Motherhood - the main goal and purpose of almost any woman. One can hardly imagine a greater happiness than the first smile, first tooth, first word remains. But, unfortunately, sometimes nature can play havoc with a woman and she, for some - any reason not to get pregnant - what to do in such a situation?
It is often an obstacle to pregnancy factor is what - any problems with women's health. However, a woman in any case should not lose heart and give up the opportunity to feel the happiness experienced by a mother hugging her baby.
In this article we consider the cases why it is impossible for some women to get pregnant. However, our readers should keep in mind that all of the information set forth in this article, is given for general guidance only.
Be sure to consult your doctor - gynecologist with experience in the treatment of secondary infertility, not wrestle with the problem of "not get pregnant, what to do? "Independently.
To begin with a brief look at how the process of fertilization occurs. If fertilization process proceeds normally, it takes place as follows: mature egg leaves the ovary and begins its promotion of the fallopian tube, where, subject to the availability of sexual intercourse and sperm viability, the merging egg and sperm. The egg immediately begins the process of division and promotion to the uterus. The mucous membrane of the uterus under the influence of certain hormones changes and becomes able to accept a fertilized cell, allowing it to gain a foothold. Since then, the pregnancy starts to develop rapidly.
However, sometimes this natural process for some - any reason impossible. The following are the most common pathological processes in the female body that interfere with normal fertility.
Pregnancy with a pipe after ectopic pregnancy
The first problem, which we describe - how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. As mentioned above, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube into the uterus, where it is fixed. However, at times, under the influence of the most diverse, often completely unpredictable factors, not fertilized cell is introduced into the uterus, and ovary, cervix or, much more common in the fallopian tube. If the pregnancy starts to develop, doctors say about the phenomenon of ectopic pregnancy.
The causes of ectopic pregnancy are diseases such as:
- Chronic endometritis or endometriosis
- Andechs and other chronic pelvic inflammatory disease leading to adhesions and various complications. That is why doctors to question the woman about whether it is possible to get pregnant when adhesions are advised to first get rid of them
- The presence of female diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, especially chronic, existing at the woman for a long time, and place in the indolent form
All these diseases occur quite hard for a long time, bringing the woman a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant moments. However, the most important and insidious dangers that pose a all inflammatory diseases - is the formation of a vast variety of adhesions that often make the impassable fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg, resulting in the egg and fixed in the fallopian tube. Keep this fact in mind when deciding whether it is possible to become pregnant with adhesions.
And if for this reason known to a wide circle of people, on the second of ectopic pregnancy because they know only a few. The embryo can be implanted and begin to develop outside the uterus in case fertilization of an egg by sperm was defective. By the way, very often on the quality of sperm affected by the presence of chronic smoldering infections in men, which can occur completely asymptomatic.
That is why doctors strongly recommend to all couples planning to in the near future to become parents, to be examined together - as a woman and a man. This will help to avoid various complications of pregnancy normal - the probability of becoming pregnant after laparoscopy is much higher than without treatment.
Signs of ectopic pregnancy
Uterine pregnancy in the early stages proceeds exactly the same as regular uterine prosperous. A pregnant woman can have all the same features as in a normal pregnancy:
- Cessation of the menstrual cycle
Despite the fact that most of the pregnant woman menstrual cycle is terminated in any case, regardless of whether or not the uterine pregnancy, in some cases, and there are exceptions to these rules. Pay special attention to their condition and well-being in the event that month started out of time or does not proceed as usual - were more plentiful, or, on the contrary, is very scarce, especially smearing sanies often it is a signal of distress, such as an ectopic pregnancy.
- The occurrence of nausea, dizziness, taste perversion appearance and other indirect signs indicating the presence of a woman's pregnancy
Despite the fact that the consolidation of the ovum outside the uterine cavity is a pathological process, the body receives signals that the pregnancy is and it develops. Of course, in response to these signals a woman's body begins to produce certain hormones, which change all the hormones. It is a result of hormonal changes and there are all the symptoms of pregnancy. However, note also that they are not always present, not only when ectopic but normal pregnancy. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of each woman.
- Having a positive pregnancy test
If a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy test, it will show a positive result. The explanation of this fact by the same hormonal changing, thanks to which women in the urine are also certain hormones. That they are responsible for the "banding" of the test.
- Increasing the size of the uterus
In manual vaginal examination female gynecologist determines the increase in size of the uterus, respectively, presumably pregnancy. This process is influenced by the changed hormonal levels of the female body.
However, a certain amount of time passes, the fruit continues to grow very quickly in the fallopian tube is simple - simply is no room for further growth and development. And women appear first, but the present severe symptoms of ectopic pregnancy:
- In women, pain in the lower abdomen
Usually, in almost all cases, pain at an ectopic pregnancy is very, very specific in nature: they are extremely sharp, localized only on one side, depending on whether the right or left tube implanted embryo. Such pain is most often given to the coccyx. Also not to mention the intensity of pain - the pain is so strong that it can lead to the development of the women of this painful shock, accompanied by a significant drop in blood pressure, and other satellites of this state.
- The appearance of bleeding
Another very common symptom is the appearance of an ectopic pregnancy bleeding. It can be very intense, and quite poor. Incidentally, it is a meager allocation of ichor are found more often.
Tragically, thousands of women and doctors regret that maintain a similar pregnancy impossible in principle. Growing fruit is simple - simply breaks the narrow tube and as a result, begins to bleed into the abdominal cavity. It develops a serious condition that is life threatening.
The sooner it will diagnosed in women ectopic pregnancy, the lower the risk of developing severe complications. That is why doctors - gynecologists strongly advised for all women at the slightest delay pregnancy must perform a pregnancy test, if a woman is sexually active, of course. Otherwise, the first symptoms of pregnancy can be taken by a pregnant woman for the banal beginning of painful menstruation.
In the case of a woman who knows about her pregnancy, there will be some - or spotting, if not accompanied by pain, it should be as soon as possible to ask for help in gynecological hospital, and at night to call the brigade "first aid" . In that case, if the pregnancy will be ectopic, a woman should as soon as possible to receive high-quality medical care in a hospital - otherwise it risks to die of shock and loss of blood.
In the same case, if bleeding occurred in women with normal and not an ectopic pregnancy, medical aid is urgently needed to save the life of the baby. Thus, whatever the reasons were not caused by bleeding during pregnancy, a woman should be as fast as possible to get to the hospital.
Help with ectopic pregnancy
In addition, if you have an ectopic pregnancy yet, remember. What fate necessarily give you another, and perhaps more than one, the chance to become a mother. The sooner a woman will be given medical help, the better the chance for a successful subsequent pregnancy.
If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed at an early period of her doctors use the most sparing treatments. The abdominal wall with the help of special tools make very small holes into which the endoscope is introduced. With the help of an endoscope the doctor can remove the embryo from the fallopian tube without damaging its integrity. As a rule, such transactions women suffer quite easily and on the second - the third day they are discharged home.
In the same case, if the ectopic pregnancy for various reasons are not diagnosed in time and is in a state of neglect, doctors, in order to save the woman's life, we are forced to resort to more serious measures. Doctors have to spend a full abdominal operation with a sufficiently large incision to remove the tube, in which the developing fetus.
As you can imagine, this method of treatment greatly reduces a woman's chances of a happy motherhood in the future. But do not despair, in this case - since pregnancy and the one pipe is quite real. Those who became pregnant after laparoscopy and even the removal of a pipe, give birth to beautiful kids. And the chances of getting pregnant after a laparoscopy, as well as the likelihood of getting pregnant on their own after a hysteroscopy is much higher than without - or treatment.
Whichever way doctors removed the fetus - using the laparoscopy or during abdominal surgery - doctors fail to thoroughly evaluate the condition and patency of the second level of the fallopian tube in order to objectively assess a woman's ability to conceive in the future. For those who became pregnant with adhesions once and faced with pregnancy are at increased risk of recurrence of such a pregnancy. And the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after laparoscopy for them is not even - it is often a laparoscopy to remove blockage of the fallopian tubes allows a woman to have a baby.
As a rule, the chances of repeat pregnancy among women who experienced this misfortune, are quite high. Pregnancy may occur even in the event that one of the tubes completely removed, provided that the permeability of the second pipe is not disturbed. However, there is also the other side of this issue. Tragically, the risk that the incidence of ectopic pregnancies happen again, is large enough.
This is due to easy - as a rule, an ectopic pregnancy often cause spikes pipes, which lead various inflammatory diseases. But as a rule, these diseases affect both fallopian tubes, leading to the appearance of adhesions that violates patency.
Ectopic Pregnancy after
For a successful pregnancy it is very important to follow all the recommendations of doctors and gynecologists. Firstly, the first time after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, be sure to protect yourself during the time needed female body for a successful and complete rehabilitation. Typically, how much this period will last, determined by a physician on the basis of observations of a woman.
Also be sure to pay attention to this aspect, as a means to prevent pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. You should not listen to the advice of friends and girlfriends - it makes more sense in this case to take into account the opinion of your doctor - a gynecologist. For example, doctors do not recommend highly the first six months after the ectopic pregnancy use contraception intrauterine device.
As a rule, women who plan to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy is under constant and close supervision of doctors, but before the onset of pregnancy receiving intensive treatment aimed at preventing the re-occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.
But remember - even if, despite all the efforts of physicians, for some - any reason, you have come to re ectopic pregnancy and, in the worst case, you will be removed both ectopic pipe, do not despair and lose heart forever giving up the opportunity to have their children. The level of modern medicine is so high that it allows a woman devoid of both fallopian tubes, and give birth safely make his long-awaited crumbs. To do this, doctors use IVF, which will be discussed a little later.
Pregnancy at polyps
Another question - is it possible to get pregnant if a polyp? There are a lot of different polyps. And if the presence of cervical polyps or cervical specific obstacles in pregnancy do not have, because it is very fast and without any - any work. But polyps endometrial cancer delivered more problems than all other types of polyps - getting pregnant after removal of polyps is much easier and safer.
The first thing you need to say - this is about the cause of endometrial polyps. In most cases, the culprit appearance of a woman getting endometrial polyps abortion complications during childbirth. Typically, if after scraping the uterus during pregnancy termination physician leaves there fetal tissue, and at this point appears endometrial polyp. Roughly the same thing happens in the case after the last delivery of waste is not in full, and the doctor did not notice the small remnants of the placenta in the uterus - the endometrium development polishers not force yourself to wait.
And in fact, in either case cause endometrial polyps are those clots which remain on the endometrium. Very quickly, on the spot blood clots starts to grow rapidly connective tissue. Polyp tends to grow very, very quickly and in just a few weeks can reach considerable size. In the same case, if a polyp is formed of placental tissue, and it is an appropriate name - the placenta.
It should also pay attention to the fact that polyps can be of very different sizes. And, in fairness it should be noted that the size of the polyps do not always affect the possibility of conception. Often, a woman can not get pregnant for years, because it has a small polyp, which does not manifest itself outwardly. And he found only by accident, when a woman goes through a thorough examination on the secondary infertility.
Any woman, much less one that is planning in the future to become a mother charming crumbs, in the case if it is a disease diagnosed as polyp endometrial cancer, you must be treated as soon as possible. Remember that the sooner a polyp is removed, the less the likelihood that the disease will develop due to various complications. Endometrial polyps significantly impede the movement of the ovum in the uterine cavity and its subsequent implantation.