Thrush in pregnancy


  • Methods of diagnosis of candidiasis
  • The causes of the disease
  • Treatment for thrush

Under thrush gynecologists understand the strictly defined disease, which is caused by a known agent such as the fungus Candida. Very often there is a thrush in pregnancy. As the medical statistics, this scourge is facing about 80% of all future mothers.

Thrush is a special threat to pregnancy is not, however, to the development of a number of complications can still lead. And plenty of uncomfortable sensations provided by the expectant mother. The main symptoms of thrush are:

  • The advent of heavy vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese and sour smell.
  • Intense itching in the vulva, worsening after taking a shower at night.
  • The swelling of the external genitalia.

However, not only during pregnancy thrush causes burning, itching and discharge. Exactly the same inflammatory symptoms typical for trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia and other infections. So when the complaint described a concern, it is necessary to go to a specialist for examination, figuring the pathogen, and in any case not be treated independently because of the accurate diagnosis depends on the choice of drug.

Like any other infection during pregnancy, candidiasis is a risk of causing complications of pregnancy and increasing the risk of infection of the fetus. That is why, in spite of the relatively common yeast infection in pregnant women, the disease is not harmless and normal pregnancy companion, as some women. Thrush in pregnancy should be diagnosed and taken for treatment.

Methods of diagnosis of candidiasis

If you have complaints about the allocation, it is necessary first of all to carry out such a study as bacterioscopy, ie viewing under the microscope on the flora colored smear.

The normal vaginal flora is important for the health of the woman. In a smear with epithelial cells and a small amount (up to 20) of leukocytes, which are protective cells and increase in the number indicate the presence of infection, should be determined by lactic bacteria (rods Dederleyna).

The diagnosis of candidiasis (thrush true) is placed in the case in the smear were observed body or fungal spores. However, the rate of these fungi can be found in the vagina completely healthy woman, appearing in a smear as single argument, which does not require treatment.

The treatment will require a situation where there are complaints about the allocation of white, cheesy, with a sour smell and itch, worse at night, after intercourse, or water treatment.

Complaints of this kind are of a periodic nature, triggered by hypothermia, starvation, stress or illness is pregnancy, and hormonal drugs.

Normally, candida or thrush colpitis during pregnancy is exacerbated because of the increased levels of sexual female hormones, leading to changes in the microflora of the vagina, and the creation of favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi. Sometimes symptoms alone or after the self disappear, but after a certain period of time renewed.

If you disturb the typical symptoms in the form of precipitates, and with it, smear no fungi, it resorted to a more sensitive diagnostic methods, such as PCR and bacteriological method.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) based on the detection of individual DNA molecules of infectious agents in the material and is the most sensitive method for the diagnosis of infection, which is very effective for finding not visible in normal smears and poor growing in nutrient media pathogens.

Use PCR method for the diagnosis of candidiasis - is unjustifiable luxury, because the method is time consuming and expensive, often gives false positive result, which means that in the absence of a positive pathogen. Therefore, the main criterion, speaking about the need for treatment, are specific complaints, confirmed the results of microscopy. However, if the yeast infection in pregnant women, your doctor may prescribe such a study.

Or bacteriological culture method is a crop on Wednesday Saburo - a special nutrient medium. In this method, individual cells, fungal cells, once in favorable conditions, even if in a small amount, which is insufficient for the diagnosis of smear, begin to proliferate to form a colony, thereby confirming its presence and viability of the material.

 treatment of thrush in pregnancy

The causes of the disease

Reasons resistant candidiasis are:

  • Chronic infection is sexual, and any other systems of the body, at which the depletion of the immune system in fighting inflammation that is manifested as candidiasis;
  • Chronic diseases, for the same reason;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Antibiotics, which cause immunodeficiency, as well as intestinal dysbiosis. The intestine is a reservoir of candidiasis, where fungi and fall into other habitats;
  • Malnutrition, which leads to the development of dysbiosis;
  • Chronic intestinal diseases;
  • Improper use eubiotics.

Thus, candidiasis indicates trouble in the body, and in addition to special treatment with antifungal drugs require a full examination and elimination of the root causes of immune deficiency.

How to treat a yeast infection during pregnancy? This question is very concerned about every other pregnant woman. After all, on the one hand in no case can not be idle, and on the other - taking certain drugs is strictly forbidden to women "in position". And the treatment of thrush in pregnancy simply must! You do not want to during childbirth have ruptured perineum, or your child is infected? A union of thrush pregnancy and in most cases leads to precisely this result,

Candida is not one of those classic diseases that are sexually transmitted. This is an internal condition caused by a decrease in immunity. That is why the long-term and difficult to treat candidiasis, should seek the pathology is in the body, which could be caused by immune deficiency, manifested candidiasis. Because of hormonal changes and certain other features of the work of immunity, pregnancy itself is a factor which supports the welfare of fungi.

Given these characteristics, it is necessary to conduct timely diagnosis and eliminate a major change that can carry the slightest danger to the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Candidiasis occurs as the internal state and can be transmitted sexually, so it is important that the treatment took place at the same time both partners, using condoms during treatment.

 Thrush in pregnancy than to treat

Treatment for thrush

Drugs intended for the treatment of candidiasis, divided into systemic and local. System are ingestible tablets, acting primarily in the gut and then absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate all tissues and organs. Compared with local, such a method is preferred and is a major pregnancy, because in the first place should eliminate fungi in the intestines, where it is their main focus.

Additionally, fungi in the vagina live in thicker walls and topical formulations have an effect only on the surface, reducing the manifestation of the infection, but not eliminating the pathogen that is the main difference from the effect of systemic drugs that act on all the cells of the blood. However, because of side effects and toxicity of systemic medications during pregnancy is limited.

During pregnancy only possible treatment with nystatin and inefficient pimafutsin which constitute antifungals chosen during pregnancy and lactation because of non-toxicity and a sufficient efficiency. Local treatment is creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, it must be treated in a similar way.

For the treatment of candidiasis, in addition to specific antifungal drugs commonly used anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents, which have become popular. These include borax in glycerine and Zelenka. These solutions do not have side effects and are selected for the treatment of candidiasis in early pregnancy, when the reception of almost any medication is contraindicated. Treated with one of these solutions gauze pad at night wiped the vaginal wall. Similarly, you can treat thrush up to 7 days in a row.

Fungi live in the intestines and the vagina at all, and only pregnancy predisposes for their reproduction, but candidiasis develops, not all pregnant women. In any case, candidiasis - is a sign of immunodeficiency, and if it can not be cured easily and permanently, this indicates a serious chronic disease, so a treatment regimen includes immunomodulatory drugs and bracing.

All drugs must be administered by the attending physician based on the individual characteristics and features of pregnancy. Always adversely self and during pregnancy can pose a threat. Only a gynecologist can determine exactly how to treat thrush during pregnancy given the patient and, therefore, to appoint the best possible treatment with appropriate drugs.

In the treatment of a partner, which is binding even in the absence of sexual activity, it is possible to apply all effective drugs.

Finally, to sum up the theme:

  1. Thrush - it's not just words that mean itching and discharge, it is definitely a disease caused by fungi genus Candida;
  2. Itching and discharge can be caused not only of the thrush, but rather a wide range of other infections. That is why it is impossible to put a diagnosis on their own and to self-medicate. Should see a doctor to determine the specific infectious agent;
  3. Candida colpitis generally not a harmless condition, and during pregnancy is a real danger for both gestation and for the child's health, so you need to take seriously the appearance of the relevant complaints and in any case not to delay the trip to the doctor. How to treat a yeast infection during pregnancy can be determined only qualified;
  4. If found candidiasis, in addition to the adoption of antifungal agents has fully examined the meaning of the body and determine the root cause of immunodeficiency, as well as measures to enhance immunity;
  5. Undergoing treatment of thrush during pregnancy - both the early and the later stages, it is necessary at the same time with a partner, because the disease is sexually transmitted, even if initially seen as a sign of immunodeficiency. If a woman is found candidiasis, it does not mean that it has infected someone, but it does mean that it can infect your partner. Pending the results in the period of treatment is necessary to protect the condom;
  6. The effectiveness of the treatment of yeast infections in pregnant women, especially in the early stages, will be determined after 7-10 days by repeated smear or culture (bacteriological) investigations.

Timely examination and treatment will help to keep the most valuable - your health!

 Thrush in pregnancy. Treatment in the early and late stages

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