What is common to all the fabulous fairies and princesses? Of course, long, wavy hair. Such little girls dream, enthusiastically looked at the illustrations in children's books, they also dream about big girls browsing another fashion magazine. Just as the waves of hair lay on their own, because not every one of us can boast the ability to do extraordinary hairstyle without the help of the hairdresser?
You say that in theory, everything is clear: hot hair dryer, curling tongs, hair curlers - that's what you need for a stunning image of a seductive divas with flying in the wind wavy hair. Just do not should not forget that the constant exposure to thermal dryer or curling detrimental effect on the condition of hair and hair curlers (especially the "Velcro") mercilessly tear out his hair. In addition, these methods do require serious skills, well, hard to sleep in curlers - it is generally the test is not for the faint hearted (who tried it - will understand!). As a result, for many similar styling and remains nerealiozovavsheysya dream.
You'd be surprised, but there are ways of styling the waves, which do not require a professional stylist's hands and do not spoil your hair. On some you knew a long time ago, but may well have forgotten tempted to buy a pair ploek, hair dryer and an impressive set of combs. However, styling the waves can be easily and quickly without all these new-fangled tricks. So, let the magic.
Curling on the fingers
It's surprisingly simple and easy by stacking. No heat treatment - only your own fingers, mousse, hair clips and hairspray. All very simple: take a small section, put on her foam finger and twists. Then carefully remove the resulting ring is fixed to the head and a convenient clasp. We perform the same operation with the other strands, wait until the skin is dry, release the hair from the pins. Voila, a hairstyle is ready! It remains only to sprinkle our waves with hairspray and you can go for a walk in order to impress friends and acquaintances stunning fashion.
The larger strands, the worse they curl, but it will benefit those who are dreaming of natural, wavy curls. The only disadvantage of this method - the need to wait for dry skin - it will take at least half an hour of your time. Therefore, if you are incredible and Sonia embark on an hour ahead of you do not have neither the strength nor the desire, then pay attention to the following method.
A bunch of hair
This is another simple and interesting styling that will help you find your dream hair style - luxurious, wavy tresses. All you need to do - to create a bundle of hair on top, and then dissolve it and fix the wave varnish. So, this installation procedure is as follows: first wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, towel dry gently, comb and apply gentle comb hair foam or hair gel.
Then you can begin to create the beam itself: tighten the hair as high as possible, fix the resulting beam of ordinary scrunchy. If you have enough time, you may well be able to be like in this form at home five or six hours, waiting until the hair is dry. If such expectation - too great a luxury for you, we recommend repeating this at night (do not forget to throw in the hair mesh for hair to the beam is not broken up).
In the morning shoot forth beam and gently separate the strands of his hands. For maximum effect, apply to the division in the palm of a little styling, and then sprinkle the finished hair lacquer. As a result, you get a gorgeous hairstyle, not used in this single agent, threatening the health of your hair.
I'm sure many of us in childhood is not just experimenting with the method of installation. What else could I do? Mama's hair curlers and curling under the ban, and show off in front of their classmates loose wavy hair like oh how! That's braided pigtails before going to bed, to dissolve them in the morning and go to school under the envious glances girlfriends. This installation has been and remains a true supporter of all teenage girls who want to be beautiful and attractive.
Why not repeat this experience at a time when concern about the state of the hair more than the love of all kinds of thermal styling techniques? Especially because it is quite easy to do:
Wash your head, slightly dry hair and carefully comb them, starting from the tips, moving slowly to the roots. So you not only leave the nodules on the hair, but not a single hair vyderite.
Apply on hair styling products: it may be a gel, mousse or foam - something that suits your hair type most.
Braid tight braid. If you want to get big waves, it is enough to single braid if dreaming of a small and frequent - several braid braids. Generally, the more braids on your head, the more lush and fluffy hairstyle will. Feel free to experiment, the benefit options weaving weight: it is the usual spit and French, and two pigtails through the parted - can continue for a long time. To the ends of the finished laying looked carefully, they can be curled, too - either on small rollers, a wound on the finger and secure with a clip.
Untwist the morning of his creation. If the styling has turned too fluffy, just smooth it with wet hands. Then do not forget sprinkle lacquer at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters from the hair.
Laying the waves with the help of the sock
If you are the owner of thick, long hair, then you'll love the next blow. Its main advantage is that it takes a minimum of your time: just five or six minutes before bedtime and in the morning you - happy owner of a luxurious Hollywood hairstyles.
To start pick up the right toe - it should be soft, knitted. Ruthlessly cut off the tip of his finger in and slowly curl up into a kind of elastic bands for hair. Then do the tail on the top - try to fix its normal barrette or elastic as possible. The tail should be lightly sprinkled with plain water and then begins the most important thing: twisting strands to toe.
This is done as follows: lift up and putting a tail to the tip twisted sock. The hair is pulled into the hole and start welling hair to toe, evenly distributing them to its diameter. We are moving lower and lower, until the hands touch the head. What have we got? Classy beam, not twisted wiring, as in the first embodiment, stacking, and wound on a sock totally awesome way!
What to say, with such a beautiful beam is not a sin and come out on the street, but right now we have with you a completely different task. We just go to bed, throwing on the hair net, so as not to destroy the hair. The next morning carefully untwist beam and dissolve hair. We assure you that the resulting hairstyle looks as if you spent half a day in the chair of a professional stylist! Finally do not forget to neatly divide the strands fingers and sprinkle the finished styling hair lacquer.
As you can see, the beautiful, styled hair - it's not as difficult as you thought. You just need to give yourself the favorite modicum of attention and benefit from our advice. And then, your laying waves envy any fairy fairy or princess. Be beautiful and happy!
We recommend that read: Home styling
Wash hair dye using yogurt
Wash hair dye using soda
Wash the paint with a hair with mayonnaise
Paint remover with hair using lemon
Wash the paint with a hair with oil
Wash the paint with a hair with honey
Wash the paint with the help of a decoction of chamomile flowers
Wash the paint with the help of soap
That's really something which, as shades of hair dyes are now the thousand! You want a blonde gets, you want - a brunette, and if no candidate can - please, create multicolor. And it must have considerable willpower to resist the temptation to regularly change their image, again and again, repainting the hair. And of course, none of us is immune from failure to receive is not the same color of hair, which had been counted. Few of hairdressers in a beauty salon will give you an absolute guarantee that the color of your hair after dyeing a hair's breadth repeat shade, painted on the box. And right even if, instead of burning brunette you will be just a couple of shades lighter, because there are situations worse! Imagine that, having decided to be painted in red color, you leave the salon with hair bright pink or purple. What to do then?
Of course, do not shave nalyso (although, as a rule, is the first thought that comes to mind). Do not worry, your situation may well be correct: an unfortunate stain can be washed away in the salon and at home. And if you want to do everything quietly at home, you need the most ordinary foods stored in the refrigerator each. Do not believe it, but remove paint from the hair kefir is as simple as drawing and erase the pencil eraser! I do not like yogurt? Also not a problem, because it is useful to wash the honey, mayonnaise, butter and a lot of other delicious products. So stop rubbing the face angry tears and rush to the fridge to with the help of simple products to wash his head this outrage.
Wash hair dye using yogurt
We all know that yogurt is good for health. It perfectly affects the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes intestinal microflora, enhances immunity and generally strengthens the body perfectly. But the fact that it is useful for healthy hair, many of us, alas, forgotten. Substances contained in yogurt, are invaluable for hair conditions (especially for painted, especially for damaged). So the idea to wash off the paint with a hair in the usual yogurt, if not brilliant, it is quite reasonable, that's for sure.
So how does the process of washing with this remarkable fermented milk product? There are a few recipes of masks from yogurt to help you return the old hair color. It remains only to choose the one that suits you best.
If you have oily hair type, try the following mixture: one glass of yogurt, add forty grams of pink clay. Mix the ingredients, put on hair for twenty minutes, rinse. If your normal or dry hair, the use of clay instead of forty grams of yeast, and a mask for a minimum of two hours.
This method of washing is more aggressive. One hundred grams of kefir needs two chicken eggs, juice of one lemon mid-size, four tablespoons of vodka and a teaspoon of shampoo for your hair type with high pH levels. Beat the mixture well, to the hair, hide cellophane cap and leave for eight hours (the best way to do this a wash at night).
Effectively washes the paint from the hair following screen: two hundred grams of yogurt requires one chicken egg yolk and two tablespoons of castor oil. All mix, apply on hair and hide a warm cloth and leave for two hours.
Makes the procedure necessary to wash once a day for a week. By the end of the term of your hair will become a shade close to what was before staining. Moreover, thanks to a useful natural substances contained in masks to wash the paint, the structure of your hair will be restored, and the curls will shine and shine as after visiting the spa in a luxury beauty salon.
Wash hair dye using soda
Soda (or sodium hydrogen carbonate), known since time immemorial. The ancient Egyptians used it as a tool for economic needs, and to restore the beauty. Our mothers and grandmothers who lived in the Soviet past, do not always have access to high-quality cosmetics, so often used in baking soda to beauty and health. Everyone knows that soda can clean up any contamination, so why not use it to wash off the stain with a failure of their hair?
Mix baking soda and your favorite shampoo in equal proportions, apply the mixture on the hair. After five to ten minutes, wash your hair, applying the balm-conditioner to the hair in order to avoid violations of the structure of the hair.
Another way: in a glass of water dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda with a slide. The resulting mixture was put on hair and keep about fifteen minutes, then rinse.
Mix three to four tablespoons of baking soda, a glass of water and juice of half a lemon. Apply the mixture on your hair, wrap head with a plastic cap and a thick cloth. After fifteen minutes, wash your hair. For best results, it is recommended as long as possible hold the hair with running water (at least a quarter of an hour).
Deciding to remove paint from the hair soda, do not forget that this method is five times stronger than the usual washing, proposed in a hair salon. This means that your hair will become very dry and they need help in using moisturizing creams and masks. For owners of dry, thin and prone to hair breakage is better to choose another method of washing (try to do it by natural means). But for those women who have sebaceous glands on the head too much work intensively soda remover - is a godsend!
Wash the paint with a hair with mayonnaise
None of the sauce in the world does not cause such violent disputes as mayonnaise. Someone without it can not live, and someone finds it almost poison for the body. Nevertheless, mayonnaise regale virtually every home. According to one joke on Mars we found no mayonnaise - so life is not there. That's just more and more young (and not so) girls begin to abandon this product because of its fat and calorie content. So goodbye to quite this delicious product, if not for one fact: mayonnaise perfectly washes the paint from the hair!
Two hundred grams of mayonnaise mixed with three tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.). Apply the mixture on the hair, spreading over the entire length. Wear plastic cap, wrap a towel and keep three hours. Wash off with shampoo and apply on hair balm hair.
Mayonnaise, yogurt and sour mix in equal proportions, to the hair and keep a half hour. After rinse with shampoo and balm. For this recipe, the product mixture should be warm, so do not hesitate to heat it in the microwave a bit (try not to curdle).
Do not forget that the fatter your mask ingredients, the faster wash off the paint from the hair, so use a high-calorie mayonnaise. Although in any case, to return the old color of a single procedure is unlikely to succeed. And even if your new hair color is so ugly that you are ready to wash a head around the clock, remember to use a wash more than twice a day is not recommended!
Paint remover with hair using lemon
Another element, which is afraid of hair dye - citric acid. Did you know that at social events are not usually served to the table blueberries, as it stains the teeth and tongue? And if and fed, but only in conjunction with a lemon, because it perfectly cleans traces of acid from the berries. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is used to wash the lemon failed staining hair.
By the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to add one hundred grams of yogurt, three teaspoons of brandy, one egg and one tablespoon of shampoo. All the ingredients are mixed, applied to the hair and keep not less than three hours. After rinse with shampoo and rinse balsam-conditioner.
This mask is great wash paint after coloring shampoo. Mix the juice of half a lemon, three teaspoons of vodka and two tablespoons of oil (castor or burdock). The mixture was put on hair and keep a half hour. After the wash, as usual, shampoo and conditioner.
Mix the fresh juice of one lemon, two teaspoons of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and the pulp of one grated apple (preferably green). The ingredients are mixed, applied to the head and stand on his head for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo, rinse, air-conditioned.
It can be used instead of lemon and lemon essential oil. Result wash only benefit from this. But do not forget that the acid in large quantities - is enormous damage to the structure of your hair. In no case did not go to bed with a mask, which includes lemon, otherwise you will just burn your hair.
Wash the paint with a hair with oil
No less well in the paint remover with proven hair oils. It does not matter what kind of oil you choose: sunflower, olive, flaxseed and canola - in any of them have substance, cleaving pigments and pull them to the surface of the hair. Burdock oil, by the way, is also a vegetable, although not used in cooking (it is sold only in pharmacies). But we all know that what benefits it brings to our hair.
Mix equal proportions of any vegetable oil and brandy. Depending on the degree of staining applied to the hair for a period of two to four hours. Then wash off with shampoo, rinsed balm.
Burdock oil is heated to body temperature, uniformly distributed over the entire length of the hair and rub into the roots of massage. We put on the head of a cellophane cap, towel and hold for at least six hours (in this case, you can go to sleep with a mask). Wash off with shampoo (do not use air conditioning).
Mix four tablespoons of olive, burdock, almond and linseed oil, add four tablespoons of beer. Apply to the hair and keep, you guessed it, four hours. Wash off as usual.
The only contraindication for the use of a mask with the oil can serve as increased oiliness of your hair. Owners of dry and normal - welcome such remover well nourishes and moisturizes the hair, preventing breakage and section.
Wash the paint with a hair with honey
That honey - is a remedy, the fact long ago a well-known and needs no proof. For example, in our country honey is used to train astronauts: it improves health and increases stamina. But the fact that honey is applied on wet hair is able to secrete acid, know not all. This is akin to acid hydrogen peroxide, allowing the rinse from the hair coloring failure.
First you need to wash your hair with a mixture of shampoo with one teaspoon of sea salt. Wet hair with a towel, apply honey. Harboring head polyethylene or dense tissue can not be allowed a light calico kerchief. Keep honey mask should be not less than ten hours. After a wash as usual.
Masks with honey has a bleaching effect, and they give hair a smooth, natural shade. Before you apply this recipe, make sure you are not allergic to honey.
Wash the paint with the help of a decoction of chamomile flowers
Our native Russian chamomile, or as it was called in the old days, "chamomile" (yellowish center and indeed resembles the navel), has always been loved by domestic cosmeticians. Where not only this broth was added remarkable flower: in cream and soap, and shampoo, a lipstick, and toothpaste.
Fifty grams of chamomile, two hundred and fifty grams of rhubarb and two teaspoons of green tea to brew boiling water. Brew for about an hour, then wash hair infusion received, blot with a towel and wrap the head with a thick cloth. Thirty minutes later, wash and dry the hair.
Two tablespoons of chamomile in boiling water brew-ounce glass. Ten minutes later pour the infusion in a bowl and add enough water to be able to wash your hair. Put the hair into the water for a few minutes, then simply leave to dry.
One hundred grams of chamomile flowers brew boiling water (three hundred milliliters), leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion and add fifty milliliters tridtsatiprotsentnoy hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture on your hair, starting at the front strands. Cover your head with plastic wrap and keep thirty minutes. After rinse with regular shampoo, rinse, air conditioning balm.
A decoction of dried chamomile flowers brightens even undyed hair and wash was carried out at five to six treatments. Chamomile is rich in nutrients, so the hair after it becomes smooth, shiny and elastic.
Wash the paint with the help of soap
Normal soap - it is a real secret weapon, which our countrymen are not the first century. No matter how wrinkled their noses at the sight of modern fashionista good piece of "flavored" soap and supporters of hygiene much more than opponents.
The fact that with the help of soap can be cleaned even oil, known to many. But did you know that with the help of soap still treat some gynecological diseases? That it is an antiviral agent used in the intimate sphere to the prevention of certain diseases? What many people use soap to get rid of acne and as a remedy for hair loss? And this is not an exhaustive list of "track record" of this wonderful soap.
So there is nothing surprising in the fact that for washing the paint from the hair using our favorite soap. Alkali, part of the soap, copes with the coloring pigments, helping to restore the color of hair that was before staining.
So the soap to lather his head slightly and keep the blowing five minutes, wash off with water. If you are so afraid of the smell, at the end of the procedure you can wash your hair with fragrant shampoo. Since alkaline environment harms the structure of the hair, be sure to rinse your hair with acidified water - use for this purpose vinegar or lemon.
Do not forget that it is unlikely that you will return the old hair color after the first wash. Most often it takes at least five to six treatments to undesirable color finally came down from your hair. Of course, it is much slower than in the beauty salon - there remover objectionable color in just a minute. But you'll be completely satisfied with the condition of their hair: remover folk remedies does not reserve any burnt strands nor terrible jaundice color. After daily masks made from natural, nutritious ingredients, your hair will shine and shine with health.
We recommend that read: Discoloration of hair folk remedies