No matter how luxurious hair did not have a woman, she always wants to make them as bulky, fluffy and shiny. What just did not do it - an unrealistic fleece, pouring hairspray strong and superstrong fixation, and more. Today, when hairdressing leaped forward, you should start with a properly sized shampoo.
It begins with shampoo pomp and volume of your hair. It is not necessary at this forget that only your own personal experience, not the advice of friends and relatives can choose the best option. You can, of course, refer to the women's forum, but all that is written in them - a purely personal impressions. For someone to be nice to use and dishwashing detergent as a good shampoo, and for someone - only professional products.
Each has its own best shampoo for volume. Here, as a rule, it takes into account only the quality characteristics. But even with all this, we should not forget that there is a general advice on choosing a shampoo for hair volume.
The principles of the selection of shampoo for hair volume
The first thing you should look for when choosing the best shampoo for volume - a brand of the manufacturer and place of manufacture of shampoo. As a rule, well-known brands carefully observe all the patented technology of manufacturing. Suppose that you have to pay extra for a brand or a brand, but you can be sure that the means of the original. Pay attention to the expiration date, address of the manufacturer and the lack of parts pasted on the package label.
Second - not least - the shampoo. It is necessary to check the availability of different kinds of components, some of which can cause allergic reactions. Basically, shampoos are designed to cleanse the scalp, for cleaning the surface of the hair and stimulate their growth, to give volume and scalp treatment (for example, with abundant dandruff). When it comes to shampoo, which is meant only to add volume, then you need to look for the presence of surfactants (substances that are intended for the formation of foam during the washing and cleansing of the scalp), and air conditioning. Qualitative shampoo for hair volume will not contain any ammonium compounds as shampoos such added sodium laureth sulfate, TEA lauryl sulfate, TEA laureth sulfate.
Third - do not unconditionally trust advertising or promotions, which have the words "natural", "natural", "organic". Such advertising gives a positive result only from the sales. If the natural substances are not harmful to the body, it does not mean that they can make the scope and approach to all equally. Best shampoo volume will not be based solely on the decoctions of herbs which can not ever give a high quality, large volume and resilient as shampoos and using synthetic chemicals. Do not be afraid of chemical components, which are often completely harmless to humans.
The fourth - the best shampoo for hair volume - is one that contains a minimum number of "distractions", which include luster, nacre, various kinds of beads, pellets, etc. Firstly, they still are washed from the hair, and impart sufficient brightness can adhere to the hair, much of it with weighing and making "inanimate." The shampoo may comprise Minoxidil (hair growth agent and to impart elasticity and lightness), but in this case it will be occupational shampoo volume.
Do not buy shampoo only because of the fact that it is widely publicized. Advertising - it's not a tool that will take care of the power and beauty of your hair. Today, buy the best shampoos for volume can be in the professional hairdressing shops, a beauty studio and corporate pavilions. It is the power of shampoo and its properties today determine the degree of reliability, professionalism and efficiency of use.
Professional tools for hair volume
Fashion and beauty industry, which began to develop quite rapidly it in the twentieth century has brought numerous innovations in the field of hair care, which made them attractive, shiny and voluminous. The volume is created with the help of styling mousses, gels, foams, and more. If you choose to voluminous hair, then you need to stock up and shampoo, which lifts the hair, makes every hair elastic bending. Do not forget that the length of the hair - not the last reason that hair can not be bulky. Since the length of a small quite simple volume amenable to creating funds and long hair can be raised only on the roots or become fluffy in the middle.
There are numerous shampoos, which can be divided into two categories - amateur and professional. You can try everything, but remember that experimenting with the hair is not always useful. If too much shampoo degreasing agents, its use can be fraught drying hair and impart brittleness, dryness and unsightly appearance. You should not wash your hair every day just to make the volume as even the best shampoos for hair volume can transform your skin in a very fat in a matter of hours.
There is a good option - the hair is dry on the head tilted down from the occiput to the forehead. This is the way to create an invisible wave of volume that can be restored even after a day or two. A good shampoo to give hair volume can not be too cheap and should not smell too sharply and bitingly. It only means that a large number of chemicals blocked fragrances and smells of a different nature. So, on the L'Oreal shampoo for volume only positive feedback (if we have in mind the original, authentic product), the company is ready to carry out quality control at every stage of production, control of product output. This allows you to avoid fakes.
The choice of shampoo - a science or spontaneity
Choose a shampoo is a special care and skill, because only the thoroughness and the ability to read the labels will help you not to be mistaken with a choice.
If components of the all clear, then pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiry date funds. Determination of the shelf life can be carried out by vyschityvaniya by months the time during which the shampoo can be used for washing the hair. Identify possible and in appearance: color, smell, consistency and many other parameters, which are the characteristics of the shampoo. It all depends on how it is possible to check this or that means. If a bank or a tube with shampoo opened or not packaged properly, such a purchase is completely abandoned. That is, at least, that they might someone used and returned as a low-quality product. In addition, such a shampoo could be made anywhere.
Most popular shampoos
Today, among the professional shampoos for volume or semi-professional shampoos decided to allocate only a few. This means manufactured by companies Els, Vella, red line and Vichy. These companies in the territory of the former Soviet Union occupied the leading position. This suggests that over the long term, they only produce quality products, proven in the domestic and foreign markets. Which shampoo should you use, it's up to you. It all depends on whether, in what price range you decide to buy.
We will tell you about a few shampoos, which are used not only in the modeling business, but every day millions of women worldwide. Since the choice of shampoo to you may be limited not only price, but the quality, we will try to tell you about the quality of each shampoo. But it is always worth reading something about the shampoo that you have decided to try. For example, the amount of shampoo Els reviews available from their friends and acquaintances, neighbors, etc., as it is quite common. But very rarely can be found on the company's shampoo Vichy. In this case, the logical solution would be to consult a specialist.
- Shampoos for the volume Els
This series of shampoos (widely advertised Russian actress and singer) appeared on the market of the CIS countries a relatively long time, but every year the quality is getting better and more perfect. This suggests that the experts and the manufacturers do not rest on their laurels and continually modify your product.
The latest development - progressive technology of the seal volume. It was created specifically for the changeable weather that is best suited to our latitude. Such quality is scattered volume (which allows the hair does not stick together for a long time) was first used and shown at fashion shows in Paris. Shampoo designed for straight, thin, lacking volume of hair, hair, who are often subjected to drying and winding. Not bad this shampoo used in hot weather, in direct sunlight, as it it contains protective components from UV rays and heat of prolonged exposure. It is this shampoo ensures a long hairstyle volume. The system expansion has the effect of maintaining the hair from the roots. This shampoo can create the effect of volume and support the hair prior to 18 hours. The hair lifted from the roots up to the tips.
If you have long hair, the creators recommend using shampoo mousse from the same series as your shampoo. These funds are suitable for frequent use, but do not abuse them, as the frequent use - does not mean every day.
You can refer to the numerous forums and websites, which is being actively discussed shampoos used to give hair volume long hair and long-term preservation form. In the "Shampoo for hair volume: Guest" or "L'Oreal shampoo for volume: reviews" You can not just share their opinions, but also to read the results of testing and professional use of an agent.
Shampoo for volume Vella created later than Els, but with all the achievements and failures. This experience has allowed to exclude from shampoo ie components that not only gave the amount as giving shine and softness. The shampoos of this company have been added to the biologically active substances that strengthen the hair from the inside and stabilize their structural composition, vitamins, using which the hair is smooth and docile. In addition, at present the company's shampoo subtle flavor as developed by the perfumers fashion houses.
In addition to shampoos was released Balm conditioner. In a series of shampoos for volume Vella you will find just the shampoo, which is the most suitable for your hair type. If reliable information on the previous shampoo can be found on the forums in the "Els volume shampoo reviews", the maximum writing shampoo Vella can be found on the website of the manufacturer.
- Series shampoos for volume Vichy
Shampoo Vichy are expensive and high-quality cosmetics. Its effectiveness is due largely innovative technologies, but one of the best products considered Vichy shampoo for volume. With the penetration of new technologies in cosmetics, Vichy their arsenals. In shampoos added glucose linoleate (which easily penetrates the root, nourishes the hair with many structural components and makes your scalp thicken). This component is called a unique technology SP94. With the penetration of this component in the hair root is enhanced microcirculation in the skin of the head, increases the power of the root of the hair, it becomes elastic and retains its shape and volume for a long time. Vichy shampoos for volume now includes the top ten in the field of hair care and giving them vitality and volume.
About shampoos for hair volume now mixed reviews. It depends not only on the campaign of the manufacturer, but also on how skillfully used, what means were applied before and after the shampoo and many other reasons. Before you choose something, it is advisable to consult a beautician and trihologu.