how to get rid of red spots after acne

Despite the disappointment of so many people, a problem such as acne and other skin diseases, there are very, very often. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of skin diseases. However, in addition to acne, there is another important problem - acne spots that remain on the site of skin rashes.

And people are scratching their heads - how to get rid of red spots after acne? Unfortunately, the information on this subject is quite difficult to find, whereas the problem does exist and it is very urgent. Agree, the absence of acne in the presence of red spots and scars not so - it is decorated with the appearance of man.

Why are there spots and scars from acne? Typically, they are formed in the case of acne treatment was conducted improperly, without proper aseptically and disinfecting. Moreover, such error even in the early stages of the disease may lead to the fact that the face will not particularly beautiful spot, and say nothing about when the disease was in a fairly advanced stage? Here it is up to significant scarring of the skin close.

In addition, a very, very high risk of the formation of red spots and scars when people attempt to get rid of pimples, squeezing them myself at home. However, no matter what was the reason for the appearance of scarring and red spots, the result of one - it spoils the appearance of the person, and from the need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

As a general rule, in order to get rid of too pronounced deep pits and scars, the sick person needs help professional beautician, and in severe cases - a doctor - dermatologist. At home, it is unlikely to achieve even how - any noticeable effect. However, in less demanding situations - when a red or dark brown spots, you can try to improve the situation at home, on their own, using some of the funds which will be discussed a little later.

However, be prepared for the fact that not all of these methods, and not in all cases, can really help. In this case, again, the only way to deal with the problem would be an appeal to the beautician or doctor - dermatologist. Nevertheless, it's worth trying, especially since the huge number of people have tried them myself, and have proved their effectiveness.

So what are the means of getting rid of the traces of pimples offers traditional medicine?

Clay with rosemary oil

This recipe is very effective even in very advanced cases, when the scars quite pronounced. To prepare the therapeutic mask you need blue clay and rosemary oil. And he and the other component can be easily bought in almost any drugstore. About three - four tablespoons clay Stir in the dry, non-metallic container, add the five drops of rosemary oil. Then add a little clay in cold clean water, stirring it carefully. As a result, you should have a homogeneous creamy mass containing no lumps.

This is necessary to impose the resulting mass thick layer on the face. Note - the weight must be distributed evenly across the face, not only in the places where there are lesions of the skin. Otherwise, you run the risk of uneven color of the skin, because the mask has a strong bleaching effect.

The mask should be left to face up to its complete drying, then rinse thoroughly enough plenty of warm water. After this, the person must be a good wet towel and rub rosemary oil. However, pay attention to the fact that rosemary oil has a feature to increase the pressure. Therefore, if a person suffers from hypertension, rub rosemary oil is replaced by the most ordinary, commonly sold cucumber lotion.

To conduct this procedure is necessary at least once a day. Improvements should be noticeable by the end of the first week, but the full course of treatment should last at least one month, and if necessary - and longer. This treatment has no adverse effect on either the state of the skin or the general condition of the body.

Egg white

Since the appearance of red and brown spots on the face after acne in all cases caused by only one phenomenon - hyperpigmentation. Therefore, the basic principle upon which the treatment - a whitening of the skin. With this task very successfully copes following screen - Take two eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. The egg whites, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix well.

The resulting mixture as quickly as possible try to put on the skin, and also uniformly over the entire surface of the skin - so that it has acquired a uniform shade. Leave the mixture on the face for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. In that case, if you feel a burning sensation, rinse the mixture immediately and do not use this recipe - otherwise you run the risk of skin burns.

Wipe your face and apply it any moisturizer. Repeat this procedure must be not more than three times a week. As a rule, very significant results are obtained within a month.

Another option mask with lemon juice is a mask based on white or blue clay. Mix in a small non-metallic container two teaspoons lemon juice, clay and water - weight should get very thick. Apply it on the skin of the face, leave for about 20 minutes.

This mask should be done at night, preferably every day, for at least a month. Many people have noted that after two weeks of such a mask is almost completely eliminate even very dark spots.

 how to get rid of red spots after acne

Mask of tomato and starch

Another very effective method of how to get rid of red spots after acne is the tomato pulp. Prepared mask as follows - the flesh of the tomato thoroughly spread with one tablespoon of starch, apply evenly to the face and leave for about five minutes, then rinse with water. A similar procedure should be done after pre-washing at least twice a day - morning and evening.

The first results will become noticeable after just three days, and the steady, pronounced effect is achieved after about a month of regular use. There are no contraindications but are hypersensitive and overly skin sensitization not, as there is no any side effects.

Incidentally, instead of the tomato pulp can be used cucumber weight. Mince a small, pre-peeled cucumber to squeeze half a lemon and mix thoroughly. Apply to the skin after the evening and morning toilet skin. Leave for about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly under running water and apply any moisturizer.

Regular wiping of the skin

In addition to the bleaching treatment masks, for better impact, doctors - dermatologists and beauticians recommend regularly, several times during the day, wipe the entire surface of the facial skin, especially the affected skin. And they can be lubricated with a wide variety of means - you can choose the most suitable option for you.

You can lubricate either lavender oil or tea tree oil, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. Put a cotton pad on one - two drops and carefully wipe the skin. Repeat procedure should be every two hours, every day, until the complete disappearance of dark spots.

For a more effective impact in the bottle of oil you can add some lemon juice - but do not overdo it, enough for two - three drops. After all, you do not wash your face every time after handling oil. This means that the risk of skin exposure to expose lemon juice, which can lead to burn, increases significantly.

It is also a good bleaching effect is achieved by using ice cubes from a decoction of parsley or a pharmacy tincture of calendula. Incidentally, pharmacy calendula is very effective not only whitens the skin but also prevents the appearance of new lesions. Cook them a snap - pharmacy dilute alcohol tincture of calendula in a conventional clean water in a proportion of one to three, pour the solution into molds for ice and put in the freezer.

For the preparation of the ice cubes from a decoction of parsley you should carefully grind five tablespoons parsley, pour half a liter of water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes. After that, the broth must be cool, strain using a gauze fabric, and also pour into molds for ice and put them in the freezer.

Wipe the skin of these cubes must be as often as possible. Besides that you will achieve a whitening effect, and red spots from acne will gradually fade, very good exposure to cold tones blood vessels, it eliminates fine wrinkles, improves the appearance of the skin in general.

All these ways of how to get rid of spots after acne can have a truly remarkable effect, so try them all well worth it. However, remember that before treatment yet it is useful to consult a doctor - dermatologist. Sometimes the solution to the problem is simple enough to make a professional polishing.

 How to get rid of spots after acne?

We recommend to check out how to get rid of acne scars

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts

Laparoscopy ovarian cyst is one of the most common gynecological operations - it accounts for roughly two-thirds of all surgeries in the reproductive system of women. However, despite such widespread, not all women have adequate information both about the disease and its treatment on the way - laparoscopy.

And it was the lack of relevant information and leads to the fact that the woman did not notice the problem in time, and prior to laparoscopy, it is experiencing much greater than that which knows exactly what it will do the doctors during surgery. After all, as a rule, unknown causes much greater fear than the procedure itself.

What is a cyst?

Before we talk about what is laparoscopy, and how it is carried out, it should talk a little bit about what constitutes an ovarian cyst, in fact it is the main indication for operative surgery.

Thus, ovarian cyst - is formed in the body of the ovary cavity inside which there is a certain amount of liquid. And note - this cavity is not like the build-up formed on the body surface of the ovary, and it is growing inside his body. Dimensions, which has an ovarian cyst can be very diverse - from very small to very, very huge. Sometimes oral ovarian cyst is only one, and sometimes - a lot. In the latter case, the disease is known as polycystic ovaries.

As a rule, for the removal of ovarian cysts, doctors are forced to resort to a laparoscopy. However, sometimes a cyst in the ovary is resorbed completely independently, without any - any intervention on the part of the doctors, and as suddenly as it appears. However, if these cysts occur regularly, your doctor may decide to hold a special course of hormone therapy. These cysts are derived from connective tissues of the body of the ovary - and they do not require removal surgically. This kind of cyst is called a functional.

There is another group of cysts, which, unfortunately, can only be removed surgically. If such a cyst is not removed, it will grow rapidly, and as a result will inevitably lead to the rupture of the ovary - a condition which not only threatens the health of women, but also her life. These cysts are called organic. So, a little bit more about them:

  • Functional Ovarian Cysts

The culprits of functional cysts are usually several factors - a weakened immune system, a malfunction of the ovarian hormonal background in the body. This kind of ovarian cysts occur frequently, but fortunately, they are self-absorbed rather quickly - within a maximum of two months, in the beginning of the third menstrual cycle after education.

These functional cysts are diagnosed by means of an ordinary ultrasound. Since they do not require removal, and for the diagnosis of functional cysts laparoscopy doctors use.

  • Organic ovarian cysts

In that case, if after two months after the discovery of the cyst observation of doctors show that the cyst had not even begun to disperse, doctors suggest that the cyst is not functional, and therefore the treatment needs much Bole serious.

Organic cyst is a thick capsule - a hard shell and the liquid contained therein. Such cysts can be located anywhere in the ovary - both on its surface and in its body. This cyst can grow very, very quickly - in just a couple of weeks, it may increase in size in two or even three times.

Remove these cysts is necessary as soon as possible, otherwise the very high risk that is rapidly increasing in the size of the brush sooner or later lead to serious damage to the ovary.

  • Polycystic ovary

In the event that in the ovaries of female doctor detects multiple cysts, polycystic talking about. Incidentally, it is polycystic often leads to infertility. Polycystic makes itself known by the following symptoms - menstrual irregularities, weight gain, an increased amount of hair on a woman's body. As a rule, get rid of polycystic normal hormonal therapy is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, so doctors often resort to a laparoscopy.

 Laparoscopy ovarian

Laparoscopy when ovarian cysts

So the conversation went to the most important - the most to laparoscopy. As is clear from the above, laparoscopy is necessary in order to remove an ovarian cyst. Many women are afraid to carry out an operation, but it is absolutely necessary in order to avoid a number of very negative complications of the disease:

  • Rupture of the intestine

We have already mentioned several times that the greatest danger, which in itself carries an ovarian cyst - a rapid increase in size, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the ovary and even its rupture and extensive internal bleeding. In addition, if an ovary is damaged, it is necessary to completely remove that lead to infertility.

  • Torsion of the ovary

The ovary is low on the leg, which is necessary to ensure that it enters the blood and nutrients. The cyst often leads to the fact that the foot of the ovary is completely twisted, and as a result is fairly rapid death of tissue.

  • The development of pathological tissues

As soon as the cyst grows, it absorbs more and more of healthy ovarian tissue, abnormal growths replacing them. In some, especially unfavorable cases, the presence of cysts can be a trigger for the development of cancer of the ovary.

More recently - almost a few years ago, a laparoscopy done less often. As a result, even with a small two - three-centimeter cyst doctors had to resort to a rather serious abdominal surgery. In recent years, even a very small cyst can be removed without the need for abdominal surgery, using laparoscopic equipment, without any - any effects on the general condition of the woman's body. Just a few hours the woman entirely can forget about all the troubles that are associated with disease such as ovarian cysts.

The main objective of this disease is to remove a cyst from the shells, while not injuring the tissue of the ovary. Doctors - gynecologists, women explaining the principle of the operation, citing cleaning Mandarin - it needs to be cleaned so as to prevent damage to the contents of the fruit.

The same goes for surgery to remove a cyst - it must be completely removed from the woman's body without damaging its shell - otherwise it will be spread throughout the abdomen - and at the same time without damaging the healthy tissue of the ovary. In severe cases, your doctor may decide to hold a little different kind of laparoscopy - wedge resection. During the conduct of such an operation together with a cyst doctor removes a small portion of the ovary.

Choosing a doctor

Too many women are afraid of panic laparoscopy, and in vain. In fact, laparoscopy is by far one of the most effective and safe ways to treat ovarian cysts. The most important thing to do to you - it is to choose a good and experienced doctor, for which laparoscopy is nothing - either out of the ordinary.

The most important thing that you need for successful laparoscopy - is orderly and precise movements of the doctor. It depends on the aspect if you can then have children, and what will be the risk of repeated relapse - the development of new cysts. As mentioned above, laparoscopy itself is a fairly simple operation, but it requires a doctor performing the operation, attention, accuracy and precision of movement.

After the capsule cyst is cleared, the doctor must stop the bleeding from the vessels of the ovaries, using for this purpose, special power tools. And for healthy tissue were not injured by the impact of the electric current, and high temperatures should ovary continuously cooled by means of special wetting with distilled water.

Another important point, which is necessary to consider - is the choice of doctor - anesthesiologist. After all, it depends on the extent to which the right to be made anesthesia during surgery. As a rule, doctors prefer to do a laparoscopy under local anesthesia, without the need for general anesthesia. However, in rare cases, the doctor may still accept the need of general anesthesia if the patient's condition inspires any - any concerns. That is why it is so important to choose a competent anesthetist who adequately assess the woman's condition and will pick the best option anesthesia.

Restoration of the ovary is very fast - it borders take their shape and have typical dimensions about on the second day. And their ovarian function begins to execute within one week, and sometimes even earlier. And the woman is recovering after surgery is very, very fast - the very next day she can lead a normal life - for sports, go to work, do household chores. That is why in most cases, if the overall health of women are not burdened with what - or complications, surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, without the compulsory hospitalization of women.

 ovarian cyst laparoscopy

Other indications for laparoscopic ovarian

However, ovarian cysts - is not the only indication for laparoscopic intervention in the reproductive system of women. For example, laparoscopy is often the doctor prescribes a woman with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a rather serious disease that affects not only the body of the uterus, and ovaries. Incidentally, there is another kind of ovarian cyst - endometrioid cyst, which, fortunately, extremely rare.

This cyst leads to a significant deterioration of the general condition and well-being of women - it can stay a long time, a slight fever, general weakness, menstrual disorders, infertility. And in this case ovarian laparoscopy necessary to completely excise those spikes that arise as a consequence of endometriosis.

In addition, often used as a method for laparoscopic diagnostic examination. In the abdomen woman doctor makes a small incision, and then to introduce a special probe with which it turns all the necessary information.

Another case, which is very often requires a laparoscopy - this is an ectopic pregnancy. In that case, if the ectopic pregnancy is detected in a timely manner, with the help of laparoscopy, doctors removed the fetus from fallopian tube. Thus, physicians persists fruit without damaging either the fallopian tubes or abdominal tissue, as is usually the case with abdominal operations.

Summing up today's discussion, it should be noted that to date the most painless, safe and effective way to restore the health of women of reproductive system - this is laparoscopy. Therefore, if at the next routine inspection gynecologist tells you that you have discovered an ovarian cyst, laparoscopy will help you get rid of the problem as soon as possible, and practically without any - any negative consequences.

 Laparoscopy ovarian

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