- Problems that lead to miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy
- Medical treatment for the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy
- Adherence in early pregnancy
- When intervention is required
- Being at the hospital in early pregnancy
For women there is no greater happiness than to be a mother. But, unfortunately, not every pregnant the fair sex without a problem bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Troubles related to the health of mother and unborn baby, often occur in the early stages.
Many women worry about how to maintain early pregnancy or during the first trimester. But there are justified fears of the fair sex? Or are they the gift of plague himself and his family? Should I contact a specialist? After all, our great-grandmothers, and went into the field, and gave birth at home.
Sometimes women have to put a lot of effort to throughout the duration of pregnancy is no risk associated with the loss of the fetus. Of course, if you promptly contact the clinic and get up on the account, you can avoid the possible threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy. In most cases, doctors can save the life of the baby. Remember once and for all: it is necessary to strictly follow all appointments and doctor's prescriptions. And, of course, important in this case is your attitude. The maximum tranquility - the key to your health.
Gynecologists watching pregnant women are advised not to simply provide pregnant complete peace and the absence of any stress, but also get rid of some seemingly light household duties. Plus, it is shown compulsory hospital stay in early pregnancy and in the last two weeks. Of course, in our time it is quite difficult to find the time to go to the hospital without worrying about work, family, etc.
For example, to make a successful career as a business woman is important every day. In addition, not always the manager will be to make concessions, to issue a newsletter. In this case, each of the fair sex should decide what the priorities are more important in life. Special unwillingness to stay in the hospital under the supervision of a physician may result in problems with the baby or even child-bearing miscarriage.
Problems that lead to miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy
- Physical or emotional breakdown
If sudden or regular pulling pain in the abdomen should consult a doctor immediately. These may be symptoms that something is wrong. For example, over-emotional or physical stress leads to the tone of the uterus (compaction), which not only causes fetal problems associated with the development of the unborn baby, but also causes miscarriage. It can be sharp pain, tingling, heaviness in the lower abdomen. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by spotting, shortness of breath, fever, heart palpitations. If you hope for a miracle to save the baby will not succeed.
So, to pass all the tests, pass a comprehensive examination, to visit all the doctors - the primary task of the future moms and dads. And only after that you can have children. If during pregnancy the fair sex, there are constant nervous breakdowns, it is better to make an appointment with a therapist. It will help to overcome all her fears and forward thinking in the right direction.
Statistics merciless: in 73-74% blame genetics. At the same time you and your partner can be completely healthy. Just in the germ cells have been some changes (mutations). The cause could serve as radiation, work in hazardous environments, viral infection, etc.
In this case, it is difficult in early pregnancy to continue the pregnancy. So inherent nature that a woman's body tries to get rid of weak offspring. To avoid such consequences, even before conception (at least six months or a year) it is necessary to change the field of activity and location.
By the way, is why most gynecologists prescribe various studies. In the early stages, you can identify all kinds of abnormalities or defects in fetal development. In particular, it is absolutely necessary to blood tests for hormones and genetics visit (of course, together with the father of the baby). Now experts can identify cerebral palsy, heart defects, possible disability.
It is difficult to maintain a pregnancy if the mother and child are different Rh factors. If you are positive, and the child - Rh negative, your body begins to reject the foreign body (embryo). Usually it happens miscarriage in early pregnancy (first trimester).
Saving the fetus is only possible if you are in the very beginning at the first visit to the antenatal clinic will tell your doctor about the possibility of Rhesus-conflict. In this case, your doctor will appoint a special immunomodulatory drugs (progesterone).
Another reason that may lead to the loss of the fetus - hormonal failure. In the body of a pregnant woman can be a lack of progesterone. There are cases when there is an excess of male hormones. If the fair sex is not the first miscarriage, must pass tests to check thyroid gland, adrenal glands.
In addition, a miscarriage or health problems in the early stages can cause a variety of hereditary diseases. That is why before planning pregnancy and conceiving a baby should conduct a preliminary examination of both prospective parents. Be sure to treat chronic diseases of the genitourinary system of the mother, to get rid of bad habits.
- Wrong lifestyle and disease
Often the problems leading to the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy, lie in how behaves pregnant representative of the fairer sex. Eating disorders, drug and alcohol, infections and colds, transferred to the first trimester - this is just a small list of things that can lead to failure. Even the banal flu or measles can affect the development of the fetus in the early stages. And that's not to mention the more serious diseases such as hepatitis, pyelonephritis.
That is why the woman is obliged to comply strictly with diet, follow the doctor's prescription and avoid stressful situations. Expectant mothers are not recommended to visit places where there is a gathering of people (especially in autumn and winter). These precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of SARS, or ARI. And, of course, is to forget about alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs.
Before conception is recommended to hand over analyzes on some hidden diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection - all of this will lead to infection of the fetus and the miscarriage. If you find one of these diseases, necessarily treated. During pregnancy, you need to take special care. And if you have a fever, inflammation, and genital lips specks or spots, immediately go to the gynecologist!
Just imagine: you are pregnant, your body has already begun to change and then you abruptly get rid of the fetus. As a result - ovarian dysfunction, failure of the adrenal glands, as well as a bunch of related inflammatory and infectious diseases. Subsequently, a surgical intervention can lead to abortion.
In the first trimester of the fair sex is better not to take any medications and herbal infusions. In this early period they adversely affect fetal development. There are many cases where conventional hormonal contraceptives became the cause of miscarriage. Also, do not experiment with tansy, St. John's wort, nettle and parsley.
Medical treatment for the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Most gynecologists with the threat of losing a child in the first trimester, in addition to the mandatory bed rest in the hospital, prescribe medicines. Most often it is - intramuscular injections of hormonal drugs containing progesterone (a hormone that reduces the muscle tone of the uterus, reduces the amount of calcium in the smooth muscle). As a sedative may be used valerian tincture or Leonurus, as well as other sedatives. At the risk of potential bleeding is mandatory appointment of hemostatic drugs.
What can the doctor prescribe their patients during pregnancy
- Magnesium B6 is taken by a doctor during the whole period, and will help to avoid problems with pregnancy and malformations of the internal development of the fetus.
- Sedatives to help relax and calm down, forget about the stress that give rise to spasms in the pelvis.
- Vitamins and dietary supplements. During pregnancy, the expectant mother is not always cope with the load. As a result, the problem starts with the teeth, hair, nails and skin. Besides, vitamin deficiency can cause abnormal development of the fetus or miscarriage.
- Drugs containing the hormone progesterone. Its application leads to a reduction of spasms in the muscles of the uterus, which, as mentioned above, get rid of the threat of termination of pregnancy during the first trimester. It will also make the uterine wall softer, resulting in the normal course of pregnancy and child-bearing are no problems with the baby.
First of all, it should be remembered that any treatment with medicines that you can buy yourself without a prescription, must necessarily be consistent with the attending physician. It is necessary to avoid self-medication of national methods. All this may lead to fatal consequences for the pregnant woman and her unborn baby. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic, passing the necessary tests and commissioning tests will help identify problems at the stage of their occurrence.
Adherence in early pregnancy
Contrary to the universal adoption of the opinion of the pregnancy - normal for any of the fair sex of child-bearing age, the problems occur in many women. Poor quality food (even in conventional tomatoes can contain pesticides) and adherence to different diets for weight reduction (what at least once resorted to all the girls who want to get closer to the ideals of modern fashion) leads to various disorders in the body.
The lack of a balanced content of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet can cause problems with child-bearing in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the preparation of their menu should be treated with special care. Choose foods with a high content of vitamins, proteins and fats. Be sure to include in the diet of many fruits and vegetables (in season).
You should avoid fast food, fast food products, convenience foods and carbonated drinks that contain a lot of harmful fats, colorings or flavorings. Under huge questions remain seasoning containing a glutamate taste and stabilizers that increase appetite. This can lead to excessive weight gain, problems with conception, pregnancy and development of the unborn baby.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy - good, but do not forget about the daily routine. Expectant mothers should sleep at least eight hours per day. Remember once and for all: it is necessary to give the body a good rest. Avoid increased physical activity, weight lifting and work wear. Many modern women are involved at all hard work and squeeze out all the juices to provide a decent level of living to his family. If necessary, change the field of activity and, above all, take care of themselves and their own health, the unborn baby.
It is necessary to avoid stressful situations. We must remember that even unformed fetus feels all the same thing as my mother. Any emotional stress of the fair sex is reflected in the development of the nervous system of the unborn child. Discard all the problems will not every woman, but to minimize the stress is possible and necessary. With increased excitability by a physician is allowed to receive a variety of sedatives. And regardless of personal desires and positions should follow the recommendations of an expert who is an intermediary between the mom and the baby, caring for the health of both.
How to take care of yourself and the baby in early pregnancy
For every expectant mother is important to remember that now she was not alone. And from each of its action depends on a tiny creature. As mentioned above, proper nutrition, strict adherence to, the absence of undue physical and emotional stress - the underlying factors for the pregnancy and birth of a healthy child. Refusal of bad habits before conception and pregnancy is one of the building blocks in the foundation. In addition, in case of problems with genitourinary system need to be treated chronic diseases, pre-tested for interoperability between parents and verify the absence of contraindications to joint conception.
And you should not stand idly by if there are pain in the pelvis, as well as the appearance of a variety of selections. It is necessary to address urgently to the doctor, and if there is any suspicion of a possible miscarriage - to call an ambulance, without waiting for admission to hospital.
No self! Each woman at the time of pregnancy may be completely different diagnoses whether similar whether or not the symptoms. Identify the problem and the appropriate treatment in the early stages of pregnancy can only experienced gynecologists surveyed.
To avoid risks and threats in the first trimester of gestation the baby during pregnancy, you need to tune in a positive way. Walking in the fresh air, a good rest, peace of mind at work and in the family, the love of family and friends to help the expectant mother to prepare for the birth of a child, without worrying about problems.
When intervention is required
As it would be cruel and sad sounds, but not always worth fighting for the life of the child. In some cases, the continuation of the pregnancy is not only impossible, but also dangerous, because it can lead to death. However, before deciding on such a serious step, after you should consult with several specialists.
- Physiological disease in fetus
So you go to the hospital and you have been diagnosed with severe (cerebral palsy, heart disease, etc.). Save a child or not? It all depends on how serious the disease is and what its consequences. And do not affect the moral and ethical standards.
So, at the twelfth week you need to do ultrasound to detect abnormalities. This period is already possible to determine how the developing fetus. And if he stopped, should urgently abortion to save the woman's life. Otherwise, she might die.
Diabetes, leukemia, cancer and infectious diseases - in this case, save the fetus is also contraindicated. There are two options: either a child with disabilities will, or during childbirth complications occur, which is why the mother may die. The chance that everything will go well there, but very small. If you decide to take a chance, go to the preservation of the hospital (as in early pregnancy and before delivery).
Being at the hospital in early pregnancy
Before taking a decision on refusal of admission (with the threat of losing a child, when bleeding and severe abdominal pain in early pregnancy), it is necessary to properly assess the possible risks. Sometimes, women think that you can lie down at home, simply avoiding physical and emotional stress. But is it really? Regular cleaning of the apartment or cooking for a spouse leads to unexpected consequences for the mother (to the loss of the baby or health problems).
That is why at the slightest threat of miscarriage in the first trimester is necessary to go to the hospital. Remember once and for all: no healers, traditional recipes and "knowledgeable" people will not save the life of an unborn child. And sometimes even hours waiting can lead to death of the fair sex.
Also, do not listen to the horror stories of mothers giving birth.