the possible consequences of abortion


  • Mental consequences
  • Early effects of abortion
  • Long-term effects of abortion
  • The most dangerous consequences of abortion

Before the woman to decide on abortion, she should pay attention to the consequences of abortion. Abortion is called an abortion up to 22 weeks. Abortions are spontaneous (miscarriage) and artificial. Induced abortion is carried out by different methods, on the basis of pregnancy. The most common method - surgical (medical) abortion. Its essence lies in the murder of living fetus and removing it from the uterus.

Since abortion is contrary to the natural human nature, no matter what period, and how to have an abortion or specialist performed, its consequences can not be avoided.

And it's not only about the moral side of the issue. Abortion is undeniable cause disruptions to the entire body of women, leading to diseases of female genital mutilation and affecting the health and lives of women in general.
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Mental consequences

Regardless of whether a woman is aware of the fact that takes the life of her unborn child, or not, after the abortion she would have to face a number of mental disorders. It may be fear, guilt, insomnia, nightmares, irritability, irrational crying, neuroses, frequent mood swings, depression, thoughts of suicide. There may be sexual dysfunction. Such moral and psychological consequences are called post-abortion syndrome, and may adversely affect the general health: can appear headaches, heart palpitations, decrease or increase in blood pressure, problems with the digestive system and others.

There is risk, are particularly susceptible to attack dangerous consequences:

  • woman interrupting a first pregnancy;
  • Woman making two or more abortions;
  • women with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • women who had undergone surgery on the uterus or ovaries.

Most dangerous abortion during the first pregnancy. According to statistics, 75 out of 100 infertile women artificially interrupted their first pregnancy. The first abortion can lead to malfunction of the endocrine glands. As a result of hormonal changes is a violation of menstruation and the mental health of the woman. The body stores the history of the interrupted first pregnancy and later can replicate its miscarriage. Furthermore, due to abortion cervix loses elasticity, which can prevent a woman to become a mother in the future.

 psychological consequences of abortion
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Early effects of abortion

The consequences of abortion can be divided into groups according to the time of their occurrence. Already during the operation or immediately after it is possible to advance the following consequences:

  • damage (injury) of the uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • complications associated with the administration of anesthesia.

During the abortion to murder and removing the fetus cervix channel is narrow in its normal state, it is expanding. Thus, the longer the duration of pregnancy, the cervix greater expansion is required. This leads to abrasion, cracks or tears of the cervix, and as a result, malfunction of labor in the subsequent "desired" pregnancy. In addition, when curettage can injure the uterus itself.

Abortion held metal instrument, a doctor acting blindly. Thus not only can damage the mucous membrane of the uterus, but also the muscle layer. There may be scars, scarring, polyps, which creates problems with carrying a pregnancy leads to abortion, and, eventually, to infertility. In case of severe damage to the uterus, rupture there is a danger to a woman's life, so it requires surgery, and sometimes urgent removal.

Any intervention into the uterus can cause severe bleeding requiring transfusion, surgical emergency, and sometimes removal of the uterus. There is also the risk of complications of anesthesia. The most dangerous consequence of anesthesia - is allergic shock. Furthermore, it can be broken breathing, heart and liver.

Even if in the course of the abortion problem has been avoided, then shortly thereafter may manifest adverse consequences such as inflammation and thrombosis. After abortion in the uterus, fallopian tubes, abdomen or parauterine adipose tissue should be wary of inflammation and blood poisoning (septicemia). They can occur as a result of infection during surgery and accompanied by sharp pains, fever, general malaise.

In the case of blood poisoning requires immediate treatment with antibiotics. As a consequence of abortion can be isolated as a bleeding disorder, and as a result, blood clots, which requires urgent treatment.

 physiological effects of abortion
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Long-term effects of abortion

Most abortions do have consequences. Their effects are felt throughout the life of the woman. Among these are:

  • violation of menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • chronic pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • infertility;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the impact of abortion on future pregnancy;
  • increased risk of cancer.

One of the consequences of abortion is a violation of menstruation, caused by scarring of the lining of the uterus. Monthly become more painful, accompanied by profuse bleeding. Bleeding may occur between periods. At the same time in nulliparous women menstrual cycle recovery process will take much longer than that before giving birth (up to six months or more).

Organism is inevitable for women to have an abortion, and hormonal disorders. From the moment of fertilization of a woman's body under the influence of hormones seriously rebuilt, changes occur in the nervous and endocrine systems. Any interference with the natural process that abortion leads to the strongest hormonal crash around the female body. Broken abortion ovarian function, producing appropriate hormones cause menstrual disorders, infertility. Under the influence of hormones may have mental problems, obesity and others.

Damage to the uterus or cervix during an abortion influence during subsequent pregnancies. When cervical injury lost its elasticity. Furthermore, it can be shortened as a result of damage. Such consequences of abortion leads to future miscarriages, premature births, weak labor. In turn, it is fraught with wound uterine rupture during the next pregnancy. Thus, the chances of bear and give birth to a healthy baby at the woman, once had an abortion are drastically reduced, and, conversely, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, fetal abnormalities and placenta (the increment, premature detachment of the placenta, improper attachment of child seats).

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The most dangerous consequences of abortion

As a result of abortion due to inflammation of the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes may develop infertility. Most often it arises as a result of tubal occlusion due to coalescence of their exposed mucosal inflammation, but can also occur when the most severe damage to the instrument uterus. The most common infertility is a consequence of the abortions performed in the first pregnancy. Suffice it to say that about 20% of Russian families are childless.

One of the serious consequences of abortion is to increase the risk of cancer. In connection with the hormone failure in women caused by induced abortion, and increased risk of cancer of the breast, cervix, thyroid, tumors of the abdominal cavity. For example, the risk of developing breast cancer increases up to 150% of the girls who have had an abortion 18 years.

Especially dangerous are the so-called unsafe abortions conducted outside of medical facilities and unskilled personnel. It was after such abortions infertility and death of a woman found most often. Death can occur in a woman by a number of complications caused by abortion, in particular due to bleeding, uterine perforation, infection, thrombosis, sepsis.

 Abortion and its consequences

 painful bladder


  • Possible causes and symptoms of diseases of the bladder
  • Cystitis - the most common cause of pain in the bladder
  • What to look out for and how to treat a disease of the bladder?
  • Methods of treatment of diseases of the bladder

Pain in the bladder - a common phenomenon in women. Such pain may be indicative of different diseases, which are sometimes necessary to urgently treat. Often the pain is transient in nature, but can move in the chronic stage. Then cure the disease can be very difficult.

Do not underestimate the situation where it hurts the bladder, and to let it slide. It is important to know what diseases are accompanied by pain and discomfort in the bladder, as well as the symptoms of these diseases. This will help to pay due attention to the malaise and in time to see a specialist for help.

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Possible causes and symptoms of diseases of the bladder

It so happens that you can not go to the doctor. Then it can be useful knowledge about what symptoms are characteristic for a particular disease. Putting yourself diagnoses without medical education - it is absolutely ungrateful, but sometimes there are situations when it is impossible otherwise. Then you can use the information provided in this article. But do not forget that this is not a panacea, but merely an extra method when you do not have access to a specialist, and discomfort haunt. And as soon as the opportunity arises, immediately consult a specialist!

If a person suffers pain in the bladder, it speaks of the defeat of the organ or other body of the disease, the pain, "gives" the bladder, which actually turns out to be healthy.

For example, in diseases of the kidneys, tailbone, the reproductive system can also hurt the bladder. The cause of the pain can identify only a doctor in the course of a comprehensive survey of the patient. However, many diseases are accompanied by discomfort and pain in the bladder, which relate exclusively to that body.

Now let us consider in greater detail the major clinical diseases, which may be the reason that bladder pain.

  • Severe pain that is not related to the process of urination occurs when shaking in transport, physical activity, etc. Or, on the contrary, the pain may only appear at the end of urination.

These symptoms are typical for urolithiasis. When a person is at rest, rocks do not affect the bladder, but once a person start to move the stones, too, begin to move, move in the cavity of the bladder, hurt his wall and hurt, and this caused unbearable pain. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out only in a hospital. And the sooner people see a doctor, the better.

  • Pain aching, nagging.

This may indicate inflammation in the genitals. That's why urologists always refer women and gynecologists to prevent gynecological diseases. If the reason for all the same in this case, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such adnexitis, perimeter parameters. This infectious disease. Infections of the reproductive system penetrate into the bladder and cause inflammation in the latter.

  • A strong, sharp pain that can not be tolerated

These pains are often accompanied by bladder tumors. As the enhanced tumor pain. When there is a disintegration of cancer cells, a person's life turns into sheer torture so painful sensations experienced.

  • Pain is observed in the bladder and the lower abdomen resulting from trauma. Constant false urge to urinate, when instead of urine come out a drop of blood.

If a person is injured as a result of which he began to bother such feelings may have ruptured bladder. If after some time observed symptoms characteristic of peritonitis, it means that the break occurred in the bladder peritoneum.

 Uzi at pains
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Cystitis - the most common cause of pain in the bladder

The most common cause of pain in the bladder in women - cystitis cystalgia. At the same time the symptoms are very similar - that's why it's so important to be examined by a doctor to put a correct diagnosis.

When cystitis pain observed during urination, the pain reaches a peak at the end of the act and after it. Then the pain subsides. In addition, learning urination, and pus in the urine is contained. At the beginning of the pain of the disease increases with the filling of the bladder, as urine pressure on the inflamed bladder wall. Then, after urination, pain subsides until the next act.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, it almost does not stop the pain. Now, there are many medications that can help you cure cystitis. But we can not in any way stop treatment as soon as the relief came, the pain is gone. Cystitis and the cunning that even when you seem to be worried about anything is not up to the final disposal of the disease is still far. Many patients stop treatment without bringing it to the end, thus condemning themselves to chronic cystitis, which resumed at any time of year.

When tsistalgii sensations like cystitis patient's subjective complaints such as cystitis and but a survey shows that the bladder mucosa is inflamed or not at all, or has a slight inflammatory process. To the naked eye or symptoms that can be said. If self-medicate (of course, put a diagnosis wrong), then it may lead to nothing except aggravation of the disease.
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What to look out for and how to treat a disease of the bladder?

Sometimes, a person may begin to disturb any unusual sensations that can not be immediately painful or uncomfortable to be called. And it is not immediately clear, it's okay or worth a closer look to your body. Diseases of the bladder any etymology women develop very rapidly. Therefore it is very important to be able to suspect something was wrong at the time and see a specialist. Here is a list of symptoms that should alert you:

  • you do not have time to run to the toilet, there is urinary incontinence;
  • involuntary urination during sleep;
  • leakage of urine during exercise, exercise, coughing, sneezing, and so on. etc .;
  • urination becomes more frequent, and the portions are small for each act;
  • intermittent urination and weak;
  • the bladder does not empty completely;
  • urination causes pain, which does not allow to continue the process;
  • It observed during urination discomfort, burning sensation, pain, itching, and so on. d.;
  • the presence of blood in urine.

If you have seen one or more of the symptoms listed above, it is an occasion to see a doctor. As these symptoms by themselves do not pass on the other hand, over time increase, which eventually leads to a significant reduction in the quality of life: bladder problems in women can even lead to psychological problems, insomnia, irritability, and so on. D.

 on examination, the gynecologist
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Methods of treatment of diseases of the bladder

The most reasonable if it hurts the bladder - do not delay the visit to the doctor. Usually, when there are problems in the area of ​​genitourinary turn to the urologist, which is sure to send you to the gynecologist. Furthermore, in some cases, it requires a visit to the oncologist.

Note that bladder problems - not the case when to self-medicate, because as you already know, it can get sick for various reasons, which can detect only a specialist. Determine the cause of pain and diagnosed the doctor will prescribe medication. It can take place at home or in hospital, depending on the diagnosis. In any case, in addition to medicines, the physician may prescribe the following treatments:

  • gymnastics on the pins, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is very important for women;
  • day regimen, involving a full sleep and so on. d.;
  • compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene;
  • a strict diet, which consists in the prohibition of smoking, salting and spicy dishes;
  • avoidance of stress, hypothermia, excessive exercise, a prolonged stay in a sitting position.

Note that these rules should be your normal life after recovery, because the only way you can protect yourself from recurrence in the future.

 Pain in the bladder: Causes and Symptoms
