Lamination of hair


  • History of invention
  • The essence of lamination hair
  • How do laminating hair?
  • In some cases, a similar procedure?
  • Laminating hair yourself
  • What keeps hair lamination

Beautiful thick hair at all times is a jewel of a woman and her lust object. Luxury shag Hollywood beauties and models, staring at us from television screens or on the pages of glossy magazines, always arouse admiration and envy of light: "I wish I had such a beauty! "Their hair is thick, silky, heavy waves subside beautiful shoulders and a great fan of fly under the breath of the breeze.

Today, this dream has become a reality. All this can make any woman is now worth only do laminating hair - at home or in the salon. This feature is available in our time any woman, because all beauty salons offer this service.

History of invention

Please understand, that is lamination hair. To do this excursion into the history of occurrence of the considered cosmetic services and to define the terms, which are often confused even by masters of the salons that offer the procedure lamination hair. There are many terms. This elyuminirovanie and laminating, and bio-lamination and glazing, and shielding, and cemented, and thermal mask.

So where did the name matter? In fact, it all started with elyuminirovaniya when the company Goldwell in 1997 has developed and patented the new dye Elumen based on innovative technologies in cosmetology. This was the first proof paint without ammonia and peroxide. It penetrates into the structure of the hair without damaging it. Using this invention, the Japanese created a miracle paint-care elyumen. In the process of dyeing, it does not hurt the hair, because it does not affect their structure, and does not violate the natural pigment.

Despite the high cost, elyuminirovanie Goldwell was a great success. Looking at this, and other manufacturers of hair care products for instance the Japanese giant also began to produce low acid dyes. They differ from elyuminata lay in the fact that they have been tinting. Women all over the world enthusiastically welcomed the new invention and having fun started to use the new hair dye.

After some time, I came to the service and our beauty salons. Their client, referring to for innovative services distort the term "elyuminirovanie" and began to call him "lamination hair." As they say, demand creates supply, and this curiosity has begun a new invention. Beauty Industry, picked up a brilliant idea, developed a line of products for hair care, the proper name is already familiar.

 what lamination hair

The essence of lamination hair

The essence of the procedure lamination hair is to solder and cuticle scales that make up the hair, protecting them from the external environment. The fact is that under the influence of aggressive factors cuticle tends to peel off, resulting in damage the hair structure, and thus spoil their appearance, hair glaze and whipped.

It should again be noted that the term "lamination hair" owes its appearance only Russian women. But when the idea embodied in life, each manufacturer tried to give them the manufactured product to its name. Hence arose the terms of bio-laminating, cementing, glazing, shielding, thermal mask, and so on: but it's all the same - laminating hair.

Now that we know the history of the invention and defined its terms, we try to understand what is the essence of this procedure. To begin to realize that this is not medical and cosmetic procedure, with a temporary effect. In fact, when laminating each hair individually coated with a very thin film micron special composition, with which the hair is made smooth and silky. Furthermore, lamination of hair increases their volume and up to 15% color retention.

How do laminating hair?

Technology lamination hair may vary depending on the cosmetics. Each producer, releasing agent for lamination of hair, provides a procedure for its use. But the general principle they have one. As we know, under the influence of external factors, the hair structure is broken: the scales that cover the hair, exfoliate, and they become brittle, whipped, lose their luster and beauty. At coloring of hair color goes very unevenly and quickly washed away.

To avoid this, the procedure lamination hair color, hairs in which each individually enveloped laminating composition. This technology allows you to seal the hair cuticle and create a perfect surface. It should be noted that a special composition, which is applied to the hair, chosen master in accordance with the type of hair intended for a series of vehicles. After applying means for laminating hair stand 20-30 minutes.

For uniform distribution of the laminating means it requires a certain heat treatment, which differs depending on a series of cosmetic products. Using one means the hair is sealed at temperatures up to 140 degrees ironing, their pre-wrapped with foil. For the application of other fairly warm hairdryer. Procedures for laminating hair occupy no more than two and a half hours.

In some cases, a similar procedure?

Lamination of hair is suitable for any type. Especially this procedure is indicated for women who have no different hair splendor and density. If you do laminating hair strands before and after will be dramatically different. In addition, it is recommended to do this procedure for those who have them are too dry, damaged and whipped. Do not make lamination women with thick hair, having a dense structure, since their hair themselves fat. Owners of a head of hair to perform the procedure lamination hair is simply no need.

It is recommended to do lamination of colored hair. Laminating shell covering colored hair and prevents washout paint, well-preserved color. Hue is bright and saturated as long as the laminating composition is not washed off. It should be borne in mind that the painting is done prior to the procedure lamination hair.

Not contraindicated this procedure and permed, the more that "chemistry" spoil the hair, burn through them, and they, after such procedures are dull and lifeless appearance. But keep in mind that the weak tendrils after lamination of hair under his weight can lose form. It is worth noting that the laminate can not be laid hair tongs or curling irons.

 laminating hair what it is

Laminating hair yourself

With regard to the procedure of lamination hair salons - a pleasure it is quite expensive, depending on the class of cabin and used cosmetic line. Not all women can afford to do it all the time, but every woman wants to be beautiful. In this case, you can make the procedure lamination hair at home. It is much cheaper and it does not take much time.

But experts recommend before doing the lamination in the home, do the procedure again in the cabin. It will test the condition of your hair, to help find the right tools and the right to determine the time of exposure. Then you can try to repeat this procedure at home.

To do this will need to purchase special equipment for lamination, which include shampoo for deep cleansing, firming mask tint the paint and the tool itself for lamination. Very popular for lamination hair at home are Paul Mitchel, Goldwell, Lebel Cosmetics, Sebastian. Not a bad line and Matrix Color Sync Clear.

What keeps hair lamination

So you've decided and made lamination. How many held such a miracle on her head, and when you have to repeat the procedure? The lamination keeps the average from 1 to 3 months. And medical film is washed away from the hair very smooth, so that the transition will be virtually unnoticeable after 30-40 days after the procedure. You can repeat laminating hair at any time, without fear that spoil the hair too frequent treatments.

One of the main advantages of laminating - 100% safe for the hair structure. Moreover, this procedure helps your strands not only look perfect, but also helps to restore the health of the hair from the inside. No matter how many did lamination, in the salon or at home - harm from it will not.

Laminating procedure opened up many new opportunities for women to become more beautiful. This invention allows each woman to make their hair is not worse than the pictures in fashion magazines. Another problem of modern women is gone forever in the past because there was a salutary and infallible means - laminating hair.

 Lamination of hair: hair as Cover

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 Naroscheny hair


  • Capsular capacity
  • Clip capacity
  • Tape capacity
  • Choose a good master
  • Care for hair graft

Naroshchennyh hair not so long ago were the stuff of exotic region. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Today, hair extensions - quite in demand cosmetic procedure, which offers many hairdressing salons. The desire to quickly change its image and make a short hairstyle luxuriant hair periodically arises in almost every woman. There are different types of hair extensions: capsules - hot and cold, with clips and adhesive tape.

Capsular capacity

When capsule hair extensions in time artificial strands spoil natural hair - they weaken and become brittle. Although in fairness it should be noted that much depends solely on the professionalism of the master, who knows all about hair extensions - what to choose capsules, the length will be optimal.

To start the wizard should carefully pick locks for hair extensions - they must be approached not only in color and length, but also in structure. Otherwise Naroscheny hair looks unnatural. For such an increase only natural hair, specially treated and sometimes painted.

After the selection of suitable strand wizard will prepare your hair - they need special cleansing shampoo wash. Please note - before the hair extension in any case can not be used any whatsoever balms and shampoos. The hair is then dried and stretched by means of smoothing ironing to align their structure.

And only after that you can start directly with the very hair extensions. By means of special hot tongs a special capsule is formed, through which strands and attached to the hair of women. After the hair extensions they need more time to process using ceramic ironing.

Clip capacity

Hair extensions with clips is convenient because it is easy to carry out on their own and can lengthen the strands as needed. And the hair look very, very natural. Strictly speaking, the principle of hair extensions using similar clips clip-earrings.

At the end of the extensible locks of hair is a special medical clamp with which the strand is fixed to the hair of women. With this task to handle even the teenage girl - of course, at a certain skill. By the way, the way to build today one of the cheapest. But remember that for such hair extensions must be rigid and perfectly healthy. And the risk is very high that your hair can spoil the fun.

 hair Naroscheny

Tape capacity

The most friendly and reliable method of converting a short hairstyle in long ringlets made using adhesive tape in millimeters thick with strands attached to them. They are attached to the hair roots and are covered on top of the same strip, which makes the capacity absolutely imperceptible. When choosing a professional such strands are indistinguishable from natural hair. But I would like to repeat once again - the selection of the strands to be really careful if you want to not just increase hair and get a really nice hair.

If the capsule extensions can be carried out solely on the back of the head, the tape is allowed, and on the crown, which is especially important for persons suffering from androgenetic alopecia, in which hair thinning takes place in this area. You can perform a partial build-up, allowing enrich the hair of the head, which is not enough density. The length does not change, but the amount will increase at times.

Capacity with adhesive strips for stylish ladies who prefer the all natural. After the procedure is done without overheating native hair and a wide selection of colors and allows you to choose the structure of hair strands identical to their tresses. After some time overhead strands are removed to update the sticky mass. Thereafter, they can be used again - and so on until the hair does not lose its form.

Choose a good master

So the decision was made - you sleep and see yourself happy owner of a chic head of hair. And most importantly, what you should do - is to choose a really good master. Hair - it is very subtle and requires experience, skill and dexterity. Otherwise, you will get very poor results, the opposite is expected.

Pay attention to the cost of services

Very often, the master is chosen solely on the value of its services - the cheaper the better. But do not forget the good old adage "Cheap fish - nasty soup." Of course, not always cheap - so bad. But, alas, in most cases this is true. Low cost of hair extensions can be caused by several factors - a master owns the technique of hair extension in perfection, or use cheaper supplies.

The only exception to these rules are young wizard who captured and appliances, and high-quality materials are used. But that's only experience is not enough. And that means that the number of clients is not so great. And it is to gain experience and attract new customers services such masters are much cheaper. Yet in advance to find out how many are in your area Naroscheny hair. If the value differs greatly, give the services of this master - surely he is using substandard materials.

Look ready to work

Any self-respecting wizard - even very young - can show you examples of their previous work. They ate the same no photos at your request has not been granted to you, do not take risks and do build from this master. However, we should not forget that an unscrupulous master can offer you a different picture - how many of them on the Internet! Therefore, pay attention to the details of the interior, are behind the model. So you can understand where these pictures were made. Exception - the master who works on call at your home.

Learn safeguards

Ask the master of what he gives guarantees. As a rule, the real masters of business guarantee a certain time during which Naroscheny hair does not lose its appearance. And if it suddenly happens, the master will correct their mistakes building for free. How long will this time period - hard to say. But the longer it is, the more sure of his master professionalism.

 types of hair extensions

Care for hair graft

However, we must not forget that the beauty and durability of your new hair depends not only on the master, but also to you, and directly. After caring for hair graft must be correct. We'll tell you about it only in general terms and more detailed advice you give your master.

Special accessories

The first thing you need to do - is to get special care for hair graft. This shampoos and balms, and combs. As a rule, they can be purchased from that master, who was involved in your hair.

Shampooing and combing

You used to wash his head, tilting it over a sink or bathtub? More than this can not be done - the water must flow exclusively for hair growth. Simply put, you need to throw back his head back. And comb your hair can only be special comb the hair did not lose its attractive appearance.


Before going to bed hair must be collected in a ponytail or braid into a pigtail. About sleep with her hair you should forget.

In short, the hair extensions - this is an expensive and troublesome very fun. But who said that beauty - it's just ?!

 Of extension hair - reveal all the secrets

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