Shiny hair is always associated with their health and beauty. Continued use of a hair dryer, curling irons and ironing make hair dull and brittle.
To keep your hair regained strength and shine, we need not only air conditioning balms and well-known brands, which, no doubt, a very effective but very effective homemade mask. Especially that prepare them very easily and quickly, and the ingredients are available and there is always at your house.
All masks, home-cooked should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots and gently distributed over their entire length, paying particular attention to the tips. Keep home hair mask to not less than half an hour to the active substances had to be absorbed. It is desirable to put on his head a plastic cap and wrap yourself with a towel. The latter, incidentally, if desired, can be pre-heated to heat the ingredients under the influence of the mask is better absorbed into the hair. The same effect is achieved by a mask if wrapped head with a towel, her warm hairdryer.
Homemade hair masks based on vegetable oils
The easiest option mask home - is warmed olive oil. It needs to be put on hair, distributed over the entire length, wear a hat and wrap head with a towel. To sustain such a mask on the hair must be about an hour, then rinse shampoo and oil to use your usual balm. If desired, you can add the olive oil a little sea buckthorn, castor or burdock oil.
Another very nourishing mask for shiny hair with olive oil. Take one banana and one tablespoon of natural yogurt with no additives and olive oil. Banana mash with a fork, add the yogurt and butter, mix well, put on a slightly damp hair, spread over the entire length with a comb with a few teeth. Wrap your head with a warm towel and hold the mask 25 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.
Italians often use olive oil for cooking home masks for hair shine. Is it because they have such gorgeous thick hair? For incredible shine, they are preparing a mask: green olive oil (the amount depends on the density of the hair) is heated in a water bath and add 4-5 drops of oil lemon or orange.
The resulting mixture is applied to wet hair, muffle film or wear a hat and keep the hair for at least 30 minutes. Better yet, make a mask at night and in the morning wash it with shampoo. Olive oil perfectly nourishes and restores the hair structure, and citrus essential oils give hair a dazzling shine.
Gelatin masks for hair shine
Recently mask based on gelatin, cooked at home are becoming very popular, and all because they give the same effect as an expensive lamination interior. With only one difference, gelatin is ten times cheaper. Gelatin, which is part of the mask envelops each hair nutrient film. Keratin scales smoothed the base of the hair, and the whole hair looks smooth and shiny. In addition, gelatin makes the hair stronger and healthier, and prevents the formation of static electricity.
Any gelatin mask should be applied to wet hair and keep at least 40 minutes, occasionally warming hairdryer. During cooking, the mask from the gelatin must continue for about 20 minutes, the gelatin is better "blossomed." Rinse off the mask to gelatin with warm water.
Very effective mask gelatin diluted in mineral water. To do this, take about 1 tablespoon of gelatin and dissolve it in 3 tablespoons of non-carbonated mineral water. Everything is stirred and heated in a water bath (but not boiling!), Cool and applied to the hair.
In this mask you can also add essential oils (such as almond or lavender).
Another mask recipe that will not only give your hair shine and glow, but also give a great amount. For its preparation you will need: 1 teaspoon gelatin, a teaspoon of mustard and a colorless henna and egg yolk. Gelatin is mixed with water to give a melt. Then mixed with the remaining ingredients and heated on a steam bath for all. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for about 1 hour.
To gelatin can add almost any ingredients - essential and vegetable oils, eggs, honey, fruit and vegetable juices or herbal teas. We get effective masks are not only shine, but to restore and nutrition of hair.
Masks for hair shine with egg
Egg mask capable of with regular use them to create miracles with your hair! Just after 10 treatments the hair is beautiful and shiny.
Cooking hair mask is best eggs at room temperature, so shortly before the preparation of the mask, remove the eggs from the refrigerator. Egg mask applied only on dry hair. The applied to wet hair mask will drain from his head. Rinse off the mask should warm water only; under the influence of hot water egg protein can fold and you risk a long wash of the hair flakes egg.
Adding to the various components of the egg can be cooked so many varieties of masks.
The easiest - beaten egg mixed with lemon juice. Hold for about 30 minutes. This mask will make an incredibly shiny blonde hair.
Red hair adds shine mask, made from whipped egg and carrot juice. A strong black coffee will make glossy and shiny black hair.
By the yolk can add a little honey and olive oil. Get not only a mask for the hair shine, but also a wonderful tool, nourishes the hair from root to tip. All of the above ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied on hair for 2 hours, wrapped head with a towel and cap. The effect of such masks otryasayuschy! Returns dull hair shine and luster egg mask with green tea.
To do this, take 1-3 egg white (depending on hair length) and from 1 to 3 tablespoons crushed into powder of green tea (finished powder can be bought in home cosmetics stores). Beat protein powder to form a uniform foam. Apply the mask on for 15-20 minutes, wrapped with polyethylene hair. Rinse with cool water.
The course of 10 such masks will make your hair shiny and thick to the touch. All masks, home-cooked, easily washed with regular shampoo. For even more shine to the hair can be rinsed with warm water and apple cider vinegar, lemon juice (for blondes), carrot juice (for redheads), and infusion of black tea or coffee (for brunettes).
We advise to check: Action gelatin hair
Mechanical means for hair styling
Chemical products for hair styling
Terms hair
Hair - it's one of the main components of feminine beauty. Beautiful hair is always the woman added confidence. The beauty of the hair depends on the lifestyle which we live, from a genetic predisposition, by caring for them. The whole arsenal of techniques and hair cosmetics can help us to change their color and structure. But the most effective and "high-speed" are all kinds of hair styling products.
Modern laying hair cosmetics not only can curl or straighten the hair, to give them sparkle and shine, but also protect your hair from the harmful effects of the environment from the cold and frost from the scorching sun. Moreover, using special devices for laying, special cosmetics can help protect your hair from drying and thermal effects. Styling can be divided into two main categories: mechanical or chemical.
Mechanical means for hair styling
This category can include a variety of instruments and electrical engineering, such as hair dryers, curling irons and tongs, hair irons, curlers and the like. When you create the desired styling not do without them. The more that modern instruments so improved, that does not harm your hair.
The most common device for drying and styling hair, which appeared in the early 20th century. Dryer has a home, each of us, it still maintains the position of the most popular device for hair styling, both at home and in professional salons. Dryers for home use are generally not highly power (400 to 1000 W), because they are not used every day. Usually such hair dryers have two power modes of the hot air and cold air mode. Bits for domestic hair dryers are not provided.
Industrial types of hair dryers, ie, dryers for hairdressers, intended to be used for a long time, if not a whole day. They are large in size and high capacity (from 1,200 to 1,900 watts), a high-quality implementation of the housing of the heat-resistant plastic that can sustain long-term effects of hot air. Also, professional hair dryers have different operating modes and different nozzles.
Nozzle Hub sends a jet of air strictly in a given direction, usually used for laying strands of hair on the comb. Nozzle diffuser makes the hair effect wet curls, increases the volume. Feng brush has the smallest capacity will help lay the strand directly during drying. Function secures the cold air laid hair, gives shine strands.
Straightening Irons
Curling designed for curling hair. They can give curls large or small curls and make spiral curls. Classic curling irons have a round rod with a flat element which presses the wound on a strand. There is also a curling spiral, conical, triangular. Double and triple effect give hair curling waves stacking technology such curling is different from the traditional styling curling.
Curling irons and hair got today widespread. With their help, you can quickly and easily straighten even the strongest curls curly hair. Iron is composed of two panels with a smooth surface, which is pressed strand of hair and straighten it by heat. This surface can be made of metal, ceramic, or emit steam at rectification. Some irons are equipped with the principle of comb teeth that comb lock on it before the rectifying element.
Ironing can also have different tips to make the hair curly effects. This can be an effect of the corrugation, small waves, and others. Irons also have different power and regulated temperature conditions. If you have curly hair by nature, it is difficult to straightening, should buy more powerful curling, straightening them. A thin and straight hair suit ironing, on which you can adjust the minimum temperature.
Curlers and termobigudi
Curler - this is probably the most ancient kind of styling. They were used for a wave of hair even our mothers and grandmothers. Each strand of wet hair wound on curlers and leave it for a long time. For a long wave of hair, for example, chemical, hair treated with a special compound, permanently anchoring effect.
Termobigudi - a kind of cylindrical rollers, which are heated in a special unit, after which they are wound strands of hair. The heat dries the hair fixing effect curls, and then curlers are removed. Using them requires special care not to contact with water, to keep the ends of the rollers are strictly not to burn yourself, do not touch the delivery when heated.
Chemical products for hair styling
Chemical means for laying our hair, primarily intended to fix the effect created by mechanical devices. They attach strands volume helps curl them or, conversely, to straighten. In addition, modern cosmetic hair styling products have thermal protection factor, to protect against frost or sun, nourish and moisturize your hair. A variety of them is growing every day, consider the most common.
Nail and Hair Spray
This means for the final stage of installation. When the hair is packed with a hair dryer or curling irons, their record remains varnish, which is sprayed evenly over the entire hair. It creates an invisible film that keeps your hair in the desired position and maintains the proper effect. This varnish can give the hair extra shine or contain sparkling microparticles. In addition, the varnish may contain dyes that can give your hair the desired shade.
Hairsprays contain substances that strengthen the hair, moisturize and nourish them, to protect from the weather, UV radiation, etc. Such substances are panthenol, glycerol, betaine, benzophenone, plant extracts. Varnishes varying degrees of fixation (weak, medium, strong), which depends on the number of polymeric substances in the varnish.
Special hair sprays can be used for different purposes: add volume, while termoukladke protect, nourish and moisturize the hair, giving an antistatic effect. Generally, sprays have smaller degrees of fixation than lacquers, and are used in the process of laying and not for its completion.
Foam and mousse for hair
These means are used during installation. They are applied for slightly dried, but still sufficiently wet hair, is distributed over the entire length and then attached to the hair the desired effect. Mousses and foams provide the additional volume, makes it possible to put the hair dryer as you need it. Some data minus styling is that they make heavier hair. During installation you should use the minimum number of agents and owners of fast zhirneyuschih hair do better to abandon it.
Wax and hair gel
Wax for laying short hair. With it you can give the effect of stacking separately allocated strands that will create a visual extra volume. The wax is made from natural ingredients, it contains fat and therefore nourishes the hair. For oily hair is not recommended to use a large amount of money, it is better to use it for dry, frizzy hair.
The gel is good fixes her hair, the hair dries. It gives the desired effect is short hair and keeps it for a very long time. And long hair gel can help with the laying of waves, curls and curls. Gels are well used to priglazhivaniya hair and fix them while weaving braids and putting some patterns in the hair. For oily hair gels used with water-based, light texture.
Lotion, tonic, emulsion
The lotion is used mainly when blow-dry on a round hairbrush and curlers. It provides hair nourishment, gives volume and strength, has no strong hold. Tonic - an easy means is applied to wet hair is thin, does not require rinsing. Gives additional volume and splendor when blow-dry. The emulsion has the effect of an air conditioner that does not require rinsing. It gives the pomp and volume, makes hair is not to be confused with the drying, scarcely has a degree of fixation.
Terms hair
So, now you know almost all the means of hair styling. But to fulfill the quality and styling without damage to the hair to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out the basic rules of hair.
The most important rule of good styling - it's completely washed hair. This is the basis for achieving the desired effect.
Before drying the hair dryer should be well wet and dry them with a towel. It is not recommended to dry overly wet hair, from which water flows.
If you style your hair every day, you should regularly use tool for thermal strands. It is applied to wet hair, distributed over the entire length, then hair dried hairdryer.
If you have long and thin hair, are overly confused after washing should acquire spray or emulsion to untangle the hair. It can also be applied to wet hair, you need to give it to soak and then dry hair and comb their comb.
Any means for laying, whether foam, mousse, gel or wax must be placed in a small volume. Do not go overboard with the amount of money, otherwise the hair may look like after installation even worse than before.
Hair styling should choose only one way. That is, if you've used during the drying mousse or foam, it is not necessary to complete the laying of fixing varnish or application of the gel.
The degree of fixation means for laying should not be chosen depending on the requirements of hair, and the type of your hair. If your hair is thin and straight and easy to fit, you'll like product with a low or medium degree of fixation, and vice versa.
In order not to dry up the hair, you should avoid using too much hot air dryer and keep it at a minimum distance of 30 cm from the hair.
Irons and curling irons should have a temperature regulator. The maximum temperature is set only if you have much curly hair, hard to style and straighten.
Any modern vehicle styling is intended to facilitate our efforts to look perfect and to achieve the desired effect. All of them will help us to attain our dreams hair that always, regardless of the type of presentation should look healthy and shiny.
We recommend that read: Technology hair in curlers