Furuncle - something quite unpleasant. And it is quite natural that we should get rid of boils as soon as possible. Of course, it is best to seek help from a dermatologist. However, not all of us are immediately sent to the clinic - that no, the desire, then something else.
But it boils to leave without treatment in any case can not be! How to be? Perhaps, in this situation it would be appropriate to recall the folk remedy for boils. They are often much more effective than most pharmacological agents. The only thing to note, if you have chosen the treatment of folk remedies - is the fact that the patient was not human allergic reactions to one or another component of the chosen means.
What is a boil?
But first, let's see, what is the boil. In fact, it is a strong inflammatory process that develops gradually. First, there is a small red dot - is developing a dense inflammatory node. Moreover, as is typical, especially inflammation deeper within the skin. Then redness captures a larger area of the skin, there is a strong swelling of affected tissues are sealed. There is a strong pain.
Then, the condition worsens even more - consolidation is becoming stronger, swelling - all the more. The hair bulb dies, forming the core of the boil and surrounding tissues begin to die. The skin takes on a particular bright pink, and the pain is very strong. Deteriorating general condition of the sick person - there is a weakness, pain, fever, purulent abscess increasing.
Incidentally, at this stage of the disease on their own to try to get rid of boils is not worth it - the inflammatory process has gone too far, and it may well be that a sick person will need a course of antibiotics. After all, in all cases, the development of boils provoked by various bacteria.
Treatment boil
So, what is boils, we understand. Now it was the turn to understand how these very boils treated using traditional methods.
Treatment Aloe
In a rare home is no such useful plants like aloe tree, or as it is known colloquially, agave. Many folk recipes include active components, including the treatment of boils. You will need a piece of paper with the plants older than 5 years - a young agave has not yet sufficiently strong healing properties.
Cut the leaf, rinse it under running water and peel. Then carefully grind - you should have a kind of paste. From sterile bandage small cut gauze and adhesive tape cook. Apply to the affected area of the pulp of aloe, top cover with gauze and secure with adhesive tape.
This poultice should be changed at least three times a day. Practice shows that this treatment is very effective - Aloe not only draws the pus, but also has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
Treatment of potatoes
Talking about the treatment of folk remedies, not to mention the usual potatoes. True it is worth noting that this treatment is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Wash and clean one small raw potato tuber, grate it on a small grater. The resulting mush apply a thick layer on the affected area, cover the top with plastic wrap and secure with a bandage. Change the compress every 4 hours for two days. If no improvement occurs, it is worth trying other treatment.
Herbal treatment
Many traditional methods of treatment involve the use of herbs. For example, inflammation very efficiently eliminates the drug clover. To do this, you have to prepare a special healing ointment. Melt in a water bath two tablespoons of butter, rub it in two tablespoons of boiling water pre-soaked (in a ratio of 1 to 1) clover flowers. Lubricate boil this ointment as often as possible - 8-10 times a day.
If the inflammation is very strong, buy at the pharmacy Veronica drug - its effect is particularly strong. Grind two tablespoons of herbs in a water bath, heat two tablespoons of any vegetable oil and mix the ingredients. Pour into a glass bowl and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. Receive funds must be three times a day to lubricate the affected places.
Treatment of onion
Peel a small onion, bake it in the oven for an hour. At this time, rub on a small grater two tablespoons of soap. Onions chop using a fork, mix thoroughly with soap and water. Apply the mass of the affected area, cover with plastic wrap, bandage and secure with adhesive tape. Change compresses every two hours. The pain and inflammation will go very, very quickly.
Laundry soap
If the inflammatory process has gone too far, come to the aid all the same soap. But the very means of preparing different. Nastrogat grated five tablespoons of soap, pour a glass of water and simmer for as long as the water does not remain one-third of the original volume. Then cool the solution - it thickens. Apply an ointment to gauze, apply to the boils and secure it with a plaster or bandage. The dressing should be changed at least three times per day. However, if you notice that the pus is removed too much, change the bandage often.
Do not ignore doctors!
Of course, the people's money is very, very effective. However, sometimes it happens that some popular recipes to get rid of boils fails. So remember one simple but very important rule - if, within two or three days of no improvement, necessarily consult your doctor.
Further treatment is popular recipes can lead to very serious complications. And usually not dangerous at first glance may lead you to a boil in a hospital bed. And all because of the excessive desire to be treated solely folk remedies. So is it worth it?
We recommend that read: Treating boils at home
Vegetarianism and its variants
The reasons for vegetarianism
Harmful if vegetarianism?
Vegetarianism and sport
Life expectancy
Vegetarianism: "for" and "against." This age-old dispute exists as much, and the phenomenon itself. Who is right and who is wrong? Clear answer to this question is very complicated, so we'll just tell you about the positive and negative aspects of vegetarianism. Well, the solution is, of course, is just for you.
Vegetarianism and its variants
Let's try to sort out first. What is a vegetarian? Is it right, those who eschews vegetarianism, against which is a thousand arguments? The word "vegan" has English roots and translates as "plant", "vegetable". Vegetarianism is the same - it is the power supply system, which is characterized by failure of the human consumption of the flesh of any animal.
There are several types of vegetarianism, of which the most "rigid" is considered to be a strict vegetarian diet, which includes a failure as the consumption of meat animals, and products that produce animals (milk, eggs). The position is very ambiguous - there are jokers who say that vegetarians - these are the people who do not eat animals. But "devour" them, making the animal a serious competition in eating their food: herbs, vegetables, fruits.
Vegetarianism has several directions, but the basis for each of them is the unquestioning ban on consumption of meat and poultry as well as fish and other seafood. In order to more accurately understand the direction of vegetarianism, we consider in more detail their principles:
Lacto-ovo vegetarian - this type of vegetarianism permits the consumption of milk and eggs.
Laktovegetarianstvo - allowed the consumption of milk, but the eggs are considered unacceptable product.
Ovo-vegetarianism - on the contrary, enables the consumption of eggs, however, exclude from the diet of milk.
Vegan - and prohibits the consumption of meat and milk.
The followers of vegetarianism, as a rule, are more common in countries with a high standard of living. In countries with a low standard of living issue of vegetarianism is not as prevalent as moral and ethical principles concerning food there is much less relevant. This is not surprising when a global challenge is the need to feed themselves and their families.
The reasons for vegetarianism
The beliefs by which people come to vegetarianism, are quite different:
Humane considerations
Someone stops to consume the meat of animals from the ethical and moral beliefs, considering the destruction of animals in the same invalid as killing people. They explain this by saying that no living creature should not be killed for human consumption.
But opponents of vegetarianism in response to such a statement give a very convincing counterargument. They argue that the concept of "living organism" in this case is debatable - after all, plants and fungi are living. They all have certain lifespan, grow, reproduce, die.
From this point of view, and sliced fennel salad is no different from the slaughter of cattle on a farm. A campaign for mushrooms and all recalls the terrible pictures of the past, when the Mongol invasion devastated entire villages. Well, what to say then about boiling water? After all, the result of thousands of micro-organisms are killed due to temperature!
By the way, antibiotics then also can be equated to mass murder, is not it? Just think that the pathogenic microflora and can lead to loss of life. She, too, is alive! Of course, these examples are slightly exaggerated, but also have the right to exist, is not it? But we're a little distracted.
Religious beliefs
Another reason for not eating meat are religious beliefs (Buddhism, Hinduism). In this case, hard to judge something - it features a specific religious doctrine. Although in most cases it is a question only of positions rather than a complete rejection of animal food.
Concern about the health
Other people honestly believe that the refusal of food of animal origin will improve their health. They say that such a diet will reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis, heart disease and so on. Of course, some truth in these allegations is. However, few people think that vegetable diet deprives a person of many valuable and vital substances such as animal protein.
Saving Money
There are also people who are promoting vegetarianism as a lifestyle, which will help to reduce the often back-breaking costs of food. Of course, this issue is relevant to many. However, it is quite controversial, considering that the price of vegetables and fruits in winter can significantly make a dent in your wallet unlucky "economist".
In addition, the fruit and vegetable stall in our country the choice is not so great. And besides, some of the products at all dangerous to health, as are stuffed excessive amount of fertilizers and other harmful substances. If we make a chemical analysis of the "winter" vegetable, a feeling of active walks in the periodic table.
Speaking of which, unfortunately, not only winter fruits and vegetables with the same sin. Take, for example, watermelon. How many people know the technology acceleration impart color watermelon? Perhaps we should be silent about it in order not to discourage the love of these melons readers.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to remind readers that the doctors have a version that says that it is best to eat fruits and vegetables of his band, ie the band in which you reside, that a child "known" to your stomach. To grow all the vegetables and fruits in their home gardens is often not possible, as many live in the so-called "zone of risky agriculture."
It turns out that if you consume vegetables and fruits of his band, the choice of them is significantly reduced. Moreover, not all year we are growing fruits and vegetables, because the climate is not particularly conducive to this. Of course, fruits and vegetables may be preserved, as they have done before our mothers and grandmothers. Yet most of the useful trace elements and vitamins is lost. And the alternative method - to freeze and store so much that would be enough for a family - just not realistic for the average citizen, because of the absence of conditions for storage. Therefore, the issue of vegetarianism as a way to save is to put it mildly, controversial.
Proponents of natural
The next category of people who consider themselves vegetarians, was convinced that humans more natural plant foods. Although it is questionable, because the meat we digest and very well. Therefore, there is a feeling that people who are vegetarians, just pay tribute to fashion.
If we consider the physiology of the human structure and try to understand, to whom we are closer in structure of external and internal organs, the picture will look like this:
The optimum ratio of length and the length of the intestine for different food different. Vegetarian food takes longer to assimilate, compared to meat, and because the intestines of herbivores is much longer than that of carnivores. For example, carnivorous cats and dogs have a long intestine about two to four meters, and the herbivorous horses and cows - 20 meters or more.
Carnivores length of intestines longer than the body in three to five times, while the herbivorous ratio is fifteen to twenty. People with their long intestine - an average of 7-8 meters - in relation to the length of the body fall just as the number of those who can be classified as a carnivore and herbivore to.
By the structure of the teeth of people it can also be determined and carnivorous and herbivorous, because people there are canines - and long pointed teeth, like a carnivorous, and flat molars, like herbivores.
Jaws human move both the horizontal and vertical axis while carnivores only vertically. And herbivores and jaw move in the vertical and in the horizontal plane, as in humans. Hence, the structure of the human jaw is universal and can handle any food.
Sweating a person close to the herbivorous creatures, whose body a lot of sweat glands. The sweat gland is located at the carnivores are not on the skin and mucous membranes. Remember: the dog, such as sweat through the tongue.
If you look at the presence of claws, then they are carnivorous and herbivorous have not - on the basis of most people are carnivorous. But, nevertheless, nail person power does not produce.
Salivary glands
Salivary glands from carnivorous poorly developed because of the uselessness chew, they swallow it whole. In humans and herbivorous salivary glands developed for the initial digestion. Although, admittedly, that people still salivary glands are less developed than eg cows.
It turns out that for some physiological characteristics of people still closer to herbivorous than to carnivores? Maybe.
Harmful if vegetarianism?
So, we come to the most important question - whether vegetarianism is harmful to human health? Clear answer to this question is impossible. Rather, the harm would be very tangible vegetarianism in if you stop consuming food of animal origin, not bothering to replace it properly.
The lack of certain vitamins
The hardest hit will have the vegetarians who refuse to consumption of absolutely all the products produced by animals. They will have to use some vitamins, including vitamin B12, chemically synthesized, purchased at a pharmacy.
And, in fairness, it should be recalled that whatever the composition of a huge complex of vitamins and minerals not specified in the bank absorbed only 1-2 vitamin. Therefore, give preference to specific vitamins, not complexes. It is best to ask a doctor to choose the most appropriate medication for you.
Amino acids and iron
Harm vegetarian diet at the imbalance will be even a deficit of amino acids and iron. This is not surprising, because some amino acids a person gets only with food. And most of these same essential amino acids is contained in meat.
Many opponents of vegetarianism in one voice say that the lack of meat will inevitably lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia. However, this is not at all the case. Required for a man is not only the iron in meat. For example, apples. Just do not we eat apples in an amount such that the need for our body has been fully satisfied, unfortunately. And if this is not known where the apples grow, and were something treated against pests, then their usefulness is great doubt.
Some sources suggest replenish amino acids and vitamins by eating legumes, such as lentils and soy, nuts and wholemeal cereals. But perhaps it is worth recalling a well-known fact - the consumption of soy in large quantities leads to the destruction of the thyroid gland.
Very often you can hear that the transition to a vegetarian diet helped get rid of superfluous kilograms. Moreover, as soon as possible and without any effort. However, doctors do not agree with this. Too many favorite vegetarian foods very high in calories. For example, nuts. They, of course, very tasty and healthy, but do not forget about their calorie content.
Walnut 100 grams - 700 kcal
Brazil nuts in 100 g - 703 kcal
pine nuts 100 g - 620 kcal
almonds 100 g - 694 kcal
hazelnuts 100 g - 707 kcal
pistachios 100g - 610 kcal
peanuts 100 g - 551 kcal
cashew nuts in 100 g - 633 kcal
pecans 100 g - 861 kcal
coconut in 100g - 669 kcal.
For people who try to control their weight, these figures speak volumes. Women seeking to lose weight or simply to keep your weight is recommended intake of 2000 kcal per day, provided that it has still some more exercise.
For comparison - in 100 gram bar of chocolate milk - 522 kcal, dark chocolate, which contains 85% and 99% of cocoa - 530 kcal, white porous chocolate 100 g - 547 kcal. It turns out that the people in control of your weight, it is safer to eat chocolate than nuts, the more that 100 grams of nuts - it is quite small, but 100 grams of chocolate is easy to measure, it is exactly one tile.
Just do not forget that some of the products that recommend eating vegetarians, contain starch - potatoes, cereals. Starch is a secondary hunger, like all foods high in rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates entering the blood rapidly raise the blood sugar level. Twenty minutes later the blood sugar level drops dramatically as what our body reacts like a hunger. Therefore it doubts the possibility of losing weight while vegetarianism. While eating more fruits and vegetables helps cleanse the body due to the coarse fibers of cellulose.
Widespread is also the "accusation of meat" in the delivery of the body of excess cholesterol. Yes, cholesterol - it's bad ... But in fact the whole thing in quantity. It has long been known that in the spoon - a medicine, and in the cup - poison! The same effect has cholesterol. In fact, this "harmful component" is needed by the body, only in reasonable doses.
Vegetarianism and sport
Not to mention about the "relationship" of vegetarianism and sport lifestyle. Opponents of vegetarianism say that it is impossible to work out in the event that a person eats is defective.
However, in practice, vegetarianism and sports do not interfere with each other. In Stockholm, the scientists conducted a series of experiments in which participated athletes athletes. For different diets athletes they were at a certain load to exhaustion pedal ergometer.
At the first stage the athletes were fed a mixed diet that includes meat, vegetables and potatoes. After 1 hour, 54 minutes occurred exhaustion.
In the second phase the athletes used the high-calorie foods with a high content of protein and animal fats. Exhaustion occurs within 57 minutes.
In the third stage the athletes fed foods high in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, corn, bread, vegetables. In the latter case, exhaustion occurred only after 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Some vegetarians, which allow the consumption of milk and eggs, can maintain the required level of protein and satisfy the body's need for essential amino acids by protein mixtures and other sports supplements.
In short, there are many examples when athletes consume food meat and achieve high results. As well as vice versa, but in this case it is worth recalling that the nutrition of athletes, doctors watch much more closely than we are in our normal and everyday life. From all this we can conclude that vegetarianism and sport are not mutually exclusive. A full-scale serious research on the impact of vegetarianism on sports successes and achievements have been conducted.
Life expectancy
If we consider the impact of vegetarianism on life, and here you can find the points of contention. On the one hand, in India, where people advocating vegetarianism from about 20% to 40% - the average life expectancy is 62-63 years. On the other side of the Caucasus, whose residents are known to traditional meat consumption, life expectancy is much higher.
By unequivocal opinion about vegetarianism it is very difficult to reach. Is it a panacea for all ills or evil? Everyone is free to choose the way of life that appealed to him, and the food, which he thinks will be most suitable for him.