Women - fickle creatures. Today, we like one, tomorrow - another. And when it comes to our appearance - there is simply no limit to perfection. And if, for example, to change the shape of the nose or leg length is problematic, then the color of the hair, everything is much easier. That's where the scope for experimentation!
Recent studies have shown that about 65% of Russian women dye their hair permanently. And 72% of them do it at home. While the number of proposals that exist today, it seems that choose the right paint is not difficult. But this is only at first glance.
In fact, the risk is great enough to be mistaken. But such mistakes can be very expensive - both financially and morally. That is why so often in real life and on the internet - forums - heard a cry for help: "Recommend a good hair dye! ". How not to be mistaken with the choice, and what colors are considered the best? Let's deal.
Determine color
This is perhaps the first thing that needs to be done. Quite often it happens that you liked some shade, peeped at the girlfriend, friend, the famous singer, etc. But whether it will suit you? How is it determined? There are several ways. For example, you can focus on your tsvetotip. You know, what is it?
Conventionally, all people can be divided into teplokozhih and holodnokozhih. Owners of dark or golden skin, freckles and brown eyes, usually referred to as "warm" type. They fit gold, copper and other soft shades of hair. But the pale skin and gray or blue eyes usually indicate belonging to holodnokozhim. Representatives of this type should pay attention to the cold shades of brownish or ash.
There is a more accurate classification. According to her there are four types of appearance - Spring, Summer and Autumn Winter.
Woman Spring
It is warm and low-contrast tsvetotip. It has a green, blue or blue eyes. Her golden skin and natural hair color - from light brown to light-brown-haired. What colors suit the spring? She should choose dark red, honey, golden tones and warm shades of chocolate.
Woman Summer
The next version - female Summer. It is also a low-contrast, but cold tsvetotip. The "summer" Women light - gray or blue - eyes, and the skin has a cool bluish or pinkish hue. Natural hair color - from the lightest to the brown-haired. To paint is recommended to use cold tones. For example, you can become ash or platinum blonde.
Woman Fall
It is a warm contrast tsvetotip. It is something similar to the spring, but the "autumn" women are much brighter by nature. Eyes can be both dark and light. Natural hair color - from brown-haired brunet up. The skin has a golden hue. What tones enhance the beauty of women in the fall? She should choose rich hair color - suit warm shades of chocolate, chestnut, copper and gold tones, and even black. But to become a blonde, it should not.
The last group - Winter. This contrasting cold and tsvetotip. The eyes may be both light and dark, but there is always the contrast between the iris and the whites of the eyes are very pronounced. Natural hair - from brown-haired brunette before. The skin has a cool shade. Such women will approach ashy tone. For example, dark-brown. They can afford to be a burning brunette. But turn into blondes, and generally use warm colors they are not recommended.
We deal with its tsvetotip? If not, do not worry. There are other ways to choose a new hair color. For example, some manufacturers - in particular, Garnier - offer take advantage of special programs that will help you choose the color online. You just upload your photo and "try on" different options. The result is, of course, approximate. But it is possible to navigate.
Also interesting, and development of the company Schwarzkopf. However, at the moment it can only take advantage of living in metropolises. The company has released a special touch "monitor Beauty" and has already been installed in several large stores of cosmetics. You just have to enter their data into the computer - the color of skin, hair, the percentage of gray hair - and the desired hair color. Smart car will tell you what colors you should try.
If you do not fit it all - there is quite a simple way. Go to the store, which sells wigs and remeasure all existing options there. This will give you a complete picture of what you are "waiting in the future" and what color you should try. And, perhaps, the latter method - tint paint. Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to brunettes - the darker the hair the result is simply invisible. But for the owners of blond hair - it is a very good option.
Mousses, gels, foams and coloring shampoos help to get an idea of how you fit one or another color. But not like - just wash the head several times - and as though nothing had happened. By the way, talking about the coloring shampoos brought us to the next stage of the selection of hair dye. And you know what, in general, they are - these colors? Let's deal.
Types of hair dyes
To understand what hair color is best for you, so you must decide what effect you want. All funds for chemical hair dye can be divided into three types:
Colouring agents
Semiproof paint
Permanent tint
A resistant paint also are divided into permanent and semipermanent. The difference is that the latter does not contain ammonia. Let's talk about each detail.
Permanent ink
These basic components - ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide "washes away" from the natural pigment of hair and helps ammonia artificial dyes to penetrate deep into hair shaft. It is this permanent ink can radically change hair color and paint the gray hair perfectly. This is definitely a good thing. But there is a huge minus.
Permanent ink is applied to the greatest harm to the hair. Ammonia much damage hair cuticle and peroxide desiccate it. Together with natural pigment washed and nutrients and fats. But they give the hair soft and silky. Therefore, if too often use permanent paint, then after a short time, instead of flowing and shiny locks you can find on his head something vaguely resembling a washcloth.
In order to minimize the damage, in the composition of these inks typically include special conditioning additives. They smooth the damaged cuticle scales. Considered the safest color cream professional lines. They are less toxic and contains a lower percentage of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, in their composition does not include lead, which leads to a better result of staining.
Semi-permanent dyes
This is - a more gentle option. They include no hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used in place of ammonium salts. Hair color is slightly less stable. There is one caveat - lighten your hair without peroxide just did not happen. You only get your tone or become darker. Therefore, by the way, it is a painting called toning. Semi-permanent color is also successfully cope with the gray hair, provided that it is not more than 50%.
Semiproof paint
Unfortunately, using them will not be able to color gray hair, or to radically change hair color. All that is possible - is to give the brightness of the own shade. Such paints are uniformly washed away during each wash head. But there is definitely a plus. Due to the absence in their composition of hydrogen peroxide and small - no more than 3% - the content of ammonia, they practically do not damage hair. After all, the natural pigment is removed and the paint itself does not penetrate the hair shaft - painted only the outer part of the hair. Therefore semiproof paints can be used safely without fear of harm my hair.
Colouring agents
Usually they are washed away without a trace after three - eight times. Dyes do not penetrate the hair and only dye it on. Tint means impossible to lighten the hair. Yes, and in the struggle with gray hair - they are not assistants. Make the tone of the hair more saturated or dark - that's all that they can.
Natural dyes
If you want to dye your hair, do not harm them, perhaps it makes sense to pay attention to the natural dyes. Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used basmoj and henna. Why do not we follow their example? Henna is made from plants of the alkane, or rather of its leaves. It gives the hair red and reddish shades. Basma made from indigo. It dyes the hair dark in color. Mixing natural dyes in different proportions, you can get a wide range of colors - from bright light brown to black.
Henna and basma hypoallergenic. They envelop the hair from the top, not washing out pigment and as a result, do not hurt him. Moreover - most experts believe that these dyes are very useful for hair as they contain essential oils and tannins. However, there are also disadvantages. Where do without them? For example, the hair, dyed with henna, you can not recolor.
Most likely, these attempts will lead to the fact that the vegetation will become the color of young grass. It is unlikely that you want such an outcome, right? So we have to wait until they grow back completely. In addition, flushing, these paints can give your mane undesirable reddish or reddish hue. What else should I look for when buying hair dye?
A few tips for choosing paint
When you first decided on painting, then, to begin with, it is better to give preference to vehicles or semiproof tint colors. In case of failure, you have every chance to return more quickly to its original form.
If fundamental changes appearance not included in your plans, you should pay attention to the color cream, which are no more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural color.
Dark has one very dangerous feature - add visually years. Therefore, age is recommended to give preference to lighter shades. However, the main thing - do not overdo it. Too bright shades can play with you bad joke - the complexion will look unhealthy.
Gray hair has a rough texture, so paint them can be difficult. If they are not very much - less than 1/3 - you can try to do semi-permanent dyes. If more - choose resistant paint. When choosing colors to paint the gray hair, prefer the one-on-one or two shades lighter than your natural hair color. Try to avoid red shades.
If your natural color - brown or light brown, you will not do copper, auburn and light brown shades.
When choosing paint, always guided by the presented palette, rather than the color of the girl's hair, painted on the package. Usually, this image conveys hue very inaccurate.
If the length of your hair more than 20 cm, one tube of paint you will not be enough. Better buy two packages at once.
Right care
No matter how good the color you selected, so that the results are satisfied in the process of staining is necessary to follow some rules:
before painting, make sure that the hair is left fixing means: gels, foams, mousses;
do not wash your hair for at least a day before the clarification;
when applied using a special brush or sponge;
apply colorant to be starting from the roots;
after application must wear a plastic cap, and then shook his head with a towel;
if you chose the paint color "eggplant" or "Copper", wash it a little earlier than indicated on the package.
That color is not washed and longer remained the same, the hair must be carefully care:
Use special shampoos and conditioners designed to care for colored hair. Very well, if they are the same company that the paint itself.
Masks with natural oils can change your new hair color. So try to choose other means of care. In general, try not to overload the hair unnecessary procedures - once a week would be sufficient.
Do not spend too much time in the sun.
Do not wash your hair with chlorinated water - it can also help to wash away the artificial pigment.
Some statistics
And finally - a little statistics. Not long ago, a survey was conducted among Russians. It was attended by 700 women of different ages. All of them were asked about what kind of hair dye is the best. According to the survey, the honorary ranks first paint by Garnier - she enjoyed 20 per cent of respondents. In second place - L'Oreal. She expressed a preference for 17 percent of the fair sex.
Third place - Schwarzkoupf & Henkel. They have about 14 percent of the fans. 9 percent of Russians prefer to paint Londa - her fourth. A fifth place was shared by just three firms - Wella, C: EHKO and Estel - each gained five percent. As you can see, to determine which hair color suits you, not so difficult.
The main thing, as in life, be clear about what you want. After all, the best hair color - is the one that suits you perfectly. Do not be afraid of change, and all the necessary will develop as it should be!