causes of menopause


  • The first symptoms of menopause in women
  • Violation of menstruation during menopause
  • Tides as a symptom of menopause
  • Insomnia as signs of menopause
  • Headaches during menopause syndrome
  • Pain in the heart like symptoms of menopause in women
  • The increase in pressure as a symptom of climacteric syndrome
  • Other symptoms of menopausal syndrome
  • What are the symptoms of menopause still exist
  • About the types of reaction to the climax
  • What conclusions should be made

Menopause in women - it is absolutely normal and natural phenomenon, waiting every woman older than 45 years. Worry about it would be very foolish. But be prepared for some changes in the body should be.

This period requires special attention to the reproductive system of the body. We must be prepared for what may have at least once a year a special complex examination. Modern medicine makes it possible to determine exactly when the menopause, as well as to identify predisposition to some diseases. What is the menopause and what are its symptoms? What is menopause and how it manifests itself?
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The first symptoms of menopause in women

What are the first bells come from approaching menopause? To say it quite difficult, because the symptoms of menopause are all different, all depends on the characteristics of the organism. But there are symptoms that often accompany menopause. These symptoms should include violations of the menstrual cycle when the month come when they please; hot flashes, heart palpitations, weight gain, frequent insomnia. If you have more than 45 years, and these symptoms were observed more than once, do not panic.

When some of these symptoms is not necessary to put a diagnosis on their own, but if all syndrome, characteristic of menopause, accompanies you for quite some time, it says only that you have entered the initial stage of menopause. This syndrome should not cause you stress and give rise to panic. But there are some moments that every woman should know. Thus, among the main symptoms of the climacteric syndrome are several.

 frequent headaches during the tides
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Violation of menstruation during menopause

As you know, the climax - is the period when the activity of the sex glands quenched. The menstrual cycle is broken first, and then completely stopped. The final climax occurs in people older than 50 years.

The loss of reproductive function of the body and changes in the body come from the beginning of perimenopause. Under menopausal means the period from the beginning of the decay of the work and activities of the ovaries to the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle. This period can last as 2 years and 8 years.

The second phase of menopause is considered the menopause. Under the menopause is the period when it was noted recently uterine bleeding that is caused by the hormonal ovarian function. After menopause should postmenopause. Under the mean postmenopausal period of the last month before the complete cessation of ovarian activity. This phase precedes the onset of old age. The duration of this period can last from 6 to 8 years.

One of the major signs of the start of menopause are irregular menstrual cycles, which each time takes on the character growing. Irregular menstrual cycle can be characterized by the amount of the monthly selections, as well as different spaces between them. The intervals between menstrual cycles could be reduced to 21 days and may, on the contrary, increased to 35 days. If you see at such violations, it is a reason to see a doctor, who will deliver an accurate diagnosis and rule out the presence of any disease.

Adverse environmental conditions, poor nutrition, smoking and alcohol can be cause for early menopause.

If a woman uses hormonal, menopause and menopause she may come later. At this affects the hormonal composition of the drugs.

The beginning of menopause is accompanied by menopausal syndrome, which is characterized by the occurrence of certain health problems and health. All of this is directly related to hormonal changes in the body.

 pressure increase
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Tides as a symptom of menopause

One of the most typical symptoms of approaching or menopause hot flashes are considered. They are expressed in the dramatic appearance of a strong sensation of heat in the upper body. Sometimes during red tide appears in the chest, face and neck. Hot flashes are characterized by bouts of sweating. Just one minute from the dry skin can drastically be wet, the outside temperature of the body does not change.

In general, the state of the tide is very unpleasant and can cause stress. When there is weakness, palpitations, decreased ability to work, panic disorder and other unpleasant consequences. As a rule, the duration of one tide does not exceed 1 minute. But this time, much more is enough to get serious stress.

In some women, hot flashes occur very rarely, and for some characteristic of the event 50-60 tide in one day. Cases, when a tide clothes very wet and needed a change of underwear and clothing. It is desirable to put on layers that at any moment it was possible to remove one of the layers. Tides have no system, they appear randomly and are very tiring and exhausting for the female body.

This syndrome is capable of even cause loss of consciousness, which continues, usually within a few seconds. Hot flashes are characterized by even a sleep disorder that provokes tiredness and lack of sleep. Sometimes, when this symptom served as the main cause of cardiovascular disease.

What is the reason for such unpleasant syndrome? But the main reason lies in the fact that the pituitary gland responds to estrogen levels drop, the result is a hormonal imbalance in the body. The response of the pituitary gland - a significant increase in production of LH (luteinizing hormone). It is this hormone as a result of sudden release causes a sharp increase in body temperature, which is known as the tide.

According to statistics, the tides are affected more than 50% of all women. By the way, I lean more common hot flashes than the full.
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Insomnia as signs of menopause

Not to be confused with each other constantly sweating, which is caused by increased thyroid function, intermittent sweating during menopause. One of the symptoms of menopause, which accompanies the tides, it is believed sweating. The attack of sweating can be very strong, to the point that can dramatically forehead covered with sweat, which are beginning to run down his temples. The body quickly becomes wet on the clothes may even appear wet spots. At night time sweating can be very strong, that even have to change the sheets and pillow.

Despite all the unpleasant moments, sweating is still considered a natural physiological process, which is so necessary for the regulation of the internal temperature and to remove toxins from the body. Sweating during menopause performs the same function as in the normal state.

Very often during menopause in women have insomnia. It can be caused by tidal or just stress. In the case for the past few days you can not sleep well at night, you can seek help from a doctor who will prescribe you medication to help sleep.

 constant insomnia
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Headaches during menopause syndrome

One of the first symptoms that accompany menopause are constant headaches. Such pain may be a reaction to depression, which can be caused by different symptoms during menopause. This pain is also called pain stress. Headaches are the result of the negative emotions that can cause stress facial muscles. In addition, the headaches may be the result of inability to relax. Such pain usually are characterized by dull and monotonous.

Headache may be different. It may be a sudden attack, which resulted in the forehead and a very sore aching temples. Sometimes the pain accompanied by darkening of the eyes, shivering and cold hands. These symptoms are typical of migraine, which occurs as a result of expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the brain.

Pain in the head may be a sign of hypertension. In this case, there is a heaviness in the back of the head, bags under the eyes are formed, and the face swells.

It should be remembered that the pain in the head can be caused by certain products that contain nitrites or organic compounds.

The cause of headaches can be, and drugs. Among such drugs may be drugs that contain hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone), multiple cardiac agents (verapamil, nitroglycerin or other), agents for lowering blood pressure (reserpine raunatin etc.), medicines for peptic ulcers (cimetidine, ranitidine ).
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Pain in the heart like symptoms of menopause in women

One of the most dangerous and quite frequent heart disease is considered to be ischemic heart disease. It arises as a result of destruction of the blood vessels that nourish the myocardium (heart muscle). Development of atherosclerosis can lead to the fact that the walls of the vessels will be condensed, reduced diameter of the cardiac arteries, and the consequence of all this is to reduce the flow of blood to the myocardium. The heart begins to suffer from lack of oxygen, which causes severe heart pain. Statistics says that every ninth woman over 45 suffers from one of the diseases of the cardiovascular system. Half of them is suffering ischemic heart disease.

Menopause in women often cause dizziness, shortness of breath and lack of air. Sometimes it takes the form of attacks, accompanied by tinnitus, imbalance, and sometimes nausea and even vomiting.

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The increase in pressure as a symptom of climacteric syndrome

Very often, menopause in women is accompanied by irregular blood pressure, most of its increase. The most important features of a high pressure can be nausea, headache and dizziness. The pressure increase can be attributed to the fact that the body simply has to adapt to all kinds of external influences, such as physical activity. During exercise there is a need in the strong body blood supply, resulting in blood pressure and increased.

It often happens that the pressure rises very sharply, resulting in a situation that requires the adoption of necessary and urgent measures. There may be sharp headaches, weakness, pain in the thoracic spine, dizziness, and other symptoms. Sometimes, blood pressure rises so much that requires immediate medical attention.
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Other symptoms of menopausal syndrome

During menopause symptoms are often observed such as numbness in the extremities (usually fingers), or tingling in the extremities. Very often at night numb middle, ring and index fingers. In the morning, the pain is felt when trying to bend the brush after a while the pain passes.

Many women during menopause characterized by mood swings. Inexplicably can appear irritability, concern about anything, tension, fatigue. Many women report that they have a some kind of unpleasant sensation in the throat that resembles a ball, which is very difficult to swallow. This syndrome often occurs during menopause, but to exclude thyroid disease, you should consult with this problem to the doctor.

Menopause in women can cause, and depression. Such a condition is often accompanied by pessimism, depressed mood, irritability, depression. Women are much more likely to suffer from depression than men. Climacteric syndrome can only exacerbate the condition. Depression can cause stress, hot flashes during menopause, anxiety and others.

One of the signs of menopause should be considered dryness and burning in the vagina. This is because in menopausal female body forms a much less hormones, causing vaginal mucosa becomes considerably thinner and loses its normal lubrication and becomes dry. The result of these processes may be itching and burning. Sexual intercourse when this state becomes very painful.

 persistent sore throat symptoms of menopause one
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What are the symptoms of menopause still exist

The menopause is characterized by decreased sex drive (libido). This is due to the fact that the biological life of the ovaries to 50 years is over, they can not operate stably, stands much less hormone and oocyte maturation occurs less frequently. Thus disturbed menstrual cycle.

Very often in women over 45 years starting obvious problems with weight. Extra kilos appear very quickly. It is believed that the emergence of a few extra kilos is considered normal protective reaction of the organism, which can protect it from the negative effects of reduced estrogen levels. This is because fat tissue produces estrogen nonclassical. Nevertheless, the rate of appearance of a pair of extra pounds. If there are many more, this is a serious reason to see a doctor and to change your lifestyle.

During the period of hormonal changes in the body prior to menopause, often observed uterine bleeding. During menopause cause uterine bleeding can be a sexual act. This may be due to the fact that the vaginal walls become very thin, there dryness. In this period it is better to use estrogen cream for lubrication.

The cause of bleeding in post-menopausal can be a variety of inflammatory disease, endometriosis, fibroids, hormonal tumor, sarcoma, a variety of injuries and more.
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About the types of reaction to the climax

There are four types of reaction to the climax. One type is a passive response. This response is typical for 15-20% of all women. Typically, this reaction is characteristic of women living in rural areas. It is characterized by the adoption of menopause as an inevitable phenomenon.

Neurotic reaction implies a certain resistance to the processes of aging. Such a reaction is characterized by 8-15% of women, it can cause a so-called neuropsychiatric symptoms.

For 5-10% of women are characterized by a hyperactive response. It is characterized by a complete rejection of the changes. Women who have this reaction, trying all sorts of ways to block the symptoms have occurred, continue to live life to the fullest, with leaves all his emotions to himself.

Practice shows that 60% of women quietly adapt to ongoing hormonal and social changes. Such a reaction is known as adequate.

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What conclusions should be made

So, from the above we can draw some conclusions. If your age exceeds 45 years, the menstrual cycle has become so irregular that you just are not able to predict when they come monthly, you are accompanied by constant flashes, often appears cold sweats, and sometimes there is bleeding from the vagina that is not accompanied by painful sensations, it's likely you have entered a phase of completion of the menstrual cycle. It is recommended that all do not diagnose yourself and visit your gynecologist who will determine the exact cause of such unpleasant first symptoms. Menopause and its symptoms can be different.

It is important to remember that the climax - it is normal. This is only a transition from one life stage to another. To adequately meet these changes in the body, you need to prepare well.
