Unfortunately, each of the fair sex during sexual intimacy can feel pleasure. Pain during sexual relations for every five women are becoming quite a serious problem. In what lies the main cause of discomfort? What to do?
Unpleasant and painful sensations in the female genital organs during sexual relations are called "dyspareunia".
Dyspareunia: what is it?
Many women avoid sexual intimacy only because they stop the fear of pain, which deprives them of the opportunity to receive engaging blend of intimacy with a man. Lack of orgasm and pain during sex, leading to irritability and reduced sexual desire.
Almost all women and painful discomfort during sexual intimacy is a symptom of the pathology of the sexual sphere, including a variety of diseases of the pelvic organs.
Pain at the entrance of the vagina may be caused by
- decrease lubrication
- thinning of the mucosa
- inflammatory processes such as the bladder and urethra
- inflammatory processes in the area of the vagina and vulva
Deep pelvic pain is diagnosed in women who have
- cervical disease
- adhesions in the pelvic organs
- cysts and tumors of the ovary
- external genital endometriosis
- apoplexy (gap) of the ovary
- uterine fibroids
- varicose veins of small pelvis
- chronic salpingo
Who can develop psychogenic dyspareunia?
Often the factors that trigger the painful and unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse are psychogenic. The most common pathological basis for the emergence of pain are the consequences of any negative experience sexual or problems in sexual relations partners. Sex does not allow women to reveal themselves in the intimate sphere, to receive the physiological discharge and satisfaction, not only can cause negative emotions, decreased libido and apathy, and even lead to serious depression.
All these violations are the causes of the emotional sphere changes in pain sensitivity and the formation of muscle "blocks". Thus, because of the spastic muscle condition the pelvic floor, and there is pain during intimacy. All this in turn leads to disruption of the blood supply to the pelvic organs, resulting in genital developing venous stasis and degenerative processes. All this leads to anatomical changes in reproductive organs: ovarian cysts, colpitis, salpingo and vulva. Because of hormonal imbalances and circulatory disorders against the background of venous congestion may develop hormone-dependent diseases such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids, which in turn also contribute to pain.
Pain and sexual frustration
The occurrence of dyspareunia plays a role, and sexual frustration.
Women as well as men, the excitement is accompanied by blood flow to the genitals. Representatives of the stronger sex is manifested erection. Women with strong sexual arousal swollen labia, clitoris increases. With internal genitals similar changes occur: the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes increases the flow of blood.
Orgasm in both sexes is designed to disperse pritekshuyu blood to the organs.
Men reach this state much easier, but the fair sex with an orgasm is often a problem.
In the absence of orgasm in the pelvic venous system, the following occurs: the blood stagnates, and changes the structure of the pelvic veins. And as a result they expand, lose their elasticity, the pelvis is formed by venous congestion, leading to chronic pain.
So, we got close vicious pathological circle. While all three executives are closely linked single chain is not always possible to establish a cause-effect relationship: What was the first?
Pain during sexual relations: what to do?
Those women, who regularly during sex experience pain in the lower abdomen, should be examined by a gynecologist. Only the timely diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment of gynecological diseases can get rid of pain and discomfort, back the pleasure of sexual intimacy.
Try to pay more attention to their sexual life.
Change your attitude towards the natural sexuality. After all, sexual pleasure, given to us by nature, is one of the most wonderful experiences that are only able to test people. Every woman has the right to enjoy these divine feelings.
Sexual intimacy is needed for every woman for the implementation of the instinct of procreation, and maintain their female (gynecological), health, and the health and tone the whole body.
It is important every time intimacy required to achieve sexual release. Remember, regular sex without orgasm can cause great harm to health.
Lack of regular sexual partner - not a reason to reduce their sexual activity. If you currently do not have with you loved one, support and do not lose their sexuality: self-study your body and open up new possibilities of his body.
Love yourself! Experiment, look for and find new ways to delight. Live and enjoy a full life now! Then, women's health is always in order, and you forget about the pain haunt you.