how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy


  • Risk Groups
  • How to avoid the appearance of stretch marks?
  • Conclusion

Are you preparing to become a mother? Congratulations! But remember that with a lot of positive emotions you will have some problems, anxiety and excitement. In particular, almost all expectant mothers interested in the question of how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. This question is really relevant - it is often worried about a pregnant woman, even more than morning sickness and other ailments associated with pregnancy.

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of stretch marks or inevitable? And if you can, what it needs to do? These are difficult questions, and we will try to understand today. What is a stretch, and why they occur? It is known that during pregnancy, there is a sharp increase in the weight and volume of the abdomen. So, the skin undergoes dramatic tension. It is because of this in the inner layers and place it microtrauma - mini breaks the fibers of the skin.

The body reacts immediately and starts to produce collagen. He, in turn, stimulates the development of connective tissue that fills those same cracks in the skin. Done! The woman sees the result - pink, red or even purple stripes on the skin. The color of stretch marks depends on the color of skin pigmentation - if the skin is light, and the stretch will be pink or red. Well, if a woman has dark skin, and stretching are bluish and purple.

And stretch marks can appear not only on the abdomen, as is commonly believed. Abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest - all of these places with a high degree of probability can be a fancy stretch. Therefore it is very important not to forget about them, caring for the skin. It is unlikely that it will be easier on the stomach without a single stretch if they densely cover the thighs or breasts.

 prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Risk Groups

So what is a stretch, we found out. Let's find out why some women do not appear for the time of pregnancy, no stretching, and the other, despite all the tricks, the skin is just riddled with them. Strictly speaking, the appearance of stretch marks affect a huge number of different factors:

  • Genetic predisposition

Want to find high probability, will you have during pregnancy stretch marks? Talk to your mother or sister have given birth. Genetics - a strong piece. And if they were extensions, you need to be especially careful. But even if the relatives have stretch marks is not, should not relax much - to care for the skin is still needed.

  • Skin condition

Not the last role played by the skin condition. The more dry skin is an expectant mother, the greater the risk that her pregnancy will stretch. Those women whose skin hydrated enough by nature, was more fortunate. Conclusion? If you have dry skin, it is necessary to correct the error of nature - try to moisturize all means available.

  • Color of the skin

Numerous studies have reliably shown that a very large role played by color. Of course, we are talking about natural natural color, not the result of visits to the solarium. The lighter the skin is an expectant mother, the higher her during pregnancy, the risk of stretch marks.

  • Large child

It is difficult to avoid stretch marks if a woman bears a large baby. This is not surprising, because the volume of the abdomen is increased much more than in normal pregnancy. This means that the load on the skin increases significantly. The same thing happens in the event that a woman bears two or more kids. So the expectant mother falls especially hard.

  • Repeated pregnancy

Do you already have an older kid? Congratulations, you will be twice as happy. But the chances that you will have stretch marks during pregnancy is significantly increased. It is difficult to say why, but the fact remains - in the second and subsequent pregnancies stretching occur much more frequently.

 how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

How to avoid the appearance of stretch marks?

And now the most important thing - how to prevent stretch marks? As we have seen, it is quite possible to do. Well, anyway, if not completely avoid this scourge, then at least reduce the number of extensions to a possible minimum. Remember that the most important condition for all these measures proved to be really effective - it is systematic. Even the most expensive cream that the expectant mother uses only occasionally, from time to time, do not bring absolutely no benefit.

  • Cosmetic products

Very often you can observe the following picture - the expectant mother about 6 - 7 months pregnant recalls and buy at the drugstore first got the cream, which is a couple of times a week, smears on the tummy. As you know - it's completely useless. Begin to use special drugs needed since the day you heard about his "interesting" position.

It is important to purchase exactly the right drug, not the first available moisturizer. After all, the effect of it will be only if it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, which usually do not get the cream. It is desirable that you have selected a cream containing a large amount of vitamin E and A, elastin and collagen, aloe vera and liposomes. It is these substances is best to penetrate the second layer of skin - the dermis, which, strictly speaking, there are stretch marks during pregnancy.

In addition, you need a good scrub. It is best to give preference to scrub based on natural products - for example, grape seed or blue clay. Look for a scrub, experiment - either during or after its application for the expectant mother should be no uncomfortable sensations, and even more the feeling of dryness and tightness of skin.

Himself skin care should take place as follows. In the evening, during the shower, apply a small amount of scrub on the skin of the breast, stomach, hips. Thoroughly massage the skin and rinse with plenty of water. Then very gently pat the skin with a towel - to wipe it is not recommended, as it also increases the risk of stretch marks on the skin.

On another wet skin liberally apply the cream against stretch marks and let it soak. Everything for the evening skin care program is executed. But there is still morning! In the morning, too, in any case we must not forget the need for skin care. However, in the morning simply apply after showering the most common children's moisturizer. It also helps to maintain the proper moisture balance.

  • Drinking regime skin

Of course, proper skin care is very important. But it is - is not the only condition that allows us to reduce the risk of stretch marks to a minimum. No less noteworthy drinking regime and future moms. It is often possible to observe a picture when a pregnant woman severely limits the amount of fluid intake for fear of edema. On the one hand this is certainly true. But on the other hand, the shortage of water a threat to the development of stretch marks - right there. After all, with a shortage in the body of water about any skin health is not out of the question, no matter how careful you do not moisturize it outside.

That is why it is important to observe the correct drinking regime. How exactly he should be, you will tell your gynecologist. By the way, do not forget about the need to include in your diet as much as possible products with high water content - vegetables, fruits.

  • Diet

In addition to the drinking regime it is very important to a balanced nutrition. Try to eat as many foods containing high amounts of vitamins A, E, C, K and L, are beneficial for the skin. Most of the vitamins found in foods such as nuts, citrus, vegetables, fruits, fish, as well as seafood.

But a number of products during pregnancy should be completely excluded from the diet. Avoid sweet, spicy, salty and smoked foods, food is steamed or baked in the oven. Note also that you drink - completely give up carbonated, caffeinated and overly sweet drinks. Of course, about alcohol and can not speak - they are during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated for several reasons.

  • Exercise stress

The well-known age-old truth that says that the movement - life. The benefits of systematic physical activities for general health and can not speak. No exception to the rule and the expectant mothers - they also need physical activity. They need not only to maintain the overall physical tone and light leakage delivery, but also for prevention of stretch marks.

To do this, fit a variety of types of exercise - lessons in the pool, daily walking, gymnastics for pregnant women. The main thing - it is a systematic training. And in any case it should not be abused physically demanding - expectant mother in any case should not be too tired. Sport should bring only positive emotions. The best way to develop an individual training scheme together with the doctor. It helps to choose the most optimal mode of loads that the expectant mother will only benefit.

  • Massage

Another excellent means by which we can reduce the risk of developing stretch marks zero - it is a massage. For the meeting, you will need mittens made of cotton and olive oil. Incidentally, if desired, olive oil can be replaced with any other vegetable. But it contains the greatest amount of vitamin E is required to maintain the level of skin moisture and, if necessary, more rapid regeneration.

Before applying the oil is best to boil. To do this, place it in any enameled capacity, bring to a boil and immediately turn off. After the oil has cooled, pour it into a clean, dry glass jar, a tight lid. Do not dip into the oil container, in order to avoid contamination.

Take a shower, using the body scrub. Then pat the skin with a towel and let it dry completely. After this abundantly lubricate the problem areas of the skin with vegetable oil. Put mitten and start neat circular motion clockwise. Duration of massage - 15 minutes. Weekly necessary to carry out at least two of these sessions. Just a month you will notice how your skin has changed - it has become more supple and taut.

Once again I would like to emphasize the main features of this massage. Be sure to use massage oil - no cream for this purpose will not do. Do not massage the skin with your hands - this way you risk to stretch it. It is for this purpose and need cotton mitten. And do not spend a massage every day.


As you can see, nothing really complicated in the above recommendations, no. With their performance to handle the power of absolutely any expectant mother. The only thing that is needed - it is the desire and a little bit of free time. But remember that even the strict implementation of all the advice is not 100% guarantee that you will not have any stretch marks. Of course, unfortunately, stretch marks can occur in spite of all your efforts.

But this is - no reason to give up and abandon preventive measures. After all, even if you do not manage to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you come up with a much smaller number of them. Even the banners will be much less pronounced and noticeable. And then get rid of them will be much easier. And remember the most important thing - your stretch marks are evidence of this miracle - the emergence of a new life! And even if they appear unable to prevent - do not worry.

 How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

We advise to check: There were stretch marks on his chest, like get rid of them?
