Well, that is the time when your baby until a few weeks left. However, the exact date of birth is not possible to predict. Therefore, things that need mom and baby in the hospital should be collected in advance. If you have already decided on the clinic, it is necessary to find a list of items recommended in the hospital for mothers and the unborn child. So, what you need to take with you to the hospital?
On admission to the emergency room you need to take:
The exchange of cards;
Insurance Medical Pole;
The direction of the hospital or maternity home with your contract (if you have entered into);
Map of the state of health of the father (if you plan to partner childbirth);
Passport fetus (if available).
For Mom:
Slippers (any washable, not woolly);
Bra (recommended for nursing mothers), pants (preferably 5-7 pieces), robe and nightgown;
Urological pads, or pads Maxi, or absorbent underpants;
Toothpaste and brush;
Hairbrush and hairpin;
Soap in a soap or liquid soap;
Drinking non-carbonated water (not necessarily going to take, but you can take a packet of biscuits);
Bath towels;
Toilet paper;
Postpartum bandage;
Cream for the prevention and treatment of cracked nipples, as well breastpump may be necessary;
A mug, a spoon, a fork;
Cell phone and charger to it;
A book or magazine;
For a child:
Diapers for infants;
Wet wipes;
Cream powder or diaper;
Baby Clothing (recommended antitsarapatelnye mittens and socks). Diapers are not necessarily (usually they are in the hospital).
In the statement you need to prepare:
Clothes and shoes for the mother;
Clothing for babies;
The diaper;
Cap or hat (it depends on the weather);
Blanket or envelope to be discharged;
It is important to know:
Before you put on a child's clothes should be washed and ironed!
By the arrival of the mother and child need to spend wet cleaning of the room, where there will be a child removed from her flowers.
But most importantly, it is a certainty that everything goes well! After all, the baby, which will make your chest - it's an amazing miracle. It was the birth of your child will change your life and make it happier.
We strongly recommend to read: the child does not take the breast
So it's our time to prepare for the fulfillment of why we are in this world, while such natural changes and transformations of the body, and at the same time and reason. But how often this is a happy time, we are full of anxieties, and along with a lot of pleasant sensations are experiencing physical discomfort.
The oldest set of exercises aimed at the approximation to achieve harmony and peace - yoga - as well as possible helps to cope with discomfort, fear, disease states, and will allow optimal to prepare for the most important test - the birth of a new life. Today we will talk specifically about yoga for pregnant women, the procedure, which will be essential along with a knowledgeable obstetrician, family support and faith that everything will be fine.
Yoga for moms - set a good
To begin with I would like to talk about the basic theoretical guidelines, which are dictated by the traditions of yoga for pregnant women, the pillars that hold the culture, and the best way to help us keep a positive attitude and a good physical well-being throughout the day. These tips will help us to get the prana (life force that ensures our existence and our baby) in the required amount:
Clothing, we choose must be made of natural materials: cotton, linen, wool and silk fabrics, which will allow our skin to breathe deeply, will be extremely beneficial to our health, and improve the aura, especially if it is a light-colored clothes. In order not to feel the tightness and breathing movements, taking some yoga poses for pregnant women, will focus on the clothes free cut.
Singing - most probably from elementary practices, the best way to expand our lungs, helps them open up and develops fine aperture that will help in childbirth. Singing is yoga for pregnant women is very beneficial for the thyroid gland and the opening of the heart center. And that's not to mention the fact that when we hum during pregnancy some glorious song or mantra, and after singing her baby after his birth, he again immersed in the peace and a state of supreme comfort, regardless of our vocal data.
Start during pregnancy engage in some kind of sport will come to mind not everyone, but swimming or other, more or less dynamic stay in the water, very relaxing effect on our entire body. Exhausting physical activity itself is not necessary, but a sense of freedom when all your body maintains water test during pregnancy - a sacred thing. At this point, not to mention as a component of yoga exercises for pregnant women at home as regular adoption relaxing bath with the addition of various herbal concoctions and soul with the necessary low contrast of temperatures to improve circulation. Not bad as taking a bath, as they say, with a shower in their hands: while we are lying, the water will slowly drain from our body, taking with them all the experiences of the day.
Throughout pregnancy for additional massages digestive organs, which are subject to excessive pressure as the child grows, we need a walk. Walking is good for improving the mobility of the lumbar and strengthen the abdominal muscles, which is very useful when the yoga will become an essential point of our schedule.
Yoga for pregnant 2 terms must be combined with regular rubbing after bathing wheat germ oil in the chest, thighs and stomach, and to complete the procedures necessary to prevent stretch marks, will light tingling of the skin with your fingers, so that the oil has soaked deeper. Almond oil will be rubbed in this way twice a day, before taking a bath and bedtime. Vitamins help to enrich the skin with oxygen, not to mention the additional moisture, which will just need to now, when it is stretched.
Yoga for pregnant 3 trimester will we be combined with part of the procedure tingling, stretching and pulling the nipple during the day, and after taking a bath will need to be carefully rubbed a towel, it's all just need to strengthen them. Periodically, we can also wash the nipples with lemon juice. It would be more to take care of a place where not hesitate and interference can take sun and air baths, then we all will be able to call himself a happy mummy, since such a concern for the need to reduce the breast discomfort later during breastfeeding.
Yoga for pregnant women: home and walls help
During the existence of the doctrine it has repeatedly been proven that women can help themselves learn to control for a generic process. Subsequently, we will be able to reduce the pain of contractions pretty tolerable limits by the breath of the system and taking appropriate yoga poses for pregnant women, appropriate exercise can help speed up the process. Not to mention the fact that some of the inverted asanas (body positions, in which the most pleasant and comfortable stay) will help our small take in the tummy right position, and we even control and "feel" the muscles of the uterus, and directing vector effort down push correctly. Yoga can be practiced by us throughout all nine months, subject to the above rules, and if we have not practiced before pregnancy to start yoga for pregnant women the first trimester suited just fine.
Unfortunately, today we have no opportunity to talk in more detail about yoga for pregnant women - exercise too much. However, I would very much like to discuss the practice, which is aimed at controlling the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is necessary, given the emergence of additional load on the muscles with increasing weight of the child in the womb. These exercises allow us to do pelvic floor muscles elasticity for future delivery. But our main goal here is to understand the muscles of this area and how we can stretch them to relax or to ease the passage of the baby birth canal.
Another positive aspect of the practice is to provide rapid recovery of muscles, if we continue to engage in and after childbirth, and classes are essential - they help significantly in the treatment even when subject to episiotomy
. You should not allow the thought of how easy yoga for pregnant women - can be done at home, not all, and even consult your doctor recommend strongly
. But exercises for the pelvic floor - quite harmless alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum - we're going to practice as often as possible (about 100 compressions per day as a minimum)
. To begin with, in order to feel these muscles, the legs should be slightly apart during urination, after the start process of emptying the bladder and suspend its muscle contraction
. We can easily feel his muscles, if you put a finger in the vagina and squeeze the muscles of the perineum around
. This practice is an integral part of the "yoga for pregnant women - 3 trimester", when the frequency of visits to the restroom greatly increase
If we went to a conversation with you, we would like to tell us more about the limitations that exist, a feature that should definitely be taken into account, and basic poses that will come in handy:
Each yoga class for pregnant women - 1 trimester should already be marked by them - is to start with breathing exercises. Pranayama (breathing practice) is absolutely necessary for the optimal preparation for the birth of the body: the right in terms of doctors and natural breath for three to five, or even more hours during labor process is very difficult to imagine without the hard training before the birth.
Pay attention to the practice of mula bandha - it is perfectly able to prepare the perineum to the moment of birth.
Group asanas to strengthen back muscles yoga for pregnant women - photos illustrate this - especially highlights. Different variations of cats, bridge, pose at the wall number 9, half-bridge, pose at the wall number 10 and stop at the hands of the options, except for the preparation of the spine to the stress of the last trimester of pregnancy and childbirth, aimed at strengthening the concentration and improvement of the vestibular apparatus.
When fatigue and physical tension in the last stages of pregnancy, and just for the fun of additional passive employment with overactive involvement Daddy suit yoga for pregnant women - Exercise with a partner. May he support us, helping to stand up on their hands, or take other asanas.
Exercise with a partner
More fertile yoga for pregnant women - 2 trimester and exercise onions on the side, a crescent moon, neck and chest deflection cat twisting number 1, poses near the wall number 4, 5, 6 are able to relax, relieve stress, back pain, improve blood circulation in the abdominal and spine. Experts call this group the "deflection and twisting."
The deflection and twisting
No matter how difficult yoga for pregnant women, the group poses inverted asanas (or polumostik Depada pidam, Viparita Quran, handstand and forearms, halasana, sarvangasana, Sirshasana simple bridge or chakrasana and birch) need to get your attention. They will help you to stay in our little tummy in the natural scenario of nature will not allow the emergence of our varicose veins, constipation and cramps in the legs.
Inverted postures
The priority for us will be the asanas of yoga for pregnant women - Photo provided by our attention, show them - a group that promotes better "disclosure" of the hip joints, posture, improves blood circulation of the abdominal organs, strengthening the pelvic organs. Pose diverting foot towards, pose at the wall number 1, squat posture and wall №15 greatly help us to accelerate the onset of labor and to facilitate the birth of a baby.
Pose for the disclosure of the hip joints
Yoga for pregnant women should exclude provisions that could be a significant overvoltage abdomen. Instead, concentrate on shavasana, padmasana, virasane, natavirasane, ardhapadmavirasane, contrast and visualization exercises - they will help us to master the skill of quality relaxation.
Completing each session we will asana for the neck and joints of the hand - exercises that are designed to relieve fatigue from the muscles and joints of the cervical spine: twisting and stretching of the neck, the rotation of the neck, pose at the wall number 19, stretching the side of the neck, cat, neck and chest deflection roll across the forehead, warm hands, rack, lock hands.
All these asanas and yoga exercises for pregnant women - poses gently strengthen all parts of the spine, joints are developing, can further help us to avoid injury during birth (especially if we're talking about the injuries of the perineum, which could prevent regular stretching exercises). According to the teachings of Patanjali - the founder of yoga and compiler of "Yoga Sutras" - and the numerous allegations of women who began to practice yoga, this practice can improve the endocrine system, which is especially important for a harmonious pregnancy and makes for a generic process more safe.
Not to mention the fact that the regular classes - yoga for pregnant women does not tolerate procrastination - becomes clearly visible effect of rejuvenation of the female organism.
Yoga for pregnant women - breathing exercises
Most of the practices yogic breathing is related to the achievement of a more conscious management of your breath
. Breathing exercises are able to saturate the blood with oxygen, purifying it, resulting in the release of toxins - the blood is updated much faster and "qualitative"
. Deep Breathing system yogis gives clarity of mind, cleans the lungs, has a calming effect on the nervous system, its enhanced energy flows helps the harmonious development of the body, improve his aura, and reduces pain
. Synchronization of breathing, we just needed during pregnancy, because the third trimester of many future mothers reduced hemoglobin level and the "delivery" of oxygen in full already difficult
. This is compounded by the growth of our baby and, accordingly, a tummy that well-read little "prop up" the lungs, not to mention the vascular dystonia that occurs in young women often
. During bouts of "suffocation" often comes anxiety about the health of the baby, which invariably suffers from such a condition mom, fear for the full value of its development in such conditions and a whole bunch of gray thoughts
. Yoga for pregnant women - the first trimester - must necessarily contain the practice of pranayama (breathing system yogis) to eliminate from our "pregnant" life such unpleasant moments
. These exercises, among other things allow to normalize blood pressure, improve digestion, help you sleep better and to do without the use of painkillers during childbirth and stimulants:
Full yogic breathing
. It is necessary to take "Turkish" or in the "legs under him," stay back, straighten the spine (for a longer period, you can prop the back pad), close your eyes and try to tune in to a positive, think about pleasant
. Try to probe your body: if there is a particularly stressful place, especially its focus on relaxation, try to "breathe" by them, introducing as with every breath, all the accumulated severity showered them with gold grains of sand
. Failure to completely relax as training will take place, and in a couple of weeks you will be able to do it with ease
. So, we have brought the most complete relaxation and proceed to the very exercise
. Inhale through the nose and how you can best fill the stomach with air first, and then the chest
. Now exhale, pulling a little belly, and then releasing the air out of the chest
. Think about yourself, the best option is a breath to the count of "four," and exhale on the "eight", perhaps for the first time, you is not too successful, but over time, the ideal ratio "4/8" you will achieve
. Respiratory yoga for pregnant women - 1 term will begin at us with ten breaths and exhalations, but focusing on the sensations, then we will increase the number of
Ujjayi. We prepare and relax, as in the first class. Now you need to feel as though, to find the glottis (try a little grunted with the mouth closed). As exercise "full yogic breathing" inhale-exhale will be by the "stomach - the chest," but now, as far as possible, straining the glottis and controlling the flow of air. Should hear the hiss. Starting from 3-5 minutes in the future, we will increase the duration of these yoga classes for pregnant women up to 15 minutes.
Nadishodhana. Preparation and respiratory system "stomach - the chest," as in the previous exercises. Right thumb is necessary to close the right nostril, inhale left index finger after already right hand we close the left nostril and hold your breath a little. Next, open, pushing the thumb, right nostril, leaving the closed left and exhale deeply. Now Inhale through the right. Once again, covered her with his thumb, hold your breath and exhale through the left. Right nostril, as we remember, is closed.