Acne vulgaris - is an inflammatory disease that occurs when the sebaceous glands malfunction. The hair follicles accumulated sebum and dead skin particles of skin, because it creates a favorable environment for bacteria (staph infection).
Suffer both girls and boys, but most severe form of the disease is striking is the strong half. The disease usually begins to manifest at puberty, when the body is a lot of changes. Also plays the role of a genetic predisposition, environment, increased sweating, poor diet (which is dominated by greasy, spicy and sweet food), use of drugs, disruption of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal disease.
Acne may also occur due to intolerance of some drugs, for example, even such as iodine or bromine. In women, the cause of acne may be hormonal changes during pregnancy or during the menstrual cycle.
What is acne vulgaris?
So, how come acne vulgaris? Let's start with the fact that acne (another name of the disease) can be both inflammatory and non-inflammatory; it all depends on how big a role the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes in the follicle inflammation.
Noninflammatory acne manifests as comedones - a non-infectious body plugs, located close to the mouth of the follicle. They, in turn, divided into white and black. If the follicle is closed or narrowed at the surface of the skin, the acne will be white, and if opened, the horny masses move up in the mouth of the follicle, and because of oxidation and dust and dirt on the surface it will be black.
Inflammatory acne comprises papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. In the formation of fatty acids that irritate the walls of the follicles are formed papules. If the infection causes inflammation within the follicle, whereas pustules occur, and after the rupture of the follicle after physical manipulation or after contact with the fatty acid in the tissue due to bacteria (which leads to inflammation of soft tissues) formed nodules and cysts. Usually only the cystic acne brings pain and other types of acne vulgaris bring a moral constraint and low self-esteem. In various stages of the disease are different types of acne go together.
Comedones with white heads (closed comedones) - a soft white color Educational palpable size from 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter, and with comedones blackheads (open comedones) resemble closed, but have a black center.
The pustules and papules - a red cone point 2 to 5 millimeters in diameter. In these cases follicular epithelium damaged -this accumulation of lymphocytes and neutrophils. Content comedones at break epithelium causes a very strong inflammatory reaction of the dermis. Papules also forms a relatively deep inflammation, they are more superficial. But nodes bigger, deeper and denser papules, they resemble the inflamed cyst, but do not have cystic structure. Finally, a cyst - a nodes that have undergone purulent fusion. Sometimes the cyst is infected, and from it formed an abscess. If the cystic form of the disease lasts a long time, then after the healing of the affected areas on the ground appear scars, they are manifested in the form of depressions, irregularities, shallow ceasing skin.
You can also highlight spherical acne. They are the most severe form of acne vulgaris; mostly spherical acne affects men, and the patient is suffering from abscesses, sinus formation, hollow comedones and atrophic scars. In this case, a person greatly affects both the back and chest, and the possibility of the appearance of acne on the arms, abdomen, buttocks and even on the head.
Lightning fast acne manifests itself as a sudden formation of globular ulcerative acne, characterized by the appearance of confluent abscesses leading to hemorrhagic necrosis. In this stage of the disease can be detected leukocytosis, swelling and pain in joints.
But facial pyoderma occurs in young women, it is also apparent lightning pink eels in the central part of the face. Pyoderma may be an analogue of a lightning acne. Eruptions also affect the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead, and they consist of pustules and erythematous plaques.
Accurate diagnosis is a clinical method, with distinguished three degrees of severity of the disease: mild, moderate and severe, depending on the number and type of lesions.
Features of acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris - not just teenage disease, many adults often appear isolated light acne rash. Usually, remission of disease severity in any occurs after 20 years, but in some cases, the disease can emerge and 40 years, particularly in females. The choice of drugs for women can be restricted to carrying a child.
Acne with mild inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne usually does not leave scars after healing of lesions. But moderate and severe acne, unlike light, in most cases leave scars, which may lead to emotional stress patients, particularly in adolescents. In such cases, it does not neglect the psychological help, or a person can lose his personality, become withdrawn and uncommunicative.
Treatment of acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris - is primarily a disease. Which requires a complex, gradual treatment, including antibiotics, retinoids, vitamins and Immunopreparat. Also used ultraviolet irradiation, lotions with sulfur and an alcohol-based salicylic acid. Furthermore, for removing acne vulgaris need to use special ointment. Just can not engage in self - necessarily need to seek medical attention.
Treatment of acne vulgaris is aimed at reducing sebum production, reducing inflammation and infection, as well as the formation of comedones. When choosing a treatment for acne should consider the severity of the disease. Affected skin is necessary to process every day; but overreliance on doing this well will not benefit. Using antibacterial soap may excessively dry skin that does not affect positively the process of restoring the balance of sebum.
Mild disease treated with monotherapy, usually this is enough to get rid of comedones; when papules and pustules should be treated double-action, that is, to combine antibiotics and topical tretinoin with benzoyl peroxide. Such treatment is carried out by six weeks or until complete disappearance of lesions.
A treatment based comedones is daily topical application of tretinoin with gradual increase in the concentration. If the patient has an intolerance tretinoin, can serve as an alternative to daily use of tazarotene (cream) or gel / cream containing azelaic acid or glycolic or salicylic acid with propylene glycol.
Systemic treatment
In moderate acne is best to use a systemic treatment with antibiotics, such as tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin; Duration of treatment - twelve weeks. When antibiotic treatment dosage gradually reduced to approximately after 4 weeks, but severe cases even have to increase the dose. But after the treatment of acne is necessary prophylactic use of drugs, in order to avoid relapse.
You should also pay attention to the fact that the use of antibiotics may be in breach of the gastrointestinal tract; should see the list of possible side effects of drugs and offered to you along with your doctor to choose the most suitable for you. In women, long-term use of antibiotics can cause Candida vaginitis (thrush). If antibiotics are no intended effect cure acne, discontinue their use.
The best way to treat moderate failure of antibiotics and severe inflammatory acne is the use of oral isotretinoin. Enough to make it 1 time a day for 16-20 weeks, while poor tolerability of the drug dosage should be reduced by half.
It should be remembered that after the treatment of acne disease may return in such cases, treatment can be repeated only 4 months after discontinuation of the drug. The re-emergence of acne is observed in the case of low initial dosage of treatment, or if the course has not been passed through.
Face cleaning
Removal of acne should be done in a beauty parlor. If you want to do it at home, you first need to take a steam bath or apply a hot wet compress. It is best used for that purpose chamomile broth - Place in a saucepan five tablespoons of chamomile pharmacy, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Wrap the pot with a towel and leave for two hours, then be sure to strain and, if necessary, warm up to the optimal temperature - beware of burns.
Instead, you can use a steam bath salt treatments. For oily skin, use a soap solution with the addition of salt, if the skin is dry, before the procedure, a person must be lubricated with fat cream or butter. Salt not only expands the pores very well, but also cleanses them.
To avoid irritation of the skin and acne, acne does not need to remove more than 2 times a week, and this should be done with extreme caution. And be sure to remember that the house can only remove blackheads. And do not forget that you must be sure to disinfect your hands! After removing acne as a disinfectant and wiped his face. You do not want to earn more and boil?
Traditional recipes of treatment of acne vulgaris
You can use other cosmetic procedures that contribute to the fight against acne: wipes, lotions, compresses, masks. Means for wiping can be done independently. For this kind of procedure, you can use baking soda, salt, extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe vera, St. John's wort, oak, birch, white lily tincture.
All these funds are preparing standard - two tablespoons of selected raw materials pour half a liter of hot water and leave to infuse for an hour, then be sure to strain. After preparation of the solution should be cotton gauze bandage or wipe the skin.
And follow their movements - they have to be careful not to injure the skin. You can also make lotions fresh juice of aloe leaves, marshmallow root infusion, decoction or infusion of celandine - soak a gauze and apply to problem areas for 30 minutes. As drying is required to dampen the cloth.
Poultices for acne are made once a day. For oily skin made hot compresses, and when dry - warm, so as not to cause irritation. For compresses you can use honey, celandine, ammonia. If you chose ammonia observe proportions: three drops in a glass of water.
Steam baths
The heat from the steam baths opens the pores, which contributes to the output of sebum. Baths should be performed no more than once a week; and to make them the best of herbs containing essential oils with disinfectant and healing properties. Before use, the steam bath must be thoroughly clean the face, but do not use a scrub or peeling.
Take a wide bowl, no less than a half-liter. At the bottom lay chosen for your skin type grass and the Gulf of hot water, allow to stand for 5-10 minutes. Do not use too hot steam, as this may damage the skin. The water temperature should be about 43 degrees.
We need to lean over the water and cover with a towel. If you have dry skin enough 10 minutes with a fat can remain under a towel for 20 minutes. The distance between the face and the water must be at least 20 cm. After the procedure, you can not rub the person need only slightly wet towel or cloth.
Yeast mask
For the treatment of acne successfully used yeast mask. But remember that in order to achieve the result it is necessary not less than twenty procedures. The mask is preparing very simple - take one tablespoon of live yeast, cover with water and stir - you should get a creamy consistency. Apply it on the problem areas and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Mask bodyagi
In the treatment of black, white and inflammatory acne masks are effective concoctions. To prepare mask badyagu mix with warm water so as to obtain a paste. This very mush and put on the rash for about 10 minutes. If you feel discomfort, immediately rinse the mask - you have too sensitive skin.
And remember that the main key to success is systematic. If you treat acne vulgaris as it should be, rather than occasional, very soon your skin at times improve. And once again draw your attention - in any case, do not ignore the need to visit a dermatologist!