detachment of the placenta in early pregnancy

Detachment of the placenta early in pregnancy, as well as at later - it's just the embodiment of a nightmare for any pregnant woman. And they're right - in fact, this phenomenon leads to very negative consequences for the condition of the fetus and, unfortunately, it is often death. Can this be avoided and that this needs to be done?

Let's start from the beginning - what is the placenta? Generally, expectant mothers have a very vague idea about this - some kind of authority on which the child gets oxygen and nutrients. However, if you look in more detail, we can talk about placenta following: the name itself has received authority from the Latin word, which is translated from the cake. Indeed - the most by its form resembles placenta cake, which consists of a large number of slices.

On one side of the placenta is firmly attached to the uterine wall, but on the other has the cord, and with which is connected to the baby. By the way, very often women say "the last," meaning it is the placenta. However, the last - it is not only the placenta, but the umbilical cord and fetal membranes.

The placenta begins to form since the introduction of the ovum in the lining, but it begins to be fully operational only since the beginning of the sixteenth week of pregnancy. The placenta has a sufficiently large diameter - at the moment of delivery of about twenty centimeters in diameter, and weighs about 600 grams.

In the placenta is responsible quite a number of very important functions:

  • Nutritional function. About this feature is known to virtually all - precisely because of the placenta the child receives from the mother's body all the nutrients and elements.
  • Excretory function. In the body of the child, as in any other, runs a large number of various metabolic processes. As a result, all of these metabolic processes, a sufficiently large amount of waste products. And these products have to leave the body of a child, otherwise intoxication inevitable. And is responsible for the allocation of metabolic products of the future baby is the placenta.
  • Respiratory function. Oxygen is vital for the life of the child. And that the placenta is responsible for providing the fetus with oxygen. As a result, the diffusion of oxygen contained in the blood of the mother, the child enters the bloodstream.
  • Hormonal function. For normal pregnancy needs a balance of various hormones - and the production of many of them is responsible in the first place placenta - placental lactogen, progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin and others.
  • The protective function. The fetus is very vulnerable child, so for normal development of a vital reliable protection. The placenta is precisely the need for reliable barrier which protects the fetus from infections and toxins, which are almost always found in the mother's body. Moreover, placenta protect the child from those of antibodies which are produced by the parent body in response to the development of the fetus.

However, unfortunately, the placenta can not protect the child from any and all hazardous substances - many pathogens and toxins bypass the protective barriers. That is why the expectant mother must be very attentive and care to prevent their entry into, and therefore in the child's body poisons and infections.

 detachment of the placenta in early pregnancy


So, we come to the most important issues of concern to almost every future mother - placental abruption. And many of them are afraid of placental abruption is already in the last stages of pregnancy. However, detachment of the placenta in early pregnancy also occurs frequently.

But not always, any detachment of the placenta results in termination of pregnancy. In that case, if the area is relatively small detachment, often doctors can not save the pregnancy. The first thing is to remember the woman - is that the threat of placental abruption in small pregnancy at least higher than on recent months.

At low pregnancy a woman should sound the alarm in the event that she noticed the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.
  • Severe weakness or headache, decreased blood pressure.
  • The appearance of blood discharge. And note - they can be as minor sukrovichnymi and abundant scarlet.

Seeing at the above symptoms, the woman should lie down as soon as possible and immediately call an ambulance. Of course, most expectant mothers is very scared, get nervous, crying, sometimes attempt to get to his doctor - a gynecologist.

However, all these actions only aggravate the situation, because it provokes even greater detachment of the placenta. So try first to settle down. Practice shows that doctors can save up to 70% of these pregnancies. Women have to be hospitalized in the gynecological ward, where doctors immediately start pregnancy preserving treatment.

In the same case, if the detachment has occurred at a later stage of pregnancy, in case if the term of pregnancy allows the child to survive outside the mother's body, doctors make a decision on holding an emergency delivery. In that case, if the area of ​​placental abruption is not very big, and hence the bleeding is not severe, the doctor pierces the fetal bladder. This measure will stop the bleeding and allow for birth naturally.

In the same case, if the bleeding is extensive, delivery should be as soon as possible - therefore performed an emergency Caesarean section. But even in this case the expectant mother does not need to panic - in almost all cases, doctors can prevent tragedy and save the lives and health of both mother and baby.

 premature aging of the placenta

The aging of the placenta

Another problem that occasionally encounter some future mothers - is premature aging of the placenta. And speaking of the placenta, not to mention it. What is this phenomenon is - premature aging of the placenta?

As mentioned above, the complete formation of the placenta is completed by the fourth month. As the child grows and increases the size of the placenta - its full maturity comes about a month before the birth. The whole process of physiological aging is accompanied by a decrease in the surface area of ​​the placenta and the appearance of salt deposits.

In the case of 2 maturity occurred earlier than 32 weeks of gestation or maturity of 3 - 36 weeks previously. In almost all cases, when there is a premature aging of the placenta, it runs virtually asymptomatic. If it happened in the early stages may fade pregnancy or fetal development of various vices. In the same case, if it was late in pregnancy, typically developing e fetal hypoxia, with all its consequences.

There are many reasons that can trigger premature aging of the placenta. The most common:

  • Previous pregnancy and difficult labor, which resulted in a disruption of the normal structure of the wall of the uterus.
  • Various endocrine diseases.
  • Rhesus - conflict pregnancy.

In that case, if the expectant mother regularly visits the doctor - a gynecologist, it can not be afraid of premature aging of the placenta as a doctor in time to see the beginning of the problem, and therefore, take all necessary measures. Remember that the doctor - a gynecologist for you to become a reference point while waiting for the baby.

 Detachment of the placenta in early pregnancy

We recommend that read: fading of the fetus in early pregnancy

 a cold during pregnancy

Rare winter colds do without, especially in view of the changes that happen to our climate in recent years. Frost and thaw alternate throughout the winter, which greatly increases the risk of a person as a virus and colds.

And expectant mothers are at risk of ill not less than all other people. And perhaps even more at risk the rest of the flu or other seasonal colds. Colds during pregnancy - a phenomenon quite frequent. It is not surprising - after all, pregnant women, everyone, without exception, the work of the immune system is much worse - otherwise bear a child would be simply unrealistic.

Scientifically speaking, the immune system of the organism future mother has the physiological features, due to which comes the compulsory redemption activity, the so-called immunosuppression. This is necessary to ensure that a woman's body does not react to growing inside her new life as alien to her education. And, accordingly, it has not started as a result of its rejection. Yes - yes, do not be surprised - but for the mother and baby tissue incompatibility completely natural phenomenon. After half of a child's father's genes.

However, this is the immunosuppression, which eliminates the process of rejection of the child, has a very "disservice" the health of the pregnant woman. This is due to the fact that the immune system is much worse than fighting with various pathogens of viral diseases. And colds expectant mother is also exposed more than others - pregnancy and colds often go hand in hand. What to do in such a situation?

Of course, the best option for the future of young mothers will be a complete absence of colds, but it is not always possible, because the disease does not ask permission, and in advance of their plans were not warned. Many women mistakenly believe that the decline in output from the house to a minimum reduces the risk of disease. However, this is not so - no matter how you tried to protect themselves from the virus, it is unlikely. Your family and friends can bring it on the soles of shoes or clothes.

  Methods of treating colds

So, to protect yourself from colds failed and future mother felt the first signs of illness. What do you do in this situation? Ignore treatment and wait for the disease will pass by itself? However, this is not the best option, because of the reduced immunity disease will last much longer than that of all other people.

And unlikely to please the prospect of future mother walks with a red nose, watery eyes and a fever for weeks or even months. Yes, and the health of the child like a painful condition mom probably affect negatively. So it's not worth the risk and taking chances - colds during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary.

However, many pregnant women are afraid to treat panic even the common cold, fearing that the drugs may in any way harm the health of the baby. And in part they are right - excessive amount of drugs will not bring the child any good. Therefore, treatment of colds during pregnancy has its own specific features, which need to know any expectant mother.

Very often, many pregnant women mistakenly believe that the best way to treat colds while waiting for a baby is a herbal medicine - treatment with herbs. However, doctors warn expectant mothers - with phytotherapy must be not be less cautious than pharmacological chemicals. Because it is often the action of herbs is much more powerful than the effect of drugs.

Under the strict prohibition are all those drugs, which include alcohol and the tincture of herbs, which have immunostimulatory drugs, such as lemongrass, echinacea, licorice, radiograms pink, ginseng root. All these herbs greatly increase blood pressure and heart rate. But cardio - vascular system, and my mother already working in a very active rhythm to anything to increase the already heavy load.

There is a very good herbal remedy that is very effective in improving the immune system - the root of horseradish. He does not bring absolutely no harm to either mother's organism, nor for the body of the baby. Preparing the drug as follows - grate pre-washed and peeled horseradish root of the film, and mix in equal proportions of sugar, cover bowl with a lid and leave to infuse in a warm place about one and a half - two hours. Take your medicine you need half a teaspoon before each meal, for three days. After that it must be made less than three days break.

 pregnancy and cold

Warming during pregnancy

As a rule, thermal procedures are one of the most effective ways to get rid of a cold. However, during pregnancy, take a hot bath with sea salt or the like should be steamed legs as you did before, while waiting for the pregnancy will not be able. After the hot water with a very high degree of probability can stimulate spontaneous abortion in the early stages of it, or the beginning of preterm birth.

In addition, the very high risk that the resulting impact on the feet of hot water will be too much blood flow, causing the veins in the legs may be very stretched, and as a consequence, can develop not only swelling, and even varicose veins. And that's not the worst - because of the fact that the bulk of the blood rushes to your feet, blood circulation in the placenta can not be sufficiently intense. This means that the child may suffer from hypoxia.

The only thing that can make a pregnant woman - it's like to be steamed in hot water arm. Place hands in a basin with hot water so that the water covers the hand and forearm, approximately 15 minutes. After that, wipe your hands with a towel, put on warm pajamas and socks, previously poured into them a little mustard. It is very likely that the next morning you wake up absolutely healthy, without any trace of a cold.

Treatment of the common cold

As a rule, one of the first symptoms of colds - is the appearance of a cold. Firstly, runny nose creates a lot of inconvenience for a woman - constantly wet handkerchiefs and grated red nose. Second, at the beginning of a cold, when the nose literally "flowing", the body of the future mother loses a lot of fluid - by the way, do not forget during illness to drink more. And - Thirdly, due to impaired nasal breathing baby is not getting him the right amount of oxygen.

This means that you must get rid of the common cold as quickly as possible. And catch at the usual drops from a cold pregnant mom still not worth it. Try to get rid of it more gentle methods, which will help get rid of the common cold and the child at the same time will not harm:

  • The position of the body. Try to avoid lying horizontal position - place them under the head of a high enough cushion. This measure will significantly facilitate nasal breathing since significantly reduced the swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Balm "asterisk". During pregnancy, doctors are advised to remember the good old balm "asterisk". Apply it on whiskey and the wings of the nose - you will feel relief already after a few minutes - disappear nasal breathing easier.
  • Carrot and apple juice. Another good tool that can help get rid of a cold pregnant women is fresh squeezed juices of carrot and apple. Drip one drop of juice in each nostril, once every two hours. Relief will come within a few hours.

 cold during early pregnancy

The temperature during pregnancy

Increased body temperature during pregnancy is also very desirable - it is harmful not only to the body of the pregnant woman, and for the body of the future baby. However, the reception of conventional pharmaceutical preparations, the effect of which is aimed at reducing body temperature, it is not so safe.

Therefore, the body temperature during pregnancy is necessary to normalize the improvised means, without resorting to drugs. In that case, if you raise the body temperature, and you began to feel the chill, lie down in bed, wrapped a warm blanket and drink a few glasses of hot tea.

This measure will significantly expand the blood vessels of the upper or lower extremities, which will begin to surge blood. As a result, the heat transfer will increase considerably. As soon as you get warm, start to shoot down the temperature of the materials at hand - for example, rub hands and feet with cold water. This seemingly simple manipulation allows very quickly reduce body temperature by several degrees.

Very nice in the heat and fever makes the following herbal infusion: Chop two tablespoons of berries or leaves of raspberry, one tablespoon of mother and stepmother, one tablespoon marjoram. Pour one cup of raw chopped boiled water. Steep for about 15 minutes, then strain using gauze fabric. Drink the infusion in small sips, and then lie down in bed, Wrap yourself with a warm blanket.

It is also very good saves from heat pine cocktail. To cook or mince pine buds or needles itself. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture, mix with two tablespoons of raspberry jam. Heat one cup of boiling water, cover with a mixture of pine needles and raspberry jam. Let sit for about an hour, and then also drink small sips, for an hour. All this time, the expectant mother should be in bed. Be prepared for the fact that you begin to sweat very much - so in advance, prepare dry underwear. Please note - the day can not drink more than three cups of this beverage.

A sore throat

Another nuisance which threatens ailing future mother - a sore throat. Surely, it is not necessary to tell - this feeling is familiar to all people without exception. Again note - sprays and candies, so familiar to all people, pregnant women use all the same it is not necessary.

There are a few proven ways for years to eliminate pain in the throat. For example, prepare the next drink: squeeze the juice of half a lemon, half of the beet and potato half. Mix the juice and add half a tablespoon of finished pharmaceutical syrup. Add your resulting mixture into a glass of warm milk and drink it within an hour in small sips. By the way - if you suffer from chronic tonsillitis or rhinitis, take this recipe on a note, it is able to significantly ease your condition.

Another good way of getting rid of a sore throat is a decoction of sage on milk. Preparing it is not difficult: in a saucepan, place one tablespoon of dry grass sage, pour a glass of milk and bring it to a boil. Strain the broth and drink - as well as all other funds in small sips.

Not bad helps rinse with warm boiled water in which dissolved or onion or beet juice. Squeeze the juice and mix it in equal proportions with boiled water. Gargle as often as you can - the pain disappears after a few hours.

Well, the usual candy can be replaced by either a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, or a piece of aloe, pre-peeled. Keep them in the mouth for about 15 minutes every half hour. In this case, the pain should recede quickly enough.

Concluding the conversation, I would like to remind future mummies - whatever you are confident in their abilities, at the first manifestation of any disease - whether it is cold in the early pregnancy, or the flu in the last month - yet be sure to consult a doctor. Quite often, even the most minor cold can result in very serious complications for both the mother and child.

And another important point - prior to use one or the other method of the above, be sure to consult with your doctor - a gynecologist.

 Pregnancy and cold

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