanding you have with your baby is perfect, and your child will always delight you.

 What a child touches the chest?

We advise to check: What to do if the child does not take the breast

 exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands


  • The child first year of life
  • Children from one to three
  • Children from three to six years

Once known educator Sukhomlinsky said that the mind of a child is at their fingertips. And it was not just nice words. Psychologists and speech therapists do not get tired of repeating that engage in the development of fine motor skills is very important - firstly, for the development of a child's speech, for the coordination of movements, and of the preparation for the hand to writing, needlework, painting, etc. That is why the exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands so much attention.

Otherwise, the baby may have serious difficulties, especially when it goes to the first grade. Tragically, in recent times these children are becoming more and more. One can argue that the cause of such mass violations of fine motor skills - whether the environment, or something else. However, the good of these disputes is no absolutely no.

It makes more sense from birth crumbs to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills. There is a huge number of different exercises, through which parents can both prevent the possible development of problems and eliminate existing ones. Most importantly - do not delay the case to the back burner, because as time violation fine motor skills will only get worse. And it will take much more serious adjustment programs. Therefore, exercising fine motor skills of the child in a timely manner.

The child first year of life

Skilful and nimble fingers of your baby - a pledge of full mental development (thinking, attention, imagination and visual memory). And to ensure that the child would not be bored, come up with various games and toys for the development of your baby.

From 3-4 months, the child begins to grab everything that comes in his way, squeeze and release, see what happens. Grasping reflex helps him to explore the world around. Therefore, for this age suit various rattles, not only of plastic, but also of fabric, wood and other materials. Tactile sensations help the child to develop more fully, including improved and fine motor skills.

With 6 months of the child can be interested in developing soft book. A more ambitious goal of such a book will develop mat. Usually it is equipped with additional features such as Tweeters and shurshalki, soft springs, which your child would be happy to play.

From 9-10 months, the child is already available development center. It is mounted on the bed or placed on a desk. Development center - a bar with a variety of buttons, sliders and wheels that can rotate, rotate, press, etc. Experience shows that such centers beneficially affect the development of fine motor skills.

 exercises to develop fine motor skills of hands

Children from one to three

For kids this age ways to develop fine motor skills is much more. Moreover, all these methods are perceived by the child as an exciting game, which is also important. Mommy! Be ready, after some of these studies, it is likely you will have to do the cleaning, so prepare in advance a clean cloth.

Water games. Such exercises almost all kids love. Of course, if they have a positive attitude to water:

  • Find me!

Pour the baby in a basin with clean warm water, sat next to him and put in the water a few small plastic or rubber toys. Ask crumbs get them - as a rule, even a year-old kid can easily cope with this task. Then slightly complicate exercise - add a small amount of water in a dark gouache. The water becomes muddy and toys at the bottom of the basin will not be visible. To get them, kids have to work slightly.

If crumb closer to age three and is able to understand your instructions, ask him to get to the bottom of the basin any particular toy - believe me. His fingers will work very hard, because the baby has to learn to touch the toy. Of course, it is impossible to carry out similar exercises in a cold room, or if the crumb is sick.

  • Ah, the foam!

Another favorite pastime - playing with foam. Gathered to bathe the baby? Make a little more foam than usual. Show your child how out of the ordinary foam can make snowballs, squares and other figures. Surely after that bathing is a favorite pastime of the crumbs and the benefits of such a game with the foam is very palpable.

  • Colours

Draw like all kids. However, 4-5 years before the brush does not want to listen to little fingers. But no worries! After all, especially for those crumbs and came up with finger paints. It is possible to draw at least once across the palm. Buy such paints easy, they are in almost any office supply store. But do not forget to buy a sheet of paper - the album leaf for creative flight baby is clearly not enough.

  • Their most ordinary children's plasticine

Of course, it is unlikely your child will create masterpieces, but the most simple geometric shapes to him quite a force. A molding develops fine motor skills of hands very effectively. But be very careful, and for a minute do not leave your child alone - it can pull the clay in his mouth. By the way, to avoid this, experts recommend for kids sculpting dough.

 exercises for the development of hands

Children from three to six years

For classes with children older than three years, experts recommend the use of finger gymnastics. At this age the child is already able to consciously repeat the exercises after you. However, strictly followed so that the classes were held exclusively in the form of a game and the child did not do anything under duress should not do. Otherwise, you can discourage him a desire to learn for life.

Please note - all of the exercises to be performed toddler sitting at the table.

  • Greeting fingers

Ask your child to put his hands on the table and move your fingers, connecting and spreading them. Incidentally, a similar workout should absolutely start any exercise. After that your cue sounds "fingers, hello! ". The child must at the expense of "one" to connect the thumbs of both hands at the expense of "two" - index, at the expense of "three" - the average, at the expense of "four" and "five", respectively, and the nameless little finger.

  • Who quickly?

Encourage your child to imagine that the fingers - a men and have a running competition. For this child should quickly rearrange the table surface of the index and middle finger right and then the left hand. After a child has mastered this exercise, you can complicate the task, and use both hands at once.

  • Goat - Boxthorn

Such a game will remember all adults, because it is as old as the world. However, "the goat" often make small children. But for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children it can be very useful. Just put your fingers, depicting a goat, have no mother or grandmother, and the baby.

  • Spectacles

Remember the fable "The Monkey and glasses?" Why not make it a statement? Especially that monkey you already have - sitting at the table. It remains to make points. Ask your child to make a connect thumb and index fingers on both hands - rings are obtained. It remains to apply them to your eyes and glasses are ready!

  • Coward hare gray

Turn off the overhead lighting and direct light desk lamp on the wall. Show baby bunny. You remember how to do it? Set up the index and middle fingers, and the little finger, ring finger and thumb connect. Hold the lamp on the wall and you will see the shadow of a bunny. Then ask your child to make their own bunny.

  • Counting

On the count of "one," the child has to put her hands on the table at the expense of "two" - clenched fists, and at the expense of "three" - put a palm on edge. This exercise must be repeated at least five times.

  • Trees

Ask your child to pick up his hands, and then turn the palms to her. Blow on the palms kid, depicting the wind. And let the kid wiggled his fingers like a tree with branches. This exercise should be repeated within two minutes.

  • Checkbox

Ask your toddler to pull your hands in front of him, keep all fingers and large, on the contrary, to expose. This exercise should be repeated at least five times.

  • Nest

Do you have a toy bird? So, the kid probably happy to make her nest. You need to add her hands together, touching the ribs. By the way, speech is sometimes called the exercise "boat." But the essence remains the same - the exercise is very effective and it should be repeated at least five times.

All of these exercises to develop fine motor skills of hands are very effective, but only if you engage with your child on a regular basis, at least three times a week. Training should last at least 10 minutes but no more than 15.

 Toys for fine motor development of children up to one year

We recommend that read: Developing mat for children up to a year
