fasting days for pregnant women


  • It is important to know! General recommendations
  • Types of fasting days

Pregnancy - is a radical restructuring of the female body. Very often, an expectant mother having unexplained desire, especially on taste preferences. Experienced moms know that the desire for something salty, sour or sweet - this is not a joke. Sometimes it is very hard to tell your body strict "stop", but have to. Otherwise very great risk that the scales inexorably and uncontrollably creep up. And excessive weight during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. And not only for the health of the woman herself, but for her baby.

Of course, during pregnancy, weight gain occurs. And it will not prevent this, and completely useless. However, weight gain during pregnancy - is thin and very delicate process, which strictly controls the gynecologist. And do not shy away from the doctor's recommendations, which advise to spend fasting days during pregnancy.

After all, a balanced diet and a strict control not only allow her mother to get rid of excessive swelling during pregnancy and quickly bounce back after pregnancy, but also greatly facilitates the process of childbirth (because the child just as well could gain extra program - and this is a problem). Especially useful to fasting days after the 28th week of pregnancy, when all the major organs of the baby is already formed.

So to spend fasting days when pregnancy is possible and necessary. The question is around the need to know and feel the measure. Doctors and nutritionists warn that fasting days for pregnant women can be carried out not more than once a week. In addition, it should be remembered that the usual diet is not suitable for women in the "interesting" position. Strict diets can greatly harm not only the mother but also the baby. Vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia - this is not a complete list of troubles that may lie in wait for the future mother, eats properly.

In addition, some phenomenal results are not worth waiting for: during fasting days are excreted mainly out excess moisture. But, nevertheless, did not allow fasting days gain during pregnancy, extra kilos, and you can very quickly come to the previous form. Many women are worried about the state of the baby - and it is quite natural. But believe me, it is much more harmful to you eaten a piece of smoked sausage or drunk a cup of coffee.

 fasting days during pregnancy

It is important to know! General recommendations

Before unloading days, remember that even a one-day diets have contraindications, so tip number one: check with your doctor, would not it be a one-day diet is too big a load for your body. After all, every pregnancy is unique in its own way, so that would be an ideal option for a future mom can be quite unsuccessful or, even worse, harmful to another woman.

Any diet, including fasting day for pregnant women, is general recommendations. Be sure to consider them before you arrange a fasting day:

  • Number of fluid intake

So, keep in mind that you need for a normal pregnancy the amount of liquid is not less than 2 liters per day. Of course, if the woman does not suffer from edema and the doctor did not recommend to comply with a drinking regime. However, fasting day is a little different from everyone else.

In the fasting day expectant mother should drink at least three liters a day, not counting the soups. Such an amount necessary to restore the mineral and electrolyte balance. Do not worry about swelling: During the handling of the day you do not eat salt. And in fact, it retains moisture and provokes swelling. Although, of course, talk to your doctor about it as is - perhaps the doctor will give any recommendations, taking into account the peculiarities of your pregnancy is.

  • Systematic

In no case can arrange fasting days, chaotic, without any order. Click to unload an organism a particular day, such as Sunday. Then the body will get used and will be ready for such a diet. Discharge day become severe stress to the body and well-being of pregnant women do not suffer. And to determine how many days per week or month you will starve. This issue should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Split meals

Moms know firsthand how hard it is in the "interesting" position to starve for a long time. But even in the fasting day exhausting feeling of hunger can be avoided. To hunger and discomfort did not cause you any inconvenience, divide the total amount of food for 5-6 receptions. In this case, truth is, "Who chews long - he lives a long life" becomes more relevant than ever.

After carefully chewing even a small portion, you can well enough. And due to the fact that the intervals between meals are not that large, the stomach does not have time to empty completely. This means that hunger will not be so acute. But do not forget about one truism - the last meal should be no later than two hours before a meal.

  • Toxemia

A bit harder to have those expectant mothers who suffer from toxicosis second half of pregnancy. After all, hunger is largely enhances the feeling of nausea. Therefore, increase the amount of food a little bit - about 20%, reduce the intervals between meals. And be sure to consult with your gynecologist. Perhaps for you all kinds of fasting days is strictly contraindicated. Do not risk health.

 fasting days during pregnancy

Types of fasting days

So, with the general rules dealt with. Let's talk about what is the fasting day is the most effective and safe for the mother. However, variants of such days is not so much. For example:

  • Apple Day

The most common discharge day - a day of apple. During unloading a half a kilo of apples should be divided into 5-6 receptions. You can also drink two cups of black or green tea without sugar. Such a day is very effective for pregnant women who suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Apples contain a very large amount of iron.

In addition, similar to Apple fasting day is very effective normalize digestive processes. But constipation - this is very frequent in the last months of pregnancy problem. And the apple diet - a very delicate solution. But those women who suffer from gastritis, apples, unfortunately, for the discharge of the day are not appropriate. Otherwise, the disease may worsen - and that the expectant mother completely useless.

  • Curd Day

If an apple a day is contraindicated you, do not despair. Try to spend curd discharge day: 600 grams of yogurt (preferably low-fat or fat content with a minimal percentage), divide into 5-9 receptions. Drink in the day can be both water and milk. But the milk must be selected as low-fat. Do not forget that the day does not mean cheese dairy. Sour cream, yogurt and other dairy products are not allowed on this day.

By the way, better to start the day with cottage cheese as cheese gives a greater feeling of satiety than fruits or vegetables. In that case, if you only try fasting days, this will be the best option. If during the day you feel too strong and debilitating hunger, you can eat one small apple.

  • Fish Day

Equally effective and useful a fasting day, as the fish. During this day the expectant mother should eat only 1 kg of any fish. Remember that the fish should be steamed, and always without salt. Incidentally, such a diet is very effective, and during breast-feeding. After all, when feeding strict diet and even contraindicated - the baby should receive adequate nutrition.

And another piece of advice: during the fasting day is better to do something yourself, otherwise cunning refrigerator will attract to yourself all day. And fight will be very, very difficult.

As mentioned above, during breast-feeding fasting days it is also very effective. After such diets do not lead to a reduction in breast milk. For such women should choose not mono-diet, but "well-fed" diet, such as unsalted boiled meat or fruit salad. But about diets for lactating mothers, we'll talk some other time.

Easy you birth. Health to you and your baby!

 Fasting days for pregnant women

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 whether it is possible for pregnant women to wear heels


  • The structure of the foot
  • As heels affect the foot
  • Pregnancy and shoes with heels
  • Choosing the right shoe
  • Foot Rest

Women always want to look beautiful and fashionable, and future moms - is no exception. However, at the same time select a beautiful, comfortable and fashionable clothes for pregnant women is not so easy. Moreover, many modern women, even being in a position in the last months of pregnancy, for any reason, continue to go to work. Nurturing a child, ladies tend to dress stylish and elegant, trying not to disturb their usual, formed over the years the image. Most continue to wear high heels. Of course, the studs visually lengthen legs make you taller and slimmer, but what does it mean for the mother?

According to studies, many pregnant women, despite his position, continue to wear heels in the early stages, and if health permits, almost up to the seventh, eighth month. According to psychologists, this is due to the desire as long as possible to preserve its former appearance. In fact, during pregnancy expectant mom is forced to give up many things, such as food and their habits. Besides her body with each passing day more and more changing, rounded; Plus, most women experience a great fear, thinking about his future, about the new responsibilities that will appear on the birth of your baby. So naturally, almost mom wants anything to keep from the former way of life, not always giving importance to what consequences this may have. Let's see whether or not you can wear heels ladies "in position."

The structure of the foot

Each person has their own unique structure of the foot, and the functions it performs, interrelated with all of the body and have an influence on him .  The foot is made up of 19 different muscles, 33 joints, 26 bones, and many different ligaments, nerves and tendons .  Its anterior part is fourteen phalanges, two sesamoid and five metatarsal bones, which lays down, and the main burden - they can withstand the weight of the human body during walking .  Midfoot tarsal bones represented, forming its vault, and the back - heel and talus .  While walking ankle distributes the total weight of the body between the bones of the foot, with the largest discomfort experienced back and middle offices .  Distribute your body weight as a cross, front, side and middle arches .  In humans, there are three major points of support, which are in the heel area and the front foot .  Immediately they are "responsible" for cushioning while walking .

 whether it is possible for pregnant women to wear heels

As heels affect the foot

Human foot, absorbing the energy of the pitch, protects all the other joints of the foot wear. If there are any violations of this function, the affected knee and hip connections - they bear a tremendous burden.

When the correct position (horizontal) foot rests on three points if wearing high heels, the entire load of the body lies on its cutting department and the phalanges, which in turn will affect the spine - the center of gravity, moving forward will cause excessive bending at the waist . As a compensatory response by tilting the pelvis, there is an incorrect location of the thoracic - he leans back. Such changes anyway lead to a breach of natural position, and this may affect the quality of the body functions.

When the foot changes its normal position, the calf muscles when walking start to work differently. Now they are not so involved, so gradually weaken, become flabby. All this leads to a violation of venous blood supply. The fact is that by cutting, calf muscles to "push" the blood through the veins, thus preventing them from expanding. Therefore, the correct leg muscles work - true prevention of varicose veins and footwear heels contributes to the emergence and development of the disease.

Pregnancy and shoes with heels

It can be or not to wear high heel shoes for pregnant women? This question is raised by many women. When a woman wears a child's heart, her body goes through drastic changes. For example, the hormone progesterone, affecting the connective tissues, making them softer - a kind of preparation for future delivery. Such compliance and flexibility of tendons and ligaments of the foot which is in the wrong position may lead to joint deformities of the joints and both feet, and the hip and knee. Often this anomaly becomes chronic.

Pregnant women give preference to high heels, we must remember that these shoes causes a change in curvature of the spine: the lower part of the body leans forward slightly, which may affect the location of the fetus. The fact that the strong inclination of the pelvis becomes not so easy as it used to, "cradle" for the baby. The load on the abdominal part of the increase, the rectus abdominis and the skin over-stretched. And this is bad, not only aesthetically, but also in terms of further recovery. The young mother will be very difficult to cope with postpartum belly and come to the previous form.

Of course, wear shoes on average, small or high-heeled shoes for pregnant women can be, but it's better to do it in extreme cases. For example, if you go for a responsible event, birthday party, and so on. But in any case it is better to be in such shoes as little as possible time or to take a pair of removable flat shoes. After the pin - it is a potential risk of injury. Since during pregnancy body parameters are changed, the center of gravity is shifting - all contribute to a violation of coordination of movements, and you can easily stumble or tuck the leg. The resulting weakness in this period further contributes to joint sprains and strains. Think, say that pregnant women must always give up the shoes with heels in the winter, particularly in ice and snow, it is not necessary.

 Can I wear heels pregnant girls

Choosing the right shoe

So, in the early stages, if there are no medical contraindications, and you feel good to wear high heel shoes can be, the main thing - to find the right. The most unstable and traumatic option, which also negatively affects the physiology of the foot, is a stud. On it a woman has to constantly balance, besides domestic "flat" roads can present a lot of unpleasant surprises. Also better to give up Kitten heels, but on a wide you will feel safer. Some pregnant women prefer wedges - a narrow platform. On the one hand it is good that the transition from a slightly elevated heel to the front of the smooth, so the foot is not tired and feels comfortable. But on the other hand - the wedge is often quite high, and not too robust.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to the size and shape of the heel, and at how easy it is to put on and remove and is firmly seated. Flip-flops and clogs without heel - not the best option, since they always fall off, and foot in them too mobile. You can buy shoes or soft slippers laced sports, but keep in mind that at a later date with a protruding tummy wear them will be difficult. And do not skimp on your health! Cheap shoes made of material of dubious quality will not serve you for a long time, will bring neither pleasure nor comfort.

In order not to miscalculate the size, go for shopping in the evening. Compete vending model, walk around the store. Some women choose shoes back to back, without considering the possible swelling of the legs, hoping that soon it spreads. However, it is fundamentally wrong! Such sacrifices in the name of fashion can lead to circulatory problems, constant fatigue leg injuries and varicose veins.

Giving preference to a particular embodiment, aiming to shoes were made of high-quality, natural materials that provide excellent ventilation. Heel Pick up no more than three to five centimeters. The most suitable option - shoes, boots, sandals with corrugated soles. If you can not find those, in every workshop can be rolled forward from the non-slip material. This will not affect the appearance of shoes, but to prevent possible falls and injuries, also will extend its life.

Foot Rest

If you do not want to indulge in the beautiful shoes with heels, then make an effort in order to reduce its unhealthy influence. Use the insoles insoles: they support the arch of the foot, which is the prevention of flattening it. In addition, if prefers shoes or shoes with a narrow toe, in order to eliminate the deformation of fingers, buy them for special separation pads or gel pads that are sold in many pharmacies and orthopedic departments stores.

Keep a spare pair without heels. If you experience fatigue or occurrence of pain always change shoes. Will be useful during the day, when given free time, do these exercises: rotate the feet in and out several times in each direction. It improves blood circulation.

In the evening, pamper your feet and take a bath: the warm water (about 36-38 degrees), add the sea salt. Also a nice relaxing foot massage and a douche. Include alternately cold, then hot water and under the pressure of the jet at the point the soles of your feet. Then you can apply a special cream that not only hydrates, but also relieves fatigue.

In later stages, you probably will not be able to say proudly: "Despite his position, I wear heels! ". But do not despair. Soon after childbirth, you can get your favorite shoes and go for a walk with the baby. All in good time!

 Can I wear heels pregnant?

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