Breast becomes ubiquitous female disease. Fibrocystic breast disease - a wide range of benign pathological changes in the tissues of the female breast. Small seal, breast swelling, accompanied by pain, periodically arise in nearly every woman. These physiological phenomena are quite often associated with the activation of hormonal processes in the mammary glands, and there is no need to treat them. Despite the unpleasant symptoms, most forms of mastitis (or cystic fibrosis formed) are not dangerous. But the breast, especially in nodular form, can complicate diagnosis of malignant tumors, and sometimes contribute to their development.
Identify signs of fibrocystic mastitis can be from the beginning, but these symptoms often go unnoticed for a long time because of the similarity with the periodic manifestations of mastalgia.
It is not considered a departure from the norm, but it can progress, becoming a constant independent of the frequency of the menstrual cycle, and in the breast may appear sustainable change cystic fibrosis or type.
When mastitis swelling, bloating and breast pain intensified, and from cyclic may become permanent. The nature and intensity of pain can be different: dull, aching, stabbing, burning. They affect one or both of the mammary gland, localized in any one place or covering the whole body. There may be a painful nipples, changing their shape, and sometimes - the allocation of these liquids.
In breast tissue palpated particularly painful limited areas of the seals that do not resolve after the menstrual cycle. Possible changes in the relief of the skin and breast forms. When mastitis node type seals, as compared with gaskets characteristic diffuse form denser and more defined boundaries. Fibrocystic breast disease may be accompanied by an increase in the axillary or supraclavicular lymph nodes. Cases when introduced in breast fibrocystic seal character without annoying.
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Diagnostic methods
Early diagnosis of mastitis is not difficult. Neoplasms are found already in the external examination and palpation (palpation). The most informative and accurate way of diagnosing pathological elements - a special X-ray analysis method, ie mammography. It fixes neoplasm from size 2-3 mm. If you are present discharge from the nipples, hold duktograficheskoe examination (a kind of mammography).
In cases of detection of nodal mastopathy or suspected malignancy take puncture cytology. Some cases require hormonal studies (determining the level of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin) and biopsy of breast tissue.
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That can lead to the development of mastitis
Breast disease as a disease known for over a hundred years, but understanding of the mechanism of its occurrence is mainly probabilistic. There are a variety of reasons and factors that cause kistozno- or fibro-altered tissue in the breast.
The main cause of the disease is considered a violation of hormonal background of the organism. The activity of the endocrine glands - so subtle and complex mechanism that can break it any processes proceeding with a deviation from the norm. Particularly strong influence pathological abnormalities in the thyroid gland, diseases of the genital organs and the liver. Activities breast provides 15 different hormones. Mammary glands are sensitive to any deviation from the hormonal balance in the body. The fatty breast tissue is able to capture and store an active hormonal substances.
Increases the risk of disease fibrocystic nature of the disease of the thyroid gland caused by imbalance in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, and related metabolic disorders, diabetes, and obesity. Dangerous diseases of the liver and biliary tract, accompanied by lipid disorders, hormonal metabolism and leads to hormonal disruptions. Fibrocystic breast disease occurs against a background of reduced immunity, chronic stress, increased mental and physical overload, hypothermia, an unbalanced diet, smoking.
Especially breast often develops in the presence of chronic and acute gynecological diseases associated with impaired hormone production. Most pathology observed in the mammary glands after the termination of pregnancy, when the late delivery, the uncontrolled use of contraceptives, certain medications, especially hormones and antidepressants. Provoke disease onset can hereditary predisposition, neurosis and depression, single or multiple injuries, especially with deep lesions.
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Or maybe blame the parasites?
Often it suggests that breast arises from the parasitic lesions, such as Trichinella. In support of this theory says that there are many cases of mastitis and children. Breast cancer - derived sweat glands under the influence of certain factors the body begins to use the breast for the deployment of unnecessary pathologically harmful organisms: bacteria, fungi, worms. The circularly longitudinal muscle fibers of the skin of the nipple and around it there tuberosity - evidence of Trichinella larvae. It may go out of the liquid, including purulent.
The mammary gland is densely closed networks limfokapillyarov permeate through which the larvae of Trichinella easily penetrate into the body and can live in the circulatory and lymphatic systems, freely migrate to any body. In a closed network limfokapillyarov they get off in dense formations - conglomerates. The body, trying to isolate them, envelops them with fibrous tissue - so there is a fibroadenoma. Trichinella can clog capillaries, whereas the liquid part of the blood seeps into the surrounding tissue and the body builds a defense of the fibrous shell - there is a cyst. These processes can take place alone or at the same time cause the development of fibrocystic breast.
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Breast: self-excluded
Treatment of mastitis conducted comprehensively, using a variety of methods, the combination of which is determined by many factors.
In addition to the survey results, are important patient age, comorbidities, especially physiological development, and more.
The basis of successful treatment - elimination of the causes that led to the disease. This normalization of the activity of the endocrine glands, the restoration of hormonal and metabolic cure existing diseases, treatment of the formation of new seals, reducing pain. In the early stages of mastitis kistozno- and fibro-diffuse type, are not burdened with gynecological and endocrine diseases, primarily symptomatic therapy.
Successfully applied for the treatment of homeopathic remedies have virtually no contraindications and restrictions on the use of terms. They slow down the formation of new and expansion of existing centers of mastitis and reduce the pain and swelling of the breasts. The most frequently prescribed drugs based on plants, fitosbory and herbal teas, normal metabolism, accelerate the excretion of toxins and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Relieving pain help for external use in the form of applications or compresses.
Hormonal drugs used in the treatment of fibrocystic mastitis relatively recently, but they have proven effective in braking the diseased tissue of the mammary glands. These products provide effective, and in the later stages of diffuse mastopathy. According to the results of a blood test matched funds with different mechanisms of action and direction: suppress estrogen synthesis slowing pituitary hormone prolactin, and others.
It turned out that medical and preventive action have hormonal contraceptives. They contain progestins and estrogens in ratios that allow smooth hormonal instability of the menstrual cycle. Nodular mastopathy in the early stages can be treated with conservative methods. In advanced cases require excision of the affected tissues. However, in this case it is necessary to continue treatment measures.
Causes, symptoms and effects of the common cold
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs against the common cold
Combined anti-inflammatory drugs against the common cold
Remedies against the common cold
Preparations for cough
Preparations for boosting the immune system
With the onset of cold weather are becoming more frequent cases of SARS (severe respiratory viral infection), or common cold. According to statistics, it gets sick more than a million people per year. Most vulnerable to infection with children of preschool and school age. Women aged 20 to 30 years old get sick more often than men.
Many people believe a cold frivolous disease carry her on her feet, or not treated.
However, this is very misleading: it can lead to serious complications (pneumonia, otitis media, bronchitis, etc.), and delivers a whole lot of discomfort to the patient. Therefore it is best not to move the cold on his feet, and give yourself a few days of bed rest.
And, of course, need to know how to beat this disease. Then the illness will pass quickly and without complications.
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Causes, symptoms and effects of the common cold
It is important to know where to start can be a risk of infection, because the easiest way to prevent the infection and do not get sick at all. Why then do so many people still can not protect themselves and get sick? Many of them are likely to either not know or do not attach due importance to the source of infection. Let us look at how the disease can threaten.
Direct contact with the sick person
SARS transmitted infections by airborne droplets, that is, you can become infected with a kiss when the conversation at a short distance, if the patient sneezes on you, or if you use his personal belongings. Therefore, it is best to limit contact with the man until he recovered. Just you, in case of infection, treat with respect for other people's health and do not expose people at risk of becoming infected.
Indirect contact with the sick person
The human body is so susceptible to a virus that can be transmitted simply by holding the handle in a public place, for which up to you to keep patient. Therefore, be sure to protect yourself as much as possible from contact with the patient, and wash hands thoroughly with the street. It would seem that the rules are familiar to all from childhood, but in fact are effective for the prevention of infection.
The main syndrome, which is accompanied by a cold - intoxication. When the common cold, which is not complicated consequences, there is quite moderate intoxication: the defeat of the upper respiratory tract. At the same symptoms depend on the type of pathogen virus: the human rhinovirus infection affects rhinitis, with an adenovirus - nasopharyngitis, keratitis or conjunctivitis, with parainfluenza affected throat, the flu is observed tracheitis, with respiratory syncytial virus infections - bronchitis. In addition, there is a headache, watery eyes, can raise the temperature to develop a general weakness, fatigue, lethargy.
In any case, even if you have been a regular cold, should begin treatment, because cold can very quickly from simple shapes flow into complications that will be much harder to cure, and the healing process will take time.
Colds are treated only cough and drugs. Since SARS is manifested in several symptoms, doctors prescribe several drugs that are designed to address the causes of each symptom separately. Thus, drugs used in respiratory diseases can be divided into several groups:
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs;
combined anti-inflammatory drugs against the common cold;
drugs used against cough;
drugs used against the common cold;
means to enhance immunity.
Next we will look at each type of drug in greater detail. However, teach that self-treatment is better not to do: you can just get lost in the abundance of resources offered by modern pharmaceuticals, and choose not the right medicine for you specifically, that in the end may not give the desired result.
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs against the common cold
One of the leading drugs against the common cold, which has become a classic, a salicylic acid and its derivatives. But do not rush to use, for example, the well-known aspirin, because in some cases the drugs of salicylic acid can cause complications. Furthermore, in some cases it may cause an allergic reaction.
Another classic anti-inflammatory drug that is widely used in the treatment of common cold patients of various ages - are drugs paracetamol. They are considered quite safe and harmless, so they can safely be used not only for adults but also for children. Paracetamol reduces the temperature of the well, has analgesic effect. However, compared with salicylic acid, he less pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
Nonsteroidal drugs are contained in the combination means against colds, which are discussed below.
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Combined anti-inflammatory drugs against the common cold
Combination products are a very big success, because they include not only directly non-steroidal drugs, and other substances that increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Thus, of the combined anti-inflammatory drugs include acetaminophen and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It increases the resistance of the organism, does not allow for release of histamine and tissue stimulates formation of interferon and antibodies.
In addition, there is increased colds body's need for vitamin C. This requirement is maintained for a further 3 weeks after recovery. But the amount of vitamin C, which is contained in combination products is not enough to cover the daily need for it, so it is recommended to take additional vitamin C.
The structure of the combined drugs often includes a vasoconstrictor, and antihistamines.
Thus, common vasoconstrictive component that is often part of the combined drugs, - caffeine. In addition, it enhances the effect of paracetamol and stimulates the body.
Antihistamines help to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, easier breathing and reduced tearing. Histamine - a key mediator of inflammation, that it causes dilation of capillaries, thus beginning symptoms such as runny nose, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion and watery eyes. Therefore, at cold preparations shown pheniramine maleate, chlorpheniramine maleate, and the like. It helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms.
Excellent constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling of the mucous and agonists (eg, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine).
Special attention should be amizon. It is a drug from the group of non-steroidal, which has a pronounced antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.
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Remedies against the common cold
The most severe cold symptoms for many people is a runny nose. Indeed, precisely because of his flowing tears, stuffy nose, there is a feeling sore and overdried mucosa and the general state of weakness. If rhinitis is not treated, it can progress to a more severe form (sinusitis), which is much more dangerous to health and can be treated much worse. Therefore it is better to pay attention to a runny nose as soon as it has only just begun.
In general, doctors prescribe drugs against the common cold from the group of promoters of alpha-adrenergic receptors. These include, for example, tetryzoline, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, etc.. These drugs have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa: reduce swelling and congestion, nasal discharge, whereby the patient becomes easier breathing and general condition improves.
For treatment of rhinitis is often used and essential oils (pure or mixture). Can achieve a good effect of essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme, cedar, and so on. They are used in the form of drops, lotions, ointments or inhalation, depending on patient preference.
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Preparations for cough
Often when a patient tormented colds cough. In this case, the expectorant drugs that alter the properties of sputum and facilitates its expectoration. They are distinguished by the mechanism of effects on the body.
Preparations reflex actions contribute to liquefaction of mucus and its expectoration easier. To apply such drugs every 2 hours is necessary, since, on the one hand, their effects are short-lived, and on the other - a large dose of the drug can cause vomiting. Therefore, a small dose of medication prescribed for frequent receptions. These drugs include marshmallow root, licorice root, root decoction of elecampane, the infusion of plantain leaves and others.
Widely used drugs resorptive action. They also contribute to the dilution of phlegm and facilitating its rejection. For drugs in this group include tincture of eucalyptus, eucalyptus oil, thyme, anise, and others.
Mucolytic drugs help thinning and easy expectorate sputum. This group includes ribonuclease, chymotrypsin. These drugs can cause allergies and bleeding, so they must be used with caution.
Amino acids with SH group also showed the effectiveness of the fight against cough. But they have serious side effects: bronchial asthma, they can cause bronchospasm, so before you need to use inhaled bronchodilators.
Mukoregulyatory - a new generation of mucolytic drugs. They are effective and well tolerated, although not excluded rare side effects: skin rash, impaired function of the digestive system.
Means-regidratory mucin make sputum less viscous and thus facilitate its expectoration. These tools include alkaline mineral water, sodium chloride, 2% for inhalation or sodium bicarbonate 0, 5-2% for inhalation.
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Preparations for boosting the immune system
It is important to help the immune system to cope with the virus, because it is thanks to immunity, we do not get sick during epidemics, and also because of his healing, if it does our immune system is unable to cope with the attack of viral infection. As immunostimulants used a variety of drugs. Excellent proven themselves of vegetable origin. They activate natural protective functions of the body, that is just so important in the fight against colds.
The leader among all natural immunomodulators is Echinacea purpurea. In addition, it has antibacterial, antiviral and protivomikoticheskimi properties. Available in the form of pills and alcohol tinctures.