From Bruder Toys and Fisher Price

Childhood - a great time, which happens only once in life. And every parent wants to have a baby was the most interesting and beautiful toys, which are also made with the same German quality. Bruder Toys German company - is a wide range of recognized leader in the manufacture of toys. Such toys will appeal to your children. Manufacturers of toys for children copy the finest details of each model. Models are interesting because they seem real. If that truck - he has certainly rise bodywork, wheel machines are equipped with soft tires. His firm makes a model in scale 1:16. Series machines Unimog - for the most advanced children - cars like the cars of Mercedes-Benz.

 From Bruder Toys and Fisher Price

Cars Bruder made of plastic of good quality, are certified. Cars Bruder toys - this machine simulating cars of different brands: Man Volvo Renault and others. Cars help children develop the skills of the game. Children play educational games: transport workers, car drivers, workers in the construction, road and postal and other works. Toys intended for boys from three years. Combining a pleasant game in machines and other games, you can get excellent results in teaching children. You can focus on the color of the machine, add the game with the pyramid.

Wonderful toy company Fisher Price - this is a joyous mood of your children. Childhood begins with Fisher-Price toys! Simple and interesting, cheerful design kits for children Fisher Price Mobile - is easy to use, and attach to the stroller, baby crib. These sets are interesting because they are diverse. "Dreams of butterflies", "giraffe", "Forest Serenade" with a lamp and many others - are the first in the life of toddler toys that delight not only vision but also hearing. Mobil "Rainforest" from classical music to help the development of your baby. Classical music has a calming effect on the nervous system of the child, improves sleep, appetite, helps mental development. Developmental and playgrounds from Fisher Price Mobile - this is an opportunity for the child to develop by playing.

 From Bruder Toys and Fisher Price

Children under one year exploring the world through the senses. Then they added the manipulation of objects - touch, shift, twist, throw, make out ride. Watching Mobile, the child develops hearing, vision and coordination of hand movements. In Play rugs from Fischer he can touch toys, learning to turn and move. At older ages, ranging from three years to help the boys in the development of the typewriter Bruder. Playing with cars, children learn to build relationships with other children, to take into account the opinion of other children, to work in a team. The games are shown research ability of the child.

 From Bruder Toys and Fisher Price

 the child is afraid of dogs

Your pet allows himself to show aggression toward the baby, causing the child is afraid of dogs?   Often, however, that the child was bitten by the dog, blame the parents. It is not enough just to decide what kind of dog you can make for your child. In - First, you need to explain to the child how to behave with the dog. It is inadmissible to interfere with the dog while eating or sleeping, make the dog sick.

Second, if a dog has bitten the child, carefully examine all the circumstances of the incident. Understand that preceded it? Very often parents are confused with the punches teeth bites. As a rule, before the child's bite, the dog repeatedly warns him about the undesirability of any - any action.

Biting a child, often the animal is not intended to hurt him, but only suppresses undesired operation. However, this should not be the rule. If the dog once bitten by a child, you must severely punish the animal, and your child to explain the unacceptability of such behavior.

In that case, if the dog attacked the child again, alas, will have to part with it. If you do not, it may be irreparable. You should not tempt fate and play Russian roulette. Those dogs that love children, never allow themselves to be aggressive towards them.

If a stray dog ​​attacked your child, your actions should be as follows:

  • Drive away the dog from the child. Do not try to pull off a dog or a child, it can lead to the appearance of deep lacerations. The dog can fight off a loud cry or other sharp sound. Also, do not hesitate to ask for help passers-by, though most people without a request intervene in the situation.
  • Try to calm the child and calm themselves, to soberly assess the impact of how much a child bitten by a dog.
  • In any case, if there is even the slightest damage to the skin, you should consult your doctor, as there is a risk of rabies.

Dog bite can lead to the fact that in consequence the child will avoid the dogs. Such childhood trauma can affect even in adulthood. That is why, if your child is afraid of dogs, and to cope with this fear is not possible, contact the child psychologist.

However, most often, if the injuries were minor, baby quickly forgets about them and, after a while, begins to want a dog, like all his peers.

The child asks the dog

"I want a dog! ". With this request, sooner or later face all parents. Some do not hesitate to buy the four-footed friend and someone gives a categorical refusal. If you are reading this, you're still reflect on the acquisition of a dog.

However, in order to bring your family dog ​​is just boundless joy, we should not be guided by the momentary impulse and immediately buy a dog. It is necessary to carefully consider all the nuances and the possible difficulties that may arise in connection with the advent of shaggy friend.

So your child wants a dog. The first thing parents need to understand - even if your child is already fully independent man of 7-10 years, which gives you a solemn promise to care for a dog, dog training, feeding, bathing, paddock in any weather and time, including the morning of Jan. , lies solely on your shoulders.

Particular care is necessary to weigh the decision if a family has a child chest. After all, the dog and the baby require care and maintenance, which takes a lot of time and effort. And if the baby and the dog will be assigned to the care of a single mother, she is very tired.

If the dog still - still be

 a child bitten by a dog

If you agree to it, before you stands a second, no less important question: what kind of dog to buy a child? When choosing a dog, it is important to take into account the fact that the dog will be in contact with all family members, not just with his young master. Mom, Dad, younger brother or sister, old grandmother - they all will be for the dog loved family members. That is why deciding which dog to choose for your child, you must consider not only what the child really wants a certain breed of dog, but also take into account the views of all people living together. In the future it will help to avoid many problems and misunderstandings.

Of course, it is very important what kind of dog to have a child. The dog should have a good mind and good disposition, which is why it is important to consider the information about the breeds of dogs that love children.

Further, given specialist advice - dog handlers on how to choose a dog for a child to be comfortable and very dog ​​and the whole family.

  • There is a very widespread opinion that the little dog for a child to be the best option .  This is fundamentally wrong opinion, refutes a number of objective reasons .  If your child is under the age of 4 - 5 years, buying a small dog for a child can become a big headache for the whole family .  Small breeds of dogs require care for children no less than big .  Often small dogs have a large number of health problems .  This dog is for life itself claims to be the favorite child in a family is not always prepared to put up with second roles .  In addition, the smallest member of the dog world is unlikely to become a full-fledged companion during active physical games, as of - because of their size are constantly at risk to receive physical damage .  A large dog will not even notice that the young adorable accidentally became the owner on his paw, and for a small dog it might turn into a fracture .
  • Analyzing it, what a dog is suitable for children, not to mention the dog's temperament. Dog for a child is first and foremost a companion for games, so the temperament and the child, and the dog must approach each other. If your child loves long moving walks, Labrador will be his faithful companion, but if the child is a homebody, Labrador quickly bored and getting rid of the excess of unrealized energy can begin to misbehave House: nibble shoes or damage furniture.
  • In addition, talking about what kind of dog is best for children, it is necessary to talk separately about a group of dogs as service and hunting dogs. For example, the shepherd can not be called aggressive dog, but if you are not going to engage in training, it is not necessary to acquire it as a dog for a child. The same applies to the hunting dogs that omits quickly bored and start digging holes in your carpet.
  • When deciding which everything - the dog did choose for your child, you should also focus on the financial capacity of your family. Fashion trends do not concern only clothing or music, but also breeds dogs. If the rock is at the height of fashion, the price for it can reach dizzying heights. Resist the temptation to buy a puppy on the market and without pedigree, but it is several times cheaper. This can turn into a real tragedy. But this will be discussed in more detail a bit later.

"He does not bark, does not bite ..."

First you need to decide on the proposed breed dogs. The question of what breeds of dogs like children, is very controversial. Fans of German Shepherds claim that Shepherd - best friend of the child, and the owners, such as spaniels, say the same thing about their breed.

But can we all - still tell if the best dog breed for children? Of course, you can. On the basis of numerous long-term observations over what dogs love children more than any other, dog breed isolated, suitable for children.

The following are the main advantages and possible disadvantages, which have the best breeds of dogs that are optimal for children. Representatives below the three leaders are positioned as the best dogs for kids.

  • Collie. This dog is infinitely faithful and loyal to their owners, loyal to the children, quite unpretentious in content. However Collie - long-haired dog, therefore needs daily combing. Moreover, Collie quite surly and aloof to strangers, even if he sees them regularly. It is necessary to consider those families in which the arrival of the guests - quite common. Otherwise, snarling dog behind a closed door can be a strong irritant.
  • Labrador. She likes all around, including children. Irrepressible activity is both advantage and disadvantage. If you are not willing to spend a few hours walking a day, be prepared for the fact that your home will be turned into a game range. In addition, walking and playing games with your child at home, you must constantly be on guard - playing Labrador are not that tact and caution, so that no child is excluded systematically knocking down down, especially if the child is small.
  • St. Bernard. Imposing mighty philosopher. He ought not to be worn for the cats, or bark at cars. On the walk he will majestically pacing beside you, not even turning his head to the side. It is interesting to watch the St. Bernard while walking with small children. As long as the child is quietly playing, you can create a false sense that St. Bernard is dormant. However, this is not the case, the baby should show the slightest signs of anxiety, St. Bernard will instantly close. In addition, St. Bernard never allow your child to keep up with you, or step aside. He immediately be rotated to the desired course of tactful carefully pushing the nose.

The story of one family, or "so what are you, St. Bernard! "

 dog attacked the child

Intrigued breed "Saint Bernard," we were asked to tell about the peculiarities of relations between St. Bernard and children mother of two children, besides having two St. Bernards.

"The first St. Bernard appeared in our house before the birth of the eldest son. Frankly, I'm very worried that there may be problems. For a newborn baby and a dog can not always coexist peacefully. Repeatedly heard complaints that the dog begins to have a sense of jealousy and to protest against the appearance of another family member. For example, to spoil things baby or owners to protest. Moreover, even if there is no jealousy, there may be problems of a different nature: for example, a dog barking can wake the baby.

However, my fears were totally unfounded, when our family has a newborn baby, our dog has become a real nurse. Her permanent place became a place near the crib, no grunting kid escaped the attention of the dog. If the son woke up and I was at that time I was not in the room, the dog immediately ran up to me and pushed to the side of the crib.

When the son began to grow, Alya (the dog) was for a son and a shock absorber between the booty and the floor, and a walker (son kept walking for her hair) and a companion for games, and caring, but at the same time a strict nurse who closely followed his every move.

Soon the daughter was born, and again no problems. The dog was the nanny has two children. But as they say, "better than the St. Bernard can be only two St. Bernard," and in our family there was a St. Bernard puppy.

And here I was faced with the problem of "dog and a small child." If a senior St. Bernard stoically endured all the "expression of love" in the form of pulling ears and other delights, then the puppy began a "cry", because, in fact it's the same kid. I had to explain to her daughter, it must be treated like a dog, because the little dog for a child should not become just a toy.

By the way, the dog may be for a small child a perfect example of how to treat weaker beings. In addition, the child appears and develops a sense of responsibility, if you will regularly bring baby to care for the dog. However, this should be done in a playful way, or you can permanently discourage help you.

To summarize, I can say for our family answer the question, what kind of dog to buy a child, is unequivocal. St. Bernard, of course. After all, a St. Bernard - it's the best dog for children. Finally I would like to give advice to parents. When choosing a dog for your child, it is not enough to consider what breeds of dogs like children. It is important to learn about the needs and care of the chosen breed and to realistically assess their strength. "

How to choose a puppy?

So finally - the choice is made, and you are going to meet a dream, that is a puppy.
The first thing you should notice is the fact, someone you get a dog. Do not buy a puppy from dealers, most of the documents in these dogs fake, but prices are much higher.

It is much safer to buy a dog in a special nursery. As a rule, you will be given the opportunity to see the puppies mother, his brothers and sisters, will give the necessary advice on the care and upbringing. Most nurseries and in the future will gladly assist in growing bought their puppy.

Notice how active puppy on a condition of his hair and ears. The puppy must be active and healthy, it is not necessary to take the child, if his condition does not inspire confidence.

Some people think that genealogy is only required to participate in dog shows. However, this is a wrong opinion. Surely everyone has heard of cases where a child was bitten by the family dog, and no one wants to avoid such a situation. The presence of the pedigree of the animal greatly increases the assurance that you have acquired a dog would a stable psyche.

We hope that the information about how to choose the right dog for your child will help you choose the dog that loves children and will be a faithful friend for your entire family.

After all, a dog - a hair on the carpet, on the clothes, drooling on the new trousers and dirty paws on a light sofa. And most importantly, it is a sea of ​​selfless dedication, infinite love and eternal devotion!

 Child bitten by a dog? How to avoid this, choose a dog for a child

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