essential oils for hair

Essential oils are called volatile aromatic substances contained in plants. To date, more than 3,000 known essential oil plants, of which only 300 species have commercial value. Essential oils are used in medicine, cosmetics and food industry. They possess anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Their beneficial effects on the human body has been known for thousands of years.

The use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes

Essential oils are used for the hair not only prophylactic but also therapeutic purposes. To do this, identify the problem and select the right oil. Methods of treating the hair with essential oils depends on the objectives pursued, since each of them contributes to the solution of certain problems.

Thus, essential oils can be used for hair:

  • Increased hair growth;
  • Slow hair growth;
  • Strengthen the hair;
  • Eliminate dandruff;
  • Against hair loss;
  • Gloss and density of hair.

Essential oils for hair growth - a juniper, ylang ylang, lemon balm, cloves, cinnamon and fir. With the help of clove essential oil for hair can not only accelerate their growth, but also to reduce fat, eliminate dandruff and tone roots. Cinnamon can help further reduce the breakage and to stop hair loss. Essential oil of fir hair is actively nourishes and eliminates itching. Melissa prevents bonding hair and normalizes the sebaceous glands. It will also get rid of dandruff. Ylang-ylang - essential oil helps to restore the hair brittle and damaged strands of hair loss. Furthermore, each of these oils for hair positive effect on their growth.

To strengthen the hair follicles and strengthen the use of essential oils from hair loss. It can be burdock oil extracted from the roots of burdock, rosemary, lavender, pine, eucalyptus and others. Burdock oil nourishes and strengthens hair roots and restore their structure after coloring and perming. With essential oil of rosemary hair can eliminate dandruff and strengthen the hair. Lavender is perfect for oily hair, eliminating dandruff and restoring the structure. Use pine essential oil for hair can be good to strengthen them and stop hair loss.

Any essential oil for hair affects the complex, so you can use them for different hair problems. For example, the essential oils to strengthen hair and at the same time prevent their loss. And essential oils against hair loss stimulate their growth. Note also that they are the most effective impact in mixtures, and then we present some recipes for masks using essential oils for hair - reviews, which are pretty good.

If a woman wants to quickly grow hair, you can use essential oils to stimulate hair growth. These include - rosemary essential oil for hair, pine oil, ylang ylang, cinnamon, lavender, sage. And rosemary oil is considered one of the most precious in aromatherapy. It stimulates blood circulation in areas of application, opens the pores, accelerate hair growth and strengthens the immune system. The essential oil of cinnamon hair has an antioxidant effect, improves blood flow to the hair cuticle and promotes hair growth. But it has a strong effect and may cause irritation, so when using the essential oil of cinnamon hair it is best to add it to the mixture.

Essential oils against sections of hair can also be used for their growth and also in the case when the hair is dry, because these problems are interrelated. For essential oils against the section of hair are - chamomile essential oil for hair oil, geranium, rosewood, sandalwood and ylang ylang. Sandalwood oil strengthens hair, dandruff and improves blood circulation of the scalp. With essential oil of chamomile can give hair shine and elasticity, as well as slightly lighten your hair. Very good effect and geranium essential oil for hair. It is well restores hair and makes them shine.

But the use of these oils will also help to deal with unwanted body hair. To do this, you can choose the essential oil slows down the growth of hair. These include - peppermint essential oil for hair and tea tree oil. They can apply after shaving or hair removal by adding them to any oil or cream base. In addition essential oils of peppermint is very refreshing for hair and scalp gently care for oily hair. The use of essential oils slow the growth of hair allows a woman to feel more confident and not worry about the fact that they quickly grow back.

Essential oils for hair shine is considered the oil of lavender, geranium, bergamot and cedar. With lavender essential oil for hair can get rid of dandruff, brittle hair, stop hair loss and to give luster. A geranium essential oils for hair perfectly restores them and also make the hair shine.
The use of essential oils for hair will improve their structure. They perfectly solve the problem of dry and oily hair. Dry hair is a result of the poor performance of the sebaceous glands, so correctly selected oil will help restore their work. Essential oils for dry hair include lavender essential oil for hair oil, ylang ylang, orange, geranium, jasmine. To improve the condition of dry hair one of the solutions to this issue could be aromatherapy.

When using essential oils of orange hair dry and damaged strands of perfectly restored and get shine. It also tones the scalp and dandruff. Jasmine essential oils for hair is an ideal way to care for them, as well as very good for dry and sensitive skin. It nourishes the hair roots and scalp, restores their structure and relieves itching. Hair treatment with essential oils be effective if all the components are chosen correctly.

To eliminate the greasy shine and improve the quality of the hair you can use essential oils for oily hair. For this good essential oils of grapefruit hair oil of bergamot, verbena, marjoram, cedar, lemon balm, juniper. Oregano is perfect for oily hair because regulates the sebaceous glands, resulting in hair stay clean longer. Grapefruit essential oil is also good for hair and normalizes the sebaceous glands and improves hair growth. Melissa and juniper prevent clumping of hair, reduce their fat content and output dandruff. Essential oil of cedar hair normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, prevents hair loss and gives them a natural shine. With regular use of essential oil of patchouli hair can improve their elasticity and shine and reduce the fat content of the hair.

Masks, conditioners and shampoos from essential oils

 essential oils for hair growth

By the use of essential oils for the hair can be approached from different angles. They can be used in the various masks shampoos, rinses. They can be chosen depending on the desire to get a certain effect. This may be, for example, essential oils shine or essential oils for hair density, but remember that they all act in a complex. Very often oil complement each other, and thus enhances their impact. Orange essential oil is good for hair mixed with palmarosa and ylang ylang - essential oils for hair worked perfectly with oils of rosewood, rosemary and petit grain.

To prepare the masks required to use framework that can be any vegetable oil. Before applying the mixture is recommended to warm in a water bath for better absorption. Prepared oil is rubbed into the scalp and an hour wrapped up with plastic wrap and a towel. For treatment of such a mask is used 10-15 times a day, and for the prevention biweekly.
For the normalization of the sebaceous glands, use essential oils for oily hair. In 15 ml of jojoba oil, you can add 2-3 drops of lavender, cypress and bergamot. Or 15 ml of oil to add a few drops of essential oil of cedar hair, juniper, grapefruit and rosemary.

For normal hair can be used as a basis coconut, olive, almond, safflower oil and castor oil. In 15 ml of base, you can add oil chamomile, or for dark hair rosemary oil. Mix well. A good will and the impact of volatile oil of patchouli hair, ylang ylang, lavender, geranium, rose, mixed with a few drops of the basis of 15 ml of vegetable oil.
For a better supply of hair up with a mixture of essential oils for dry hair. In 50 ml of olive oil can be added 10-12 drops of lavender. The same effect will jasmine essential oils and hair, blended with a base of olive oil or sesame oil. When dry, you can use almond and essential oil for hair, which improves the sebaceous glands. Besides long-term use of essential almond oil for hair promotes their growth, gives elasticity and shine.

For greater efficiency of essential oils stimulating hair growth should be used as mixtures. On polstakana add any vegetable oil clove essential oil for the hair in an amount of 2 drops pine oil - 2 drops of rosemary and 4 drops of cinnamon. Using essential oils against hair loss can make a good mask. You will need a few drops of essential oil of fir hair, 3 drops of rosemary oil, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. tablespoon of honey, 15 ml of olive oil. Keep this mask should be 30 minutes. The use of essential oils from hair loss will improve their quality, but you also need to know how to interact with each other oils that are intended to be mixed.

Good increases density of hair and stimulates the growth of the use of essential oils for the hair density. It should take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sage, basil, rosemary and mint, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 3 drops of peppermint oil and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar. The hair becomes much thicker and look very nice.
Lemon essential oils for the hair will help revitalize and give them a nice shine. It is sufficient to add a few drops of oil to water for rinsing. Very attractive look blond hair, which acquire a beautiful shade. Also with the help of lemon essential oil for hair can soften hard water, and locks are obedient and silky.

The most effective and the best essential oil for hair is used to combat hair loss. In this case, preference should be given essential oil of pine hair, which not only prevents hair loss, but also makes them strong, supple and shiny. The easiest way to use it - is to drip a few drops into the disposable portion of the shampoo for washing the hair.

Which of the following would be the best oils essential oil for hair, do not tell anybody, because they all act differently. Someone has obtained excellent results, someone not very much, because it depends on many factors. If you want to know more, what are the essential oils for hair - Reviews of this can be found on the Internet. And we can only add that when using essential oils for rinsing should not be immediately wiped his head, and it's better to just wrap a towel for a while. It is also possible to apply the essential oil of hair growth on the tip of the comb and walk it through the hair. Using essential oils to strengthen hair and increase its better to rub into the roots. If it used to shine, silkiness and color gain, it should be applied along the entire length of hair, focusing on the tips.

With a large variety of all sorts of recipes and mixes every woman will be able to choose for themselves the most appropriate option.

 Essential oils for hair

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