As you know, bananas are rich in vitamins and natural oils that are useful to the body, so it is recommended to use in a variety of diets, child nutrition and in the treatment of various diseases. Used bananas and to restore the damaged, brittle, dry or oily hair. For this is the banana hair mask.
Bananas are rich in vitamins saturate hair potassium, carbohydrates and make them healthier, stronger and more resilient to adverse external influences. Natural masks of all the ingredients, including bananas, along the entire length strengthen hair damaged by frequent blow-drying, temperature changes and other factors. Therefore, besides the usual hair care, especially long, it is necessary to use a mask, which is preferable to cook yourself.
Of course, today almost every beauty salon or shop offers all sorts of masks, the selection is huge. But if you are constantly ready to buy masks, their effect can be to wait for a very long time. You can buy, for example, and finished the banana mask, but it is not made of natural banana and of its "canned" ingredients .. How strong is the effect of using a mask, you can only guess, although it is better not to experiment on their health and hair.
Only products made from natural mask really cure and strengthen even the most damaged hair. We just do not forget to do these masks regularly (at least 2-3 times a week), used in conjunction with them, strengthening shampoo suitable for your hair type, and do not be lazy to create new versions of masks.
To begin, it is necessary to try to choose one of the following masks. Try to make it a few times and see how effective it is. And if you like a mask, you can do it in the future.
Mask of bananas with egg yolk and honey
For hair growth is best to use a useful mask of banana, egg yolks and honey. We need to take all the necessary ingredients, stir well with a blender. Apply mask on your hair, spread across the length and close the towel. Then leave for 20-25 min. After removing the towel, wash and rinse hair decoction of chamomile or use balm-conditioner.
Mask of bananas with wheat and honey
The hair, which became brittle and dry, must be further strengthened with special masks. To restore the old structure of the hair healthy, you can try to make a banana mask with honey and wheat. This mask not only strengthens the hair, but also make them obedient, shiny and healthy, as will fill the missing amounts of vitamins C and E.
With the blender need to beat 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, banana, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains. Mix well all the ingredients. Apply the best immediately after preparation. Spread an even layer of the mask on the entire length of hair, cover your head with a towel and soak for 15-20 minutes (until the mask is completely absorbed). Mask rinse with warm water, rinse thoroughly and wash your hair with shampoo again with the balm-conditioner.
Mask of bananas, lemons and honey
If your hair every other day become greasy, sticky, unattractive, with an unpleasant glitter, an urgent need to take action, and in addition to the usual shampooing add a mask. To prevent rapid loss of hair a fresh appearance, perfect banana mask for oily hair.
Make it pretty simple. It is necessary to take a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a banana. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mash bananas and mix all ingredients. The resulting mixture was put on hair, close tightly with a towel and wait 20-25 minutes. Wash the head with water, apply shampoo and wash your hair again.
The mask of banana and avocado, egg yolk and olive oil
The mask is suitable for dry and brittle hair. To make this banana mask, it is necessary to shake up overripe banana and avocado with a blender. Stir with a lot of egg yolk and olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon). After that, the mask must be applied to the hair, tightly wrap the head with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove the towel and wash your hair thoroughly. It is advisable to rinse the mask after applying hair conditioner or a decoction of herbs (chamomile or others.).
For banana masks can be used not only the egg yolks, honey or cream. Ideal with banana yogurt, yogurt, yogurt and various oils (olive, vegetable, burdock, and so on). It all depends on your imagination. The main thing is to comply with the procedures for applying the mask: Apply the mixture hold at least 15 minutes, covered his head with a towel (you can pre-put on his head a plastic bag, to enhance the effect) and then rinse thoroughly hair. To make the hair shine and smoothness do not forget to use special balms, conditioners for hair.