Cystitis - bladder is the answer to the wrong lifestyle
Cystitis occurs quickly, and treated slowly
Cystitis - a reason to live a healthy lifestyle
You feel pain in the abdomen, often to the bathroom, and there is sharp pain during urination and a burning sensation? Then, most likely, you have one of the most common urological diseases - cystitis. More than 30 million people a year suffer from them, mostly women.
What is cystitis, what are its causes and how to treat?
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How do you know that you are sick?
Cystitis is an infection in which the sheath becomes inflamed bladder and changes its function.
The disease can occur in an acute or chronic form.
Acute cystitis you will feel immediately: in addition to severe pain in the abdomen, frequent urination (more than 6 times a day), may increase the temperature and worse overall health. Some women may disrupt the menstrual cycle, observed clouding of urine, presence of blood in it. In severe cases purulent discharge from the urethra and vomiting. Of course, these symptoms immediately make you go to the doctor, who will prescribe treatment.
But chronic cystitis may be asymptomatic. you can not help noticing that sick until he enters the acute phase and did not declare itself. The only way to find it - get tested. The indicators of the possible presence of cystitis will be the presence of the high content of protein and red blood cells and white blood cells in the urine. Chronic cystitis is a result of improper treatment of acute.
Why is there this unpleasant disease?
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Cystitis - bladder is the answer to the wrong lifestyle
Like any other disease, from cystitis have their reasons. But in the case of cystitis can talk about the action or any one specific cause, but their totality, that is the wrong way of life.
Among the factors causing cystitis include:
Violation of the rules of hygiene. This includes cleaning the irregular, late change pads during menstruation, wearing dirty underwear.
The absence of sexual health. Changing partners untidiness your or your partner, too much frequency of intercourse can lead to inflammation. Known more cystitis "honeymoon", which occurs after the first sex. It can also occur in women who have sex during the absence of excitation, and accordingly, there is no moisture in sufficient quantities.
The presence of sexually transmitted infections.
Weak immunity.
Curbing the desire to go to the toilet. If you suffer when you want to use the toilet, and often do, then, firstly, there is a change in the structure of the urethra, and secondly, in the bladder creates favorable conditions for infection.
Hypothermia. Wearing not for the weather, sitting on cold surfaces, lowest temperature regime at home or work may cause or aggravate the disease.
Wearing uncomfortable and tight underwear.
Malnutrition. Use liberally seasoned, salty spicy food and alcohol.
Stressful situations.
This non-exhaustive list of reasons, which may contribute to the emergence and development of cystitis. What do you do if you get sick?
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Cystitis occurs quickly, and treated slowly
If you are in the top 30% of women suffering from cystitis, you should immediately see a doctor. Treatment will depend on the form (acute or chronic), stage (initial or neglected) diseases as well as your co-morbidities. Therefore, treatment is individualized.
Typically prescribed antibacterial and antifungal agents, which should be taken within a week. Longer intake of strong drugs is ineffective, since there is a situation where treatment is already beginning to harm health.
In the treatment must comply with bed rest, avoid strenuous exercise, to refrain from sexual activity.
A great assistance in recovery will have plenty of drink, especially fruit drinks and fruit compotes, and diet. It is necessary to exclude the salty, spicy, smoked, pickled foods, and eat dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
It is very effective in treating cystitis herbal medicine. It involves taking herbal remedies that have diuretic and bactericidal effect. It will help the broth bearberry, which is antiseptic, meadowsweet, which reduces inflammation, Repeshko, astringent action, marshmallow, have a softening effect. You can brew charges of various herbs such as St. John's wort, horsetail, chamomile.
Within a week the pain will pass, the state will improve and you will recover. What can we do, that the disease has not returned and moved into a chronic form?
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Cystitis - a reason to live a healthy lifestyle
Acute cystitis due to bad treatment becomes chronic, and chronic under any precipitating factors exacerbated again. Since the disease can torment you for years to come.
So if you get sick cystitis do not want it, you must, first of all, the right to carry out treatment and comply with all recommendations of the physician, and secondly, completely change the way of life.
Personal hygiene and sexual health, cure comorbidities, dress for the weather, not supercool, wear comfortable underwear. Going to the toilet as soon as there is a desire, and in any case not long endure.
It is important to start to eat right and do it, not only during the disease, and to change the daily diet. From meat to give preference to varieties that are easily digested: veal, rabbit, chicken. Reject the products that provoke disease: salty, spicy, peppered, smoked. Reduce the intake of coffee and carbonated beverages. Liberally drink, especially cranberry and cranberry juice. Eating fruits, vegetables and herbs.
If one of the precipitating factors is stress, try to relax, to limit contact with people annoy you, try to maintain a good mood steady. It is advisable to lead an active life, do exercises, take douche. Find a job for the soul, if it does not suit you. Start to think positively and expect from life only the good.
By doing so, you greatly reduce the risk of recurrent disease, if you have already suffered from cystitis, or eliminate the likelihood of them ill, if not yet sick.
Contagious bacterial vaginosis?
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
Diagnosis of the disease
Gardnerella (bacterial vaginosis) is a very common infection in our time. According to statistics, more than 20% of women, sexually active, suffer from this disease.
The fact is that gardnerella always present in the microflora of the female sexual organ.
However, a sharp increase in the amount of data bacteria vaginal flora is disturbed, leading to infection.
The question is whether this type of vaginosis is the disease that, like many, is sexually transmitted, still has no clear answer from the medical profession. However, bacterial vaginosis requires immediate treatment, and this is not even discussed.
Gardnerella itself is not pathogenic, but it leads to the emergence of other pathogens that are more dangerous to women's health. Gardnerella performs the function of preparing the ground for harmful microorganisms. When these bacteria begin to multiply at an accelerated pace, the products of their metabolism adversely affect not only the vagina, but also penetrate into the urethra.
Impaired microflora for gardnerelly - cause of № 1. Bacteria grown up in such a "favorable" environment and cause inflammation.
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Contagious bacterial vaginosis?
Of course. It is the patient who is very active sexually active, more often faced with the disease. Avoid transfer vaginosis may be using contraceptives, especially should pay attention to this, if you tie a relationship with a new partner. This statement does not mean that the man "contagious." It is possible that the microflora of the men would be alien to your body. This will lead to goiter, and then to bacterial vaginosis.
Treatment of the disease is no different from other sexually transmitted infections. Regardless of the confirmation of the disease, both partners should take the full course of treatment drugs that the doctor will prescribe, one of them.
Ill gardnerellezom possible, even if the fact of the infection itself was not. The disease may develop because of antibiotics or topical contraceptives. Recorded numerous cases of gardnerelly after taking the following drugs: Terzhinan, Betadine, Polizhinaks.
Upset with the microflora of the vagina can be prolonged stress, dieting, under intense physical and emotional stress.
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Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
The first signs of the appearance of the disease every woman should know, because to begin treatment and to take special medications need as soon as possible.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in women appear much more noticeable than that of boys. Vaginal discharge can be yellow, green, white, transparent and white and gray. They have a smooth consistency, creamy or watery, often foam.
Labia swell, redden, when urinating or during sexual intercourse itching and burning. The main symptom of the disease - the smell of spoiled fish.
In addition to selections, gardnerelly women cause internal inflammation, which also entails itching, pain and burning in the vagina.
In men the same (90%) gardnerelly not cause any discomfort. In rare cases, the presence of the disease can be seen in the painful urination. More rarely observed profuse discharge from the penis, burning and itching.
When any minor symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in women is recommended to consult a doctor. Experts say that the disease is cured the first time only in its infancy.
Complications and consequences of the disease are varied.
Urethritis, prostatitis, infertility threatens men. And women often develop inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. The vulva, vagina, cervix - all in danger. The consequence is endometritis and adnexitis, which will disturb you a lifetime.
If we talk about the consequences that come immediately, it is a sharp decline in immunity and high risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.
Bacterial vaginosis is common in pregnant women. Often a woman is infected before conception and during pregnancy pathogenic microbes give the aggravation. The reasons are as follows: during pregnancy plummets immune defense of the body and hormonal changes occur. These factors influence the microflora of the female vagina, and if a girl has a minimal risk of contracting gardnerellezom, the body is not acting for the benefit of the hostess.
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Diagnosis of the disease
Today gardnerella in women can be detected in the early stages, the benefit for every specialist possible.
Women at the first suspicion should immediately contact your gynecologist, and men - to venereal diseases or urologist.
First performed examination of the patient, the symptoms are evaluated. The most common complaint - highlight the sharp unpleasant odor. If gardnerelly symptoms are not so well defined, it is carried out laboratory analysis, which allows you to identify the pathogen.
Analysis is a perspective smear microscopy. Considering the microscopic cells of the sick person, you can see a thick layer of microbes, which speaks of the fact the disease. Another analysis to confirm the disease - measuring the pH of the vagina. The final diagnosis can then respond to izontril (exactly the substance that makes a terribly unpleasant smell).
If the diagnosis is confirmed, ask a doctor to conduct a survey for the presence of inflammation of the vagina (vaginal discharge crop, dysbiosis analysis, PCR).
Bacterial vaginosis in women during pregnancy is the most common disease, but do not despair, the main thing - in a timely manner to cope with the disease. Preparations for the treatment of a doctor should prescribe, as many banned drugs, including antibiotics.
Typically, doctors prescribe these drugs for the treatment of: Metronidazole, Clindamycin. And one and another product produced in the form of a gel for topical application, and in the form of tablets. Treatment and dosage of the drug is prescribed doctor. Keep in mind that these drugs are not compatible with alcohol. After graduating from a course of treatment, hand over analyzes, and then watch your health and avoid relapses.
Prevention of the disease is quite simple:
To protect your health.
Strengthens the immune system.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle (do not overdo it, eat well).
Avoid casual sex.
Use condoms.
Within 2 hours of "suspicious" of sexual intercourse, use of antiseptics.
Avoid douching and products containing nonoxynol-9 (control).
Watch out for their sexual organs, keep them perfectly clean. The first appearance of any symptoms, contact your doctor, do not self-medicate!