- Features of age
- General advice on gifts
- Present for a boy
- Gift for girls
The first child's birthday passed recently, and now on the horizon looms a second. Just like the last times, your head is filled with thoughts about the gifts, birthday but now not one but two years. As far as this age is very different from the previous one? What things more like the boys and which girls? What do kids like to play? These and other questions are the answers you will learn in this article.
Features of age
It would seem that yesterday the baby for the first time smiled, sat down, took the first step and prolopotal first word! And now he is a real little man who is going through something, feels somehow respond to what is happening to him and interprets it. With it comes a lot of new things that greatly affects the growth and development of the baby.
The first thing that catches your eye when you look at the child's two years - it's his physical activity. He is a real "energizer": jumping up and down, running back and forth, jumping - in short, is in constant motion. It is hard to imagine that in the last year, he barely made the first shazhochkami! As for his skills in the two years the child could easily build a tower of three or four blocks, and then break it cheerfully. Kid with a business view of eating with a spoon, drinking from a cup and trying very hard to start to dress themselves. His achievements in the development have become increasingly prominent, and with each new skill it becomes more mature and more confident.
Mental processes at this age are involuntary in nature, that is, the child can not manage on their own. He pays attention only to the most outstanding, bright and noticeable. In two years, the child is a very emotional, but his feelings are fickle, easily distracted, and he switched. To restore the psychological balance from the raged child is very useful is rhythmic stimulation: swinging, tapping, etc. ...
At the same time the intellectual development of the child in two years seen a significant jump in the processes of thinking. It's hard to believe, but the baby already has a basis of classification of objects, able to establish a simple connection between the phenomena, it has an idea of forms. size, color and other systems. It is well understood relationships such abstract as sooner or later, more or less than this or the other. The memory of the child is at a fairly high level of development: it is able to remember where his mother hid the nipple yesterday and get it. This kid laudable: it already has a small vocabulary of which can make two or three related proposals.
The main activity of the child in the two years it becomes manipulation of objects. And so it will continue up to three years, at least. Therefore, the baby is now especially interested in all sorts of unusual items with a bunch of functions that develop creativity and imagination. That's when the foundations of the future activity of the architect, artist, designer.
Many parents are concerned about the issue, whether the child is ready for "the release of a": a children's holiday, ideas, cultural or sports events and other mass gatherings? In fact, in the two years it is highly dependent on the characteristics of the event and the child's identity. How your baby assiduous? Will noisy event? The presence of a number of people you plan to? Sometimes it's hard to guess how the child behaves in crowded areas, so parents should be prepared for all the necessary equipment and stock.
The same applies to joint games with other children. Some babies are very willing to cooperate with others, and some prefer to play alone, and he does not need anyone. This should be considered when choosing a toy for a child under two years: baby-introvert is better to give a thing for him alone, whereas sociable chubby little boy suit sets to play with.
General advice on gifts
Now is the time to talk directly about choosing a gift. The most important thing to note - after all the children two years better give something to evolve, because progress in this age also is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and to ignore this fact is just silly. His gift you can help your child become a little stronger, smarter and development. Oh, and do not forget about the general rules of selecting toys for your child: they should look nice, do not be aggressive and immoral parts and be made of safe materials.
It is appropriate in this case is the choice of such toys, like a mosaic. It should be big and fun to attract the attention of the baby, and that he was comfortable with it to manipulate. He is not just going to put the details in the cell, but will try to put them out of some items and figures, which is very good for the development of imagination.
An excellent gift for children of the same series will be a great puzzle to some cognitive subject, for example, "Learning the alphabet" or "Who lives on a farm? ". The advantage of this option is its comparatively low price at which you buy a lot of positive effects: the development of attention, thinking, memory, and fine motor skills of hands.
Many children like musical toys. In this case, the baby can please some new musical toy. If you are interested in rather low things, maracas - this is what you need! The child will be happy to strum and bang them, and some kids even manage to come up with their own dance. More expensive, but seems an interesting alternative to buying a child for two years xylophone. Especially attractive options from a tree with a natural sound and a bright decor. This toy will help your child better distinguish sounds and feel the rhythm.
Creation useful for children of any age, including two years. If you know that a child is nothing there, a great gift will be all kinds of sets, stimulating classes in drawing, modeling, etc .... But do not run to the nearest stationery store! Goods sold there may be harmful to the child, so the paint and other materials is better to choose a specialized children's store. A good option would be finger paints, which are beneficial not only to the creative abilities, but also on the fine motor skills.
If you want to give your child something more impressive and you have to do so is a wonderful option is a plastic slide and a trampoline. They can be installed directly in the apartment, if space allows, or at their summer cottage, good range is quite wide. Skating on a hill like almost all kids and is of great benefit to children's body: develop courage, a sense of balance, a variety of muscle groups. The same applies to the trampoline.
Awesome looks and playhouse. Yes, and it is now sold! And it can be placed in the most ordinary apartment (not in small families, of course, but one bedroom is fine). This house consists of a fabric which is stretched on the special soft frames. It can be compactly stored in a small box, and get only the games. Such a gift two year old will be very useful: you can hide in the house alone or with friends, to invent stories about him, or even to arrange their own taste.
If you absolutely nothing comes to mind, do not worry! Ironically, after the holidays, but the children usually play with any nonsense, taken to the heap, not the big and expensive gifts. Therefore, instead of much bother, you can simply dial any bag fun stuff: balls, tinsel, cars, soldiers, guns and so on. Agree to dig in a huge pile of gifts is very funny!
Present for a boy
Naturally, the gift will be different depending on the sex of the child. It would seem that it is still small, and some differences are still insignificant, but no! Anyone who has seen children in this age agree: between boys and girls is a huge difference. Future man since childhood are much more inquisitive and persistent, active and aggressive, so they need appropriate gifts.
A perfect gift for a boy two years would be a hammer. Yes, do not laugh - it was he! And to hammer brought the child benefit, it can be a part of educational games, for example, accurately score them balls into round holes. In the process will develop coordination, logic, and attention, because it is necessary not just hammering, and the effort to count and spread the balls by color.
All the guys from childhood like cars, motorcycles, trucks - in short, all that goes and publishes relevant sounds. That is why a great gift for a child under two years will be car or bike, which sits baby feet and pushes it in the desired direction. Firstly, it will be very fun and interesting, because it operates as a large vehicle and, secondly, it develops coordination and muscle strength.
Children's sports wall - that's another thing that every boy should have. And do not think that this gift is premature! On the contrary, two years - is a great age to swing, climb, play and engage in sports on it. The downside of this gift you can call it a fairly high price, but in fact the most important thing - that the child was happy and healthy, and all the other issues can be resolved. Only here we must not forget that the baby fuss this wall must necessarily take place under adult supervision in order to avoid injuries.
Gift for girls
Doll - this is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about a gift for the girl two years. It should have strong features and good expression, because it can help a child will remember the parts of the body, and my mother - to show the different steps to assimilate the values of verbs. However, it is worth remembering that, as a rule, have a two-year baby doll probably already have.
More expensive variation on this theme will be puppet theater - in this case, the girl will absorb the basics plot-role-playing game, and parents will be able to show her small presentation. The main hero is better to choose glove or finger puppets - they are very lively and natural, as well as eco-friendly and useful for the development of the nervous system of the child.
If the doll the child already has, you can donate any items specifically for her. For example, a small carriage in which the girl will ride his "child". Incidentally, there are a lot of toys from ordinary PUPS to complex devices such bebibornov that appearance and behavior are very similar to these babies. Such a gift will contribute to the role of addiction girl expectant mother, and this is an important stage in her psychological development.
Do not forget that you are choosing a gift for future woman. So you can give something of jewelry - natural children. But be careful, and if possible, find out the opinion of parents in this regard. Some mothers believe that to give ornaments at this age too early, because they are the attributes of an adult. Of course, the child wants to imitate them around, but is it worth it to encourage? We do not give you a ready answer to this question, but only recommend "test the waters" and not become a cause of quarrel.
Many baby really love to imitate their mothers in their daily activities, such as in cooking or cleaning. If you've noticed it for a child, then a good gift for her would utensils: a toy kitchen, pots, pots and even a toy mop! The little girl with enthusiasm to do what usually takes at home mom: cooking, cleaning, ironing or something else. So is the assimilation of social norms and parents freed time for real concern.
So the issue of choosing the gift baby for two years doable. If earlier it was really nothing to buy, but now my eyes just run away from a wealth of variety. Therefore, taking into account the characteristics of the age and character traits of kid that you choose a gift, you will get exactly what is like a child.