Thrush in women - is an infection that is caused by yeast genus Candida.
Usually these fungi live in a small amount on the skin and in the female vaginal area and do not bring any harm to the body. The immune system and beneficial organisms also live on the skin and in the vagina, do not allow this fungus to multiply. But as soon as there are good conditions for the fungus, they begin to multiply and invade the vagina, causing the unpleasant symptoms of thrush.
Yeast fungi of the genus Candida prefer moist and warm parts of the body, deprived of air. Therefore, the vagina in women is the most common place for the development of thrush.
Most women at least once in their lives suffered from thrush is a disease mainly develops independently, without any apparent reason. But there are some factors that increase the likelihood of developing thrush in women, such as pregnancy, diabetes, long-term use of antibiotics. Thrush infection prone and women with weak immune systems, or have undergone chemotherapy.
The symptoms of yeast infection in women are watery, creamy-white vaginal discharge, redness, itching, discomfort or pain around the vulva. These symptoms do not go without treatment.
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Treatment of yeast infections in women
Treatment of yeast infections in women include the use of pills or topical preparations.
In less severe disease the doctor may prescribe the use of only topical preparations - ointments, creams, suppositories. But if the infection is severe or extensive running, the treatment is required to be appointed with the use of pills.
Funds from thrush for women belonging to the local drugs are candles, ointments and creams, which are introduced with an applicator into the vagina. Such drugs include anti-fungal agents - clotrimazole, miconazole or econazole. Side effects with the use of local resources are very rare. It can be used in pregnancy. Local products can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.
Tablets from yeast to women - a medication intended for oral administration, which are well absorbed in the digestive system. They destroy the fungus, not only in the genital area of women, but also throughout the body, even with minimal lesions.
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Drug in tablet form for the treatment of thrush
In the treatment of thrush, many women prefer to take a tablet, since they, unlike the ointments, creams and suppositories have a pronounced systemic action and should be taken only from one to three days, which, of course, very convenient when necessary to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease .
The most common drug in the form of tablets today are fluconazole and its analogs (Diflucan, fljukostat, mikosist, itraconazole) and pimafutsin, nystatin and miconazole.
Fluconazole and its analogues
Fluconazole - antifungal very broad spectrum of action, which has a powerful effect. Great deals with thrush. Once accepted. Side effects are rare. Is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and in case of hypersensitivity to this drug.
Fluconazole can be purchased over the counter without a prescription, but it should still carefully read the instructions for use. His counterparts are:
The mechanism of action of this drug is due to impaired synthesis of ergosterol, which is a constituent of the cell membrane of the fungus. The drug is well absorbed even when taken with food. Especially recommended for genital candidiasis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis and candidal balanitis. One need only a single application of the drug. It can be used during pregnancy only if absolutely necessary, lactation is contraindicated.
This drug is considered the "gold standard" in the treatment of urogenital candidiasis by doctors around the world. It is the only anti-fungal pills that are approved by WHO for the treatment of thrush. They have high activity against fungi genus Candida.
This drug is recommended in the treatment of fungal diseases, systemic candidiasis and thrush. Low toxicity to the human body, but little effect on the human cytochromes. Compared with other medicaments tiazilovyh groups Futsis less has an inhibitory effect on tsitohromzavisimye processes in the liver. It is recommended for the treatment of adults and children older than 3 years. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Pimafucin, nystatin and miconazole
Pimafucin. This drug has a broad spectrum of action and is very effective for thrush. The active ingredient of the drug is natamycin. It is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, from the skin and mucous membranes. Most often pimafutsin prescribed for the treatment of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis. Perhaps the use of the drug during pregnancy. In rare cases, application notes lungs bowel disorders and nausea, especially in the first days of admission, as well as allergic reactions in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.
Nystatin. Most often, this medication is used for the prevention of candidiasis in the long-term treatment with antibacterial agents, especially for the weak and malnourished patients. It is indicated for mucosal candidiasis (vaginal, lower intestine and rectum) and skin. Is contraindicated in pregnancy, kidney disease, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Miconazole (mikonal, mikostat). The active ingredient of the drug is miconazole nitrate. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial action affects many pathogenic fungi. It is used for the prevention of Streptococcus and staphylococcus. But Pseudomonas and E. coli affects weak. In applying the drug is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Keep in mind that yeast - a very insidious disease, which in severe cases can affect internal organs. Therefore, at the slightest sign of this disease should not self-medicate, and immediately consult your doctor, who will examine and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Why sore abdomen
What accounts for the pain
Why you should promptly consult your doctor
Useful information
Why hurt the lower abdomen? This question is very relevant to a large number of modern women. Severe pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by a variety of reasons, one of which are diseases of the abdominal cavity, spine, genitals. If the girl has greatly hurt the abdomen, it may be because of muscle spasms of some internal organs. Further, the cause may be inflammatory processes.
The reasons for which hurts the lower abdomen in women, very much. The nature and location of the pain may be different.
In order to eliminate the pain, it is necessary to identify its causes, and the need to take into account the associated symptoms.
If a woman has a sore on the bottom of the stomach, and thus there is bleeding from the genital tract (related to the menstrual cycle it does not), then there is a disease of the genitals. In this case, you need not wonder why sore abdomen, and immediately go to a gynecologist, who must quickly determine the cause of pain and appropriate treatment. Is not an expert should be engaged in this important issue? If the pains are drawing the character, with symptoms such as chills and fever, it means that the pelvic an infection. We must, without delay, contact a gynecologist. In this case, a woman can be confusing abnormal genital discharge, they may be too heavy, bloody, contain pus, etc.
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Why sore abdomen
If women have pain on the bottom of the abdomen on the right side, while it is very sharp and is permanent, then, in all likelihood, it is the defeat of the appendix and appendicitis. The presence of these symptoms means that without timely surgical intervention is necessary. If the girl is watching from symptoms such as nausea, anorexia and vomiting, then perhaps it is a gastrointestinal disease, in which case you need to call an ambulance. Pain on the bottom of the abdomen may be caused by intraperitoneal bleeding, then in addition to the pain itself is observed following: fainting, possible collapse of the vessels. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately.
It so happens that women not only hurt the abdomen, there are pain in the lower back and frequent urination (in this case it is a painful character, and in the urine may be blood impurities). This suggests a pathology of the urinary tract. In this case, it is necessary as soon as possible to seek the help of a doctor, a nephrologist, he will appoint an appropriate examination.
With pain in his stomach at the girl during pregnancy is necessary to understand separately. If there are sharp and acute pain, it is quite possible that we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy. But it should be borne in mind that, even if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, a woman may experience pain. However, if the pains are not constant and acute character, it should not be a serious cause for concern. In a bottom of a stomach ache almost all women who will soon have to be a mother, so that such a pain - a phenomenon quite common. However, these pains can be different, so you should seek medical advice if they are a nuisance. It should be noted that pregnant women should treat their health with particular care because we are talking about the health of the unborn child.
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What accounts for the pain
The causes of such pain can be diseases of the digestive system (usually at the same time there are systematic constipation), and possibly an infection of the urinary tract. In such a case, early treatment.
As for the pain in women who are pregnant, something like pain are divided into two groups: non-obstetric and midwifery. If the placenta is peeled, it is obstetric pain. It can threaten abortion. In order to prevent this, the woman must adhere to a special regime: to be excluded excessive exercise, it is to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, fatty and salty foods should be completely excluded from the diet.
If the pain is pronounced, sharp character, then you need to go to the hospital, undergo appropriate treatment.
In case of violation of the gastrointestinal tract there are pains that relate to non-obstetric, can we talk about specific surgical diseases where specialist advice required.
Pain in women in most cases occur suddenly, they may be erased character, then it is likely a chronic disease that is a signal to serious danger. The cause of abdominal pain is not easy to identify, localize it too difficult. For example, if you hit in the stomach, it is one thing, but when it comes to chronic diseases - different. The stomach can be constantly "pull" in the groin area, pain can be moved from right to left, it can be lowered and raised.
With such symptoms as abdominal pain on the bottom of the first time, you should immediately consult your doctor, as it is sometimes self-destructive to health and can lead to very negative consequences. Ulcer, colitis, gastritis and other chronic diseases can cause severe pain and aggravation may cause various opportunistic diseases in which complications may occur, and if no surgery is necessary.
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Why you should promptly consult your doctor
In the fall and spring with the underbelly of women involves a lot of discomfort, in most cases, the pain occurs because of inflammation of the pelvic organs. The causes of these diseases can be various viral diseases, hypothermia, weakened immune system - all this paves the way for the development of chronic diseases.
It should be noted that the pain of such nature suffer 50% of women of reproductive age. Basically there are pain due to inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis), uterus (salpingitis), such pain usually are developing. If you feel a strong pain on the bottom of the left, which gives the rectum or lower back, then you must immediately contact your gynecologist.
Pain in the bottom of the abdomen of women is most often associated with menstruation. This is called Algomenorrhea pain when walking, it gives, as a rule, in the rib. Coping with pain analgesics help. But when the occurrence of abdominal pain is not related to the menstrual cycle, respectively, the reason - in diseases of the genital organs or other body systems.
Gynecological disease when sore abdomen - is endometriosis, sexually transmitted infections, uterine fibroids. Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases. In this disease, the tissue that its structure is similar to the endometrium, grows on other reproductive organs. The pain of endometriosis occur during the menstrual cycle, during sexual intercourse, defecation and urination.
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Useful information
The pain on the bottom of the stomach can be caused by infectious diseases, which are obtained through sexual contact. Such diseases include chlamydia and gonorrhea. Ectopic pregnancy may also be a cause of abdominal pain, which are usually one-sided. If an ectopic pregnancy, the pain is increasing gradually increase when a woman moves. If there is a rupture of the fallopian tube, the pains are strong and sudden nature.
Cystitis, urolithiasis is also associated with pain on the bottom of the abdomen. If there is an obstruction of the colon or small intestine, are local pain in the navel, you may experience pain and lower.
As is evident, the reasons for such a lot of pain, so put a quick diagnosis is sometimes quite difficult, which means that you need to ask for help only to highly qualified specialists. A woman needs to take care of their health, and abdominal pain may be a sign of a dangerous disease, but if in time to see a specialist, it is possible to solve everything before the disease becomes worn threatening.
It should be noted that the lower abdomen in women is a very important place. It is connected with the bottom of a baby into the world, and any, even the most serious, the disease can cause the baby to be born sick. In addition, pain on the bottom of the abdomen may be the first sign of a very serious disease. Therefore, always in such pain should seek medical attention. The sooner this is done, the more likely that will not have to go to the hospital and did not require surgery. Any qualified doctor will tell you that the disease is easier to cure her appearance on stage and this delay is unacceptable because every day health threat is becoming more serious.
Therefore, if on the bottom of the stomach hurt, and these feelings become regular, it is better not to use the advice and recommendations of friends, and go immediately to a specialist, especially since medical care in Russia today is at the highest professional level. Do not risk your health just because of the fact that there is no time to visit a specialist to undergo an examination. Otherwise, then have to spend a lot more time.