The human essence is known to be highly dependent on what people eat. Human sexuality - is no exception. Well, all of us, of course, want to be sexy, this was high. Raise it a variety of ways, one of which - the use of aphrodisiacs, substances that stimulate sexual activity. What are aphrodisiacs at home? These are products that can saturate and human, and, at the same time, make it insatiable in bed.
About these exotic aphrodisiac food in the East known since time immemorial. The Arabs, for example, claimed that all the flavorful foods and spices are extremely raised ... Well, the tone, and are incredibly exciting. They can trust the Arabs, there are some hot. And what are we then? What we are worse, I wonder? Why, instead, a hearty dinner, filled up in bed and fall asleep instantly, not try, too bad supper, use of bed at all for any other purpose? Moreover, aphrodisiac dishes - a good option wedding table, (just be careful with the guests) and a table for a romantic dinner. And more tempered each other spouse would not hurt often include in your diet, these magical dishes.
Let's see what are these foods aphrodisiac, allowing us to passionate sex in the evening until the morning?
Aphrodisiacs food
Aphrodisiacs in the food - it is certainly nice, but we must remember that they, too, overeat does not follow. Despite the fact that most of them belong to the light food, but sometimes they are so tasty that simply can not tear myself away. This is undesirable because no sex Records us after we ate, for example, a couple of kilos of oysters, do not shine. Therefore, moderation, moderation, moderation and again.
Action aphrodisiacs is not instantaneous, so you should not rely on the fact that by adding food, even the most powerful aphrodisiac, we immediately lose his head and pounce on each other. Noooo! Passion breaks out at once, it will start to flare up slowly, increasing more and more. But then ... However, we are not talking about that.
Choose products for food aphrodisiacs need to very carefully, and add them to the food carefully. Some of them can both excite and relax. There is always a chance that even the best of aphrodisiacs in immoderate doses, rather than plunge into the abyss of passion, easily fell into a deep sleep. And all the dreams of unusual sex lay a copper basin ... That is, a soft blanket.
So what natural aphrodisiacs we can see on our table?
Natural aphrodisiacs
One of the most powerful aphrodisiacs are spices: fennel, cumin, basil, black and red pepper, celery, cinnamon, cardamom, basil, anise, marjoram, anise, ginger, nutmeg, winter cress, fennel, garlic, onion, horseradish. Very exciting asparagus. "Nucleolus Love" called Chinese pine nuts, which have strong aphrodisiac aroma.
Second place among the natural aphrodisiacs take seafood. Crabs, oysters, mussels, shrimp - oh, how lovely! They are incredibly excited not only the appetite ... well to increase libido and all the edible mushrooms, especially truffles and morels. Well, one can remain indifferent to the soul prepared mushroom dishes? The main thing - do not overeat ...
It features a Crazy sex and fruits such as avocados, bananas, mangoes, figs, passion fruit, melon, well, and strawberries, of course. Generally, fruit - the safest aphrodisiac. Not obeshsya. Good for libido enhancement onion and garlic in moderation. These aphrodisiacs in food, of course, are best added as a seasoning or adding to salads.
Oddly enough, but the sweet, warm aroma of vanilla can also be attributed to an aphrodisiac. Vanilla sends signals to the brain about the security that so many features to the full emancipation and sex. It is, of course, is not one of the best aphrodisiacs, but in some cases has a very exciting.
American Indians used to stimulate sexual desire berries and core palmetto. Well, for us it berries and core - something from the category of fiction. But the dwarf palm nuts is quite possible to get and use to fry on a dry frying pan until brown. It is a delicious aphrodisiac.
Excellent food aphrodisiacs, prepared with olive oil. More Greeks in the morning drinking a sip of this oil to keep their libido in tone. Do not forget about them, and honey, which is a very powerful aphrodisiac. This raises the fine food of the gods sexuality, filling a person of extraordinary energy. For good reason the first month after the wedding is called honey.
Generally, stimulants are almost all bee products. Especially effective bee pollen, which is used by athletes to increase endurance. And endurance passionate sex is absolutely necessary! Good for such sex is such an aphrodisiac, like almonds. Already hundreds of years, it is used for the maintenance and long-term preservation of sexual potency in India and China. In the East, to excite sexual eaten with honey and pistachios.
It is an excellent aphrodisiac, and many favorite bitter dark chocolate. It is quite possible to be served with coffee, which also enhances the wonderful love attraction. Only for this purpose it is necessary to add a pinch of coffee cinnamon.
And finally, a wonderful aphrodisiac in the home, not only will the alcohol. One or two glasses of good wine helps to relax, liberated and allow yourself to realize their sexual fantasies. However, only one or two, no more! Otherwise, it will be absolutely no to sex.
All products are designed to make a night of magic should only be fresh. Peremorozhennym afrizidiakam or stale food is not the place at all, and before you have sex - even more so. If you twist the stomach, it becomes even more so to the sexual exploits. And if aphrodisiacs products will be purchased specifically for the occasion, and even dishes are prepared with love ... Oh, and it is night time do we have to!
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How to spend the wedding night?
The wedding night. Tips virgins
Well, that's played, according to the wedding tradition, the march of Mendelssohn, Otshumeli feast otkrichali "Bitter! "Funny guests and tired newlyweds leave the celebration to spend alone their wedding night. According to the centuries-old tradition, on their wedding night at the newly-sex spouses to be held for the first time. Well now times have changed, the closeness between man and a woman often happens before the wedding, and about any loss of virginity on their wedding night we did not go.
Nevertheless, after the wedding, the newlyweds privacy still remains an event. Because that's how the first wedding night, affects the future relations of husband and wife. Anyway, so it says have experienced people in these matters. These experts in family matters to those who will have the wedding night, are advised not to take it lightly. Especially if the bride still has kept her virginity before marriage. So how to spend their wedding night that she is not only remembered for a lifetime, but also strengthened the newly registered marriage?
How to spend the wedding night?
The main condition to be met for the newlyweds - wedding night after the wedding should be as romantic. Unfortunately, it was a night of romance is often not enough. The bride and groom were so tired during the day and evening celebrations that dream of only one thing - more likely to collapse into bed and sleep. What here the tradition and romance, when the feet do not keep your eyes and stick with fatigue! Therefore, it is necessary to try to keep young strength reassign responsibility for the pre-wedding chores to someone else and well rested before the wedding. And yet - not to indulge in champagne at the banquet! Otherwise, then you can simply not remember what was the first wedding night.
It is desirable that in the room where the marriage bed, there were flowers, was dim, and sounded a soft lyrical music. How to decorate a bedroom for the wedding night after the wedding, the young have to decide for yourself. The interior of the bedroom should not make too flashy and pretentious. Suffice it to couples or bouquets of flowers scattered on the bed and the floor rose petals and a few candles on the table. Music for the wedding night selected the one that likes to both spouses. It is better if it is missing text - it can interfere with the newlyweds to focus entirely on the true purpose of the night.
Girl should take care of that in the bedroom was attended by all the sex on their wedding night hygiene items and clothing. You can prepare for this two terry or silk robe, but the bride is much more appropriate in this solemn moment will be put on a transparent negligee. Underwear girl also need to choose carefully. Curvy erotic lingerie cheer up not only her but also her husband, and allow them both to be the most relaxed. Particularly impressive young wife would look like if a beautiful underwear adds thin stockings with a belt or suspenders.
It is desirable that the bride for the first night after the wedding, choose a perfume, which she had never before enjoyed. Of course, the aroma of their needs like a spouse, and then the smell of the night he will be remembered for a lifetime. Extremely gets many young men a new bikini waxing wife and her sexy temporary tattoo in the buttocks, chest, above the pubis - it is a tribute to a new tradition that has developed in recent years. It does not prevent the girls adorn the naked body of pearl beads, fur, feathers or a brush, which can be before sex could move to the buttocks, feet and the back of a loved one.
It should take care of that in the bedroom was a little table with fruit, light snacks and a bottle of chilled champagne. Sex on their wedding night, even if he is a guy with a girl already had before, will require a lot of effort. After all, today they are no longer a partner, and lawful husband and wife. And consequently, is now not limited to conventions intimacy takes on a completely different, more subtle shade. In order to indulge it with maximum efficiency, as snacks handy aphrodisiacs are: eggs, shrimp, seafood, oysters, venison, celery and so on.
An important factor of the wedding night - bedding. Newlyweds should choose it together, because that girl, like, can not match the taste preferences of her loved one. A tradition on the night after the wedding, everything must be only at the highest level! That is why the entourage bedroom and appropriate it is better to discuss the details of the newlyweds in advance, to any little things then do not spoil the mood.
The scenario of the wedding night the newlyweds depends on the imagination. Of course, we are not particularly bothered, just go to bed and have sex, but is there any sense in such a hurry? Yet this night - special, and it is necessary to carry out unusual. For example, to prepare a bath filled with rose petals, to make a little striptease session to come up with some role-playing game and so on. The main objective of the newlyweds on their wedding night - completely switch to sex, surrendering to each other with passion and tenderness.
The bride and groom on their wedding day can be a little nervous, so before you indulge in amorous pleasures, they should rest a little under the quiet music for the wedding night. If sex is the couple took long before the wedding to the couple embraced a burning desire, it is advisable to at least a couple of weeks before the wedding refrain from intimacy. This will make sex more saturated, and the wedding night will be unforgettable.
To begin the game, you can love more before the young will be in the bedroom. Flirtation, meaningful glances and uttered ear frivolous phrase souped allow spouses to start the engine even during the wedding ceremony and create a need for quality sex mood. This does not necessarily traditionally wait for the evening - Suite Escape in the midst of the wedding is unlikely to be considered by guests as disrespect. Most likely, they either do not pay attention to it, or would react to this act quite favorably. But spouses own daring escapade remembered for a lifetime.
In general, for the wedding night advice you can give a lot - talk about what they are supposed to do according to tradition, and come up with something completely new and - in this magical evening allowed all young. Striptease, the original role-playing game, a practical study of the Kama Sutra and other erotic tricks will make the night after the wedding, unusual and unforgettable. If only the young, they relished and were a novelty.
Where to spend the wedding night? Anywhere - at the hotel, especially for the removal of this solemn occasion the apartment home with parents or friends in the country and so on, if only the young can be alone. No outsiders - either moms or dads or grandparents, or witnesses in this special night with them should not be. Communication with family and friends aside. Now husband and wife belong only to each other. And how to spend their wedding night, it's up to them.
I would like to experiment? Please! Just do not want to because of extreme fatigue? Also do not worry. You can simply relax and dream about how to spend a honeymoon, or make each other a light massage with aromatic oils. Let Traditionally wedding night and finds particular, but not only! Ahead of a honeymoon, which was also a whole life. The main thing - to take care of each other and relate to the satellite of this life with understanding and respect, and then good sex spouses provided.
And now let's talk a little bit about how to have sex on the night after the wedding, the newlyweds if he had held for the first time.
The wedding night. Tips virgins
The girl, who had no sexual intercourse before marriage are usually afraid of the pain that inevitably accompanies defloration. This fear is often exaggerated, because it is based on the stories of friends, girlfriends, relatives, and every woman deflowering process runs in its own way. Someone during it feels quite severe pain, and someone - a fleeting discomfort. However, the sex on their wedding night is usually frightens innocent girls. Though very appealing.
How to avoid severe pain during defloration? To reduce it to a minimum to help pose the following:
bride falls across the bed, lowering the legs on the floor. Her husband, parted thighs wife stands between them, keeping your weight on the hands arranged and carefully introduces his penis into the vagina of his wife;
wife, puts his feet on the shoulders of her husband. He slowly and quietly enters the penis into the vagina, making at the same time light, reminiscent of friction, motion;
woman lies on her back and puts a pillow under your buttocks or blanket, rolled roller. Legs bent at the knees, she lifts the breast, thereby creating a strong pressure of the hymen. Break it in that position occurs rapidly, causing slight pain, which runs for a few seconds.
Sex on their wedding night makes virgins internal stress, which leads to insufficient amount of lubricating fluid that facilitates the penetration of the penis into the vagina of her husband. Therefore, it is desirable to make sure that the couple were on hand additional lubricant.
In some cases, the husband fails to break the hymen wife the night after the wedding. If there is a situation, it is necessary to postpone the process of defloration full the next day. When that does not work, it will have to consult a gynecologist, who will do on the hymen a few notches. Otherwise, any more difficult problem.
On the wedding night my wife and a virgin-her husband should take the initiative in sex for themselves and to exercise maximum patience and tenderness. After all, she is afraid of the moment of defloration and experience the tension and stiffness, and the husband should try to make her relax.
Usually after defloration appears slight bleeding. Sexual intercourse in this case it is better to interrupt, even if he'd like to continue. Bleeding usually stops rapidly. If this does not happen, and it lasts for a few days, you should see a doctor to find out whether there is any serious damage. When deflowering is successful, a couple of days Territory hymen heal completely, and sex acts are painless.
Well, perhaps, and all the major sex on their wedding night advice. It does not really matter where they spent their wedding night the newlyweds, the main thing that it was unusual for a long time remained in the memory. After all, memories full of passion and tenderness, intimacy will then serve as a good basis for a strong successful marriage. And that memory of it will help couples successfully pass the family reefs and keep their attitudes to old age.
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