symptoms and causes of sexually transmitted diseases


  • Forms and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections
  • Symptoms and signs of gonorrhea
  • Symptoms of urogenital chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis
  • Symptoms of candidiasis

Any venereal disease usually occurs in two forms. Thus, the form of the disease may be in the nature of acute and chronic and can become. The acute form is typical for the beginning of the disease.

Just arisen infection is always an acute form and accompanied by any symptoms. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can be very different, it all depends on the disease itself. Any sexually transmitted diseases have an incubation period of from one day to a week. After this time, there are some men like symptoms urethritis. Among them may be the cutting and burning sensation when urinating, a different kind of selection.

Women tend to have symptoms of urethritis and vaginitis. There are also vaginal discharge, unpleasant burning sensation, itching, pain when urinating. The infection, which occurred as a result of oral sex, is often accompanied by a sore throat, and infection as a result of anal sex leads to proctitis (inflammation of the colon).

Too many people believe such signs of sexually transmitted diseases not serious and requires no treatment and treatment to the doctor. It is this misperception often leads to the fact that the acute form of a venereal disease becomes chronic. The chronic form is very dangerous because the symptoms virtually disappear or take subtle forms. Patient naive to believe that the disease has recovered itself, and the need to visit a doctor at all disappears.

 display of sexually transmitted diseases in the body
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Forms and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections

Few people know that the very rare cases when there is self-healing. The chronic form of the disease suggests that the infection is firmly entrenched in your body and feels quite comfortable. It is no longer necessary to show any symptoms, the body is no longer fights infection, both in the acute stage of the disease. A person becomes a carrier of infection. Now, the human body can be considered a time bomb. No doctor will be able to determine exactly when it was chronic stage of the disease when it is penetrated infection will have an effect which bodies and at the same time suffer any complications should be expected from sexually transmitted diseases.

Now a man becomes dangerous for everyone, with whom is intercourse. Unprotected sex can lead to disease spread further and further.

The chronic form, as has been said, is very dangerous in their symptoms. Even quite sick can feel good, I do not feel any discomfort and are not aware of his infection.

But do not rely on the fact that the acute symptoms are necessarily manifest. Cases when the acute form of venereal disease proceeds practically asymptomatic or does not have pronounced symptoms. In medicine, there is such a thing as non-specific symptoms. It means that the symptoms that accompany venereal disease, is characterized for multiple infections, sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia before gonorrhea. In such a situation it is impossible to establish the pathogen. To do this you must pass all the tests that will confirm or exclude the presence of genital infections.

Sometimes it is very difficult to put a specific diagnosis and accurately determine a venereal disease. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, once a person becomes infected with a whole bunch of diseases. However, before embarking on a treatment, you need to determine exactly what kind of pathogen caused the disease, and at what stage it is. Each and every venereal disease infection requires special and individual treatment. If you suspect a sexual infection should get tested once on a number of different infections. As a general rule, shall analyze at least 10 of the most common sexually transmitted infections.

There are sexual infections, the first signs of which are of a specific character and peculiar only to them. So, what sexually transmitted diseases exist and what features do they have? There are many different sexually transmitted infections should talk briefly about some of them.

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Symptoms and signs of gonorrhea

First of all gonorrhea affect the cervix in women and the urethra in men and women. The disease process can lead to infection of the eye, rectum, and pharynx. The incubation period of gonorrhea is between two days to two weeks. The main symptom of gonorrhea should be considered as pain when urinating. Frequent urination, and burning, as a rule, are one of the first symptoms. Later may appear purulent discharge.

As a result of oral sex may be a failure of the pharynx, followed by pharyngitis or laryngitis. The distinctive features should include difficulty swallowing and sore throat.

If gonorrhea is not treated, the consequences can be very sad. As a result of the disease may develop purulent inflammation of the ovaries in women and testes in men. Gonorrhea affects and joints. The most unfortunate consequence of untreated gonorrhea can be infertility in women and men.

Very often, gonorrhea proceeds without pronounced symptoms, and its carriers are not even aware of the presence of infection.

 To prevent sexually transmitted diseases
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Symptoms of urogenital chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis

The most common chlamydia in both men and women occurs virtually asymptomatic. Perhaps a burning sensation and appearance of small precipitates in both sexes. Untreated chlamydia often leads to terrible consequences. In men develop prostatitis, orchitis, testicular tumor, epididymitis, impotence, and even infertility. Chlamydia in women can lead to inflammation of the uterus: adnexitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis, salpingo. All of these diseases can lead to the fact that a woman will not be able to bear a child, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage, chlamydia often leads to infertility.

Chlamydia can infect even the baby in the womb, which can result in further disability.

The medicine is called bacterial vaginosis different bacterial vaginosis. Immediately it should be said that there gardnerelly normal in any healthy body. In a healthy person their relatively small, and the positive flora prevents their development. But as soon as a positive flora is disturbed (abortion in women, hormonal disruptions, etc.) gardnerelly immediately begin to multiply in large numbers settled in the urogenital system.

One of the main signs of bacterial vaginosis is considered excessive vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant smell of fish. Bacterial vaginosis in women can lead to cervical erosion and endometritis.

Gardnerella men in good condition do not survive on the genitals. They may appear there only as a result of a serious imbalance. If a man has gardnerelly, it is a serious cause for venereologist and urologist to suspect any sexual disease.

Bacterial vaginosis in women may also indicate the presence of an infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases.

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Symptoms of candidiasis

Candidiasis genitals often accompanied by a cheesy vaginal discharge in women. In men, there may be a cheesy white plaque on the penis. Selections they often are accompanied by a burning sensation and itching that after sexual intercourse or taking a hot bath only intensified. And if candidiasis in women - this phenomenon is widespread, the candida in men is a serious cause for seeking medical attention in order to check for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

There are many other sexually transmitted infections, with its specific and non-specific symptoms. It should be understood that any disease is easier to treat as it manifests itself in acute form. If it is passed into the chronic stage, it is much more difficult to treat. At the first signs of infection should immediately see a doctor to rule out or confirm the disease. Timely treatment of medical care will get rid of the problem and avoid serious consequences. Good health.

 Symptoms and signs of genital infections
