Treatment of warts at home

  • Causes of warts
  • Folk remedies for warts

Do not touch the frog - warts appear! Surely each of us have heard horror stories that as a child. However, we have long grown up and are unlikely to grab the hands of frogs. A warts, alas, sometimes appear. And we did not adorn. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.

Causes of warts

But before we talk about how to get rid of warts, let's find out where they all come from. It is not from the frogs, in fact! Of course not. These skin lesions can be very different, both in form and in size - from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters in diameter as perfectly round and fancy shapes.

Warts - a skin disease that develops because of the variety of human papilloma virus. Method of infection is not so little - it's a handshake, and the use of common household items, and an intimate relationship.

The virus is very long incubation period - from several weeks to several months, during which time the virus multiplies in the skin and is actively gaining momentum. Therefore reliably identify the source of infection is virtually impossible. By the way, doctors have identified a number of factors contributing to the development of warts - it's all kinds of injuries of the skin, and weakened immunity.

In order to get rid of warts, it is necessary as a fashionable quickly consult a doctor, dermatologist, who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Tarry not worth it, because the warts have a sad tendency to spread rapidly over the skin.

 correct treatment of warts at home

Folk remedies for warts

Unfortunately, not all people - for whatever reasons - are eager to go to a doctor and prefer to attempt to get rid of warts. Of course, the decision can not be called wise, but ... As they say, of two evils choose the lesser need. And if you decided to use the means at hand, so at least those that will not harm your health.

  • Juice of celandine

Celandine is used to treat various skin diseases since time immemorial. You can use it to remove warts - just lubricate them twice a day, the juice of celandine. The duration of treatment should not be longer than two weeks. And remember that celandine quite toxic - wash your hands thoroughly.

  • Garlic

If you do not like elaborate recipes, you will approach treatment with garlic juice. Just cut a clove of garlic and how to rub the wart. The same procedure should be carried out once a day, for a month.

  • Dandelion juice

If it's spring, resort to the help of dandelions - lubricate the wart white dandelion juice at least three times a day. Treatment should last at least two weeks - otherwise the result will be.

  • Acetic acid

This tool requires you to limit attention - we can not allow the burn surrounding tissue. Before going to bed apply on the wart every one drop of acetic acid and leave without washing. As a rule, the warts begin to disappear after only three or four days. However, treatment should continue for at least one week.

  • Rowan

If the window for winter use in the treatment of rowan berries. Crush a few berries (depending on the number of warts), and the resulting mass apply on the warts. Top cover with plastic wrap and leave for an hour. The same procedure holds enough once a day, until the complete disappearance of warts.

  • Castor oil

Castor oil - a completely safe and very effective way to get rid of warts. Just lubricate them with castor oil several times a day until the wart is not retreat.

  • Onion

Clean one small head of onions, fill it with vinegar and soak for one hour. Then cut the onion in half and pribintuyte inside of the wart. A bulb should be left on all night and in the morning lubricate the wart any vegetable oil. Treatment can be carried out until the complete disappearance of the warts.

  • Whiting

Prepare regular white chalk - at least 10 pieces. Thoroughly crush it - in the end you should have a powder. Sprinkle the powder wart, cover with plastic wrap and bandage - leave overnight. The duration of treatment - 14 days. And remember - during this treatment in any case can not soak the wart.

  • Flapjack

If the wart is very big, you can try the following means. You will need a head of garlic, 10 tablespoons of flour, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a little water. Garlic peel and chop. Vinegar, add water and knead very cool cake, then add the garlic.

Attach a cake to the wart and tightly-tightly secure it with a bandage. The cake should be left for a day. Well, or at least for the night, if you are working and you can not go to work with such a "decoration". The procedure should be carried out in a day - up until the warts do not capitulate.

  • Apple juice

Very effective against warts apple juice. Moreover, the juice is unripe green apples. You can rub the wart with a piece of apple, you can rub in their juice - how you prefer. But carry out this procedure at least three times a day. Warts are beginning to "give up" in about a week, but in order to build on the success, we need to continue treatment is not less than a week.

  • Plums

Approximately similar effects have and prune juice - and is also better to take a plum immature. Cut the plums in half and attach to the inside of the wart. Attach the adhesive plaster or bandage and leave for a couple of hours. Treatment - 7 days.

Of course, all of these people's ways of getting rid of warts are often very effective and people for a long time - and sometimes all - forget about the issue. But in any case we must not forget the danger may conceal an attempt to treat warts at home. Therefore, all the same, try to find a way, and yet, visit a dermatologist. After all, your health - in your hands! And very often we think that we treat the illness at home ... And actually just cripple their health.

 Treatment of warts at home

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 pimples on the cheeks

  • Causes of Acne
  • Daily cleansing facial
  • Deep cleansing
  • Masks for oily skin

Pimples on the cheeks appear more often. These spots are expressed very strongly - they become inflamed, have a bright color and large size. Of course, such a situation does not agree to put up one. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of acne - cosmetic procedures, expensive drugs, traditional medicines.

And what is most interesting, because getting rid! But, of course, to support this, you will have to work - to review your lifestyle, change diet, regular and thorough care for skin.

Causes of Acne

Probably not a single person who does not know the causes of acne. But it is said that the repetition - the mother of learning! Let us once again renew this knowledge:

  • Diet

The first thing you should pay attention to if you have any pimples on the cheeks - it's what is in your plate and that is poured into your cups. Say "no" fat and fried foods, artificial colors or preservatives, especially sweets and chocolate.

Say "yes" fruits, vegetables, fish and meat, steamed. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated beverages, packaged juices, coffee and cocoa. Prefer clean water and green tea, freshly squeezed natural juices. And be sure to follow the work of his intestines - doctors say that constipation - the first step to acne.

  • Hormonal

Not the last role played by the hormonal status of the person. This is a very good reason for the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Note - pimples on the cheeks often appear in adolescents, the future mother and women in a specific phase of the menstrual cycle. Do you know why this is happening? Because radical changes hormones.

The same thing happens in diseases that result in disrupted the normal hormonal balance. Therefore, if the pimples on the cheeks does not wish to disappear, it is necessary to consult a doctor-endocrinologist. You may need blood tests and the subsequent specific treatment. Otherwise you yourself will not be able to do anything.

  • Oily skin of the face and the lack of proper care

Acne can appear on the cheeks and if you have oily or combination skin of the face, and you are caring for it properly. Clogged pores - the first way to the inflammatory process and the emergence of not only acne but also boils. Therefore, as soon as the notice pimples on the cheeks, go to the beautician and ask him to choose the best for your skin care program. Probably, the reason is that.

 pimples on the cheeks reason

Daily cleansing facial

The most important thing that you need for your skin - this is the correct cleaning. Simply wash in most cases is not enough - have a little tricky. And we start with daily cleansing - in the mornings and evenings. You can buy a ready means for this, and you can cook it yourself.

  • Oatmeal Soap

On a fine grater grate a tablespoon of any children's soap. With coffee grinder grind one tablespoon of oatmeal. Melt in a water bath soap and add oat flour, mix well. Then put the resulting mass in some form, and let cool. Wash with soap and water it twice a day - morning and evening. The skin is cleaned very gently, but at the same time very carefully.

  • Chamomile soap

Place in an enamel pot of 100 ml of small children's foam bath and over low heat bring to a boil. Once it starts boiling, Stir in two tablespoons of chamomile pharmacy (can be used as fresh blossoms and dry). Immediately turn off the heat and cool the foam. Pour a means to some tightly closing container. Use it for the evening and the morning washing.

Deep cleansing

Remember that your skin periodically need deep cleaning - otherwise you would not be able to defeat acne and pimples on the cheeks. You can use ready-made scrubs, but you can avoid this time-shifts.

  • Orange Scrub

Place in preheated oven peel of one orange and place for 30 minutes. Then cool and grind to a powder. Mix orange peel with five tablespoons of yogurt and apply to the pre-steaming skin. Massage your face and leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This cleaning should be carried out twice a week. But remember that citrus often cause allergic reactions.

  • Grape Scrub

Eat grapes? Awake throw bones - chop them and mix with sour cream: half a teaspoon of seeds to three tablespoons of sour cream. Rasparte skin scrub and apply on problem areas. Massage and leave for a few minutes. Then wash your face with water.

 pimples on the cheeks indicate

Masks for oily skin

Do without medical masks you can not - they relieve inflammation and prevent recurrent rashes. And though many say that enough and simple purification, still recommend to try the most suitable for you mask.

  • Almond Mask

If the inflammation is very pronounced, it is worth to try the almond mask. Clean the five almonds, carefully chop them and mix with one tablespoon of honey every. The resulting mixture, apply a thick layer on the rash, the top cover with plastic wrap and lie down quietly for about 15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water. Take the mask three times a week, and just a month you will notice dramatic results. Important! Watch out for allergic reactions to honey.

  • The mask of aloe

The simplest, but least effective mask - a mask of conventional aloe. Take a few leaves of the aloe plant with more than five years old, peel and grind carefully with a fork until a pasty consistency. Clean and rasparte face, she will put on weight and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. This mask can be done at least every day.

So, to sum up the results. Tortured acne? The first visit a doctor who will eliminate the presence of certain diseases. Then revise your diet - healthy food does not harm anyone else. And, of course, properly care for their skin. And remember - you never get rid of the problem - the need to prevent its re-occurrence. As doctors say, the best treatment - is prevention!

 Pimples on the cheeks - get rid easily

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