- Gynecological problems
- Other reasons
- Conclusion
Discomfort in the abdomen during pregnancy - especially during the early timing of it - is common. However, abdominal pain in early pregnancy, as well as at the later is almost always a matter of great concern among the majority of pregnant women. And especially those who are giving birth for the first time.
In the vast majority of all cases of abdominal pain in early pregnancy is caused by the fact that the expectant mother's body undergoes certain changes, to prepare themselves for the continuation of pregnancy and childbirth. Typically, such pain is not too strong - many women compared with their stretching during pregnancy.
However, in the case of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy is too strong, or they are accompanied by the following symptoms, should sound the alarm:
- Chills, fever.
- Headache and / or dizziness.
- Spotting and even more bleeding.
All this, of course, no physiological norm is not, and in all cases, indicating serious illness. In this case, you must immediately consult a physician-gynecologist. And in the case of bleeding expectant mother must go immediately - to the doctor on their own to go in any case impossible. We must immediately call the brigade "first aid".
Gynecological problems
Doctors have isolated a number of common causes of abdominal pain in early pregnancy. To get started is to exclude those who have gynecological nature of origin:
The most common fear that arises almost every woman when she feels pain in the abdomen during early pregnancy - she has not lost a child. And this fear is not so unfounded - most of miscarriage happens in the first trimester of pregnancy (or in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy).
Vaginal bleeding or spotting are the first symptoms of a miscarriage. Then there are stomach cramps, too, similar to those that occur during menstruation, but many times stronger. In the event that such symptoms have suddenly appeared and you, contact your doctor immediately.
In no case do not panic, at least for two reasons. Firstly, panic already take precious time in this situation. And secondly, the expectant mother is harmful at all to worry about. Fortunately, the level of modern medicine is quite high. And if a pregnant woman asked for help in time, in most cases, manages to save the pregnancy.
Unfortunately, there is also such a thing as an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall is not as it should be. In some cases, the embryo can be fixed outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. In rare cases, the embryo can be fixed in one of the ovaries, cervix or in the abdominal cavity.
If this happens - this is an ectopic pregnancy. Save ectopic pregnancy impossible - when the fruit begins to grow in size, there will be a gap of the cavity in which it was fixed - most often fallopian tube. Ectopic dangerous poses a serious threat to the woman's life, so medical intervention is necessary.
If a woman has symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, it should be as soon as possible address to the gynecologist. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include abdominal pain, bleeding, and then, if the pipe bursts, and profuse bleeding, back pain, dizziness.
At the beginning of abdominal pain is not particularly intense, but with the growth of the fetus they are getting stronger and stronger. And if the pipe bursts yet, perhaps even the development of a painful shock. Therefore, in any case, do not pull an address to the doctor - the sooner the better. Otherwise problems would be much greater.
Other reasons
Of course, pregnancy changes the very condition of the body of the future mother. But do not forget that the abdominal pain in early pregnancy may be caused by other reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy. And it is also very important to remember:
Appendicitis during pregnancy can give themselves felt at any stage. But for some reason - that, as noted by doctors, most often it occurs in early pregnancy. The symptoms of appendicitis are simple - it is a pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. Almost always there is also nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
In order to distinguish from appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, you may need to do an ultrasound. If you are faced with this diagnosis, particularly should not be afraid - today an operation for appendicitis for surgeons is not a problem. And, of course, your child will not suffer in any way - neither from anesthesia or surgical procedures on themselves.
Urinary tract infection in early pregnancy is very common and very often. And, of course, without any pain in the lower abdomen can hardly manage. In addition, the following symptoms may occur: stinging and burning during urination, pain not only in the stomach, but in the lower back, fever - from minor to relatively high numbers. Treatment should begin as soon as possible, so as not to run the illness.
And treatment should be qualified! In no case is unacceptable to take any whatsoever drugs without a prescription. Even if they helped your girlfriend, mother or aunt. First, you need a special treatment that does not harm your crumbs and completely eliminate the disease. Otherwise, it just goes deep into the body and periodically will spoil the life of the expectant mother.
In that case, if prior to pregnancy had cyst, abdominal pain may be associated with it. Rupture of ovarian cysts or twisting her legs cause severe abdominal pain, sometimes extending to the waist. The pain occurs suddenly - many women are faced with such a situation, describe it as a stab.
In most cases, pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sweating. And sweat is quite specific - cold and clammy. In general, the symptoms of the cyst is very similar to the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. In order to properly diagnose the disease, the doctor will conduct ultrasound.
During pregnancy a woman's body undergoes major hormonal changes are reflected in all the internal organs, without exception. This applies including digestive tract. We moms cases of constipation, which can make a woman feel pain in the abdomen, frequent.
Other reasons
In addition to the above reasons, which are very, very often, a woman may feel abdominal pain in early pregnancy and due to other causes, such as kidney infections, gallstones, heartburn, gastritis, pancreatitis.
And finally I would like once again to reassure moms. Although in some cases may indeed have serious medical causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy, most of the discomfort caused by innocuous natural physiological causes. For example, due to the stretching of the uterus, uterine ligaments, or banal bloating - intestinal colic.
However, in the event of serious discomfort, or if the pain is accompanied by bleeding or spotting, immediately seek medical attention. However, for minor ailments your doctor also needs to know. It is much wiser to be safe than to miss the really serious problem. We wish you a happy pregnancy, childbirth light and good health of your baby. And, of course, you!
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