Brittle hair - a phenomenon occurring very often. Brittle and dry hair confused and difficult to comb. After washing your hair like that is almost impossible to comb. As a rule, the reason for this is the loss of elasticity. Often faced with such problems is owner of long hair. But, of course, not always - a woman with a short haircut may be faced with the same problem.
The most common causes of hair breakage are as follows:
You brittle hair? Pay attention to your diet - perhaps it is unbalanced. Because of damage dry hair can become shortage fatty acids, dairy products and protein, vitamins B and E, iron, magnesium and zinc. Therefore diversify its menu and propyl multivitamin complex.
Metabolic disease
Proper metabolism - the guarantee of health of the whole organism. And if your metabolism is disturbed, it is not surprising that the body suffers. Including unsweetened it is necessary and hair - are beginning to split ends, hair becomes dull, lifeless and very brittle.
Natural factors
Did you know that the sun, air and water - the best friend of your body, but the sworn enemies of your hair? And cold and not conducive to flexibility and elasticity of your hair. Therefore, in the summer protects the hair from direct sunlight, after swimming in the sea wash your hair in the winter hide their hair under the cap.
Means for hair care
Often, hair becomes brittle due to the various means for hair - paints, foams or improper shampoos and conditioners and hair dyes. And about hair dryers and irons should not be forgotten - the thermal effect acts on the hair is very detrimental. Therefore, their use must be reduced to a possible minimum.
For dry hair always looked beautiful, sparkled and radiated health, it is necessary to provide gentle care. Moisturizing hair mask intensively protects locks from moisture loss. The structure of such masks typically include specially selected biologically active substances - glucose, glycerol and D-panthenol, which penetrate deep into the hair structure, providing them with the necessary moisture.
Apply a small amount of the mask on a lightly-dried hair after five minutes rinse with warm water.
Hair care
Caring for brittle hair must be very careful - it is necessary not only to cure damaged, but also to prevent further problems. First of all, damaged hair is necessary to provide intense nourishment.
The choice of shampoo and balm
Shampoos great many - choose the appropriate hard. Choosing tools for hair, prefer shampoos and balms marked "facilitates combing." All such shampoos designed specifically for dry hair. These products contain vitamin and mineral complex that nourishes, moisturizes and softens dry hair. Conditioners also facilitate the process of combing dry brittle hair.
Plant extracts: chamomile, coconut, lime blossom and almond have excellent emollient properties - if you find money on their basis - buy without even thinking. Your hair will answer you very quickly appreciated and will look much healthier.
Proper washing
If you want to cure brittle hair, be sure to wash your hair properly. If you do not, it will be difficult to restore hair. First, try not to wash my hair, bending over the bath - best tilt your head back. Second, be sure to keep the temperature of the water - it should be warm, but in any case not hot! Third, in any case it is not necessary to wipe the hair vigorously with a towel - just get wet. And finally, wash your hair every day - enough for damaged hair two or three times a week.
Drying and styling
Try not to dry the head hair dryer - the less you do it, the better for your damaged hair. The same applies to the various ploek and ironing - if you regularly use them to cure the hair will be almost impossible. And if you are using, and then do not forget the thermal protection means.
Make it a rule - never to comb wet hair, as this traumatize the hair, especially damaged. Temporarily abstain from both perm and hair coloring. It is too dry already dry hair and make it more difficult recovery process.
Folk remedies
Did you know that there is more than one folk remedy, with which you can quite quickly restore brittle and cross-sections at the ends of your hair? Such recipes are safe if you are not allergic to any of the components selected recipe.
Honey Shampoo
For the preparation of shampoo will need: 100 ml of boiling water, 30 grams of dried chamomile 1 teaspoon of honey. Daisy is necessary to pour boiling water and let stand for an hour, then strain, add honey and apply on washed and slightly damp hair. Mask wash off after 30-40 minutes with lukewarm water. Repeat this procedure after 2 weeks.
The mask of aloe
The best remedy for damaged hair - a mask of aloe. Place in the freezer for 10 branches of aloe and leave for three days. Then aloe mince or rubbing through a strainer, and then add three tablespoons of shampoo for very young children, without perfumes and dyes. The resulting mask layer to apply abundant hair spread over their entire length.
Be sure to put on the head of a plastic bag and a towel on top Insulate - a mask should remain on the hair at least 20 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse your hair with warm water. To restore the normal condition of damaged hair, a mask should be done two to three times a week. And then, to prevent, only two times per week.
Egg Mask
Another very effective folk remedy for damaged dry hair - is an egg mask. Especially if the problem is concentrated at the ends of the hair. To prepare the masks you need to cook one egg yolk, two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and glycerin. All components are carefully stir the mass was completely homogeneous. Then heat the mixture to 38 degrees, in a water bath.
The warm mixture is spread over the entire length of the dry hair, wrap a thick towel and leave for about an hour. Note that this mask to wash the hair will be very, very difficult - after all it is composed of oil. You have to wash your hair with shampoo at least 4-5 times, otherwise the hair will look greasy and unkempt.
But that is no reason to abandon this mask, so it really is very effective even in the most severe cases. This mask should be done at least twice a week,
Kefir Mask
Kefir - one of your best assistant in the fight against dry and brittle hair. The most common kefir mask restore your hair and prevent further breakage. Add half a cup of yogurt five drops of burdock oil, stir and apply liberally to dry hair.
Cover hair with a plastic bag, wrap head with a towel and leave for an hour. Then rinse the hair with warm water, always apply conditioner. Hair condition will improve significantly after the first week of treatment. During treatment, a mask should be done at least three times a week, and then, as a preventive measure, rather than three times a month.
Mask for dark-haired woman
If you have dark hair, try the following mask on the basis of coffee. For its preparation brew boiling water three tablespoons of ground organic coffee, let it brew for three hours. then drain the water, and the resulting mush apply on the entire length of hair. Do not forget the plastic film on the hair - it is at times enhance the action of the mask. Be sure to Insulate head with a towel and leave on the hair for about an hour.
Rinse hair with warm water and blot with a towel. Once your hair is dry, you do not know - silky and shiny. Do such a mask at least three times a week for a month.
Mask for blondes
If you are lucky enough to be born a blonde, you can try to make a mask of chamomile pharmacy. To do this, put it in a thermos four tablespoons of dried chamomile pharmacy, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Then strain the infusion using gauze cloth daisy apply itself to the hair and distribute. Cover hair with plastic wrap and wrap a towel. An hour later, rinse the hair and finally rinse the filtered extract.
This mask should be done at least twice a week, as long as the hair is completely restored. If you do this mask regularly, the effect certainly surprise you. Apart from the fact that the hair elastic and shiny, they become a beautiful golden color. Of course, only if you do not dye your hair.
And finally I would like to remind women that you can not do without a haircut. It would not be sorry to get a haircut, to do so would have - damaged hair ends can not be recovered by any means. It is enough to cut off the ends only - it is not much, only a few centimeters. Moreover, it is best to do this with the help of so-called "hot" scissors. They are in a certain way solders hair ends, thereby preventing them from drying out, fragility and section ends.
Well, then it's up to you - be aware of preventive measures. Protect your hair from wind, sun and sea water, do not abuse the thermal effects on the hair, try to trim the right tools for hair care. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, go to an experienced hairdresser - it will help you in this matter. And then - to grow braid to her waist!
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