- Features recognizing sex of the child according to his heartbeat
- The effectiveness of methods
- Opinions of experts
Years go by, times are changing, but the most constant is the attitude and perception of the fact of pregnancy and a baby in the family. This event is on the emotional perception is unlikely to compare with anything else. The birth and development of a new life - an action that a Pocono centuries fascinated and enthralled even the most callous people. The period when your spouse is in itself a piece of your love, what could be more anxious and important event in my life.
Pregnancy - is not the easiest period in the life of any woman, but certainly the happiest. Happiness is filled with everything - atmosphere relationships, the people around you. It is safe to call the period of pregnancy, a period when a lot of questions, experiences and, of course, hope for a positive outcome - the birth of the baby.
While the parents are happy the long-awaited event, they do not leave the question of how to find out the sex of their unborn child. Many are concerned about this issue from the very first days of pregnancy, and want to get an answer as soon as possible. The most reliable and accurate method was and remains the ultrasound, but it is carried out only from the seventeenth week of pregnancy. Prospective parents are not always willing to wait for how long, so look for other options out of the situation.
In three of the most popular and commonly used methods for early child sex discernment method includes verifying the floor for baby's heartbeat about it and we'll talk in more detail.
Features recognizing sex of the child according to his heartbeat
This method allows you to learn the sex of a child, does not claim the title of a professional from a medical point of view, but rather with national practices, that does not prevent him to remain popular, many years.
Sex of the child according to his heartbeat you can find in several ways, taking into account some of the features. Let's start in order:
Elucidation of the floor by the number of beats per minute
Description of this method, you will not find in textbooks on medicine or on the official medical resources, but it is and it does not seem strange to her unofficially used by some doctors in their medical practice. There is an opinion that it is best to determine the sex of the child's heartbeat is a midwife, especially with a lot of experience and talent. For this reason, many have resorted to the help of midwives is because independently count the number of heartbeats kid with no specific skills and knowledge, it is practically impossible.
In this regard, there are some opinions that contradict each - other. Some argue that a more rapid heart beat the boys, while others say almost all the same, but the exact opposite, and on the opposite sex of the child. Who is right, argue it is difficult, because the technique lacked a specific medical reason.
Sex of the child to the rhythm of the heart
According to the existing versions of the method, to find out the baby's sex can be directly on the rhythm of the heartbeat. If the rhythm is measured, rhythmic, loud and largely coincides with the rhythm of the heartbeat of mother, then you will have a boy. If the rhythm agitated, chaotic and quiet, so your family will be born a girl.
Location fetal sex determination toddler
On location in utero fetal heartbeat is also possible to know the sex of the baby. It is noticed that the heartbeat heard from the left side indicates the development of a male child. Well, if the heartbeat is heard from the right side - it's a girl.
The effectiveness of methods
Speaking about the effectiveness of this technique, it should be noted that like any other, it has its drawbacks. But sometimes the matter is not only in them, but that future parents really want to look to the future and learn the sex of their heir or heiress. They believe and trust in this national methods. But its effectiveness is 50 to 50 percent.
This method does not get on their performance and results on a par with the capabilities of modern ultrasound machine, but it gives hope and provides a dream of the future parents. Although as evidenced by medical statistics, ultrasound is sometimes wrong, too. The most accurate way to find out the sex of the child has been and remains an invasive diagnosis, but not all of it solved. This kind of diagnosis involves a sampling of the amniotic fluid or placenta pieces, however, this method is not the most humane and painless.
Relevance, relevance and future parents faith - these are the main indicators of the effectiveness of using this method to determine the sex of the baby. According to statistics tacit views of the future parents, the indicators that betrayed heart, coincided with the result.
Opinions of experts
According to doctors on the use of this technique to determine the sex of the child, of course, controversial. Doctors quite skeptical of national methods, signs and similar methods of forecasting. According to them, there are several methods that allow up to 98-99% to determine the sex of an unborn baby is:
- Study on the ultrasonic unit;
- Invasive diagnostics.
But as already mentioned, only invasive diagnosis gives 100% results, and accurately determine the sex, and the US has a margin of error. As for all versions of heartbeat, from the medical point of view there are a lot of differences with regards to the accuracy of forecasts and their accuracy. According to doctors, one heartbeat is impossible to determine the sex, because a lot depends on factors such as:
- Gestational age;
- At rest or sleep when the baby is taking the readings heartbeat;
- Fetal posture baby;
- The pose of the expectant mother when taking readings;
- What time of day chosen for the collection of indicators of heart;
- Are there any abnormalities in the development of a child's heart.
Despite all of the above, there are many who wish among doctors and midwives to shed light on the future sex of the child, even if it is projected it in his heartbeat. This forecast is harmless, not dangerous either for the child or for expectant mothers, and certainly not in any way harm the very heartbeat. Therefore or not to apply, and to believe or not to believe in this method, it's up to parents of the baby.
Summarizing all the above we can say that the desire to know the baby's gender in advance, there is many parents, and therefore each of them use whichever method. But is it so important? For each parent born child - it's immense happiness and joy, and love it will not be because he's a boy or a girl, but for the fact that he was deathly pale, and their piece. The main value and importance is the health of the child, which directly depends on the expectant mother during pregnancy, it is necessary to take care of him since the early days.