polyps in the uterus

Recently, in the office of gynecologists are increasingly starting to sound such a diagnosis as polyp uterus. And more often than anything with this pathology are found not only women who have reached 50 years, but also very young girls. What is this disease, how to treat it and what are the consequences for women's health?

On these and other questions you can find the answer in this article. And we start with, find out what is a uterine polyp. Doctors this definition characterize the pathological changes and the proliferation of endometrial tissue, mostly ferruginous. Also, polyps often choose their place of endocervical localization - the inner lining of the uterus. In all the cases, the growth of polyps against the background of existing female chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the reproductive system of women.

As mentioned above, recently, doctors believed that the growth of polyps is due to the deferred delivery or heavily flowing menopause. This misconception is related to the fact that the earlier the disease is diagnosed only parous women, or those who have come or just beginning menopause. However, in recent years, this view is contradicted by the gynecologists, and multiple observations.

At present, more and more polyps in the uterus are found not only in young women, but also women who are in their teens, and not even then did not give birth, and do not even sexually active. Or the latter-day polyps in the uterus can be found out at the elderly woman, who is in menopause have a very long time.

According to the observations of doctors - gynecologists and the results of numerous studies the most common causes of polyps in the uterus are:

  • Hormonal disorders caused by disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Chronic erosion of the cervix, particularly true erosion.
  • Inflammation of female genitals, especially chronic.

Typically, polyps often localized either in the cervix or in its cavity, usually in the upper and middle parts. Much less, but still sometimes polyps are located at the bottom of the uterus.

Symptoms of polyps in the uterus

Of course, the disease, as well as others, has certain symptoms. The most important feature on the basis of which the doctor may suspect the presence of polyps in the uterus of a woman - a profuse uterine bleeding, usually appear a few days after menstruation.

In addition, if the polyps are localized on the cervix, women often during intercourse is experiencing quite severe discomfort and even pain. And after sexual intercourse in such cases very often a woman can observe spotting.

But, nevertheless, navigate and make the diagnosis only on the basis of these symptoms can not be. Before the diagnosis, the doctor will conduct the most thorough examination of the woman. Usually, the diagnosis of uterine polyps is not for the doctor - a gynecologist no difficulty. For the diagnosis of cervical polyps quite ordinary gynecological examination with special mirrors. Polyps look like pinkish formations that hang from the cervix as a bunch of grapes from the vine.

For the same, to diagnose polyps found in the uterus, it is enough to hold an ordinary ultrasound. By the way, and on the cervix polyps using ultrasound to detect as possible.

If the doctor is something confused, he may appoint a woman more research, for example, such as colposcopy, hysteroscopy, or uterography. When the doctor performs a colposcopy with a special light device a complete inspection of the vagina. If you made a thorough inspection of the uterine cavity, the procedure is called hysteroscopy. And in that case, if the X-ray examination is made of the uterine cavity, it is called uterography.

For further diagnosis of the disease can be produced diagnostic curettage. The contents of the uterus doctor will refer to the laboratory for histological examination, by means of which the doctor - laboratory determines whether the tumor is not cancerous.

 polyps in the uterus Treatment

Treatment of uterine polyps

As glandular and glandular-cystic polyps uterine body and cervix are only benign tumors, so the immediate danger to the health of the woman they are not. However, remember that constant bleeding with a very high probability lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia, persistent discomfort.

In addition, whatever it was, to doctors regard as a precancerous polyps of the uterus uterine disease. Therefore, the disease is in any case not allowed to leave without treatment. Polyps must be removed without fail. However, many women are afraid of panic operation.

And the most frequently asked question concerns the possibility of doctors woman suffering from polyps in the uterus, to conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. One of the women says that pregnant and give birth must be prior to the surgery to remove polyps in the uterus, and who - it believes that this can be done only if the polyps have been eliminated. Who is right?

The doctors on the subject say the following. Given that one of the main reasons for the development of polyps in the uterus is a violation of a woman's body in the normal hormonal levels. Accordingly, the polyps can serve as a signal that conceiving a child and his subsequent child-bearing can be problematic. You understand that it is much more reasonable to get rid of the polyp, tested for the presence of hormonal disorders. If such violations are found, the woman will be required to undergo appropriate treatment. And only after this plan is having a baby.

But if a pregnancy, even if unintended, but nevertheless occurred, panic and despair still not worth it - even the largest polyp is no danger for the child is not. In such cases, the treatment of polyps is not performed as long as the baby is not born.

Although sometimes there are certain exceptions to this rule. In that case, if the doctor deems it necessary, he can make the removal of polyps from the cervix in women in the early stages of pregnancy. Those women who have previously had polyps in any case should not forget about this disease, since it tends to repeat itself. Regularly checkups at the gynecologist, especially the first few years after birth as pregnancy and childbirth are often the catalyst for relapse.

Generally, for the treatment of cervical polyps and uterus, physicians use surgery and following drug treatment. Especially large polyps, diameter greater than two centimeters, was removed as follows - the polyp itself is twisted, and his foot at the base of an electric current to cauterize. In that case, if a polyp is removed in the uterus, after removing purge entire uterus necessary to exclude the possibility that remain small polyps.

A few days after the removal of polyps necessary to conduct re-examination of the uterus. In case polyps appear again, they will again be removed. And, besides, the woman will be appointed special treatment gormonosoderzhaschimi drugs.

 Polyps in the uterus

We strongly recommend to read: the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy

 hormonal disorders

Everyone has heard the saying "Do not born beautiful, and born happy." One would like to add - and healthy. A woman's health is primarily dependent on the successful hormonal. All hormonal women consists of four main hormones - progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and prolactin.

In the case where the content of a particular hormone increases or decreases, hormonal imbalance occurs. That hormonal disorders in women lead to the development of many diseases of female genitalia and a negative impact on the psychological condition of the woman. The consequences of hormonal imbalance, for example, are diseases such as obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, excess hair growth, irregular menstruation, infertility, uterine fibroids, and many others.

Causes of hormonal imbalances

Until a few decades ago, hormonal imbalance arose infrequently. The modern pace of life leads to the fact that more and more women of all ages are faced with pathological changes in hormonal levels of the organism, varying degrees of severity. Factors causing hormonal imbalance, could be:

  1. Bad ecology

    Doctors noted that women living in environmentally disadvantaged areas, 30% more likely to be diagnosed a hormonal imbalance.

  2. Fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome

    In our time, a woman works and gets the load no less than men. Plus parenting, housekeeping - all this also rests on her shoulders. However, the female body is simply not designed for such loads, and therefore meets the hormonal failure.

  3. Violation of sleep and nutrition

    The fact that an adult should sleep at least eight hours a day, known to all. However, very few women are strictly follows this rule. Lack of sleep, night shifts, chaotic schedule of supply with constant snacking - all this can also lead to hormonal imbalance.

  4. Genetic factors

    In that case, if the mother or grandmother of women suffer from an imbalance in hormonal levels, the chances that she will face this problem, increase significantly. These women need to be especially attentive to their health, and especially to the state of hormonal levels.

  5. Term of first sex

    From that, when a woman begins to be sexually active, it depends on hormones. Its violation can lead too early, or too late onset of sexual activity.

 hormonal disorders in women

Types of female hormones

How to determine the hormonal background? hormonal disorders in women have a variety of symptoms, depending on whether it is a hormone lacking. This is what will be discussed below.

  • Estrogen

And we should start with the main female hormone - estrogen. The first estrogen makes itself felt during puberty girls - he is responsible for the growth and the subsequent work of the uterus, mammary glands. In adult women estrogen is responsible for the menstrual cycle, the endometrium of the uterus, genitals readiness to conceive, pregnancy and birth of a child.

Additionally, estrogen affects the operation of not only female genitals but also of many other vital systems. Estrogen prevents the occurrence of cholesterol in the vessel wall plaques that lead to atherosclerosis, regulates the water and salt exchange in the organism responsible for the normal level of skin moisture and sebaceous glands.

This estrogen is responsible for the maintenance of adequate calcium and phosphorus in the body of a woman. With its lack of osteoporosis is almost inevitable. Furthermore, the low content of this hormone leads to the development of diseases such as cervical erosion, obesity, mammary tumors, vegetative disorders and depression.

  • Progesterone is

Progesterone doctors - endocrinologists is an unspoken title of the pregnancy hormone. That depends on him the fact whether a woman to become a mother - it regulates the menstrual cycle and process of conception and gestation of pregnancy. This progesterone is responsible for the preparation of the breast for breastfeeding.

Lowering the hormone progesterone can lead to various inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovulation disorders, of strong and prolonged uterine bleeding and painful menstruation. Clean skin is also largely dependent on progesterone - with its lack of the skin may appear rash acne and even boils.

In that case, if the pregnancy, and the expectant mother is significantly reduced levels of progesterone may spontaneous abortion - miscarriage. However, its content is too high and can adversely affect the health of women, leading to the development of renal failure, disruption of the normal menstrual cycle and the formation of the corpus luteum cyst.

  • Testosterone

Very many ordinary people believe the male hormone testosterone only. However, in women it plays a significant role. In - the first, testosterone is responsible for libido women. Secondly, reduced testosterone levels in the female body may lead to the development of the same kidney failure, malfunction sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the failure of the menstrual cycle.

However, an overabundance of testosterone also negatively affect the operation of the female body. For example, often resulting in an excess of the hormone progesterone in women may develop tumors. As a rule, to suspect an increased content of the hormone progesterone can be in appearance and voice of a woman: her voice is fairly low and ovolosenenie male pattern occurs.

  • Prolactin

Prolactin is also taking a direct part in water - salt metabolism of the body. But his main task is responsible for the growth and development of the mammary glands in girls - teenagers, as well as milk production in lactating women. In the event that insufficient prolactin in the body may mammary hypoplasia, reduced amount of milk produced during breast-feeding, and may fail the menstrual cycle.

To prolactin is produced in sufficient quantities, especially in nursing mothers, you need proper nutrition, optimal exercise, proper rest and sleep. At low content of prolactin in the body is sufficiently serious hormonal failure.

Diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders

In order to detect the presence in a woman's hormonal imbalance, you should seek help from a doctor - an endocrinologist. The doctor will examine the woman and send it to the blood test. It identifies and hormonal disorders in women. The blood must pass several times, on different days of the menstrual cycle. Thus, it becomes clear what exactly hormones lacking or is produced in excess.

Then the woman to determine the causes of hormonal imbalance, will be held the following number of surveys:

  • Ultrasound examination of the major organs and body systems.
  • Computed tomography of the brain.
  • Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
  • A study of the fundus.

Usually, diagnosis of hormonal disorders did not provide much difficulty for physicians. In most cases, to restore the hormonal balance in the body is necessary to eliminate its root cause. In addition, a woman must go through the necessary course of hormone therapy - receiving special hormones. In some cases, there is a need to constantly maintain hormonal therapy. However, this is quite rare.

These drugs are chosen physician - endocrinologist strictly individually in each case - universal treatment regimens easy - simply do not exist. The doctor calculates the dose of hormones, given the weight of a sick woman her age, indicators in blood levels of a hormone, particularly general health and more. Adequate treatment quickly brings marked improvement - hormonal disorders disappear, the work the female reproductive system is restored in full.

A correctly chosen treatment regimen is able to not only improve the state of hormonal women, but also lead to irreparable pathological changes. That is why in any case unacceptable self-medicate. Do not want to play Russian roulette with their health. According to the law of probability one day you will still lose.

 Hormonal disorders in women

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