Hair, as a single body, which has its own challenges and requirements. Susceptible and enjoy the comfort and care. Besides the hair, first of all, to respond to any problems in our body, as if to give us to understand - you need to change something in my life. Stop nervous start to eat right, spend more time with his beloved. As hair is easily determined by a person's health, his bad habits and, of course, related to their appearance. And there is not even in the presence of financial stability. It is possible to take care of not only using expensive masks and creams from manufacturers (although they also play a role). Folk remedies also able to maintain a toned female body.
This article focuses on the benefits of apple cider vinegar, which is also used in cosmetics, and in folk medicine and in cooking. It contains lactic, malic, ascorbic acid and other and, in fact, is a concentrate of all the healing properties of apples. With apple vinegar can not only prevent but also treat many diseases. He applied for the treatment of hair, strengthening them and eliminating dandruff for. Apple cider vinegar Hair contributes to their softness and natural shine. It is useful for their growth. It can be used for all hair types, who for one reason or another, are in need of additional care.
How to prepare your own apple cider vinegar?
Hair after treatment with apple cider vinegar silky and elastic. For air conditioners and masks appropriate to use apple cider vinegar, prepared independently. You need not take with wormholes and rotting apples and completely wipe them through a large grater. Then add the apple pulp into a glass container and add to it the warm boiled water. Water is added at the rate of half a liter for every four grams of pulp. Thereafter, the resulting mixture is added to honey or sugar, bread yeast or dry black bread. Per liter of water you need to take one hundred grams of honey and ten gram of yeast.
The mixture is brewed in an open pan at a temperature 20-30ºS, for ten days. Two or three times a day, it should be stir with a wooden spoon. After the slurry infusion, it is filtered through cheesecloth and pour the liquid into the glass jar. This jar tied with gauze, leave in a warm place for fermentation, which usually lasts for forty to sixty days. Obtained after the fermentation of apple cider vinegar is bottled and closed with stoppers. Vinegar is ready for use.
Hair masks
Hair masks are made from apple cider vinegar as follows:
For dry hair
To egg protein added a spoonful of castor oil and a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. The mixture was rubbed into the scalp and allowed to stand for an hour, and then washed neutral shampoo. Such masks are useful for dry hair. They do twice a week.
For greasy hair
In a solution of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of water dipped massage brush, which is then combed his hair. The process continues until such time as they become wet. It is the procedure before going to bed three or four times a week.
For all hair types
Improvement of the hair of all types is very good solution-air conditioning of the three glasses of warm water and a third cup apple cider vinegar. This solution rinse hair after washing.
Strengthening all types of hair
Remarkably strengthens hair conditioner, which consists of one liter of water, half cup of apple cider vinegar and two drops of essential oil of sage. Such an air conditioner should be used after washing, rinsing their hair.
For fragile hair
In order to get the mask you need in one tablespoon of yogurt to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is applied to the head for one to two hours.
Compresses Hair
Apple cider vinegar is also used as a compress. For example, a teaspoon of vinegar and a tablespoon honey diluted in a glass of hot water. Then the mixture gently rubbed into the scalp, and after half an hour rinse with clean water. This wrap is indicated for hair growth: it is able to strengthen their roots and prevent hair loss.
To get rid of dandruff, you will need two tablespoons of burdock leaves that need to pour a glass of boiling water and simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally. When the water has evaporated a little, let broth to cool and add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. The compress is applied to the hair roots. Rinsing is carried out after thirty-minute procedure. This method not only get rid of dandruff and itching, but also soften the hair, making them more docile.
In conjunction with useful herbs ...
Useful properties of apple cider vinegar in tandem with herbs - this is exactly what is needed in any hair! If your hair quickly get dirty, you need to choose herbs such as thyme, rosemary, sage. For dry hair needed chamomile flowers and nettle. To prepare a decoction for rinsing, you need to take a teaspoon of herbs that matches your hair, pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse quarter of an hour. To this infusion add 20 milliliters of apple cider vinegar and rinse their hair after each washing.
By the way, apple cider vinegar can also be used as a standalone tool. If you do not be lazy and take the habit of continually rinse his head (2 tablespoons per gallon of water), you will see positive results very soon. The hair will become thick, soft and shiny.
As you can see, in contrast to oral administration, apple cider vinegar for hair does not have side effects. Even if you, for whatever reason, do not want to make a mask or compresses simple but regular rinsing will help you look your best interest. Feel like a model on the cover of a glossy magazine!
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Going on summer vacation to the sea, almost everyone dreams of a beautiful tan, only cares about their skin, while completely oblivious to the fact that hair is also in need of protection. Therefore, no harm will be reserved special hair care products, which include components, protects against salt water and UV radiation. Otherwise, after resting hair will be unattractive to become dull, brittle and dry.
Experts advise a haircut before your vacation at the resort. Typically, short hair more strength to resist the harmful effects of sea salt and the scorching rays of the sun. Thus, you can avoid the problem of split ends and breakage. In general, the sun of the body is very helpful, but not the hair. It not only dries them strongly, but also adversely affects the blood supply to the roots. Therefore, should not be overheated at the sun, it can cause hair loss in the future. Therefore, in hot weather, especially going to the sea, do not neglect the headdress.
It is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight without protection:
Blonde and red-haired woman over 7 minutes;
blond and brown hair owners of more than 14 minutes;
brunettes more than 10 minutes;
brown-haired more than 17 minutes.
Timely prevention
Going to the sea, many are interested in: how to protect your hair from the mercilessly scorching sun? The answer to this question is quite simple: add the shampoo that you used to enjoy, just a few drops (3-5) of almond oil, which is able not only to protect and improve the hair and provide shine and radiance.
Also, there's another simple and, at the same time efficient way: just before going to the beach lubricate the hair a small amount of natural olive or almond oil. Such a process not only protects from ultraviolet radiation, but also give hair the effect of wet hair. On arrival to the beach, just wash your hair with shampoo.
After leaving the beach
After a long stay under the mercilessly scorching sun, use a hydrating mask, which you can prepare yourself at home.
For dry hair mask is recommended the following components:
2 tbsp. Spoon cream;
1 tsp. Lemon juice;
0, 5 tsp. Olive oil.
The prepared mixture is applied to a clean, slightly damp hair and rub into the scalp. After 15-20 minutes, rinse, wet towel and allow to air dry on their own.
For oily hair:
1 h. Spoon milk;
1 tsp. Fat-free yogurt;
1 tsp. Lemon juice;
2 tbsp. spoon apricot pulp.
Thoroughly mix all ingredients until a homogeneous state, then apply on the scalp and hair. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, then cool.
If, however, your hair is subjected to harmful UV rays, causing the steel brittle and dull, try to recover them using the oil of vitamin E, which can be bought at any drugstore. Rub it into the tips of the hair once a week, before washing the head. After about 15-20 minutes of massage to a foam rub into the roots of raw egg yolk. After 15 minutes, rinse and rinse your hair without shampoo.
If, however, you decide to dye your hair, use for this harmless, natural colors.
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