On his chest, of course, constantly think almost all women. However, they do not always relate to their thoughts really important issues concerning breast health. More often, a woman concerned about the shape and size of the breast. However, this neglect of his health may be too expensive.
Every second woman at least once in his life faced with painful and discomfort in the breast: a painful engorgement, especially before menstruation, any seals or even strange discharge from the nipples, not associated with breastfeeding. And very often, even in this case, women do not attach much importance to his state.
And in vain - all these are symptoms suggestive of a particular breast disease, which can progress and take chronic form, negatively affecting the overall health of women, and even posing a threat to her life.
Before we tell you about the main diseases of the breast, you should refresh the memory of readers and a brief overview of the structure of the female breast. Mammary cells grouped into slices. Each segment ends with breast milk ducts. All segments generate about 20 segments, which are the main milk ducts, which brings the milk out.
On the structure and condition of the breast affects a huge number of factors. Among the main are: the general health of the woman, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the state of the hormonal system, nutrition, emotional state of women.
Disease of the breast
The leading place among all diseases of the breast takes breast. This disease was so widespread that most women just simply do not give it due importance, blithely assuming that it will pass by itself. And really - is it worth to worry about it?
Doctors - mammalogy answer this question unequivocally: definitely worth it! The main danger of this disease is the fact that against the background of mastitis often develop benign tumors. And where there are benign and malignant tumors before, alas, at hand. Statistics show that women suffering from mastopathy, especially in the chronic form of the disease, is five times higher risk of developing breast cancer. And after all breast cancers are the leading cause of female cancer mortality in Russia.
It is often the only symptom, whereby the physician may suspect the presence of a woman has mastitis are sealing and diffuse tumor nodules, palpable on examination of the breast, which can be very different size. Women themselves are usually not noted particular concern caused to them by these seals. Most often, they make themselves known, becomes painful, or simply sensitive, only a few days before, and after menstruation, and then disappear again until next month. In very advanced cases, pain in the breast can be maintained throughout the menstrual cycle - is increasing, then decreasing.
Seals in the mammary glands can be both flexible and firm texture, depending on the severity of the disease. Pain can be localized exclusively in both breast and irradiate to the axilla, or the back. Often the woman pain can be mistaken for a manifestation of degenerative disc disease, or muscle pain. Also in mastitis, in addition to the seals and pain in the breast, the woman can be allocated to the different colors of the nipples.
Types of benign tumors of the mammary glands
The second highest incidence of breast disease are various tumors. What is meant by a such a thing as a tumor? Doctors call any abnormal growth of tumors of glandular tissue, the image of the changed cells genitals.
All tumors are divided into two types - benign and malignant. Less danger to the woman's body are exactly benign tumors. As the cancer grows, it pushes surrounding tissue, without causing them any harm. These tumors do not go beyond the breast, and certainly not capable of infecting other internal organs. All benign tumors may be completely any shape, size and density. As a rule, the removal of benign tumors occur without - a pleasure the difficulties and the implications for women's health.
A frequent benign tumor is a type of cyst. A cyst is a hollow tumor, filled with liquid. This tumor always has a rounded shape, with clearly defined boundaries. At the touch of a neoplasm soft, flexible and mobile.
It is also not uncommon tumors such as fibroadenoma. It is formed not only of glandular epithelium of the breast, and connective tissue. When probing the tumor resemble dense balls, very mobile, but completely painless.
Intraductal papilloma is less common, but it is also necessary to mention. It develops in the case when the extended large ducts grows epithelium. This disease often leads to the appearance of nipple discharge or serous bloody content.
With mastitis is facing a huge number of young mothers who are breastfeeding. It called mastitis inflammation in the mammary glands. The causes of mastitis may be different factors - and subcooling, and stasis milk and penetration into the mammary gland of pathogenic bacteria. Generally, they fall through the cracks on the nipple.
Malignant breast tumors
Malignant tumors also represent a very serious threat, both for health and for the life of the woman. To control the growth of malignant tumors to date impossible. That is why any malignant tumor must be eliminated as quickly as possible. Malignant notch grow at a rapid pace. That is why it is important, timely and correct diagnosis of the disease.
In the event that the tumor will not be eaten immediately removed, cancer cells quickly grow beyond the breast. Penetrating through the walls of the blood vessels, cancer cells can break into any other body, to gain a foothold and grow there. This phenomenon is known in medicine - metastases. And what would later be diagnosed with the disease, the more metastatic time to appear.
In addition, timely diagnosis is very important to select the correct treatment strategy. The more the process is started, the less treatment options remain in the arsenal of a doctor. And the less frankly chance of recovery is a woman.
At risk of breast cancer
Risk faced with cancer there is absolutely every woman. Just someone is minimal, and someone is large enough. There are so-called risk groups. Women included in this group if she has available at least one of these factors:
The older the woman, the higher her chance of encounter with breast cancer. For example, in 25 years, the cancer is extremely rare, whereas after forty years, the risk is significantly increased, reaching its peak by about 65 years. After 40 years, every woman should see a doctor - mammalogy twice a year. Such a measure would identify the disease in its early stages.
It is also very attentive to their health should be the women with a family with cancer faced someone of close relatives - mother, grandmother, sister. The risk increases in such cases twice.
Also, the level of risk of cancer significantly increase the first child over the age of 35 years. Even more, this risk increases if a woman giving birth to a child for some - any reason refuses to breastfeed.
- Time of onset of menstruation or menopause
The risk of breast cancer is much higher in those women who have first menstruation was too early - before 12 years of age or menopause has come too late - after 55 years.
- Which took place before a variety of diseases of the breast.
- Abortions and miscarriages.
- Disrupt the normal hormonal levels, irregular menstrual cycle.
- Excessive body weight, smoking, drinking alcohol, stress.
- Excessive abuse of a solarium.
In that case, if you are at risk, you should more often than other women to visit the doctor - at least twice a year. Identify the presence of malignant mammary tumors can as a gynecologist and a surgeon and oncologist. However, only a doctor - mammolog able to spend the most complete examination, which includes cytological and histological examination, ultrasound diagnosis and mammogram.
By the way, these professionals can assist women in the case of other problems with the breasts - puerperal mastitis, cracked nipples, and others.
Prevention of breast disease
Unfortunately, despite the rather high level of modern medicine to completely prevent the development of cancer is simply impossible. But, nevertheless, significantly reduce this probability is quite real. And it is the power of every woman - a healthy lifestyle and to comply with the recommendations, which are discussed below.
Breast disease and pregnancy is directly connected to each other. Do not constantly delayed first pregnancy later. Of course, a career is a very important stage in the life of any woman. But do not forget about their own health. The main guarantee of health breast - is a timely pregnancies up to 35 years. After all, the main task and mission of the breast - is to ensure milk little man. And if for some - any reason breast its function is not within the cells begin unfavorable pathological processes.
In that case, if the woman breast pain, disease typically will not be possible to avoid. To avoid various complications, as soon as possible, seek help from a doctor.
Too many women, buying beautiful lingerie, do not even think about the bra should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. It should not squeeze or pull the breast, thereby violating the normal blood circulation. In addition, special attention should be given to sports bras. They must be maintained as the chest, it is not subjected to shocks during running and jumping.
A remarkable tonic for a chest cold water. Cold causes the cells of the pectoral muscles rapidly contract. Thus, the natural elasticity of the breast skin is restored. You can send a jet of cold water directly on the chest, or simply wipe the skin with ice cubes chest.
Breast Care
Of course, care for the area of the neck and the breast is a very important and necessary measure. Caring for them must be at least receive close than facial skin. However, many women in the pursuit of beautiful breasts, forget about that can harm their health.
Today, in the free market, you can purchase a variety of food supplements and creams designed to increase your breast size. But in fact, the most that they are able - to do the breast skin more supple and elastic. In the breast size, these drugs can not influence in any way.
But the harm, and considerable, they can. The first hormonal balance may be affected women. That's why if you do decide to use such means, keep your hormonal balance in check, regularly donating blood to determine the level of hormones.
Actually increase breast size today is only possible with the help of prosthetic breast. However, none of the materials of construction for the breast implant is not completely safe for the health of women. So remember that breast enlargement is very much a last resort.
And it is in any case not allowed to carry out a surgical intervention in the case, if a woman has not reached at least twenty-five years of age. This requirement of doctors - mammologists explanation is very simple - the full and final formation of the breast ends only to 44 - 25 years, even if the woman already has a child. And earlier surgery fraught with various complications development, including the development of malignant tumors.
And finally I would like to repeat once again - the sooner the disease is detected, the better the chances for a full recovery are women. That is why it is important to remember three important components of health: regular monitoring by a doctor - mammalogy, timely mammograms and regular self.
To learn how to carry out self-examination, any doctor will tell you - the surgeon and gynecologist, and. Of course, mammolog. In no case should not ignore this measure - just a few minutes a day can save not only the health of the woman, but her life!