Today, among all human diseases diseases of the musculoskeletal system occupy a leading position. This is especially true of the elderly and children. This group includes many different kinds of diseases. These include injuries of the musculoskeletal system, chronic diseases, malnutrition, benign and malignant neoplasms. Notable among them is the so-called Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst. Many of them develop in athletes as a result of injuries and falls, as a complication of other major diseases.
Of great importance is the fact that some diseases of the musculoskeletal system can lead to complications and make the patient's disability. In view of all this acute question of early detection, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Consider in more detail what Baker cyst knee joint, treatment of this disease, its etiology.
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Definition and etiology of the disease
Baker's cysts are called tumor benign tumor located in the popliteal fossa. It is dense to the touch, but at the same time soft. The surrounding tissue in this disease look healthy. Painting their physiological.
Baker's cyst is clearly visible only in the straightened leg at the knee joint, while at the bent she practically disappears.
The size of cysts can be very different. The greatest value of cysts can cause chronic swelling of the knee. When the cysts the patient may bring a lot of complaints.
In most cases, the appearance of a cyst behind the knee is a consequence of unfavorable course of some other diseases, such as osteoarthritis, joint injuries, damage to cartilage, osteoarthritis, degenerative meniscus, rheumatoid arthritis, patellofemoral arthrosis, chronic synovitis, cartilage damage. Often the cyst can appear for no reason. Most often, this pathology occurs in the elderly and athletes as a result of multiple injuries. But it can affect people of any age. Knee - is the most frequently injured bone. This area has a lot of ligaments, tendons, which often leads to serious consequences (disability, temporary disability).
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The main symptoms of cysts of the knee joint
When Baker's cysts of the knee joint main complaints are: the presence of pain in this area, swelling in the popliteal fossa, intermittent blockade of the knee joint, difficulty in movement, feeling of pressure and stiffness in the knee joint. In addition, one can observe severe complications of the underlying disease, such as rupture of cysts of the knee joint. Its mechanism of action is based on the high pressure in the knee area. If the cyst knee large size, it may compress the soft tissues and nerves.
Most often suffers tibial nerve. All this leads to painful and sometimes limb immobilization. Another complication is the occurrence of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in the affected knee and the entire limb. This affects both deep and subcutaneous vessels. All this leads to blood stasis, edema, high blood pressure. The pain in his leg in the normal course - a symptom of intermittent, often occurring complications, therefore, it is not a major. In children, this pathology is rare.
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Diagnosis of cysts of the knee joint
As Baker cyst diagnosed? Diagnosis includes a mandatory survey of the patient. This takes into account the main complaint of the victim. Of great importance is the collection of medical history and medical history. The presence of injuries, the circumstances of the appearance of the disease, the profession of the victim - all play a big role in the final diagnosis. After the survey it is advisable to conduct an external examination. Particular attention is paid to the mobility of the joint and the presence of swelling. The value has a range of movement of the limb. The next stage - the instrumental and laboratory research.
There are several basic methods. The first of them - the US. Equivalence with him is the use of computer tomography. The display is determined by the tumor in the popliteal fossa. Recommended and transillumination. This procedure is based on the use of light to determine the presence of cysts in the oral fluid. Light passes through the affected area, and the result looks on the screen. Valuable data provides Magnetic Resonance Imaging. You can use it to define the contours and size of the brush to reveal a meniscus injury.
And the last method - arthrography (X-ray of the knee), which is important to rule out similar diseases such as arthritis and degenerative changes.
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Baker's cyst: the treatment of the disease
After the final diagnosis will be offered, it is necessary to treat the disease. Treat joint cyst can be as a folk remedy and medication. Most often it is treated conservatively. For this purpose, injection of drugs directly into the hormone itself joint pumping fluid from the cavity. Because of hormonal drugs should be used hydrocortisone, diprospan. A good effect is given anti-inflammatory ointments, compresses.
Separately, as a therapy isolated physiotherapy. From folk remedies recommended to apply compresses of elder and raspberries. To do this, take the leaves of plants in equal proportions, and to insist in 100 ml of boiling water for half an hour. After this mass is removed from the leaves and is applied to the affected area for about 2 hours. The procedure is repeated to improve the health and cure the patient.
Therapy includes cysts and application of the golden whiskers. It is a medicinal plant (the leaves) to grind and fill two-thirds of the 3-liter jar. It is necessary to fill the jar with water, and keep close at least 20 days in a dark place. After this time, the infusion is filtered. For the treatment of suit and leaves and infusion. The leaves are used in the form of compresses, and the liquid drink 2 tablespoons several times a day. If conservative and traditional methods are not effective, you need to see a doctor. In a complicated course of the disease may need surgery. It's pretty simple, takes about an hour. The patient can only walk on the 5th day.
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Complicated course of disease
In most cases, the cyst does not require special care, it is self-absorbed in 2-3 years. If not, you may need healing and rehabilitation. These include the drainage of fluid from the joint use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, to wear special elastic bandage, aspirate liquid dosage blockade and, of course, surgery. Based on the above we can conclude that the brush - it's not difficult, but possible complications dangerous disease that develops against the backdrop of an already existing disease, more common in the elderly and athletes.
The symptoms of hot flashes during menopause
Proper nutrition as a way to treat hot flashes
How else can you avoid the tides
Folk remedies for the treatment of hot flushes
Other folk remedies for hot flashes
Baths for improvement during menopause
As you know, after 45 years in the body of every woman's hormonal changes occur that result in hormonal changes completely. His production of the hormone estrogen stops. Such changes in a woman's body simply can not pass without symptoms. All women, this phenomenon occurs differently. Such manifestations are called climacteric, and the condition that occurs after all this is called menopause. Signals to indicate the onset of menopause are hot flashes. They suggest approaching menopause, which is the second period of the menopause, and implies the complete and final cessation of the menstrual cycle.
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The symptoms of hot flashes during menopause
Symptoms that occur during menopause can be very diverse. One of the most frequent and the most striking symptoms are considered hot flashes during menopause. This phenomenon is stressful to the body and requires treatment.
To treat hot flashes can be very different means: it can be special medicines that are sold in pharmacies, or folk remedies, which are teas from various herbs. Which means to choose and how to reduce the problem to a minimum?
Hot flashes during menopause characterized by a change in the process of thermoregulation, namely the failure of the system. How tides occur? Firstly, a woman feels the heat, usually in the neck and face, and chest. It begins to seem that the body temperature rises sharply, on the surface of the skin perspiration, the skin reddens and a feeling as if there is no air. Cases when dizzy and cloudy consciousness.
All this proceeds not so long (30 seconds to several minutes). Even this is sufficient time to receive the stress. The state of health is deteriorating, there comes a weakness, sometimes fever, heart rate increases, there is a feeling of anxiety. Excessive sweating during hot flashes causes that are sometimes required to take a shower or change clothes, and the possibility for this are not always available.
And the main reason is not known manifestation of the tides. It is believed that they are directly associated with very low levels of estrogen.
There are triggers that may have an impact on the manifestation of the tides.
These include taking any medications for weight loss, eating too spicy, salty and spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and more.
Living conditions also play an important role. If the room is smoky and too stuffy, it can cause hot flashes. Weather conditions have a considerable influence on the manifestation of the tides, to avoid use of the sauna, the use of hot drinks and food.
It is believed that the tides inform women about the upcoming climax.
If you have been observed at these symptoms, it is a good opportunity to speak to your gynecologist who will show you an effective means in the fight against the tides.
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Proper nutrition as a way to treat hot flashes
Treatment of hot flashes during menopause includes proper balanced diet. Eat as many vegetables. Scientists have shown that vegetarians are much less likely to suffer from hot flashes during menopause. This may be due to the fact that in many vegetables contain phytosterols, which are structurally similar to a hormone produced human body. Phytosterols, like hormones soften the consequences of their deficiency. It is very rich in the substance soybeans and products made from it.
As is known, herbal products, among other things, rich in vitamins and minerals, which are able to exert immunomodulatory effects.
It is necessary to remember some the important rules:
Try to replace coffee with green tea that can cleanse the body of toxins. Green tea not only has a diuretic effect, but also rich in vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for women during menopause.
Try to eliminate from your diet spicy food and alcoholic beverages, which only provokes tides.
During menopause, it is desirable to take vitamin complexes, as the body is depleted of magnesium, potassium, vitamin stock of C and B becomes small.
Avoid too hot food and drinks, because they can cause hot flashes.
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How else can you avoid the tides
Be careful not to overheat. Wear layers that during high tide can be easily removed.
Avoid hot baths and reception by visiting baths and saunas.
Try to always keep a little cool air in the room where you are. They have to be ventilated.
Improve your well-being are capable of moderate exercise. But do not overdo it, otherwise the effect of these loads can be reversed.
Smoking triggers hot flashes. Therefore, if you are a smoker, this is the perfect excuse to quit the habit.
Very useful is the procedure of acupuncture. Most importantly, get plenty of rest, do not overload yourself.
Some are struggling with the problem of the tides, using the hormone progesterone. To consume such drugs should be only after you consult with your doctor. Do not self-medicate, it can only harm your health and well-being deteriorate.
Very useful during menopause swim. you have the opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Sign up for aerobics or dancing, sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.
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Folk remedies for the treatment of hot flushes
In the fight against high tides during menopause and effective folk remedies. It is believed that eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and improve the ability to work under the force of a mountain ash. It is able to replace the hormones and positively affect the health of the woman. Prepare the infusion is very simple: it suffices to take 200 grams of fresh berries of mountain ash, or 100 grams of dried, crushed it, and pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist that it is necessary not less than two weeks, after which the solution filter and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
Normalize hormones, improve sleep, relieve the headache will help to hop cones, very rich in phytohormones. Preparation requires the use of tincture of 25 g of cones, which must be filled with 100 ml of vodka. A week later, the infusion is considered ready. One tablespoon of water you need to add 10 drops of tincture and drink 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. After a few weeks of taking this tincture should take a break, and then resume course.
Improve your overall health will help the healing collection, consisting of marigold flowers, herbs violet tricolor, the fruit of anise and licorice root. All these components must be mixed in equal quantities. Then takes 1 tablespoon collection and pour 1 cup boiling water. After 30 minutes, the solution may drain. Take it should be 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. The course lasts three weeks, and then done a week break and then repeat.
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Other folk remedies for hot flashes
Eliminate fatigue, reduce hot flashes and improve sleep, to get rid of headaches will help you specially prepared medicinal tea which is very useful to use in menopause. Tea will need 3 pieces of dried leaves of blackberry bush, 2 parts dry grass Leonurus, 1 part of hawthorn fruit, 1 piece of grass cudweed and as much lemon balm. All you need to mix, then take 1 tablespoon of the finished collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Infused in this solution for one hour. Take the infusion must be 3 times a day for a third cup.
Another very good recipe of tea, could help by tides, requires the use of white willow bark, which is going in the early spring, before the onset of flowers and leaves. White willow bark is sold in pharmacies. Two tablespoons of herbs necessary to grind into flour and then pour a cup of boiling water and put on the gas for 10 minutes, then turn off the gas and leave for 5 minutes to a solution of how to present. The solution is then filter and it is used. This tea can be used up to 5 cups a day.
Zoom sweating, which so often occurs during high tides, will collect the following: 30 g of leaves of sage, 10 g of valerian root and 10 g of horsetail grass. All of this is filled with 0, 5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour and then used three times a day for a third cup.
Perfectly it helps with menopause infusion of herbs. You will need 1 teaspoon fennel fruit, the same heart-shaped linden flower, buckthorn bark olhovidnoy, herb wormwood, 1 teaspoon peppermint. Herbal must pour 1 cup boiling water, about an hour, then strain. You will take half a cup in the morning and evening.
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Baths for improvement during menopause
At the time of menopause it is very helpful to take different herbal baths, which are able to relax, get rid of anxiety and improve as a whole.
The first recipe requires the use of 30 g of crushed dry roots smellage which must be filled with 1 liter of cold water and left for 3 hours 20 minutes and then boiled. The final solution is filtered and added to the bath. The course of such baths should make 15-17 times.
Get rid of the neuroses during menopause may be taking a bath, the main component of which is the root mugwort. The crushed roots are filled with water, to insist 2 hours, 10 minutes and then boiled and filtered. The water temperature in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees. Such a bath is best taken before bedtime, it is fine to relax and feel better.
Bath with roots Potentilla goose will also help during high tide. It should be 50 g of crushed roots pour a liter of boiling water and send it to the gas for 30 minutes, then strain. This bath can be taken at any time of the day, the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.
So tides in menopause - is a natural state. How to deal with them and what tools to use, you decide. It may be traditional medicine or medicine prescribed by your doctor, then bought in a drugstore. Be attentive to her at this time, follow the diet and strengthen the immune system. We wish you good health!