whipped her hair over the entire length


  • Emergency measures essentials
  • Precautions for care and styling

On an issue like split ends, faced by many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Particularly familiar with her owner long strands. Typically, the hair cut by look quite unattractive, if not it goes to moisture and other nutrients. Often the problem occurs in girls and women with dry curls, but it is familiar, and those who are fat, and it is particularly acute after a hot summer.

Basically, revealing at split ends, we go to the hairdresser, who may recommend cosmetic measures to resolve the issue. They include a variety of salon treatments for damaged locks and certainly have much influence effect. But whether it will be long-lasting or short-term will depend on what triggered data damage. If you split the hair appeared as a result of improper care by following some measures of correction and rehabilitation, you will be able to solve the problem. But if she will return in a short time, despite the measures taken, its origins should be sought within your body. And so to understand what actually caused posechennye hair, the barber can not do.

It will require an integrated approach, including advice like trihologa (hair specialist) and doctors of other specialties. In fact, many disorders can adversely affect the condition and quality of hair. It should be noted that women often suffer from anemia is the hair that start to break and split along its length. There are other factors to identify and correct that only a doctor can. But in this article we will focus on how to solve the problem of split ends, if it is caused by simple errors in care or nutrition.

 the hair is cut along the entire length

Emergency measures essentials

If you suffer from the fact that you have split ends on the ends or the entire length of, the best decision would be a haircut. Do not be discouraged if you have to for some time to part with long strands, because they did not have a really nice view, but only frustrate you. So feel free to try to trim a new short haircut and go to the hair salon for a new look and the result. After all, if the tips of the hair whipped very hard and looks bright primary color, we can only cut them.

Very well, if the wizard will prompt you to spend a haircut "hot scissors", which will prevent further hair bundle. Experts advise even after such a procedure, not to abandon the intensive care. This revolutionary technology is an invitation to address the problem, in which the hair is whipped, not only at the tips, but also along the entire length. It is performed by means of special shears. They heated the blades themselves, as a working part of the curling irons or ironing. This wizard will select the exact temperature that is optimal for your hair type. The only way to make the process more useful and effective.

Benefits haircut "hot scissors" are obvious, as the heated blade as a soldering iron, the tip of the seal of each hair, while removing the section of a part. As a result, the internal structure of it is completely protected from the harmful effects of the environment and the chemicals that make up the majority of care products. Hair does not lose moisture and essential trace elements, such as proteins, vitamins and amino acids. Thus, stimulates their growth and improved appearance.

To get rid of split ends for a period of two months, quite a haircut. And in order to achieve long-term and even permanent effect will require a course of four to five treatments, as the strands will grow. Moreover, according to hairdressers haircut "hot scissors" greatly facilitates the packing in the home, and the hair becomes more voluminous, since due to internal pressure gradually aligned their thickness over the entire length. Therefore, your locks will find not only a healthy appearance, but also bright and beautiful shine.

How do you know that you have time to the hairdresser? Owners of short hair do not ask such a question, because they take one look in the mirror to assess the shape of hair. I do not like? So, it's time to go to a beauty salon. As for those who like to wear long locks, then it is definitely more difficult to determine. Experts advise to renew hair that tend to split, once every couple of months, and sometimes more often. Confused value haircut "hot scissors"? Then use the normal way, but in any event regularly clean posechennye hair is a must if you want to have beautiful hair.

A good way out for women and girls with this problem can be laminated strands. It must be said that such a procedure is purely cosmetic effect, therefore, has no contraindications. Master covers her hair with a special compound that seals their cuticle, helping to retain moisture and protect from harmful factors. Also, strands are more smooth and bulky. The procedure should be repeated once every three weeks. Make it possible in the home using food gelatin, dissolved in water, and conventional teaspoon balm or mask.

The resulting structure should be carefully distributed throughout the hair (previously washed), retreated a couple of centimeters from the roots and the tips of his grease-lubricated, put on a hat and wrap on top of her head with a towel. Now take a hair dryer and fifteen minutes warm up a "turban". After this time, leave the structure of the hair still half an hour, then rinse with plain water and let dry strands. If you did everything correctly, then the hair will give you a live shine and smoothness. In addition, if you have colored hair, after lamination, they retain their color longer, because it will start to run off after being away protective gelatin film.

 split hairs over the entire length

Precautions for care and styling

Everyone knows that the split ends peculiar to lovers of hairstyles with a perm. They appear and frequent coloring, especially aggressive Blondirujushchy compositions. Use when laying electrical plates, curling irons, ironing and blow-drying also contribute to the appearance of split ends and damage along the entire length. Therefore, it is important to protect your hair and does not dry them.

Electrical styling, so loved us, women are inherently bitter enemies of our locks because they are ruining the beauty and health. High temperatures have aggressive influence directly on the hair shaft itself, overdrying it. This leads to the fact that the flakes of the upper layer are damaged and no longer adhering smoothly to each other stratified. As a result, the hair becomes thin and brittle, and then formed and split ends or the process occurs throughout its length. Restore the beauty of the curls and give them back the lost beauty and power is sometimes very difficult.

For this refuse as possible from frequent dyeing and perm devices for termoukladki and Minimise use of various means, e.g., foams, paint and so on. If this is not acceptable to you, you try to use special structures that are designed to protect hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures.

Here again, it is worth mentioning lamination, because if it is applied even blow-drying it may be safe for strands that are cut. In this case heated, primarily, is not the hair, and the film that envelops it. Thus, locks will be protected from the effects of high temperatures. But do not forget that if you use a hair dryer should include a cool or warm air flow, not hot for fast drying. Hair that are cut, especially if it occurs along their entire length, do not forgive such an attitude, so do not risk in vain.

Note that this problem does not solve itself - only intensive care can help damaged tresses. Therefore, you must first learn how to choose the right shampoo and other means to care for them. Do not buy the first thing that caught my eye on you, or what is familiar on television advertising. Carefully read the label and give preference to those shampoos, conditioners and masks, which include:

  • ceramides;
  • B vitamins;
  • lecithins;
  • herbal extracts (chamomile, almond, peach, avocado, plantain, sage, wheat germ).

Owners of dry hair should choose funds specifically for this type and the need to use air conditioners, balms, conditioners and masks. They soften the tough strands after washing, feed them and contribute to the restoration. For combination hair suit those whose curls are dry at the ends and oily at the roots. Caring for them is not easy, since frequent washing damages their already injured bottom. However, you can not do without it, because otherwise the hair gets sloppy appearance.

It is therefore important to choose the right shampoo and mask to ensure optimal care by gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Also there are special indelible balms for hair tips that are easy to use and almost immediately give a tangible effect. Rinse after washing, you can use herbal teas or dandelion sage.

If your hair is whipped, take on arms expert advice on how to properly comb. Firstly, they do not rub with a towel after washing and just gently pat or even a few minutes walk around with a "turban", that he has absorbed the excess moisture. It is not recommended to comb and even very wet or damp hair. After all, if they are cut, then surely after washing themselves in a confused state, and you will become their effort to unravel the stretching and damaging. Wait until hair is dry and carefully comb the hair with a plastic, bone or wooden comb with rare and rounded at the ends of teeth.

If you want to treat damaged hair, which are cut and broken, then forget about the gum and barrette. Give your hair the ability to enjoy the freedom. Try not to expose them to the hot sun, or, conversely, rain and snow. Wear hats during the cold season, since so you will save your hair from temperature changes in the street and indoors. Do not forget the hats and caps on sunny beaches. And always wear a rubber cap, if the use of the pool, because the substances that disinfect the water in it, it is not useful for all hair types, especially for those who also whipped.

Your diet is also essential for the health and beauty curls. Indeed, as mentioned in the beginning, strong and beautiful hair - an indicator of the state of the body. Please note that any sickness immediately reflected on the hair: it loses volume, curls appear dull and lacking luster. Therefore, we must take seriously their health, if you suffer from the problem of split ends throughout its length.

Perhaps you are fond of fatty or sugary food and eat little of the liquid. In this case, review the principles of their food and more drink, because it is through the intake of moisture to normal water-salt balance necessary for healthy tresses. Or your body loses important minerals, from which, it is quite natural to suffer hair that is starting to break and split. Be able to help in their recovery, and accelerate the growth of some foods: milk, cottage cheese, lean beef, butter, eggs, persimmon, pumpkin, cabbage and carrots. In addition, try the winter and spring to take a course of vitamins.

Here, perhaps, and all the main ways to combat split ends that have emerged due to ignorance of the basic principles of caring for them, or simple errors in the diet. As for the more serious cases, where the above methods do not help or give short-term results, the nature of the problem you need to look deeper. However, showing persistence and patience, you still will be able to bring back the beauty of your hair.

 Whipped her hair over the entire length: can restore the beauty of damaged tresses?

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