early signs of pregnancy to delay


  • How to determine the presence or absence of a pregnancy?
  • Temperature Method

"Delay ... Pregnancy? "These issues are literally deprived of sleep for many women who have not started at the estimated time of menstruation. Of course, it is best to visit a gynecologist or over the counter pregnancy test. However, the trip to the doctor, and pregnancy tests are relevant only after a delay period. But what if you really want to know in advance, without waiting for the delay menstruation? Are there any specific early symptoms of pregnancy, which appear before the delay period?

These questions haunt many women. Of course, these early signs exist. But do not be too much to hope for these signs - they often turn out to be wrong. In addition, doctors have noted an interesting pattern - often the early signs appear like those women who are very much waiting for the pregnancy. Simply put, they are ready to see the early signs of pregnancy, long before
delay, and in everything - even where they are not.

 signs of early pregnancy to delay

How to determine the presence or absence of a pregnancy?

Besides the lack of menses and even before its delay, there are certain early warning signs of pregnancy, namely:

  • Mammary gland

Mammary glands are often the first to respond to the emergence of a new life. If you delay menstruation before you have any symptoms such as breast tenderness - especially when pressed, the increased sensitivity of the nipple, and the selection of them at a mild pressing drops of colostrum - is wary. Especially if you are used to these symptoms were not observed. Although in some cases these symptoms may appear before the onset of menses.

  • Sickness

Quite often one of the first symptoms appearing to delay the menstrual cycle is nausea. The degree of nausea can be very different - from the easy and quick passing to uncontrollable vomiting. Some expectant mothers nausea appears long before the delay of the menstrual cycle.

  • Changes in taste preferences

It is worth thinking about a possible pregnancy and if a woman were changing taste preferences. In people, this phenomenon is called the perversion of taste - may want to constantly have sour, salty, sweet. And suddenly the familiar foods can become unpleasant and even cause nausea. These are the early signs of pregnancy appear to delays occur most frequently.

While in some cases this phenomenon is provoked by banal iron deficiency anemia. So if you have unusual taste preferences, but no pregnancy, be sure to consult a hematologist. Anemia should be treated on a mandatory basis.

  • Changes in appetite

No less common and strengthening or, conversely, the disappearance of appetite. You are reaching for a third consecutive roll? Do not rush to blame themselves, and as a punishment to harass your body exhausting workouts - perhaps very soon you will see on the test two cherished strips. The same is true for the reduction of appetite. If you find that you can not look for food, it is not necessary "to force" your body is through force. Do not want to - then and now is not necessary.

  • Fatigue

You do not have time to get out of bed, and already feel so tired, like you've done spring cleaning, a quarterly report and passed a couple of hours spent on the bike? Perhaps in this way your body draws attention to itself, and requests more gentle treatment? After pregnancy - a serious burden for him!

But even if you are not pregnant, should consult a doctor. Because fatigue is almost always indicative of some pathological processes in the body. And it is very important to timely detect such violations and eliminate them.

  • Hypersomnia

You always want to sleep? Morning, afternoon, evening, your dreams just about it - about a desired cushion? If earlier for you so sleepy was not typical, it is worth considering. Perhaps that drowsiness and fatigue is one of the first signs of pregnancy, which appears to delay menstruation.

  • Emotional instability

Increased irritability and tearfulness, sudden changes of mood - all these are typical symptoms for a pregnant woman. And no wonder, because her hormonal changes radically. And especially drastic changes are taking place early in pregnancy, even before a missed period.

  • Frequent urination

All the same hormonal changes can lead to frequent urination - especially often it happens in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, when the woman has about her and does not know and does not even have delayed menstruation.

However, in some cases, frequent urination indicates problems with the genitourinary system, and in particular, cystitis. Although in these cases, as a rule, women experience the following symptoms: pain, burning during urination, fever. In any case, if you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

  • A heightened sense of smell

You started with a sinking heart stops near freshly painted benches and spirits of loved ones for no reason at the beginning of the sick? You feel like a neighbor smoking in the stairwell? It should be wary and if you have no reason, no reason rarely sharpened sense of smell. The sharp increase in the sensitivity to certain smells in most cases, evidence of pregnancy. Nine out of ten pregnant women noted a similar phenomenon in early pregnancy, even before a missed period.

  • Bloody issues

If about a week before the expected date of menstruation you notice on the underwear spotting, do not rush to be frightened. Such isolation often suggest that the fertilized egg is attached to the lining of the uterus. This phenomenon is perfectly normal and in medicine is called implantation bleeding. There is 60% of all cases of early pregnancy, to delay menstruation.

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Often a sign of early pregnancy becomes a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the intestines. Diarrhea, constipation - all this in the early stages is not uncommon. Doctors explain this phenomenon changes in hormonal levels in the body of a pregnant woman.

  • Swelling of the genital organs

You suddenly seemed that the pants have become too small? You will notice some swelling of the labia? Most often, all this - the early signs of pregnancy which arise due to the restructuring of blood circulation in the pelvic organs that occurs at the smallest terms. Most often, such a state passes fairly quickly - within two to three months. But in some cases it may persist for a longer period of pregnancy.

 The earliest signs of pregnancy to delay

Temperature Method

But all of these signs can not be considered accurate, as these symptoms may be caused by other factors. Breast tenderness may occur before the onset of menstruation, irritability, and fatigue can be caused by disturbances of the geomagnetic background and nausea, be provoked by food poisoning, by drugs or simply stress. The stress of travel, illness, exercise or even extreme weather conditions, can affect the timing of ovulation and in itself cause delayed menstruation. Failure of the hormonal system and can be caused by an abrupt change in body weight of women.

Therefore, a more reliable means of determining early pregnancy is a so-called thermal method, based on changes in basal body temperature fixation. However, it needs to keep a diary of temperatures and to know your menstrual cycle.

Basal body temperature graph always consists of two phases: first there is a period of low temperatures, then ovulation occurs, and the temperature increases. The period of high temperature phase is called the corpus luteum.

If the high temperature (above 37 degrees) is stored for three days longer than normal luteal phase, you have every reason to believe the pregnancy. That is, if you still have any phase of the corpus luteum was 13 days, and now increased to 17, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. You need to pay attention is the second phase of the cycle, because it is more stable and is on average 12 to 14 days, while the duration of the first phase is more susceptible to fluctuations.

If pregnancy occurs sometimes a third phase the temperature chart - temperature jump after the second phase. Pregnancy with a high degree of confidence can be assumed if the chart appears more than 18 points in a row elevated basal body temperature. These are the signs of early pregnancy are the most reliable.

But, we repeat, only qualified medical examination is able to exactly diagnose pregnancy. Therefore all the above signs of early pregnancy arising before the delay pregnancy, can only serve as a pretext for going to the doctor. After the manifestation of many diseases can also be similar to the pregnancy - in any case, the symptoms may be similar.

Of course, we heartily wish you to the cause of your ill health was the most joyful and eventually your test "zapolosatilsya"!

 Early signs of pregnancy to delay

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