The uterus is a very important organ for a woman: it is born and there is life nurturing children. It is located in the pelvic area and consists of a bottom, body and neck of the isthmus.
On how the uterus is healthy depends on the state of the female reproductive system.
Therefore tumor, even benign, known in medicine hysteromyoma, despite the fact that it can be successfully treated, can complicate conception, pregnancy and cause operation. What is the risk of cancer and what to do if you put this diagnosis?
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What women are at risk
It turns out that to get into the risk is not so difficult. Uterine cancer is common and clinical research is about ¼ of all gynecological diseases. However, it is believed that clinical studies cover not all cases of uterine fibroids, but the real figure is much higher.
Most at risk women in late reproductive age and at the age before menopause. Recently, signs of the emergence of uterine fibroids were increasingly marked in women in the age group 30-33 years. In the age of 30 years appears hysteromyoma an average of 1, 0-1, 5% of cases.
High risk of the disease among women in the family have already been cases of uterine disease, as well as in obese and cardiovascular diseases. What exactly is the tumor?
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Symptoms of uterine fibroids
This benign tumor in the form of rounded nodes. A node can be one, but is more common a few. Knots differ in size, weight and growth rate. A node can be the size of a pine nut, and can grow to the size of a coconut. Growth is uneven: the tumor can be a little long time and do not bother, and then, in the presence of a provoking factor, begin to grow rapidly. Uterine fibroids can compress large adjacent organs, cause pain and is an indication for surgical intervention.
The growth of the tumor may prevent fertilization of the egg and cause infertility.
The place of education units is either the body of the uterus or cervix. In the body of the uterus nodes appear and grow in 95 cases out of 100. Uterine cervical happens much less often: only 5 out of 100 cases.
What a woman feels when she has a tumor?
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Symptoms of uterine fibroids
The disease in women of different ages with different occurrence of the disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms.
In the early stages and in small sizes nodes symptoms may be absent altogether. The woman does not feel pain and can learn about the presence of uterine fibroids in the body only when you visit a gynecologist and additional inspection. At this stage it is treated easier.
Onset of symptoms is possible with the development of the disease. Among the most common are:
Long-term and heavy menstruation.
Pain during menstruation.
Spotting between cycles.
Pain in the lower back.
Constipation and frequent urination.
Drawing pain in the abdomen.
Low hemoglobin.
Increasing the size of the stomach.
Uterine fibroids may be complication - necrosis of the mother node. His symptoms is a sharp pain and fever. Why it violated women's reproductive health?
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The causes of uterine fibroids
It is believed that a major factor in provoking the onset and progression of the disease, is an imbalance of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. That it leads to abundant and prolonged bleeding during menstruation.
The cause of uterine fibroids can serve as a history of female abortions and curettage.
It is believed that the cause of women's diseases is the dislike of men. Indeed, if a woman begins to live a sexual life after 28 years, does not give birth to this child's age or sex life of its irregular, it has a negative impact on their reproductive health, can not be said about women having a regular sexual partner, and by the age of 28 years have already become mothers . Recently, among the reasons that lead to the appearance of tumors, called deferred woman stress at work and home, as well as its dissatisfaction with his personal life. Better, of course, to try to improve relations with men, than to treat fibroids.
Observations of the women diagnosed with uterine fibroids showed that pregnancy leads to tumor growth. Sprawling assembly can cause miscarriage and premature birth. Therefore, pregnancy occurred in women with fibroids, should be under medical supervision. But when planning a pregnancy is better to pass inspection and the detection of fibroids cure it before conception.
What to do if the fibroid is detected?
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Treatment of uterine fibroids
Treatment depends on the woman's age, the size of the nodes of tumor symptoms.
Uterine cancer is more easily treated in the early stages of development.
If the tumor is small, there is no pain and bleeding, the prescribers, normalize hormones of the female organism. They are able to stop the growth of the tumor, but did not lead to its elimination. The use of drugs is carried out for 3-6 months, and may be accompanied by side effects: frequent changes of mood, sweating, headache and a number of others.
After treatment, every six months to do ultrasound and monitor the status of women, as the risk of resumption of fibroids after treatment persists. If the tumor is large and clearly marked signs of the disease, that is there is profuse blood loss and rapid growth of nodes, as well as in case of failure of the operation is assigned to hormonal treatment. Depending on the complexity of the disease in the uterus during the operation can be saved or deleted. In Europe, almost 70% of women who are already out of childbearing age, the uterus is removed. Women who are of childbearing age, and yet not to give birth, try to preserve the uterus. Recovery after surgery is quite fast. After the treatment of women, a number of restrictions: undesirable tan in the solarium, and in direct sunlight, it is best to eliminate the sauna and massage of the abdomen and lower back.
There are a number of plants and products that have a positive effect in the treatment. They do not replace drugs but able to create a favorable environment during treatment. Because plants can be called oats, wheat, licorice, and of the products - apples, pomegranates and carrots.
Given that the reason for surgery is already advanced stage of the disease, the main way of its effective treatment can be early detection. Therefore, to save his female reproductive system is important to see your doctor regularly and do ultrasound of the uterus, and the detection of adverse symptoms to be treated in a timely manner.
Delayed menstruation: Causes
Diagnosis and treatment of delayed menstruation
Summary and conclusions
Everyone knows that a slight deviation in the beginning of menstruation is quite normal. However, it is considered normal only if the delay does not last longer than 5 days. The norm is considered to be the monthly cycle is 28 calendar days. Read cycle must be from 1 day of menstruation to the beginning of the following month. In some women, the cycle is 30 days. If the cycle is increasing the number of days, we can talk about the delay period.
Reasons for the delay menstruation can be very different: both pathological and natural, physiological.
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Delayed menstruation: Causes
Zaderzhka menstrual cycle up to 7 days is considered normal and is not a pathology. If after that time monthly and have not come, should have to seek help from a doctor who will help you identify the cause of this failure.
Delayed menstruation can occur at any age, absolutely. The most common hormonal disruptions are in puberty, reproductive age, during perimenopause.
The most common and considered normal in the absence of timely monthly puberty. Here are the place to be irregular periods. The final cycle is restored after 1, 5-2 years. During the period of reproduction (during pregnancy) and lactation also may be a delay of the menstrual cycle. But during the first month of perimenopause lose their recurrence, and then completely stopped.
Natural causes delay menstruation
Perhaps one of the most common and the main reasons for the delay menstruation pregnancy is considered. Home pregnancy accompanied not only by the absence of menstruation, and worsening of the olfactory and taste sensations, increased appetite, drowsiness, nausea, chest pain, etc. Do not exclude such a reason for the delay menstruation, even if were to use any means of contraception. Because we all know that none of them does not give 100% guarantees. And even if the sexual intercourse took place in the so-called safe days when the chance of becoming pregnant is very low, yet it does not rule out pregnancy.
To eliminate the cause of this lack of menstruation, or, on the contrary, confirm it, you can use a pregnancy test, which is sold in any drugstore. Absolutely all pregnancy tests are aimed at identifying the hormone HCG. Is produced by this hormone begins a week after fertilization has occurred. HCG hormone in the body gradually increases, so a week later the test can not show that the pregnancy. But after 2 weeks more likely that the bars in the test will show a positive result. To accurately determine or confirm pregnancy recommends a few days later to repeat the test again.
For some, the reason for the delay menstruation is very nice, but for someone not happy. In order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy should carefully monitor their menstrual cycle, to control it and, of course, to use contraception.
Other natural causes delays
One of the reasons for the delay of natural menstrual cycle can be breast-feeding or lactation. During lactation in women is an active production of the hormone prolactin, which blocks ovulation. After breastfeeding terminated periods usually recovered within 2 months.
As already mentioned, a normal phenomenon that does not require any intervention and treatment is considered to delay menstruation at puberty. Typically, finally recovers the menstrual cycle for 1, 5-2 years after the onset of menses. If, however, and after 2 years, nothing has changed, monthly and continues to go irregularly, is necessary to address to the gynecologist.
Another natural cause delays menstruation may be perimenopause. This phenomenon is observed in women over 45 years of age. First, there is a delay menstruation, which increases each time, and then they stopped altogether. This phenomenon is called the menopause. During perimenopause may be a decline in mood, hot flashes, and sometimes the lack of sexual desire.
Pathological reasons for the delay menstruation
If the reasons previously described do not fit you, you should seek help from a specialist, who will help determine the exact cause of the delay cycle, to diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Very often the reason for the delay may be a variety of gynecological and endocrine diseases. So, one of the common diseases found considered polycystic ovary syndrome. The disease is characterized by impaired production of the female hormone, and the synthesis of the male sex hormone increases the contrary. This is due to the large production of testosterone in the middle of the cycle and ovulation does not occur as a result of the egg does not leave the follicle. If time does not cure the disease, it can lead to infertility. Women suffering from this disease, there has been strong growth of facial hair, weight gain, acne, oily hair too.
The disease can be caused by several factors. One such reason is the dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which is responsible for the monthly cycle. The causes of the disease and is a violation of the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal disease.
For diseases caused by the delay loop are others. For example, the delay may be caused by inflammation of the uterus. This disease is called Andechs. During this illness disrupted production of hormones that are responsible for the regulation of menstruation.
No less common disease is considered to uterine fibroids, or benign tumor or endometriosis. While the disease can be observed as a delay and, conversely, uterine bleeding.
Other reasons for delays
There are other reasons for the delay of menstruation. These include diseases such as colds (flu, SARS), endometritis, diabetes, chronic gastritis, thyroid problems, kidney disease, defects inside the ovary, thrush and other infections of the genitourinary system.
In addition to the above, the cause may be, and sunburn, as well as irregularly placed IUD.
The cause of hormonal failure is very often an abortion. In addition to the abortion, which leads to an imbalance in the body, it can be removed by an excessive amount of the uterine tissue, which are allocated in the form of blood during menstruation. Usually 2-3 weeks after the abortion cycle recovers, but if that did not happen, and menstruation is still there, you should see a doctor to determine the cause.
Sometimes there is a delay after the use of drugs, aimed at abortion by medication.
Very often hormonal failure occurs immediately after the abolition of contraceptives. Menstruation may be absent up to 4 months. If the hormones have not recovered usually prescribe drugs that stimulate egg maturation or the pituitary gland. If certain oral contraceptives caused such a phenomenon, in the future its use will be canceled.
What else can cause a hormonal crash?
There are cases when a delay monthly cause any drugs. These drugs include corticosteroids and anabolic hormones, various antidepressants, antiulcer drugs, diuretics, oral contraceptives, medicines for treatment of endometriosis. If any of the following drugs were used and as a result there is a hormonal failure, you should know that he should be restored no later than 2 months. If not, be sure to visit the gynecologist.
Obesity can also be the cause of failure. The hormone estrogen in obesity is transformed into androgen and estrogen without menstruation is almost impossible. In obese people often have problems with ovulation, and there are delays.
The female body can harm and excessive exercise, which depletes the body. Delayed menstruation is in this case, the protective reaction of the organism. If such a problem occurs, it is worth considering, and reduce physical exertion. The body thus tells you what his powers to the limit.
Very similar to the physical activity is considered to delay menstruation dystrophy. The body produces a defensive reaction, not letting blood, without which he could further weaken. Critical low weight (44-46 kg) can cause hormonal disruptions.
In the female body can easily affect any change in the situation. No matter what it is: a new job, moving to another city, a trip to the sea or something else. Often, even pleasant for us the events are stressful to our body. The body begins to struggle with the stress, thereby causing hormonal failure.
Negatively on women's health impact of excessive drinking, drugs, drugs that weaken the immune system and cause hormonal disruptions.
The reason may be a hereditary disease. You should always consult with a specialist, and to identify possible diseases.
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Diagnosis and treatment of delayed menstruation
Before you start treatment and rehabilitation of hormonal background, it is imperative to determine the cause of the failure. It is said that there are no drugs that can cure the delay menstruation. There are drugs that can cause periods. However, such formulations tend to lead eventually to a new hormone failure. They are used only to provoke abortion.
It is important to know that women who often suffer from delayed menses, is contraindicated IUD.
Diagnosis delay cycle includes, as a rule, the following procedures:
Ultrasonography (US) of the pelvic organs, adrenal and thyroid glands. Ultrasonography performed to exclude pregnancy, endocrine and gynecological tumors.
Screening for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases through). Among these diseases can be gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureplazmoz, mycoplasmosis and others. To eliminate these diseases need to pass tests and smear.
It is necessary to carry out and hormonal studies. They will determine the level of progesterone, estrogen, check thyroid hormones, adrenal and others.
Sometimes you need to study the pituitary gland. This study includes imaging, radiography, electroencephalography, or magnetic resonance imaging.
In extreme cases, a scraping of the uterine cavity and subsequent histological examination.
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Summary and conclusions
So, as has become clear reasons for the delay menstruation can be very different. And if some of them are considered normal and pose no danger, others, on the contrary, not only bring harm to the body, but can lead to very dire consequences, including infertility.
Timely treatment to the doctor reduces the risk of serious disease, which may include any sexually transmitted diseases or cancer.
Female body is very vulnerable to external factors. Any stress can lead to disastrous results. Watch out for your health, do not ignore them, otherwise it may be too late. We wish you good health!