What you need to know and be able to start a successful career?
How should look like a modern business woman?
That means playing by the rules?
The qualities that are indispensable in the business world
One of the main elements that make up the image of a business person are: clothes, hairstyle, quality accessories, business card and so on. It is this detail image of our country decided to pay a lot of attention. Especially if we consider the question of what should be the image of a business woman. But as you can see, this is only the external attributes, so to speak, a pretty picture. The word "image" in the translation from English means "image", and encompasses much broader concept than just a formal suit and status cars. Intellectual ability, demeanor, style of communication, facial expressions, gestures - without these elements it is impossible to create a business image, because it will not be complete and finished.
Of course, the outer shell is important, because it is based on her first impression of the person. But in any case, should not be underestimated, and the importance of the inner meaning hidden beneath the beautiful picture. You agree that a brilliant career businessman will not be able to build only through successfully select clothes and accessories. Here the great role played by knowledge, business acumen and ability to respond quickly to certain moments, the ability to find the pros, even in the most desperate situations and much, much more. Therefore, the notion of the image of the business in any case can not be restricted purely external characteristics. Especially when it comes to the image of a modern business woman.
So, a business woman - who is she? Who you can call and how to achieve such a status? Is it difficult to be "their" traditionally male territory defined succinct words such as politics and business? Indeed, those of the fair sex, who have reached certain career heights, in fact, experienced all the "charms" of existence in the modern business world. Look true lady, in this case to have a male mind and the highest performance - the power of the few. But modern business woman has not only work, but also to combine a successful career with the role of wife and mother!
Only a small percentage of these women said that they are coping with the difficulties with ease. After all, in addition to a huge number of business and personal qualities, the fair sex working in business or politics, must have the highest self-organization. Only it can help to create a balance in the personal and professional spheres.
What you need to know and be able to start a successful career?
Modern business woman did not immediately become such as we see them now with the TV screens and the pages of gloss. However, it is the ability to organize their lives properly, to accustom ourselves to self-control and discipline played a brilliant career in their very important role. Let us use their experience and try to understand at least roughly, what you need to know and do at first, to the beginning of the professional activity was a success, and its further development will not take long. Thus, modern business woman for creating a successful image in order to achieve certain career heights should pay attention to many things. Here are just a few of the most important ones.
Learn how to write resume
In order to obtain the desired position, should make every effort and the right to submit his candidacy. One of the first and fundamental step in this direction is to create a resume. Internet is full of such document prepared samples. Not all of them are correct and in some cases contain a lot of unnecessary information. Please note that at first the data about you as a potential employee should be as precise and specific. Pay particular attention to the photo, which is attached to the summary. Even her you have the impression of being serious and formal, so do not neglect a neat haircut, strict costume and makeup restrained.
Learning foreign languages
Do not be lazy to educate ourselves. Currently, the requirements of the business world is very increased. To meet them, fluency in their native language only, even in perfection, it is not enough. Please note that sometimes the vacancy of the Secretary requires knowledge of a foreign language. Most often it is English, the basics of which many of us remember from the time of the school and the institute. Try to improve their basic knowledge - it's not as long and difficult as it may seem at first glance.
Learn your e-mail
Even if your knowledge of English is far from an acceptable level, be sure to learn how to name your email address. English letters should be pronounced just as it does the whole civilized world. Believe me, this skill is perhaps the simplest of all that the modern woman will find on your way to creating your own business image.
To master computer
It should not simply be able to type, or create the table. It is worth paying attention to the program, which can be useful in their work. This will help, firstly, to save time to adapt to his new position, and, secondly, contribute to the creation of reputation savvy professional. The more that different kinds of courses required for the development of modern computer programs nowadays abound. Even independent work in this direction for the persistent and purposeful person is sometimes enough.
Learn the rules of drawing up of business correspondence
Do not skimp on the quality of paper and envelopes, because it speaks about your relation to the partners. Do not forget that the recipient's details in a business letter indicated on the right. The real question should be presented clearly and concisely as possible. Details of the sender always write at the end of the letter, on the left side.
How should look like a modern business woman?
Now for the appearance, because it was he who first defines the image of a business woman. Why is this so important? It helps one very simple example. Imagine that you are in front of two books, both written in the same genre and equally interesting. The only difference is that the cover of one of them shines and attracts for its beautiful view, but the second slightly battered and looks more than once subtraction. Of course, you would prefer to pick up the book, which looks new, is not it?
The same principle works on the issue of the business relationship. After all, the style in which you carry yourself, and forms from surrounding your image. But whether it will be perceived as an image of a business woman, not least of all it depends on your appearance. Therefore, do not neglect accuracy, neatness, cleanliness, and follow a few basic rules.
Take care of hands and nails
Remember that hand for a business woman is just as important as the make-up, hairstyle, dress or shoes. Carelessness or lack manicure completely allowed and valid reasons for this state simply do not have nails. Therefore, despite the fatigue, household care, or banal laziness, develop the habit of compulsory pay fingers and manicure due attention. Handshake, transfer of documents or elementary gesture with a view to correct glasses or hairstyle - all this can draw attention to your hands. And the best time to take care of them as worthy than later feel uncomfortable or ashamed.
Wear proper business attire
Be sure to follow the dress code that exists in your company. If women are expected to wear a skirt and a jacket of medium length, you should not experiment with a set of trouser or dress, even if they are well within the business style. Remember also that modern pantyhose business woman have to wear in any weather, even in the unbearably hot summer day. Therefore, the shoes that reveal your fingers, is relevant only in his spare time.
And even if you happen to work in a creative team, dealing with fashion or music, do not come to the office in torn jeans. Of course, a business suit is quite possible and should be changed to something less formal, but the negligence in any case are not welcome.
Watch for facial expressions
The facial expression of a business woman should always correspond to each specific situation. Many people know how sometimes not very easy to change a welcome smile to a serious look to go to the important negotiations. But this will have to master the art, because otherwise you risk to give the impression of himself as a frivolous person. Resort to the help of a mirror and spent changing facial expressions for maximum naturalness. Do not worry, in time it will become a habit and will no longer confuse you.
Pay attention to detail
This rule applies primarily to your business accessories. The impression you make during the interview, often becomes crucial for getting a job. Do not forget that the look is made up of little things. Therefore, pay attention to the selection of accessories, which should create the right image. Do not forget about the low-key elegant jewelry and watches.
Take care also about the purity of shoes, especially in autumn-winter period. Do not spare the money to buy high-quality items: pens, organizer, business card holders, portfolio, and so on. Remember that the correct appearance works for you before you have time to start a conversation with a partner or a potential employer.
That means playing by the rules?
Modern business woman who has long and successfully copes with the role of a businessman or a politician, well aware of the unspoken rules of conduct that exist in business and political circles. She knows perfectly well that, when and how to do or say in order not to put your business image is compromised, but only strengthen the reputation. Here are some rules to follow, not to be in a ridiculous situation.
Do not be afraid to shake hands
In today's business world it is accepted to extend the hand when meeting. This tradition has developed for a long time, even at a time when the destiny of the women were home, kids and life and business are largely dominated by men. However, to date, when the fair sex have become full members of the business community, the traditional handshake not lost their relevance. Therefore, learn to play by the existing rules, to take you seriously.
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"Where did you say is the right agency? Repeat, please address "- phrases like these, business woman speaks, if necessary, without further hesitation. After all, accuracy is one of the basic rules of business. It is better to clarify one point or another, than to waste valuable time correcting ugly situations. No need to fear that the other person thinks you are inattentive, most likely, he will give tribute to the responsible approach to the decision of any question on your side.
If you are late, you do it properly
Better, of course, do not have such habits. After all, the ability to properly manage your time - the inherent quality that should have every business woman. However, the delay occur at unpredictable times and circumstances beyond our control. But what would you then have spoken in his defense, people immediately formed the perception of you as someone who is not responsible for his words and, therefore, does not deserve much confidence. To avoid such situations, breaking the carefully created image of your business, always warned about being late. Then you do not have to make excuses.
Plan your business
Business woman and a true professional never nothing to forget. And you know why? No, this is not an innate ability to remember information with phenomenal precision. It is a competent planning affairs and habit to record your address, date, phone numbers and the names of certain people with whom business negotiations are scheduled for the next week or month. Do not neglect this rule, and then you will earn a reputation for not only punctual but also attentive to others. This may also include the need to remember the birthdays of their employees, especially if it is your subordinate.
Stay connected
Mobile phone - a real godsend for the business woman. Recall, the famous film about the world of fashion with incomparable Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway charming starring. There very well illustrates how a modern woman does not neglect the rule everywhere and always on hand to keep the cell and thereby successfully making a career. Business can not stand playing "hide and seek", so be within the telephone, even though the work days are over and looming romantic weekend. It often happens that one missed call in the business is able to spoil the weekend carefully planned work week.
The qualities that are indispensable in the business world
Modern business woman should have not only the specific knowledge and skills, have an appropriate appearance and navigate in the rules of the business world, but also a range of different qualities, without which all the rest will not allow its image to associate with the business image. So, these are the abilities that you must master if aspire to win the status of women businessman with a bright future:
To be able to focus
And pereklyuchatsya.Konechno simultaneously undertake several things in a row - the idea is very bad. This is not conducive to concentration and results of such work are usually far from ideal. But the monotonous occupation of only one specific issue for two hours (if we are not talking about business negotiations or signing important contracts) reduces attention and productivity of labor. Therefore, the ability of modern business woman time to switch their attention from one issue to another is often no less important than the ability to focus.
Keep your mouth shut
This rule applies to the size of your paycheck, and to different office gossip. Business woman too much respect for your time and your reputation to spend the first with the risk of losing the second by participating in discussions of dubious persuasion. But the amount of wages to be kept secret, if only because it will save you both envy and malice on the part of colleagues and subordinates. It is terrible to imagine the consequences for a career in the event that the amount of your pay someone from the staff uses as an argument by discussing with the leadership of the revision of their own salary.
Learning to relax
Remember, sleep, rest and leave the modern business woman needed no less than to any other person. And sometimes even more, because the business woman is obliged always in a good mood and be healthy. For depression and illness in the work on the creation of a career simply do not have time. So let's rest your brain, thought to switch on family business issues and personal. Do not miss the opportunity to spend time with family and loved ones. Otherwise there is a risk to get stuck on a career and to be in a vacuum, having lost loved ones, friends and communication with children.
Correctly highlight key points and goals to choose
Learn to articulate their desires and clearly define the ways of their implementation. This applies to both business and personal life. In any company, there are career opportunities, but it is important to understand how much time you will need to ensure that achieve the desired heights - one, two or ten. Decide for yourself such a period, and if you realize that sat in the same place without significant job changes necessary to reflect on the reasons. Perhaps your line of behavior is wrong or there is any problem within the company. Do not be fooled and do not be afraid of change.
You can not take all the above for the ultimate truth, and to believe that adhering to most of the rules, you will be able to become a real business woman or politician. This is only a small part of what should be the image of a business woman.