whey for hair

"Drink, kids, milk - be healthy" - the words of this song many remember from childhood. The benefits of milk has already been said and written a lot. But dairy products are useful, not only to eat inside. There are other ways to use it. Take, for instance, whey. That's really, really - "elixir of beauty." On its medicinal properties known by the ancient Greeks. For example, Gippokrat used this product in the treatment of many diseases. Today, whey is used not only as a medical drug. It is used for diet, and as a very effective cosmetic. All this - thanks to the unique composition of the product.

The serum 200 includes biologically active substances. That it not only - vitamins E, C, A and B, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, digestible proteins, lactose, nicotinic acid, and many other useful minerals. With this product, you can improve the immune system, get rid of depression and cellulite, lose weight and cleanse the body, to prepare a variety of facials and baths for the nails. And, of course, very helpful whey hair. By the way, it often is used in the manufacture of professional shampoos and balms.

Why does hair become weak, dull and slow growth? Normally, the reason that the body can not ensure the scalp a sufficient amount of nutrients. As a result, hair follicles just "fall asleep." That was then, and come to the aid of serum. Substances in its composition, increases metabolism and provides additional power. As a result, hair becomes stronger, shinier, stopped falling and begin to grow faster.

Whey - do yourself

What is this whey and where to get it? If you have ever made cottage cheese, this product you definitely know. Serum - is a liquid which remains after heating the milk. And cook it, as you already understood, it is possible in the home. Moreover, in several ways.

  • Method one

Take the required amount of milk, pour into a bowl and let it sit for a while in a warm place. Wait until it starts to turn sour, and curl. Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the milk boils, turn off the stove and let it cool. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Serum is ready. And the remaining curd can be used on your own - it's very tasty and healthy.

  • Method two

For him, in addition to milk, you need lemon or vinegar. Put the milk on the stove, and as soon as it starts to boil, add a little vinegar or lemon juice. Collect the resulting curds with a spoon, and the serum was carefully strain. All is ready. By the way, for cosmetic purposes should be used only freshly prepared "elixir". It is not necessary to do it "in reserve". Especially that cooking does not take much time. If you use the second method, you get this product will be just 15 minutes. However, if you do not want to do their own serum, you can already buy it ready-made. As a rule, it is sold in grocery stores. Just make sure that it does not contain fruit additives. They are good and helpful if you plan to drink the serum, but the need for cosmetic purposes "clean product".

 whey for hair

"Home" means for hair care

How to properly use the serum? Ways lot. For example, you can make her shampoo. To this end, in addition to serum, you will need a decoction of burdock root. He is also very simple.

Take a large spoonful of dry and chopped burdock root - you can buy at the pharmacy. Add 500 ml of boiling water, put on the stove and cook for 10 minutes on low heat. Cool. The broth is ready. Mix with serum in a ratio of 1: 1. You can wash your hair. Rinse the part you need warm water, adding a little lemon juice. This shampoo is recommended for use twice a week, instead of your usual. Very soon you will notice that your hair was silky and smooth.

It is also very effective and popular variety of hair mask, prepared on the basis of dairy whey. They are easy to prepare at home.

  • For example, a mask of white clay

Mix clay serum in equal proportions. Add two or three small spoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture on your hair. Keep the recommended 20-25 minutes.

  • Another useful tool for nourishing and strengthening hair - Mask "Hercules"

Take one glass serum and heat it to 50 degrees. Add the oatmeal and stir carefully - should get a thick paste. Carefully apply it to the hair roots, then spread over the entire length. Put on a shower cap cellophane and tie up on top of a warm scarf. You can wash off after half an hour.

  • Mask "Rye"

This facility is considered one of the most effective. To prepare the mask, you will need:

  • Rye bread
  • milk serum
  • colorless henna
  • Burr oil

Take a few - five or six - pieces of rye bread and cut the crust. Put in a bowl and pour the warmed slightly serum. It will be enough to take 0, 5 liters. Leave in a warm place for about four hours. Strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Add two large spoons colorless henna and one - burdock oil. Mix and apply on hair. Further, as usual - polyethylene and a warm scarf. About an hour you can go about their business. Rinse have a shampoo.

  • Simplified recipe the same mask

It is suitable if you did not have at hand all the necessary ingredients, or no opportunity to wait four o'clock .  "Works" is also very effective .  Apply it is recommended to clean damp hair .  Wash your hair as usual, and Wrap on the head "turban" from towels .  While hair dry up, pour bread serum .  Wait until it is fully saturated - it takes 10-15 minutes .  Then knead with his hands in such a way as to obtain a slurry .  Apply it first to the hair roots, then spread over the entire length .  Put on the head with a shower cap or plastic bag .  Wrap a dry towel and walk as 40-50 minutes .  Washed off the mask with warm water .  True, have to work hard - especially if you have long hair .  Wash off with breadcrumb not easy .  But the result is worth it! If you make such a mask on a regular basis, then very soon you will notice that the hair began to obey, shiny and lush .

  • Mask for owners of blond hair

Prepare a decoction of chamomile. To do this, take four large spoons of chamomile pharmacy - it's sold at any pharmacy - and add a glass of water. Put on the stove, bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes. Then cool and strain. Mix it with a small amount of whey. Add two or three drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply to hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Regular use of this composition makes the hair strong and shiny.

That such "miraculous powers" has this seemingly very simple product - whey. And most importantly, to experience the beneficial properties it does not require any additional financial costs, nor tiresome salon procedures. Total and the need - to buy a carton of milk. Everything is very simple. And your hair will be very grateful. Try?

 Whey hair - simple solution

We recommend that read: Serum for hair growth

 how to give volume to the hair

Remember the movie by Eldar Ryazanov, "Office Romance"? As the main character said: "Statistics - a science, it does not tolerate about". Lyudmila Prokofievna certainly right. So what statistics tell us? She claims that 90% of the total female population of the world are not happy with their hair. More precisely, their volume. The scale is impressive. Well, we do not like that presented to the nature! Admit it, you find yourself in this unfortunate interest? If yes - let's understand how to give volume to the hair. Hairdressers and stylists offer several solutions - the choice is yours. We move from the "simple to the complex."

Means for hair volume

Probably the very first thing you should do - is to choose the "right" means for hair care. That is, those that are designed specifically to solve this problem. To do this, you must purchase scrutinize the label. Found on it the inscription «Volume» - the volume? So this is what you need. To recommend any specific brands or manufacturers simply do not make sense - this is very individual.

What is ideal for one person may be absolutely contraindicated another. Even if they have the same hair type. Here we are all different! Ideally, if you have "your" Master, to whom you walk long enough. Nobody knows the characteristics of your hair better than him. Just listen to his advice. If such a "wizard" next to no need to use the method of "trial and error".

All the tools to help give your hair volume can be divided into two groups. The first - a shampoo, which include silicone. This "miracle substance" gently envelops each hair from the roots to the ends, creating a film on it and making it thicker. As a result, hair becomes not only the volume, but also silky and shiny. Problem one - "magic" is a very short-term. Just one day.

The second group - a professional shampoos. They contain the "building material" for the hair - the proteins and keratin. Price is usually higher. This is understandable - they do not add any cheap substance-by-night, you always get the instant effect. A high quality and truly "working" drugs are not cheap. But due to its composition, this shampoo strengthens your hair over the entire length. To enhance the effect is recommended to apply balm-conditioner or air conditioner of the same line. Apply them to be from the middle of the hair, gradually spreading to the tips.

To add volume also fit special mousses and foams. They are applied directly before laying on a slightly damp hair. Dry the hair dryer, lifting them from the roots. This can be done simply with your fingers, and you can use the round brush. Another option - tilt your head forward, and dry them, brushing against the hair growth. When the hair will fall into the usual position, their roots will be slightly raised. Fix the result varnish easy fixing.

 how to give hair volume

How to make the volume of long hair

Much more difficult is the case with long hair - because they are longer than the thinner sound - right "law of meanness," some ... How to make the volume of long hair? Here there are a few tricks. Perhaps the oldest, but has not lost its relevance way - is fleece. Abuse it is not recommended - you can mess up your hair. But if it does not do very often - no harm. The main thing - to choose the right nail or other fixing means not to get the effect of "a wooden head." It is unlikely that you will like it.

Another original way to visually enlarge the volume of hair probably suit you, if you "look at 100" should be in the morning. In the evening, head wash, towel dry gently and apply to, still wet, the roots of the means for fixing. Gently gather the hair into "ponytail" - and, it must be done right at the top. And go to bed. When in the morning you shall shoot forth your hair, you will see that they look very lush. This is understandable - the night the roots dry in this position.

Another interesting method. Do you have a ripple-ironing? They can also help provide the necessary volume. Divide the hair into two parts - upper and lower. Those at the top, gather in a ponytail. Lower - split into strands. Deal with their roots irons. Dissolve the hair, you will see that the waves left over from curling, lift the top hair. At the same time, about this trick no one but you never know - something top hair straight.

And of course, do not forget the "people's" recipes. They can also help out in difficult times. To implement the conceived you need spoonful of gelatin. Fill it with boiled water at room temperature - just do not take too much! - And leave to swell. After half an hour the mixture was set in a water bath and stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Pour a spoonful of his usual shampoo. Apply this on the roots of the hair, cover your head with polyethylene and walk 30-35 minutes or so. Rinse with water and blow dry, his head bowed down.

 how to give volume to the hair at the roots

Radical measures

As you can see, the question of how to give volume to thin hair, there are many answers. Surely some of these methods are right for you. If not - it's time to move on to more radical methods. For example, visually make the hair more dense weave helps. Making it possible for any hair, regardless of their type and color. However, technology brunettes and blondes is better to choose different. Blondes recommended highlights of the French technology "mazhimesh." Hair dyed with special paint on a cream base, which does not contain perhydrol. As a result, you get a golden glare, playing in her hair.

Brunettes much more American approach highlights. To use it, as a rule, from two to four shades of the same color. The more colors - the result is spectacular. Principle and in fact, and in another embodiment, one - by the use of different tones appear "depth" and the hair appear more dense and lush.

Another option - the right choice of hairstyle. Here, of course, can help only professionals. An experienced stylist, based on the structure of your hair and oval face, select a hairstyle that visually give volume to your hair. It is best suited for this "step" haircuts. For example, for long and medium hair suit different types of "cascade". For short - asymmetrical, "ripped" versions. Just trust the master.

Another good option for those who want to learn how to give volume to thin hair - extensions. However, on very short hair to make it fail. It is necessary that the length was at least five centimeters. Strands will pick up so that the structure, color and length are most consistent with your own. They fix on your hair at a distance of one centimeter from the roots, using special capsules. Capsules - thin and flat. You almost will not feel them. And of course, they will not be visible from the side!

Modern technology makes attaching strands of very durable - hair extensions can be washed, curled, stack, and even paint, as well as your natural. In order to give your hair fluffiness need 100-150 strands. However, this procedure is quite tedious - it will take three or four hours. But about six months you will be able to forget about what had been unhappy with her hair. If you like the result, the procedure can be repeated as soon as you remove the "old" strand.

As you can see, there are no hopeless situations. Even if the nature of the "greedy" and decided to save it on your head of hair - that is no reason for despondency. Beauty, is not standing still, and the task on the topic: "How to give volume to thin hair" has several solutions - just like in school. Today, each woman - of course, if just a little try - may look like she wants. You know what to say brilliant Coco Chanel? She stated that: "If a woman is not beautiful - she's just stupid." Roughly speaking, of course ... rude - but fair.

 How to give volume to the hair - luxuriant locks effortlessly

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