Chest pain associated with injuries to the chest and spine
Chest pain due to psychogenic factors
The pain is localized in the right chest area
Respiratory diseases
Gastrointestinal Pathology
Women diseases
Currently, anyone who is always concerned about his health, because it is - the most important thing in life. Today, medicine does not stand still, and developing very rapidly: synthesized and put into practice all the new drugs, equipment, methods of treatment of certain diseases. But despite all this, the incidence remains practically unchanged. There are new diseases that claim the lives of people, isolated previously unknown pathogens. Now there are many pathologies, the main symptom that often appears pain. From the point of view of medicine, pain - a subjective sensation of pain (emotional or physical), arising from - for many reasons.
Do not confuse it with tenderness. The latter implies an objective data (changes in organ function). Of particular importance is the diagnostic chest pain. It can be caused by various diseases: of the cardiovascular system, respiratory, neuro-psychiatric, endocrine and so on. Even an experienced doctor often can not pinpoint the cause of their appearance and give a forecast, it is necessary to resort to additional methods of investigation. Consider in more detail why there is pain in the chest, and issues such as: etiology, irradiation, the treatment of this disease.
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Pain caused by coronary heart disease
The pain is most often the result of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Heart - is the central organ of the human body that does not stop their work for a moment. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are at No. 1 on the prevalence, according to official figures. They are the cause of high mortality. Among them a special place is occupied by ischemic heart disease. It is a complex disease associated with dysfunction of this body and its lack of blood supply. Often, it may appear on the background of the so-called coronary heart disease (spasm of the arteries that nourish the heart with oxygen).
The supply of oxygen to the myocardium should be permanent, or will die cardiomyocytes (cells). The resulting lesions can occur and myocardial necrosis. Compression of arteries often occurs when CHD, resulting in disrupted blood flow is optimum, increased blood pressure and the heart receives oxygen fully. The reason may be ischemia in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques that clog the vessel lumen. Vasospasm characterized by the appearance of acute chest pain that may radiate to the left shoulder or arm.
The pain may be aggravated by inhalation, with the patient greatly pale red or vice versa. Blood pressure rises. These pains may last long and be due to angina or stress, if they provoke mental stress. They can develop and angina at rest. Relieves chest pain nitroglycerin, which should give effect within minutes. They should not be tolerated.
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The pain in myocardial infarction
Very often, angina may go to a heart attack. If nitroglycerin does not help, then make a second reception if this does not work, you should immediately call an ambulance. The pain increases, it becomes unbearable. There is due to the fact that as a result of impaired blood flow myocardial cells begin to die. Such a patient may lose consciousness or die from shock. The pressure falls sharply. Myocardial infarction may occur and asymptomatic, while patients carry him on his feet, which may cause his death.
There are atypical forms of myocardial infarction. They are characterized by the appearance of pain in the chest area is not as well in other body parts: the face, neck, left arm. The pain often occurs in the elderly. The main symptoms are at her pallor, cyanosis of the lips and fingertips, drop in blood pressure, weakness, irregular heartbeat. She myocardial is burning, pressing or squeezing character.
It can spread to the entire chest and even belly radiate to the left clavicle and scapula, which is very often causes difficulties in diagnosing this disease.
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Other diseases of the heart, causing pain
Pain may also occur in other diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as mitral valve prolapse, aneurysm, pulmonary embolism. Mitral valve prolapse is characterized by subsidence mitral valve into the atrium. Often there is chest pain, fainting, weakness.
These abnormalities may be asymptomatic. Pain - is transitory, an optional sign. Another cause of this symptom - artery aneurysm. It is characterized by the inside protrusion of the vessel wall, which promotes disruption of blood flow, occlusion of the vessel.
When it occurs shortness of breath, pain in the chest and other symptoms. This pathology is dangerous its complications - gap, whereby require urgent medical attention. In most cases, the aneurysm may be the consequence of atherosclerosis. An aneurysm can be a breaking, then it appears arching chest pains, loss of consciousness, severe general condition.
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Chest pain associated with injuries to the chest and spine
At various chest injuries a person can forget about it through some time, but then the pain reappears. It can be dull, aching or sharp - depending on the nature of the injury. It is localized exactly at the site of the lesion. It may be aggravated by breathing, touching the chest area. Most valuable are the diagnostic and muscle damage. Thus they undergo significant changes in them can form nodules. Almost all the muscles associated with the nerves, resulting in their enhanced pain sensitivity, reduced pain threshold.
Chest pain occurs more frequently as a result of irradiation with muscles. Of great importance are rib fractures and spinal injuries. It does not pass by itself, and therefore the presence of cracks and fractures of the ribs is always necessary to consult a doctor.
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Chest pain due to psychogenic factors
Very often the cause of pain is a vascular dystonia. It is not an independent disease, but a symptom. It can be observed in various pathological conditions: liver diseases, injuries, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, certain infections. This disturbed the function of the autonomic nervous system innervates internal organs. The main symptoms of this disease are: the occurrence of panic attacks, stress, mood swings, labile blood pressure, sweating or dry skin, dysmotility of the gastrointestinal tract discomfort, chest pain, weakness, fear of death, the presence of sympathetic-adrenal crises and others.
A special place is occupied by the so-called panic attacks. They may be the result of stress and surge. They manifest bouts of anxiety and fear. The heart begins to work in a different mode, there is pain, chills, tremors, nausea, fear of going crazy or dying.
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The pain is localized in the right chest area
For the most part there is pain on the left side of the chest due to the location where a body such as the heart. But very often the pain can appear on the right. What agencies are located there, and why is there pain? So right in the chest arranged following anatomical structures: liver, gall bladder, intestines, and the right side of the diaphragm. Pain may occur as a result of such diseases as infections, hepatitis (virus), pancreatitis, and renal colic. Pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. It is the organ behind the stomach, but the pain in the chest that occurs when it can be the result of a simple irradiation.
During the chronic pain are dull, aching in nature, accompanied by dysmotility, swelling. In acute - chest pain more intense, sometimes unbearable. It can be enhanced by changing the position of the body (trunk flexion). It requires urgent medical intervention, sometimes surgery. Hepatitis a dull pain, is spilled in nature, it occurs more often in the right upper quadrant, but you can watch and chest pain.
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Respiratory diseases
Another group of diseases - are diseases of the respiratory system. They include pleurisy, tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchitis and tracheitis. All of them can cause pain in the chest. Let us dwell on the pleura. Pleura - a connective tissue sheath covering the lungs. It consists of 2 sheets: the right and left, buyout form the pleural cavity. Pleurisy - an inflammation of the membranes. It includes many symptoms, one of which is chest pain. It is enhanced when you sneeze, cough, accompanied by fever. Another cause of this symptom - the germination of lung cancer in the pleural cavity. Chest pain is very strong at the same time.
In some situations in the pleural cavity may enter air or liquid, resulting in an pneumothorax or hydrothorax. In one case or another characteristic of sudden sharp pain, blueness of the skin, shortness of breath and drop in blood pressure. The air irritates the pleura, so there is pain, the patient is difficult to breathe and move. It may radiate into the upper limb, shoulder and even in the abdomen on the affected side. Outwardly, this pathology manifests an increase in the size of the chest, the expansion of intercostal spaces. To assist in this case can be only in a hospital.
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Gastrointestinal Pathology
The causes of chest pain may be the result of injury and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them is the gastric ulcer. The pain of an empty stomach and it appears to pass after a meal. Most often they are associated with eating. The pain is not removed nitroglycerin, which excludes angina. But receiving help antispasmodic drugs such as but - shpa or papaverine. They eliminate muscle spasms and pain disappears.
Pain syndrome may occur when a diaphragmatic hernia. This disease is characterized by the release of part of the stomach or other organs in the lower diaphragmatic opening. With the reduction of the respiratory muscles and organs pinched, pain in the chest, very similar to that which occurs when angina. Strong pain arise and spasm of the bile ducts and gall bladder. For tuberculosis characterized by chest pain (chest), hemoptysis, decreased immunity.
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Women diseases
In addition to all of these diseases can cause pain and exclusively female pathology.
Chest pain in women may be a result of hormonal changes menopausal breast cancer, infections, mastitis and so on.
She can wear a cyclical nature or cyclic. These diseases require the patient's vigilance and timely examination of the hospital.